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MGT 1001 Assignment guidelines ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE: 20 APRIL 2012 EASE SUBMISSION MGT 1001 Assignment guidelines ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE: 20 APRIL 2012 EASE SUBMISSION

Assignment question • You are a HR consultant and Jenny has called you in Assignment question • You are a HR consultant and Jenny has called you in to provide her with advice about how to proceed. You are required to write a report to Jenny, addressing the following issues: • explain how human resource planning can be used to determine the desired staffing position for Twinkle Toes Two; • explain how job analysis can be applied to construct the specific jobs (also provide an example of a job description for one of the new jobs – using the format provided in Figure 8. 3, page 215 of Härtel & Fujimoto, 2010); • recommend a recruitment and selection process that Jenny should follow; and • discuss how a systematic training process can be followed to ensure that employees perform their jobs effectively.

Requirements • • Your assignment must be presented in report format. You should follow Requirements • • Your assignment must be presented in report format. You should follow the guidelines for report writing available from the online Learning Centre http: //unilearning. uow. edu. au/report/4 b. html. Important: You will see that the structure of the report (as indicated by the Learning Centre http: //unilearning. uow. edu. au/report/4 b. html) shows that in the Executive Summary, the 'method of analysis' should be included and also in the body of the report that information on method of data collection should be included. The method of analysis or the method of data collection is not applicable or relevant for this assignment and therefore these issues can be omitted from the report. Your assignment must be based on research of the topics. To support the explanations and discussions in your report, you are required to draw upon information contained in your text book and at least five other academic sources (including at least three journal articles). These journal articles must have been published between 2005 and the present. Private web pages such as pages of study notes from other university courses are not acceptable. If you elect to use a website it must be of a scholarly and credible nature that clearly displays the sponsoring organisation and, if available, the author of the article. Use Harvard referencing throughout your paper. You can refer to the USQ Library at http: //www. usq. edu. au/library/Breeze/Fac_Business/Harvard_AGPS_PDF_Guid e. pdf for help on Harvard Referencing techniques. It is required that you include a List of References at the end of your report.

Topics for research • explain how human resource planning can be used to determine Topics for research • explain how human resource planning can be used to determine the desired staffing position; – What is HR Planning and why is it important (theory) – How is HRP executed (theory) – Apply HRP ‘s 3 steps (p. 212 text) to Twinkle Toes Two (TTT) and recommend the desired staffing position (application). • explain how job analysis can be applied to construct the specific jobs (also provide an example of a job description for one of the new jobs – using the format provided in Figure 8. 3, page 215 of Härtel & Fujimoto, 2010); – What is job analysis (theory) – What do we do with it (theory) – Application to TTT – select one of the jobs that you recommended in the previous question, and apply theory to this position in explaining how the job is constructed (application) – Compile the job description of this particular job (application).

Topics for research • recommend a recruitment and selection process that Jenny should follow Topics for research • recommend a recruitment and selection process that Jenny should follow – What is a recruitment and selection process (theory) – What do we do with it (theory) – How does this apply to TTT (application) • discuss how a systematic training process can be followed to ensure that employees perform their jobs effectively. – What is a systematic training process (theory) – What do we do with it (theory) – How should TTT go about establishing a systematic training process (application)

Report format Information about the structure of the report is available on this site: Report format Information about the structure of the report is available on this site: http: //unilearning. uow. edu. au/report/4 b. html Please note: ‘method of analysis’ as indicated in the content of the Executive Summary and ‘method of data collection’ in the content of the Body, are not applicable – read Assignment guidelines p. 12 Introductory Book. Please note also that the structure indicates the general outlay of a report and that you should use it only as a guide in your writing. Do not try to answer each and every issue/question as indicated in the structure.

Body of the report Please note that the heading of this part should NOT Body of the report Please note that the heading of this part should NOT read ‘Body’ – find a suitable heading that indicates what the section is all about. In this part you need to answer to the issues indicated in your assignment question. It contains a description of the findings and a discussion of them. It should also relate the findings to any theory of relevance.

Body of the report I will now show you how to address the first Body of the report I will now show you how to address the first issue. Please note that the four bullet points of the assignment question do not specifically suggest that you have 4 issues to discuss – you may wish to combine some of the issues for a logical flow of your arguments. It also does not mean that you have to address the issues in the sequence that the bullet points are presented – again, think about the sequence of addressing the issues to support a logical flow of arguments.

Application of theory In the body of your report, you need to address each Application of theory In the body of your report, you need to address each of the bullet points by presenting a blend of theory and application – see slides 4 and 5. First, explain what the issue is – your argument for the paragraph – in your own words. In the first bullet point of the assignment question, it is clear that you have to explain how HRP can be used to plan how to provide human resources to accomplish the longterm plans of the organisation – this is theory part. Your statement of the issue (or argument) could be something like: ‘HRP can be applied to forecast the future human resources needs to accomplish organisational goals by analysing the current staffing position and determining how the future needs can be met. ’ This is the core idea and should be expanded. (please use your own words for this and don’t copy my words!)

Application of theory Now you need to insert the relevant theory – what does Application of theory Now you need to insert the relevant theory – what does theory say about using HRP to plan future staffing needs? How do we use the internal and external scanning in HRP and what is the purpose of it? What are the roles of supply and demand forecasting? Find some journal sources beside your text to include in this discussion. Remember to reference correctly – help available on library website and Communication skills handbook. Very important - this theory discussion requires more than only definitions from your sources – discuss the issues.

Application of theory Now you have to apply theory to the case study – Application of theory Now you have to apply theory to the case study – integrating theory and practice. For the issue related to the first bullet point, you explained the need for demand supply forecasting and how these are influenced by the external environment. Now you have to forecast the supply and demand in TTT. Explain what the internal labour supply in TTT is; recommend the quality and quantity of employees that are required for TTT by explaining the technique that you applied to come up with the numbers. Indicate if you will use the internal or external labour supply and why. Indicate if there are specific trends or environmental issues that could impact on your recommendations. Conclude the section with a sentence summarising your main findings with regard to the issue. Address the other issues in a similar way. To summarise this approach in integrating theory and practice/case: First an outline/brief discussion about what the issue is; then provide theory that explains this issue; then apply theory to the case and finalise by summarise your main findings.

Final comments: Please remember that a case study or scenario is a snapshot in Final comments: Please remember that a case study or scenario is a snapshot in time and you should only work with the information provided in the case/scenario. The aim of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to apply theory to a specific situation. There are rules and regulations about the required staff/children ratios in childcare centres and information about this is available on government websites. You should NOT use this information to determine the staffing position and you should NOT use these websites as research sources. What I am interested in is your ability to: Identify, organise and present the issues in a logical way Obtain and present suitable and relevant theory Structure the report into a logical flow of arguments Apply theory to a specific situation in a logical manner Explain how theory links to the case THE MARKING CRITERIA SHEET (P. 16 of the Intro Book) PROVIDES YOU WITH THE CRITERIA THAT WILL BE USED TO MARK YOUR REPORT – MAKE SURE THAT YOU READ THIS BEFORE WRITING YOUR REPORT!

Final comments I expect the following: 100% correct application of the Harvard AGPS method: Final comments I expect the following: 100% correct application of the Harvard AGPS method: in-text as well as the List of References Reports free from typing errors – use your spell checker Submission on or before midnight, AEST 20 April 2012. ONLY your best work! YOU CAN DO IT - GOOD LUCK!