- Количество слайдов: 44
MIL-STD-129 P W/Change 2 10 February 2004 Military Marking for Shipment and Storage Presented By: Edward J. Guenkel Packaging FSR DCMAE-OCTB Date: 11 March 2004
Latest Revision W/Changes MIL-STD-129 P 15 December 2002 MIL-STD-129 P W/Change 1 15 January 2004 MIL-STD-129 P W/Change 2 10 February 2004 2
Latest Revision W/Changes MIL-STD-129 P 15 DEC 2002 • Incorporates MIL-HDBK-129 • Requires MSL for DTS Shipments • Requires Cage Code, Nomenclature & Serial Number/s • Requires Bar Coded Cage Code & Serial Number/s • Deletes Cube 3
Latest Revision W/Changes MIL-STD-129 P W/Change 1, 15 JAN 2004 • Requires MSL for All Shipments Unless Otherwise Specified in the Contact • Relocates the Part Number Markings ( P/N Located Under Cage Code Markings on Unit, Intermediate & Exterior Containers) 4
Latest Revision W/Changes MIL-STD-129 P W/Change 2, 10 FEB 2004 • Omissions in Change 1 (“Due to a Computer Error”) are Now Back in Table IV, Titled, MSL Generic Cargo 2 D Symbol Format, Starting on Page 120 5
Why Do We Need Markings? 6
Why do We Need Markings? • Identify Items Shipped & Received • Assist Depot Personnel to Sort Shipments, Pull Stock & Take Inventory • Communicate Degree of Protection of Item Contained • Communicate Hazards and Special Handling • Expedite the Shipment • Communicate the Reusability of the Container • Communicate the Destination of the Shipment 7
MIL-STD-129 P W/Change 2 Identification Markings On Unit Intermediate Exterior 8
Unit & Intermediate Containers 2910 -00 -456 -7416 CAGE 57685 PN 341 CARBURETOR 1 EA DAA 625 -03 -C-1056 M 41 02/03 SHELF LIFE SER NO 157 9
Exterior Containers 2910 -00 -456 -7416 CAGE 57685 PN 341 2 EA DAA 625 -03 -C-1056 M 41 02/03 WT 14 10
In-The-Clear Marking Tips: • NSN includes spaces, dashes, prefix & suffix • Cage Code is company awarded the contract • Nomenclature required on UC, IC but not EXT CTR • Unit of Issue abbreviations (EA, RO, DZ) on page 7 • Contract Number includes the delivery order • Serial Number required when assigned to item ( paragraph 4. 4. 3. 3 exception: “ Serial numbers assigned by the mfg. solely for indicating the quantity produced shall not be shown. ” ) 11
Bar Code Marking Tips: • Bar code NSN without spaces, dashes, prefix & suffix • The NSN Human Readable Interpretation (HRI) is not to be substituted for the in-the-clear NSN of the Item Identification Marking. • The bar coded Contract Number is to include the Delivery Order Number. 12
Military Shipping Label (MSL) Military Shipping Label ( MSL ) Why When How 13
Military Shipping Label Why ? • Unless specifically exempted in the contract, Do. D and contractor or vendor shipping activities will apply address markings using a bar coded MSL. Reference: MIL-STD-129 P W/Change 2, paragraph 4. 2. 1 14
Military Shipping Label When ? • DLA - Effective 17 FEB 2004 solicitations issued by (DSCR, DSCC & DSCP) will include the requirements of MIL-STD-129 P and the Linear Code, 3 of 9 and twodimensional, 2 D Bar Coded MSL. • NAVY NUCLEAR (SMICs X 2, X 3, X 4 & X 5) Code 87323 letter of 8 MAR 2004 – Effective immediately, the use of MIL-STD-129 N in lieu of MIL-STD-129 P is Revoked. 15
Military Shipping Label How ? • Obtain the necessary software: 1. http: //asset-trak. com/catt/labelmain. htm Information Spectrum, Inc. Computer Automated Transportation Tool (CATT) Free CATT MSL Software Download (MIL-STD-129 P compliant) Runs on a Windows 95/98/NT platform. Generates labels on standard Windows-compatible laser printers or on label printers. Technical support available. Phone: 703 -813 -8341 FAX: 703 -813 -8332 E-mail: amshelp@ispec. com 16
Military Shipping Label How ? 2. http: //easysoftcorp. com Easysoft Corporation 32338 Orchard Park Avon Lake, OH 44012 Phone: 440 -930 -5511 FAX: 440 -930 -5512 sales@easysoftcorp. com techsupport@easysoftcorp. com Easy. Form MSL 1. 2 $279. 00 17
Military Shipping Label How ? 3. http: //milpac. com Mil. Pac Technology, Inc. Std-Barc for Windows produces MSL with new 2 D bar code. Sales Department Phone Number: 760 -788 -3030 4. http: //www. laserlabels. com (Labels only, no software) Military Logmars Plus 1 -800 -922 -1717 18
Military Shipping Label • Required unless otherwise specified in the contract • Requires Bar Coding • Code 39 (Linear) • TCN • Piece Number • Ultimate Consignee DODAAC • PDF 417 (2 D) • MSL Text • Line Item • TCMD Data 19
Military Shipping Label MILITARY SHIPMENT LABEL/BAR CODED INFORMATION • Linear Bar Code 39, ISO/IEC 16388: Transportation Control Number Piece Number Ultimate Consignee /Mark for Address (Do. DAAC) • Two-dimensional 2 D (PDF 417) Bar Code, ISO/IEC 15438: MSL Text Supply Line Item Information Transportation Control & Movement Document Data (TCMD) 20
Military Shipping Label MILITARY SHIPMENT LABEL/BAR CODED INFORMATION • The Code 39 and the 2 D (PDF 417) bar codes shall be easily machine readable. (para 4. 2. 2. 3) • MSL label shall be of a water-resistant grade of paper, coated on one side with water-insoluble permanent type adhesive. (para 5. 1. 2) • MIL-PRF-61002 can be used as an acquisition tool when labels are not performing satisfactorily. ( para 5. 1. 2) • ASTM D 5486, type I, class 2 tape can be used to waterproof labels on 21 exterior containers. (para 4. 4. 1. 10)
Military Shipping Label MILITARY SHIPPING LABEL HELPFUL HINTS Transportation Control Number (TCN) 1. When not provided by the government transportation office then develop the 17 - digit TCN. a. first 6 letters of company name. b. 4 -digit Julian date (11 MAR 2004 = 4071). c. Last 7 digits of contract or NSN number. 2. To avoid duplicate TCN numbers, use any combination of the last 7 digits of the contract number or NSN that will provide a unique number for trace ability purposes. 23
Military Shipping Label MILITARY SHIPPING LABEL HELPFUL HINTS Transportation Account Code (TAC) 1. Enter 4 -digit TAC code provided in Navy and Air force contracts. 2. If not in contract obtain from Transportation. Postage 1. For mail shipment enter postage data such as: a. meter mail stick on postage b. appropriate agency authorization for permit mail 24
Military Shipping Label MILITARY SHIPPING LABEL HELPFUL HINTS Transportation Priority ( TP ) 1. Stipulated in the contract as TP 1, 2, 3 or 4. 2. If none in contract it will be TP 3 for routine shipment. Project Code 1. The Project Code is a three-digit code found in the contract. 2. Not all contracts have Project Codes. 25
Military Shipping Label MILITARY SHIPPING LABEL HELPFUL HINTS FROM 1. Use the Consignor Do. DAAC 2. Contactors without Do. DAAC use Cage Code and in-the-clear address to include the ZIP code. 3. In-the-clear address limit is 3 lines with 35 characters each line. 4. Adjust the in-the-clear address accordingly using abbreviations where possible. 26
Military Shipping Label MILITARY SHIPPING LABEL HELPFUL HINTS Required Delivery Date ( RDD ) 1. The three digit Julian Date as shown in some contracts. 2. If no RDD is in the contract, leave blank or zero fill. Weight & Cube 1. Gross weight of piece label will be placed on rounded up to the whole pound. 2. Cubic Feet of this piece rounded up to the next whole number. 27
Direct Vendor Delivery ( DVD ) Definition: DVD shipments are shipments made to “other than a DLA Distribution Depot. ” 1. They can typically be described as a shipment from the contractor directly to the user. 2. Shipments that move through the Consolidation and Containerization Points (CCPs) at New Cumberland PA or Lathrop CA are not shipments for stock at those locations and are considered to be DVD. 28
Direct Vendor Delivery (DVD) Requirements: 1. DVD shipment documentation requires additional Bar Codes as required by paragraph 4. 5. (Look for the DVD requirement in the Section “D” portion of the contract clauses. ) 2. Bar Codes are placed on the DD 250 or commercial packing list. 3. Applicable to shipments “to a location other than a DLA 29 Distribution Depot. ”
Direct Vendor Delivery (DVD) Three Lines of Bar Coded Information Required: Line 1 = Fourteen digit Requisition Number. Line 2 = Thirteen digit NSN & two additional codes as applicable ( Navy SMIC or Air Force MMAC Codes). Line 3 = Inventory Control Point, Routing Identifier Code (RIC), Unit of Issue, Quantity, Condition Code, Distribution Code & Unit Price (total of 20 characters on this line, see paragraph 4. 5 c. for breakdown of digits ). 30
Direct Vendor Delivery (DVD) HELPFUL HINT ROUTING IDENTIFIER CODE ( RIC ) • Routing Identifier Codes (RICs) identify the activity originating the supply document. RICs may also identify the recipient of the supply document, and/or the shipper. Contact the Transportation office if you are unsure. • Source for RICs: http: //day 2 k 1. daas. dla. mil/daasing/login. asp 31
DVD Bar Code on DD 250 32
Helpful Web Sites • DOD Specifications and Standards • http: //assist 1. daps. dla. mil/quicksearch/ • DOD Hardcopy Forms and Labels • http: //forms. daps. dla. mil/ • DLA Packaging Web Site • http: //www. dscc. dla. mil/Offices/packaging/ • DCMA Packaging Web Site • http: //home. dcmde. dcma. mil/Indianapolis/Pack. htm 33
Unique Identification (UID) • WHAT IS UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION? - A combination of data elements that differentiates one item from another. - A lifetime serial number, unique throughout the DOD system. - An internationally recognized method of identifying parts (meets ISO standards). - Can be used to track an item and link to data about the item for it’s entire life. 35
Unique Identification (DVD) • WHY UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION? Provides DOD with source data to: - improve the acquisition of equipment and performance based logistics services. - Capture timely, accurate and reliable data on items. - Improve life-cycle asset management. - Track items within DOD and industry systems for operational, logistic, and financial accountability purposes 36
Unique Identification (DVD) • WHERE CAN I FIND POLICY AND INFORMATION? - Information Memorandum Nos. 04 -093 & 147 - DFARS Clause 252. 211 -7003 - Do. D Guide to Uniquely Identifying items - DCMAD 1 (“One Book”) SQA, 3. 5. 2. 2 - MIL-STD-130 L, Do. D Standard Practice Identification Marking of U. S. Military 37
Unique Identification (UID) • DOD AIT Website—www. acq. osd. mil/uid • DOD Guide to Uniquely Identifying Items • Data submission procedures • DFARS Clause 252. 211 -7003 • http: //farsite. hill. af. mil/reghtml/regs/far 2 afmcfars/fardfars/dfa rs 252_000. htm#P 929_44736 • DCMA Information Memorandum No. 04 -147 • http: //home. dcma. mil/onebook/10. 0/10. 1/dc 04 -147. htm • ASSIST Website—http: //assist 1. daps. dla. mil/quicksearch • Download a copy of MIL-STD-130 L 38
Unique Identification (UID) • WHEN IS UID REQUIRED? - Solicitations issued on or after JAN 1, 2004. • WHAT ITEMS REQUIRE UID? - All items for which the Government’s unit acquisition cost is $5, 000 or more: and - Items under $5, 000 listed in paragraphs (c) (1) (i) & (ii) of DFAR Clause 252. 211 -7003 (e. g. Contract Line, Subline, or Exhibit Line Items) when specified in the contract. 39
Unique Identification (UID) • WHAT ARE THE COMPONENTS OF THE UID? - Each Enterprise (business) has two options for creating the UID: UID CONSTRUCT # 1 OR UID CONSTRUCT # 2 40
UID CONSTRUCT # 1 • Contractors who have a unique serial number for every item at their location would be likely to use Construct # 1. Issuing Agency Code (Registration authority) Enterprise ID (Cage Code of Enterprise) Serial Number (Assigned by the Enterprise) 41
UID CONSTRUCT # 2 • Most contractors would use Construct # 2, since they are more likely to serialize within a part number. Issuing Agency Code Enterprise ID (Registration authority) (Cage Code of Enterprise) Original Part Number (Assigned by the Enterprise) Serial Number (Assigned by the Enterprise) 42
Unique Identification (UID) THE END 44