Британия в лицах.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 28
Международный конкурс презентаций "Я мыслью улечу к брегам туманным Альбиона" Номинация: презентация с элементами игры Интеллектуальная игра Портретная галерея «БРИТАНИЯ В ЛИЦАХ» Выполнила: Педагог дополнительного образования МБОУ ДО ДТТЮ «Дружба» , город Новый Уренгой Хасанова Елена Викторовна
Портретная галерея «БРИТАНИЯ В ЛИЦАХ» WRITERS’ CORNER 10 20 30 40 50 SCIENTISTS’ CORNER 10 20 30 40 50 MONARCH’S CORNER 10 20 30 40 50 HISTORY IN PORTRAITS 10 20 30 40 50
WRITERS’ CORNER Oscar Wilde Agatha Christie Lewis Carroll Rudyard Kipling Joanne Rowling Charles Dickens 10 Is a British novelist best known as the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series. "The Elephant House" – one of the cafés in Edinburgh in which she wrote the first novel ”Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone”. She finished it on an old manual typewriter in 1995.
WRITERS’ CORNER Oscar Wilde Agatha Christie Rudyard Kipling Joanne Rowling Lewis Carroll 20 It was a talented English poet and writer. He was born in India. He wrote for children. His most famous children's book is The Jungle Book. It tells how the child Mowgli was brought up by the wolves and Baloo the bear, and Bagheera, the Black Panther taught him, the Law of the Jungle. Charles Dickens
WRITERS’ CORNER Oscar Wilde Agatha Christie Rudyard Kipling Joanne Rowling Lewis Carroll 30 Queen Victoria enjoyed “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” so much that she asked its author to send her a copy of his next book. She wasn’t amused to receive “Syllabus of Pure Algebraical Geometry”. This writer got an education in Oxford and became a teacher of mathematics. Charles Dickens
WRITERS’ CORNER Oscar Wilde Agatha Christie Rudyard Kipling Joanne Rowling Lewis Carroll 40 She was born in 1890 in Devon. She is the top-selling fiction writer of all times, the creator of the detectives Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. She wrote 79 crime novels, 19 plays and 6 romantic novels under the name of Mary Westmacott. Her books were translated into 103 foreign languages. Charles Dickens
WRITERS’ CORNER Oscar Wilde Agatha Christie Lewis Carroll Joanne Rowling Charles Dickens 50 It is a great English write. His many famous books describe life in England in the middle of the 19 th century and show hard it was for the poor and especially for children. These books are Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, David Copperfield, a Tale of Two Cities. Rudyard Kipling
SCIENTISTS’ CORNER Isaac Newton Charles Darwin 10 George Stephenson He was the outstanding British physicist and mathematician. He made three great discoveries: the differential calculus, the nature of white light, and the law of gravitation. He often told the story that he was inspired to formulate his theory of gravitation by watching the fall of an apple from a tree. John Logie Baird Alexander Graham Bell James Clerk Maxwell
SCIENTISTS’ CORNER Isaac Newton Charles Darwin 20 George Stephenson He was an English naturalist and geologist. He collected insects and minerals. He sailed to South America to make maps. He had his famous expedition on board the Beagle. He wrote the book “ The origin of species”. His theory of evolution opened a new period in the development of the science of biology. John Logie Baird Alexander Graham Bell James Clerk Maxwell
SCIENTISTS’ CORNER Isaac Newton Charles Darwin 30 George Stephenson He was born in 1847 in Edinburg. From his early years, he showed a sensitive nature and a talent for art, poetry, and music. He was a scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator who is credited with invention the first practical telephone in 1876. John Logie Baird Alexander Graham Bell James Clerk Maxwell
SCIENTISTS’ CORNER Isaac Newton Charles Darwin 40 George Stephenson He was a Scottish engineer, innovator, one of the inventors of the mechanical television and inventor of the world’s first working television system, also the world’s first fully electronic colour television broadcast. John Logie Baird Alexander Graham Bell James Clerk Maxwell
SCIENTISTS’ CORNER Isaac Newton Charles Darwin 50 George Stephenson He was a great English constructor and inventor. He made a revolution in steam transport. He invented the first steam. His steam ROCKET is in London museum now. He built steel rails. The fist railroad was from Manchester to Liverpool. It was 40 kms. John Logie Baird Alexander Graham Bell James Clerk Maxwell
MONARCH’S CORNER Queen Boadicea King Arthur 10 Elizabeth I It is a legendary British leader of the late 5 th and early 6 th centuries, who led the defence of Britain against Saxon invaders. He lived in the Camelot Kingdom with all of his Knights of the Round table. Queen Mary Stuart William I the Conqueror Queen Victoria
MONARCH’S CORNER Queen Boadicea King Arthur Elizabeth I 20 She became the queen at the age of 18. Her reign of 63 years and seven months. Together with her husband Prince Albert she decorated the Christmas tree for their children in Windsor for the first time in Britain and the fashion spread rapidly. Queen Mary Stuart William I the Conqueror Queen Victoria
MONARCH’S CORNER Queen Boadicea King Arthur Elizabeth I 30 She had red hair and spoke five languages. She was an intelligent woman and she led the country for the 45 years. England became rich and strong. It was a very exciting period of discovery and “a Golden Age” in English history for painting, music, architecture and literature. Queen Mary Stuart William I the Conqueror Queen Victoria
MONARCH’S CORNER Queen Boadicea King Arthur Elizabeth I 40 This Queen was born in 30 AD in the Roman province of Britannia. In 48 AD she married the king of the Iceni. When her husband died the Romans invaded the Iceni territory. She organized an army against the Romans. She defeated the Roman Legion and attacked Londinium. Queen Mary Stuart William I the Conqueror Queen Victoria
MONARCH’S CORNER Queen Boadicea King Arthur Elizabeth I 50 She became the queen in 1542 when she was six days old. When she was a girl of five she went to live in France. She married the King of France’s son when she was fifteen and became Queen of France next year. She sailed back in 1561 after husband’s death. She was executed in 1587. Queen Mary Stuart William I the Conqueror Queen Victoria
HISTORY IN PORTRAITS William Shakespeare Alexander Wood 10 Princess Diana She was born on the 21 of April in 1926. Her close family called her Princess "Lilibet“ in the childhood. She became the queen when she was 25. She became the longest-lived British monarch in 2007. Her Diamond Jubilee in 2012 marked 60 years as Queen. Elizabeth II Arthur Conan Doyle Alexander Flemming
HISTORY IN PORTRAITS William Shakespeare Alexander Wood 20 Princess Diana He was called “Sweet Swan of Avon”. He famous for his “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet”, and the Sonnets. He had a vocabulary of about 30, 000 words. We admire him for his rich languages. Many phrases of his plays have become sayings: “All the world is a stage”, “All’s well that ends well”. Elizabeth II Arthur Conan Doyle Alexander Flemming
HISTORY IN PORTRAITS William Shakespeare Alexander Wood 30 Princess Diana He was born in 1859 in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh. He used to be a doctor before starting his literature work. In 1887 he wrote his first detective story “A study in Scarlet”. He is the creator of the great detective liked playing the violin and smoking a pipe. Elizabeth II Arthur Conan Doyle Alexander Flemming
HISTORY IN PORTRAITS William Shakespeare Alexander Wood 40 Princess Diana He was a Scottish physician. In 1853, he invented the first hypodermic needle that used a true syringe and hollow needle. He took the sting of the bee as his model. Elizabeth II Arthur Conan Doyle Alexander Flemming
HISTORY IN PORTRAITS William Shakespeare Alexander Wood 50 Princess Diana He was a Scottish biologist and pharmacologist. His best known achievements are the discovery of the enzyme lysozyme in 1923 and the antibiotic substance penicillin in 1928, for which he shared the Noble Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945. Elizabeth II Arthur Conan Doyle Alexander Flemming
Интернет-ресурсы v v Король Артур: http: //rhymes. org. uk/images/king-arthur. jpg Британский флаг: http: //images. vector- images. com/clp 1/183519/clp 527883. jpg v Королева Боудикка: v v http: //i. piccy. info/i 7/174252 a 2 c 018 eb 60365 f 701 a 2 bf 19839/4 -551056/291946/n. V 2 Oev. MYq. S 4. jpg Королева Елизавета 1: http: //media-cacheak 0. pinimg. com/736 x/b 8/97/be/b 897 beb 6 d 8 d 515790505 fa 9 c 5450 e 94 f. jpg Вильгельм 1: http: //biofile. ru/pic/sj-03 -163. jpg v Королева Виктория: http: //img 0. liveinternet. ru/images/attach/c/0/120/800/120800124_474 px. C oronation_portrait_of_Queen_Victoria__Hayter_1838. jpg v Королева Елизавета II: v http: //img 1. liveinternet. ru/images/attach/c/7/95/95995879_3. jpg England: http: //images. vectorimages. com/clipart/xl/176/england_sign 1. jpg v Оскар Уайльд: v http: //i 6. pixs. ru/storage/9/3/2/wwwcolorfa_6868666_14285932. jpg Льюис Кэрролл: http: //www. lewis-carroll. ru/images/lkiem/1 -2. jpg
Интернет-ресурсы v v Редьярд Киплинг: http: //the 100. ru/images/nobel-laureates/id 1332/9349. jpg Джоан Роулинг: v http: //www. medikforum. ru/news/uploads/stars/joanne_k_rowling/medium _d 51 f 86 a 10 e 09555 f 3 b 2 a 25 fe 274 fca 7 b. jpeg Агата Кристи: http: //orpheusmusic. ru/_pu/10/66349473. jpg Чарльз Диккенс: http: //firepic. org/images/2015 -01/15/504 df 46 xfbvn. jpg Исаак Ньютон: http: //kursk. bezformata. ru/content/image 117973612. jpg v Чарльз Дарвин: v v v http: //zdravnso. ru/sites/default/files/field/image/%D 0%94%D 0%B 0%D 1 %80%D 0%B 2%D 0%B 8%D 0%BD. jpg Джордж Стефенсон: http: //infofiles. net/wpcontent/uploads/2012/11/george-stephenson. jpg Александр Грейам Белл: http: //www. hl-away. info/_pu/26/28465. jpg Джеймс Клерк Максвелл: http: //go 2. imgsmail. ru/imgpreview? key=62990245 ef 689 b 6 d&mb=imgdb_ preview_1720 Джон Лоуги Бэрд: http: //www. peoples. ru/technics/designer/john_logie_baird/baird_1. jpg
Интернет-ресурсы v v v v v Артур Конан Дойл: http: //www. vokrugsveta. ru/img/cmn/2007/03/04/036. jpg Уильям Шекспир: http: //artinvestment. ru/content/download/news_2011/20111027_flowert. jpg Александр Вуд: http: //eikenclub. ru/uploads/posts/201101/1296388069162 full. jpeg Александр Флеминг: http: //www. peoples. ru/medicine/founders/fleming_55. jpg Мария Стюарт: http: //the 100. ru/images/womens/id 862/mary-stewartwomens-1248. jpg Принцесса Диана: http: //fashiontime. ru/upload/iblock/711/6960_7766 w 690 h 530. jpg http: //stc. imhonet. ru/element/c 4/cb/c 4 cb 0 d 6960 d 8 e 390 c 9 d 0 e 70 eea 572 bff/k rasnye-sobaki. jpg http: //j. livelib. ru/boocover/1000459968/l/d 216/Charlz_Dikkens__Rozhdest venskaya_jolka. _Rozhdestvenskaya_pesn_v_proze. jpg http: //mexalib. com/pics/108100. jpg http: //stc. imhonet. ru/element/c 4/cb/c 4 cb 0 d 6960 d 8 e 390 c 9 d 0 e 70 eea 572 bff/k rasnye-sobaki. jpg
Интернет-ресурсы v v http: //i. livelib. ru/boocover/1000471980/l/c 738/Agatha_Christie__ Evil_under_the_Sun. jpg http: //j. livelib. ru/boocover/1000261515/l/013 e/Dzh. _K. _Roling__ Garri_Potter_i_filosofskij_kamen. jpg https: //upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b 9/Ad ventures_of_sherlock_holmes. jpg/200 px. Adventures_of_sherlock_holmes. jpg http: //i. livelib. ru/boocover/1000420256/l/4 ff 2/Uilyam_Shekspir_ _Makbet. jpg Источники вопросов v v Michael Harris New Opportunities Elementary Students’ book Pearson Longman (www. longman. com) Л. В. Пащенко Английский язык Дидактическая мозаика 8 Харьков Издательство «Утро» «Веста» , 2004 Идея создания игры – конкурс « 100 Великих. Британцы» ЧОУ «ЦДО «СНЕЙЛ» http: //www. nic-snail. ru Все портреты выполнены в программе Фото. Коллаж Шаблон презентации - http: //pedsovet. su/load/403 -1 -0 -43066
Интернет-ресурсы Сова: http: //serp-dm. ru/_nw/0/71629456. jpg v Уголок со звездами: https: //imgv fotki. yandex. ru/get/5109/svetlera. 16 c/0_5662 a_8158 dd 54_orig v Золотые анимированные звездочки (1 слайд): http: //img 0. liveinternet. ru/images/attach/c/3/77/957/77957384_77772038 _zvezdochki. gif v «Конфетти» (1 слайд): http: //img 1. liveinternet. ru/images/attach/b/2/2/633/2633622_6076627_52 83499_i 102714521_66418. gif v Разделитель: http: //domashniirestoran. ru/images/star-511 -106(3). gif На момент создания шаблона все ссылки являются активными.
Британия в лицах.pptx