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MICE Tourism in Hungary Statistical Report for the Year 2010 Hungarian Convention Bureau
Criteria In accordance with the criteria of ICCA, the Hungarian Convention Bureau considers a meeting international when there at least 3 different nations and 50 participants present. In contrast to the rules of ICCA and UIA, the HCB includes corporate events to the analysis, if they fulfill the above criteria.
MICE statistics, 2009 I-IV quarters Number of questionnaires sent out Number of questionnaires returned Answering rate Event organizers 318 107 33, 6% Conference hotels 754 320 42, 2% Unique venues 405 52 12, 8% Total 1477 479 32, 4%
Demographic distribution of answering companies, 2009 Countryside 49% Budapest 51%
From the answering companies Did not organize international conferences 7 3 Organized 1 -5 international conference(s) 60 125 Organized 5 -10 conferences Organized more than 10 conferences
Hungarian MICE tourism in numbers, 2002 -2009 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Number of international conferences 370 351 326 340 431 485 531 356 Number of international fairs and exhibitions 22 17 23 24 29 32 57 90 Average number of participating nationalities 11 9, 22 11, 7 10, 6 11, 1 11, 56 9, 2 12, 3 Average length of international conferences 3, 6 3, 1 4 4 4, 5 4, 3 3, 9 3, 3
Temporal distribution of international conferences, 2009 17. 0% 18. 0% 16. 0% 14. 0% 15. 7% 14. 0% 11. 2% 12. 0% 11. 0% 9. 8% 10. 0% 13. 0% 9. 3% 7. 0% 8. 0% 4. 0% 2. 8% 2. 0% 3. 7% 8. 7% 9. 0% 5. 9% 6. 0% 13. 5% 10. 1% 8. 0% 5. 0% 3. 4% 3. 0% 0. 0% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun HCB (2009) Jul Aug ICCA (2008) Sept Oct Nov Dec
Temporal distibution of international conferences, 2002 -2009 90 80 70 2009 2008 60 56 2007 48 50 36 40 40 35 10 30 13 2006 2005 33 31 21 2004 2003 21 12 20 2002 2001 10 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Spatial distribution of international conferences, 2009 4. 5% 3. 1% 73. 0% 2. 2% 11. 5% 2. 0% 1. 4% 1. 1% Budapest Szeged Sopron Debrecen Pécs Siófok Balatonfüred Eger Other 2008 2009 Countryside 92 20, 7% 96 27, 0% Budapest 352 79, 3% 260 73, 0%
Length of international conferences, 2001 -2009 60% 50% 1 day 40% 2 -3 days 30% 4 -5 days 20% >6 days 10% 0% 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Number of participants, 2004 -2009 136946 140000 120000 119500 101946 100000 82200 63513 66917 60000 40000 20000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Average number of participants, 2001 -2009 286 300 255 238 230 250 197 191 230 200 190 200 150 100 50 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Average number of participants internationally, 2001 -2009 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2001 2002 2003 Hungary 2004 2005 Europe (ICCA) 2006 2007 World (ICCA) 2008 2009
Size of international conferences, 2002 -2009 50% 42. 5% 45% 2002 40% 36. 2% 2003 35% 2004 30% 2005 25% 2006 11. 8% 2007 15% 10% 5. 9% 2008 3. 2% 5% 0% 50 -100 101 - 250 251 - 500 501 - 1000 1001 - 2500 2501 - 2009
Spatial distribution of international conferences 2007 2008 2009 Conference hotels 68, 90% 77, 4% 74, 7% Congress centers 12, 50% 14, 4% 13, 1% Universities and other scientific institutions 10, 40% 4, 3% 8, 1% Other venues 8, 30% 4, 1% 4. 1% 8. 1% Conference hotels Congress centers 13. 1% Universities and scientific institutions Other venues 74. 7%
Subject of international conferences, 2009 2. 1% Medical 7. 7% Economy 2. 1% 26. 9% Sciences IT 2. 6% Engineering 2. 6% 3. 4% Law or education Culture 3. 8% Agriculture 4. 7% Tourism Religion 4. 7% 16. 7%History Transportation 7. 3% Sport 13. 2% Other
Subject of international conferences, 2002 -2009 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Medical 28% 26% 21% 29% 23, 1% 23, 4% 21, 7% 26, 9% Economy 28% 26% 20, 5% 25, 5% 16, 7% Scientific 28% 22% 17% 24% 17, 6% 19, 6% 24, 7% 13, 2% Transportation 4% 3% 3% 2% 3, 9% 2, 1% 1, 6% 2, 1% IT 7% 4% 5% 11% 10, 6% 6, 3% 8, 9% 7, 3% Tourism 5% 5% 4% 2% 1, 9% 1, 7% 1, 4% 2, 6% Other --- 12% 24% 12% 22, 4% 21, 3% 25, 1% 31, 2%
Nationality of participants, 2007 -2009 2007 2008 2009 Hungarian 31, 0% 22, 1% 20, 9% Other 69, 0% 76, 9% 79, 1%
Nationality of participants, 2009 80. 0% 78. 7% 70. 0% 59. 3% 56. 6% 60. 0% 50. 0% 41. 6% 33. 5% 30. 0% 24. 9% 22. 2% 20. 8% 19. 5% ish 32. 1% n 37. 6% 40. 0% 19. 5% 20. 0% 18. 1% 10. 0% ian Au str sh ni Fi n Po l lia Ita ish an ek re G D G er m an h ec Cz an lgi Be Am er ica n h nc or th Fr e N sh iti Br H un ga ria n 0. 0%
Nationality of procurers, 2003 -2009 70. 0% 46. 6% 60. 0% 50. 0% 2009 40. 0% 2008 2007 30. 0% 2006 20. 0% 7. 7% 8. 6% 6. 8% 6. 4% 10. 0% 2. 3% 2005 6. 8% 2004 6. 6% 1. 4% 2003 er th O iss Sw n lia Ita ch ut D ch Fr en ian str Au an Be lgi sh iti er Am th or N Br ica n an m er G H un ga ria n 0. 0%
Type of procurer of international conferences, 2009 8. 6% 7. 7% Foreign PCO 20. 4% Foreign company Hungarian PCO 9. 5% 15. 8% 10. 9% 13. 6% European Association Hungarian company Hungarian association World association Other
Number and number of participants of „other” events, 2009
The statistical analysis can be downloaded: www. hcb. hu / Market Information/ Studies
Hungarian Convention Bureau H-1115 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 105 -113. Tel. : 1/488 -8640 Fax: 1/488 -8641