- Количество слайдов: 76
Mind Test 1. You happen to open your cupboard. How many cups are in there? * happen to do: --을 (우연히) 하게 되다 * cupboard: 찬장
Mind Test 1. It is the number of your true friends.
Mind Test 2. You are going to cross a desert. How many pairs of shoes do you want to bring with you? *cross: --을 가로질러 가다 *desert: 사막 pair: 짝, 켤레 *bring: 가져오다
Mind Test 2. The number of people that you would love before you marry.
Mind Test 3. You design your own house. Are you going to make the roof high or low? * design: 설계하다 * roof: 지붕 * low: 낮은, 낮게
Mind Test 3. It shows how much you are a great person: your self-esteem.
Mind Test 4. When you pass by a street, you find a deserted house. Is the door of the house open or closed? * pass by -- : -- 옆을 지나가다 *deserted house: 버려진 집, 폐가
Mind Test 4. The door is your mind toward other people.
Mind Test 5. You are walking on the street, then something quickly passes by you. What is it? * quickly: 빨리, 급하게 * pass by you: 당신 옆을 지나가다
Mind Test 5. Your before life. ? ?
Mind Test 6. What part of Mona Liza's portrait do you want to change? * part: 부분 * portrait: 초상화 * change: 바꾸다, 고치다
Mind Test 6. The part (that) you are proud of in your own face.
Mind Test 7. You are going to decorate your room with roses from the flower garden. How many roses do you want to pick? * decorate : 장식하다 * pick: 꺾다 (꽃 따위를)
Mind Test 7. The number of people you love.
Mind Test 8. You fly in an airplane for the first time in your life. How would it feel when the plane takes off the ground? * for the first time in your life : 난생 처음으로 * take off: 이륙하다 (꽃 따위를)
Mind Test 8. The feeling of your first kiss.
Mind Test 9. On a rainy day, you are walking on the street. Suddenly, a car passes by you and splashes mud on you. Where on your body would the car splash the mud? * on a rainy day : 비오는 날에 * suddenly: 갑자기 * splash: 튀기다 *mud: 진흙, 흙탕물
Mind Test 9. The part you want to change in your own body.
Mind Test 10. You are lost in woods. Finally you find an old castle. You enter inside, and there is a candle stand on the table. How many candles are on the candle stand? *be lost: 길을 잃다 *castle: 성 *in the woods: 숲 속에서 *finally: 마침내 *candle stand: 촛대
Mind Test 10. The number of boys/girls you will go out with in your whole life.
11. The angel of death came to you. The merciful angel will give you one more day of life before he takes you with him. How are you going to spend the last day? *the angel of death: 죽음의 천사 *merciful: 자비로운 *one more day: 하루 더 *he takes you with him: 그가 당신을 데려가다
Mind Test 11. The thing you want to do right now.
Mind Test 12. Your baby is crying, the doorbell is ringing and the water is boiling in the pot. In what order are you going to handle them? *boil: 끓다 *pot: 냄비 *order: 순서 *handle: 처리하다
12. The things you are looking for in your date. Baby symbolizes his/her personality, bell means their appearances and water is their property. *symbolize: 상징하다 * property 재산 *personality: 인격 * appearance 외모
Mind Test * How do you eat your cookie? *
Mind Test A. In one mouthful.
Mind Test B. One bite at a time.
Mind Test C. Slowly steadily nibble away.
Mind Test D. Dunk them in milk or coffee.
Mind Test E. First eat the cream, then the cookie.
Mind Test F. Eat the cream and throw the cookie away.
Mind Test G. Eat the cookie and throw away the cream.
Mind Test H. Lick the cookie but don’t bite it.
A. You are a perfectionist, but sometimes you can be imprudent. You could lose the trust of other people by recklessly starting things with your all-or-nothing attitude. You need to learn to always think before you act.
B. There are 5. 4 billion people in the world who eat their cookies this way, so you are a very ordinary person. Though you don't have any creativity or imagination, the fact that you are a normal, regular person can be quite appealing.
C. You like to arrange things and follow the rules. But you can get other people tired by being too scrupulous when you work. You need to learn to be more flexible in order to get along with people.
D. You are definitely an optimistic person. You can always think of bad situations as good ones, so you are never under severe stress. But because of this, you are more likely than other people to get suicidal when you do fall into despair.
E. You are full of curiosity. You like to disassemble and observe things, but you tend to ignore your mistakes. You have a great imagination, so you could become a great person as long as you learn to admit your faults.
F. You are a born leader. But sometimes you'll do anything for a cause or disregard everything else once you get something valuable. You have great abilities, but you need to learn consideration towards other people to go along with them.
G. You live a very dramatic life, and you seem to enjoy it. You get tired easily of ordinary things, and frequently think that life is meaningless. You have a tendency to feel burdened by everything, so you enjoy being cruel to escape from that feeling.
H. You are a very rare type of person, and you are not very good at getting along with people. You may be in pain, or have some problems. It seems best that you ask a doctor for help as soon as you can.
What kind of tree are you?
1. What do you secretly dream of? secretly : 은밀하게 dream of ---: ---을 꿈꾸다
A. flying through the sky ▲ B. living together with your friends★ C. getting lost in thought while looking at the sea ●
2. Where would you most like to live? most : 가장
A. thee countryside ▲ B. thee mountains ★ C. the seaside ●
3. What is part of your ideal house? part : 부분 idea : 이상적인
A. lots of flowers ▲ B. large windows on the front★ C. lots of memories ●
4. What are trees most used for? most : 가장 be used for ---: ---에 사용되다
A. building huts ▲ B. building bridges over fast currents★ C. making bonfires ●
5. What do you expect from your friends? expect : 기대하다 from ---: ---으로부터
A. their help ▲ B. good advice★ C. unchanging friendship ●
6. What would you do if you were at the top of a tall tree? What would you do-- if ----: --라면 무엇을 하겠는가? at the top of --: --의 꼭대기에
A. listen to music while enjoying the breeze ▲ B. look at the horizon★ C. read books in peace ●
7. Which of these places do you like the most? like -- most : --를 가장 좋아하다
A. the Cologne Cathedral ▲ B. the Versailles Palace ★ C. the Pyramids of Egypt ●
8. Which season do you like the best?
A. hot and passionate summer ▲ B. white and pure winter★ C. warm and foggy autumn ●
9. Which of these jobs seems the best? seem : --처럼 보이다, 인 것 같다
A. a jet pilot ▲ B. a bold navigator★ C. a careful explorer ●
10. Which of these people knows most about trees?
A. a hiker ▲ B. a hunter★ C. a woodsman ●
11. Which of these do you value the most? value : 가치를 두다 most : 가장 많이
A. originality ▲ B. tolerance★ C. royalty ●
12. Which of these would you like to eat the most?
A. a soft and sweet banana ▲ B. a juicy pear★ C. a tart apple ●
13. What would you do if you were in a difficult situation? situation : 상황 be in a difficult situation: 어려운 상황에 있다
A. try to solve the problem ▲ B. wait until things get better★ C. become absorbed in something else ●
14. Which of these stories about trees is best?
A. The giving tree ▲ B. My Lime-orange Tree★ C. The Jungle Book ●
15. Where are the prettiest tress?
A. An arboretum : 수목원 ▲ B. The Garden of Eden★ C. The Amazon jungle ●
If you had mostly ▲, you are a fir tree. 전나무 You are so faithful to rules and friendship that you never lose your leaves, even as the seasons change. You may seem to be a bit stern and cold, but your unchanging nature comforts the people near you, just as a fir tree stands for comfort in the winter.
If you had mostly ★, you are an apple tree. You do not have to step over other people in order to be useful. You show special interest in the things familiar to you and wish to be of use to them. But all this should only be decoration in your life.
If you had mostly ●, you are a palm tree. 야자나무 Your mind is full of dreams, and you think about tomorrow more than about today. Always daydreaming, you can sometimes be hard to understand. But your love of festivities and your originality stir up the curiosity of the people near you.