- Количество слайдов: 16
Milestones in Developing Successful Training Programs “Lessons from Egypt” Dr. Ashraf Gamal Executive Director Egyptian Institute of Directors
Introduction to the EIo. D - Established in 2003 as the first institute focusing on corporate governance in the Arab region - Aims to spread the awareness & to improve CG practices in Egypt & the MENA region - Targets directors, executives, shareholders, and other stakeholders of corporations, financial institutions, SOEs, media and regulators www. eiod. org
- Operates under the umbrella of the Ministry of Investment - Collaborates with organizations such as: - World Bank (WB) - International Finance Corporation (IFC) - European Union (EU) - Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development, OECD - Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) - Financial Services Volunteer Corps (FSVC) www. eiod. org
The EIo. D Vision To witness Egypt and the MENA region improve their corporate governance practices Mission To raise awareness and provide world class corporate governance services in Egypt &the MENA region through strategic alliances & the support of regional institutes & CG initiatives www. eiod. org
Objectives § Becoming a market leader in providing corporate governance services § Spreading awareness about corporate governance and its best practices § Capacity building through internationally recognized training, world class development and educational programs § Providing the support needed to business sectors in order to apply corporate governance § Entering untapped areas, finding new markets and working with others www. eiod. org
Services Awareness Training & Development Consultancy Research Membership Independent Director Data Base Regional Activities www. eiod. org
Millstones in Developing & Marketing Training Programs www. eiod. org
1. The Right Framework Codes / Regulations www. eiod. org
2. Demand Creation Awareness Activities www. eiod. org
3. Be Market Driven Design Courses Required by the Market, not what you think the market needs, then add from international best practices Establish a Dialogue with your Stakeholders www. eiod. org
4. Quality, quality, & quality You have to meet your customers’ expectations: • Trainers • Materials • Venue • Support Team • Marketing Material • Etc. www. eiod. org
5. Feedback After Course Delivery, Listen to: - Your trainers - Trainees’ Organizations - Staff Example: BDS Certification www. eiod. org
6. Marketing - Your image & reputation - Public Awareness Events - Focused Awareness Events - Publications & Brochures - Website, Direct Mail & Mail shots - Newspapers - Word of Mouth www. eiod. org
• EIo. D Courses: § § § Certified Director Certified Internal Auditor Corporate governance implementation manual for SOEs Corporate Secretary Corporate governance for brokerage firms Corporate governance for healthcare organizations Corporate governance and risk management Crisis control and management of businesses Corporate governance for family-owned business Essentials of corporate governance Professionalism, ethics and governance www. eiod. org
Key Challenges • • • The Right Multi-skill Staff The Right Trainers Listening to the Market Focus Maintaining Quality Offering the right variety www. eiod. org
We are proud that others are copying us and following our footprints THANK YOU The EIo. D Team www. eiod. org