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Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.

A lot of information, experience, labor and time needed for a decent assessment of A lot of information, experience, labor and time needed for a decent assessment of such a person, what was Lomonosov. V. G. Belinskii

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was the first Russian scientist-scientist of world importance, a chemist and Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was the first Russian scientist-scientist of world importance, a chemist and physicist, founder of physical chemistry, astronomer, instrument, geographer, Metallurgist, geologist, poet, laid the foundations of modern Russian literary language, artist, historian, advocate of the development of domestic education, science and economy, the founder of molecular-kinetic theory.

Biography Lomonosov was born 19 November (November 8), 1711, in the village of Denisovka Biography Lomonosov was born 19 November (November 8), 1711, in the village of Denisovka Kuroostrovskaya parish near the village of Kholmogory Arkhangelsk province, in a peasant family of Pomor engaged in sea fishing on their own courts. Mother Lomonosov, who died very early, was the daughter of a deacon. Two stepmothers Lomonosov second was "wicked and malicious". The best moments were in childhood trips with my dad in the sea.

Pedagogical activity Developed for the first time in Russia pedagogical theory, the basis of Pedagogical activity Developed for the first time in Russia pedagogical theory, the basis of which was the separation of science and religion. Made for the first time in Russian pedagogy supporter of synthesis of classical, scientific and real education. Defended the idea of a secular education and the young generations of the foundations of scientific knowledge.

Administrative activity Lomonosov could not imagine life outside activities for the benefit of Russia. Administrative activity Lomonosov could not imagine life outside activities for the benefit of Russia. All sides of the home country Mikhail tried to cover. How many letters were sent to public officials and the Empress personally. But more often it was just annoying. And yet Lomonosov continued to operate, because the only way he knew how to live.

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