Скачать презентацию Middleware 201 Directories Configuration Operations Michael R Скачать презентацию Middleware 201 Directories Configuration Operations Michael R


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Middleware 201 Directories Configuration & Operations Michael R. Gettes Lead Application Systems Integrator Georgetown Middleware 201 Directories Configuration & Operations Michael R. Gettes Lead Application Systems Integrator Georgetown University Gettes@Georgetown. EDU Internet 2 Member Meeting Spring 2001

How Deep? • Background • Site Profile - configuration • Applications • General Operational How Deep? • Background • Site Profile - configuration • Applications • General Operational Controls • Schema • Access Lists • Replication • Related Directories • LDAP-Recipe • PKI Issues

MACE • Middleware Architecture Committee for Ed. • IT Architects – meet often – MACE • Middleware Architecture Committee for Ed. • IT Architects – meet often – no particular religious affiliations • MACE-DIR – edu. Person, Recipe, Do. DHE • MACE-SHIBBOLETH – global Auth. N/Z • MACE-PKI HEPKI (TAG/PAG/Labs) • MACE-MED – HIPAA, m. Edu. Person

MACE-ochists • RL “Bob” Morgan, Chair, Washington • Steven Carmody, Brown • Michael Gettes, MACE-ochists • RL “Bob” Morgan, Chair, Washington • Steven Carmody, Brown • Michael Gettes, Georgetown • Keith Hazelton, Wisconsin • Paul Hill, MIT • Ken Klingenstein, Colorado • Mark Poepping, CMU • Jim Jokl, Virginia • David Wasley, UCOP

MACE-DIR • Keith Hazelton, Chair, Wisconsin • edu. Person objectclass • LDAP-Recipe • Dir MACE-DIR • Keith Hazelton, Chair, Wisconsin • edu. Person objectclass • LDAP-Recipe • Dir of Dir for Higher Education (Do. DHE) • Shibboleth project dir dependencies • Meta Directories – Architech free to HE • http: //middleware. internet 2. edu/directories

MACE-DIR: edu. Person 1. 0 (1/22/01 release) • MACE initiated (Internet 2 + EDUCAUSE) MACE-DIR: edu. Person 1. 0 (1/22/01 release) • MACE initiated (Internet 2 + EDUCAUSE) • Globally interesting useful attributes • Get community buy-in, must use it also • edu. Person. Affiliation (Do. DHE), edu. Person. Principal. Name (Shibboleth) • “Less is more”, how to use standard objectclasses • http: //www. educause. edu/eduperson

MACE-SHIBBOLETH • Steven Carmody, Brown, Chair • A Biblical pass phrase – “password” • MACE-SHIBBOLETH • Steven Carmody, Brown, Chair • A Biblical pass phrase – “password” • Get it right or “off with your head” • Inter-institutional Authentication/Authorization • Web Authentication of Remote Sites with Local Credentials • Summer, 2001 – Prototype target • http: //middleware. internet 2. edu/shibboleth

HEPKI • TAG – Technical Activities Group • Jim Jokl, Chair, Virginia • Mobility, HEPKI • TAG – Technical Activities Group • Jim Jokl, Chair, Virginia • Mobility, Cert Profiles, etc, lots of techno • PAG – Policy Activities Group • Default Chair, Ken Klingenstein, Colorado • Knee-deep in policy, HEBCA, Campus, Subs+RP • PKI Labs (AT&T)– Neal Mc. Burnett, Avaya • Wisconsin-Madison & Dartmouth • Industry, Gov. , Edu expert guidance • http: //www. educause. edu/hepki

Site Profile dc=georgetown, dc=edu • Netscape/i. Planet DS version 4. 11 • 2 Sun Site Profile dc=georgetown, dc=edu • Netscape/i. Planet DS version 4. 11 • 2 Sun E 250 dual cpu, 512 MB RAM • 75, 000 DNs (25 K campus, others = alums + etc) • Directory + apps implemented in 6 months • Distinguished names: uid=x, ou=people • • DC rap, “Boom shacka lacka” Does UUID in DN really work? • NSDS pre-op plugin (by gettes@Princeton. EDU) • • Authentication over SSL; Required Can do Kerberos – perf problems to resolve • 1 supplier, 4 consumers

Applications • Mail routing with Sendmail 8. 11 (lists also) • Netscape messaging server Applications • Mail routing with Sendmail 8. 11 (lists also) • Netscape messaging server v 4. 15 (IMAP) • Web. Mail profile stored in LDAP • Apache server for Netscape roaming (no SSL) • Apache & Netscape enterprise web servers • Blackboard Course. Info Version 5 Level 3 • Whitepages: Directory Server Gate. Way • DSGW for priv’d access and maintenance

Applications (Continued) • Remote access with RADIUS (funk). • No SSL (3/2000); proper LDAP Applications (Continued) • Remote access with RADIUS (funk). • No SSL (3/2000); proper LDAP binds (fix 8/2000) • Authenticates and authorizes for dial-up, DSL and VPN services using RADIUS called-id. • We want to use this for other access control such as Oracle

RADIUS + LDAP User calls 202 -555 -1110 NAS (terminal server) Called. Id from RADIUS + LDAP User calls 202 -555 -1110 NAS (terminal server) Called. Id from NAS is mapped to gu. Rad. Prof RADIUS server LDAP Filter is: gu. Rad. Prof = 2025551110 + Net. ID = gettes Dialup Users Directory Server Netid = gettes gu. Rad. Prof = 2025550001 gu. Rad. Prof = 2025551110 gu. Rad. Prof = Oracle. Fin

Applications (Continued) • Alumni services (Hoyas. Online). • External vendor in Dallas, TX (PCI). Applications (Continued) • Alumni services (Hoyas. Online). • External vendor in Dallas, TX (PCI). • They authenticate back to home directories. Apache used to authenticate and proxy to backend IIS server. • Email Forwarding for Life!

Hoyas. Online Architecture OS/390 LDAP Master TMS Other local hosts HRIS NET ID GU Hoyas. Online Architecture OS/390 LDAP Master TMS Other local hosts HRIS NET ID GU provided selfservice applications SIS Alumni Gratuitous Architectural Graphic (GAG) WWW hoyasonline Content Client Browser LDAP Replica PCI (Dallas) Vendor-provided services Way Down In Texas

Applications (Continued) • Access+ • Georgetown developed • Web interface to legacy systems using Applications (Continued) • Access+ • Georgetown developed • Web interface to legacy systems using Unix frontend to custom made mainframe tasks. Many institutions have re-invented this wheel. • LDAP authentication, mainframe doesn’t yet do SSL. Always exceptions to rules. • Student, Faculty, Staff, Directory/Telephone Access+ Services. This technique keeps mainframe alive. (good or bad? )

Applications (Continued) • Specialized support apps • Self service mail routing • Help Desk: Applications (Continued) • Specialized support apps • Self service mail routing • Help Desk: mail routing, password resets, quota management via DSGW • Change password web page • Person registry populates LDAP people data, currently MVS (mainframe) based. • Per. LDAP used quite a bit – very powerful! (make sure version >= 1. 4)

Applications (Continued) • Georgetown Netscape Communicator Client Customization Kit (CCK). • Configured for central Applications (Continued) • Georgetown Netscape Communicator Client Customization Kit (CCK). • Configured for central IMAP/SSL and directory services. • Handles versions of profiles. Poor man’s MCD • Future: more apps! Host DB, Kerberos integration, win 2 k/ad integration? , Oracle RADIUS integration, Automatic lists, Dynamic/static Groups, Top. Secret, Bb – further integration.

General Operational Controls • Size limit trolling (300 or 20 entries? ) • Lookthru General Operational Controls • Size limit trolling (300 or 20 entries? ) • Lookthru limit (set very low) • Limit 3 processors for now, MP issues still! • 100 MB footprint, about 8000 DNs in cache • Your mileage will vary – follow cache guidelines • 24 x 7 operations • What can users change? ? (Very little) • No write intensive applications

General Ops Controls (cont…) • Anonymous access allowed • Needed for email clients • General Ops Controls (cont…) • Anonymous access allowed • Needed for email clients • Anonymous access is good if you resolve FERPA and other data access issues.

Schema: Design & Maint • Unified namespace: there can be only one! • Schema Schema: Design & Maint • Unified namespace: there can be only one! • Schema design and maintenance • • • Space/time tradeoffs on indexing Eduperson 1. 0 vs. gu. Person gu. Restrict, gu. Email. Box, gu. Affil, gu. Prim. Afil gu. PWTimebomb, gu. Rad. Prof, gu. Type, gu. SSN Relationships (guref) • Maintained by ldif file using ldapmodify

Access Lists Design & Maintenance • Access lists: design & maintenance • Buckley(FERPA) protection Access Lists Design & Maintenance • Access lists: design & maintenance • Buckley(FERPA) protection & services • Priv’d users and services • user. Password & SSN • Maintained by file using ldapmodify • Working on large group controls at GU • Groups vs. Roles • Likely easy to populate, hard to design & implement

Replication • Application/user performance • Failover, user and app service • Impact of DC= Replication • Application/user performance • Failover, user and app service • Impact of DC= naming (replica init) • Fixed in 4. 13 and i. DS 5. 0 • Monitoring: web page and notification • Dumper replica – periodic LDIF dumps • Backups? We don’t need no stinkin’ backups! • • Vendor Specific No good solution for backups (i. Planet) IBM uses DB 2 under the covers Novell?

Replication (Continued) • Application/users config for mult servers • Deterministic operations vs random • Replication (Continued) • Application/users config for mult servers • Deterministic operations vs random • Failover works for online repairs • Config servers are replicated also • 10 to 1 SRA/CRA ratio recommended • Cannot cascade with DC= (netscape) • Cascading is scary to me

Replica Structure WHITEPAGES Users MASTER MAILHOST POSTOFFICE Users Web Servers Normal Ops DUMPER Net. Replica Structure WHITEPAGES Users MASTER MAILHOST POSTOFFICE Users Web Servers Normal Ops DUMPER Net. ID Registry Failure Ops

Netscape Console • Java program (FAT client). • Used to create, configure and monitor Netscape Console • Java program (FAT client). • Used to create, configure and monitor Netscape servers. • Preferred the web page paradigm of the version 3 products. • Has enough bugs that it is only used by server admins, not for mere mortals. • Demo? ? ?

Other Directories • Novell – GU abandoning Group. Wise. • Active directory? ? ? Other Directories • Novell – GU abandoning Group. Wise. • Active directory? ? ? Ugh!!! • Static Groups Only • Strict Tree Structure for Group Policy • No plans for MS to change this… • Integrate whitepages service with hospital. • This led to the consideration of…

Directory of Directories • Outgrowth of Georgetown White. Pages problem • Expose common schema Directory of Directories • Outgrowth of Georgetown White. Pages problem • Expose common schema and use Eduperson 1. 0. • Performance issues for massively parallel searches. • Interesting lessons learned about LDAP API. • Sun Microsystems Grant. • Will it be more than just an experiment? • • Now being worked on to make it real. (11/2000) See Directories Update Session on Thursday

LDAP-Recipe • http: //middleware. internet 2. edu Or http: //www. georgetown. edu/giia/internet 2 • LDAP-Recipe • http: //middleware. internet 2. edu Or http: //www. georgetown. edu/giia/internet 2 • DIT, Schema Design, Access Control, Replication, Name population, Good use of LDAP design and features, LDAP configuration, Password Management, edu. Person discussion, Do. DHE expectations

domain. Component (DC=) RAP • The “DC” Rap, origins belong to RL “Bob” Morgan, domain. Component (DC=) RAP • The “DC” Rap, origins belong to RL “Bob” Morgan, University of Washington • Traditional X. 500 naming: cn=Michael R Gettes, ou=Server Group, ou=UIS, o=Georgetown University, c=US • Vs. domain. Component (DC) naming: uid=gettes, ou=People, dc=georgetown, dc=edu • HEPKI is issuing guidance and advice on DC= naming

Buyer Beware • LDAP is LDAP – yeah, right! • “Sure! We support LDAP!” Buyer Beware • LDAP is LDAP – yeah, right! • “Sure! We support LDAP!” What does that mean? • Contract for functionality and performance • Include your Directory/Security Champion!!! • Verify with other schools – so easy, rarely done. • Beware of products that specify Dir Servers • Get vendor to document product requirements and behavior. You paid for it!

Local Policy • We don’t need no stinkin’ policy! • Covert warfare can be Local Policy • We don’t need no stinkin’ policy! • Covert warfare can be a valid tactic for IT deployments • Yes, this is a juicy rationalization with a self-serving purpose • Still need to apply FERPA and HIPAA officially. Applied best practice thus far – ok for now. • Verified no District (DC) Laws limiting PKI

PKI is 1/3 Technical and 2/3 Policy? Technical Policy PKI is 1/3 Technical and 2/3 Policy? Technical Policy

Attributes for PKI • Store them in a Certificate? • Attributes persist for life Attributes for PKI • Store them in a Certificate? • Attributes persist for life of Certificate • No need for Directory or other lookup – The Certificate itself becomes the Auth. Z control point • Store them in a Directory? • Very light-weight Certificates • Requires Directory Access • Long-term Certificate, Directory is Auth. Z control point. • How many Certificates will we have? • Pseudonymous Certificates

Approaches to PKI • U. S. Federal Government • Purist approach, not considering the Approaches to PKI • U. S. Federal Government • Purist approach, not considering the directory until end of project • Assumes X. 500 naming, DC= Rap/Rant • Bridge Certification Authority – Feds lead the way! • Higher “Edge”ucation • It’s all about the applications! • This is not just your identity anymore

Bridge CAs • What we know and love today • Vertical or Hierarchical CA Bridge CAs • What we know and love today • Vertical or Hierarchical CA paths – Verisign and friends – in the browsers today – Requires there to be a deity in charge (not good) • Bridge CA concept is just networking • Each CA is like a border router – peering vs. deity • Chain of trust path analysis more complex • All software in the world needs to change – Browsers, Services (like path analysis services) • This solution is scalable

Bridge CA and Trust Paths Bridge CA Verisign HE CA-A CA-B Fed CA-C CA-D Bridge CA and Trust Paths Bridge CA Verisign HE CA-A CA-B Fed CA-C CA-D

Bridge CAs • Higher Education Bridge CA – FBCA peering • How many HEBCAs? Bridge CAs • Higher Education Bridge CA – FBCA peering • How many HEBCAs? • Competing BCA complexity issues? • Do we really understand PKI implementations with respect to policy needs? (proxy certificates, relying party agreements, name constraints, FERPA, HIPAA, who eats who? ) • BCA seems to be the most promising perspective. Will each person be a BCA? • All Software (Client/Server) needs to be changed.

Authentication: Overall Plan @ Georgetown • Currently, Server-Side PKI self-signed • Best of all Authentication: Overall Plan @ Georgetown • Currently, Server-Side PKI self-signed • Best of all 3 worlds • LDAP + Kerberos + PKI – LDAP Authentication performs Kerberos Authentication out the backend. Jan. 2001 to finish i. Planet plug-in. • Credential Caching handled by Directory. • Cooperative effort – Georgetown, GATech, Michigan – All directory authentications SSL protected. Enforced with necessary exceptions • Use Kerberos for Win 2 K Services and to derive X. 509 Client Certificates • One Userid/Password (single-signon vs. FSO)

Directories are part of the I in PKI • Directory (October, 1999 @ Georgetown) Directories are part of the I in PKI • Directory (October, 1999 @ Georgetown) • Centralized, automated Name Space • VERY carefully controlled –Users modify very little –Priv’d access highly restricted • Control considered necessary step for PKI to trust the directory • Eventually, client, server and other certs/CRLs will be published in the directory.

Are Directories part of the I in PKI? • Michigan (Kx 509), Columbia • Are Directories part of the I in PKI? • Michigan (Kx 509), Columbia • Short-lived Certificates • Avoids CRL and Directory Publications • MIT • 1 year certs, but people can get all they need using Kerberos Authentication • But… A namespace infrastructure is still assumed and they all have it.

We’re Building A “Bridge Over The River PKI” We’re Building A “Bridge Over The River PKI”

Middleware Marketing Middleware Marketing

Drivers of Vapor Convergence Shibboleth Inter-Realm Auth. Z We all get Web SSO for Drivers of Vapor Convergence Shibboleth Inter-Realm Auth. Z We all get Web SSO for Local Authentication and OKI Authentication an Enterprise Authorization Framework with an Integrated Portal that will JA-SIG u. Portal Authen all work inter-institutionally! Local Web SSO Pressures

Middleware Inputs & Outputs Licensed Resources Grids OKI Embedded App Security JA-SIG & u. Middleware Inputs & Outputs Licensed Resources Grids OKI Embedded App Security JA-SIG & u. Portal Inter-realm calendaring Shibboleth, edu. Person, Affiliated Dirs, etc. Campus Web SSO Enterprise Directory Enterprise Authentication Legacy Systems futures Enterprise auth. Z