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Methods of international political analyses Методика международно-политического анализа Нагиятова Л. Б.
LEVELS OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS International relations have various levels: global - United Nations Interregional - Non. Aligned Movement, Greenpeace, Regional - Europe, Middle East, Pacific Area, etc. , local - Russia, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, England, etc. In this regard, of particular importance in the modern world take the concept of regionalism and globalism. The basic principles of international relations enshrined in the UN Charter and other documents signed and ratified by most countries. This is primarily non-intervention, according to which no State or group of States has the right to directly or indirectly interfere in the internal or external affairs of another state. The principle of nonintervention prohibits the organization, promotion, assistance in armed subversive or terrorist activities aimed at changing the socio-political system of another country by force or aggression. Other important principles of international relations can distinguish the principle of peaceful settlement of international disputes and conflicts, that is, any dispute between international actors differences should be resolved through negotiation, mediation, litigation, international arbitration, not to endanger the peace and security of nations. The principle of peaceful coexistence between countries with different social systems, that is, recognition of the inviolability of borders, territorial integrity, full cooperation, the rejection of the use of force to violate the political independence of any state. The principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, the principle of sovereign equality of States, which excludes [c. 173] any foreign power in the territory of another state. Sovereignty is always full, exclusive, inalienable property of the state.
The principle of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, which are understood the complex social, economic, civil, political and cultural rights and freedoms that characterize the status of the individual in the State. In addition to the UN Charter, this principle is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in 1960, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination of 1966, in the Covenants on Human Rights in 1966, in the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe in 1975 and in other international instruments. This principle also condemns all forms of racial discrimination because of skin color, ethnicity, religion, language, gender as an attack on the dignity of the individual. In today's rapid development and distribution of electronic media is becoming increasingly important principle of absolute abstinence from the promotion of violence, terror and war as an instrument of deprivation of people - large or small - of their national identity. Finally, the principle of good faith implementation by States of obligations assumed by them in accordance with the UN Charter. Today, the defining trends of international relations is the humanization and democratization. Humanization means the transition to this type of international relations, that can best serve the interests of the individual, help to create maximum opportunities for further development and improvement, to improve the quality of most of her life. Democratization of international relations serves as a means of building a humane world order.
Classification of modern theories of international relations 1. Географический критерий: • Англо-саксонские концепции, • Советское • Китайское понимание международных отношений Глобальные экспликативные теории: Политический реализм Философия истории; 2. Частные гипотезы и методы: Бихевиористская школа. Швейцарский автор Филипп Брайар: Политический реализм, Историческая социология Марксистско-ленинская концепция международных отношений. Частные теории: Теория международных акторов (Багат Корани); Теория взаимодействий в рамках международных систем (Джордж Модельски, Самир Амин; Карл Кайзер); Теории стратегии, конфликтов и исследования мира (Люсь-ен Пуарье, Дэвид Сингер, Йохан Галтуиг); Теории интеграции (Амитаи Этциони; Карл Дойч); Теории международной организации (Инис Клод; Жан Сиотис; Эрнст Хаас) 3. Основное внимание уделяют полемике между представителями традиционного и "научного" подходов к анализу международных отношений. 4. Основана на выделении центральных проблем, характерных для той или иной
Classification of modern theories of international relations 1. Geographical criteria: • Anglo-Saxon concept • Soviet • Chinese understanding of international relations • Global explicative theory: Political realism; History of Philosophy ; 2. Specific hypotheses and methods: Behaviorist school. Swiss author Philip Bryar: • Political Realism • Historical Sociology • Marxist-Leninist conception of international relations. • Particular theories: Theory of international actors (Bagat Quran); • Theory of interactions in the international systems (George Modelski, Samir Amin, Karl Kaiser); • Theory of Strategy, Conflict and Peace Research (Lyus en Poirier, David Singer, Johan Galtuig) Integration Theory (Amitai Etzioni, Karl Deutsch) • The theory of international organizations (Inis Claude, Jean Siotis, Ernst Haas) 3. They focus on the controversy between the traditional and the "scientific" approach to the analysis of international relations.
5. Опираются на комплексные критерии. Багат Корани (Канада) выстраивает типологию теорий международных отношений на основе используемых ими методов ("классические" и "модернистские") и концептуального видения мира ("либерально-плюралистическое" и "материалистическо-структуралистское"). Выделяет такие направления как: Политический реализм (Г. Моргентау; Р. Арон; X. Бал), • Бихевиоризм (Д. Сингер; М. Каплан) • Классический марксизм (К. Маркс; Ф. Энгельс; В. И. Ленин) • Неомарксизм (или школа "зависимости": И. Валлерстейн; С. Амин; А. Франк; Ф. Кардозо). Подобным же образом Даниель Коляр останавливает внимание на классической теории "естественного состояния" (т. е. политическом реализме); теории "международного сообщества" (или политическом идеализме); марксистском идеологическом течении и его многочисленных интерпретациях; доктринальном англо-саксонском течении, а также на французской школе международных отношений. Марсель Мерль считает, что основные направления в современной науке о международных отношениях представлены традиционалистами - наследниками классической школы (Ганс Моргентау; Стэнли Хоффманн; Генри Киссинджер); Англо-саксонскими социологическими концепциями бихевиоризма и функционализма (Роберт Кокс; Дэвид Сингер; Мортон Каплан; Дэвид Истон); Марксистским и неомарксистскими (Пол Баран; Пол Суизи; Самир Амин) течениями.
5. Based on complex criteria. Bagat Quran (Canada) is building a typology of theories of international relations based on the methods they use ("classic" and "modern") and conceptual understanding of the world ("the liberal-pluralist" and "materialist-structuralist"). Includes such areas as political realism (Morgenthau, Aron; X. Ball) • Behaviorism (D. Singer, M. Kaplan) • Classical Marxism (Marx, Engels, Lenin) • Neo-Marxism (or school "dependence": I. Vallersteyn, S. Amin, A. Frank, F. Cardoso). Similarly Daniel Kolyar focus attention on the classical theory of the "natural state" (ie, political realism), theory of the "international community" (or political idealism) Marxist ideologies and its many interpretations, doctrinal during the Anglo. Saxon and on the French school of international relations. Marcel Merle believes that the main trends in modern science of international relations are traditionalists - heirs of the classical school (Hans Morgenthau, Stanley Hoffmann, Henry Kissinger); Anglo-Saxon sociological concepts of behaviorism and functionalism (Robert Cox, David Singer, Morton Kaplan, David Easton); Marxist and neo-Marxist (Paul Baran, Paul Sweezy, Samir Amin) currents
Наследие Фукидида, Макиавелли, Гоббса, де Ваттеля и Клаузевица, с одной стороны, Витория, Греция, Канта, - с другой, нашло свое непосредственное отражение в той крупной научной дискуссии, которая возникла в США в период между двумя мировыми войнами, дискуссии между реалистами и идеалистами. Идеализм имеет и более близкие идейно-теоретические истоки: утопический социализм, либерализм и пацифизм XIX в. Его основная посылка - убеждение в необходимости и возможности покончить с мировыми войнами и вооруженными конфликтами между государствами путем правового регулирования и демократизации международных отношений, распространения на них норм нравственности и справедливости. В политической практике идеализм нашел свое воплощение в разработанной после первой мировой войны американским президентом Вудро Вильсоном программы создания Лиги Наций (17), в Пакте Бриана-Келлога (1928 г. ), предусматривающем отказ от применения силы в межгосударственных отношениях, а также в доктрине Стаймсона (1932 г. ), по которой США отказываются от дипломатического признания любого изменения, если оно достигнуто при помощи силы. В послевоенные годы идеалистическая традиция нашла определенное воплощение в деятельности таких американских политиков как госсекретарь Джон Ф. Даллес и госсекретарь Збигнев Бжезинский (представляющий, впрочем, не только политическую, но и академическую элиту своей страны), президент Джимми Картер (19761980) и президент Джордж Буш (1988 -1992). В научной литературе она была представлена, в частности, книгой таких американских авторов как Р. Кларк и Л. Б. Сон "Достижение мира через мировое право". Основным инструментом преодоления войн и достижения вечного мира между народами должно стать мировое правительство, руководимое ООН и действующее на основе детально разработанной мировой конституции (18). Сходные идеи высказываются в ряде работ европейских авторов (19). Идея мирового правительства
Heritage of Phucydides, Machiavelli, Hobbes, de Vattel and Clausewitz, on the one hand, Vitoria, Greece, Kant, - on the other, found directly reflection in the major scientific debate, which originated in the U. S. in the period between the two world wars, the debate between realists and idealists. Idealism in the modern science of international relations has a more immediate ideological and theoretical sources, which are mainly Utopian socialism Liberalism and Pacifism in XIX. Its basic idea - belief in the necessity and possibility to end the wars and armed conflicts between states through regulation and democratization of international relations, extending to them the rules of morality and justice. Under this direction, the international community of democratic states, with the support and pressure from public opinion, it can settle arising between members conflicts peacefully, methods of legal regulation, to increase the number and role of international organizations that promote mutually beneficial cooperation and exchange. One of its priority themes - is a system of collective security based on voluntary disarmament and mutual renunciation of war as an instrument of international policy.
In political practice, the idealism embodied in the developed after World War II American President Woodrow Wilson, the program of the League of Nations (17), the Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928), provides for the non-use of force in international relations, and in the doctrine Staymsona (1932), in which the United States refuse diplomatic recognition of a change, if it is achieved by the use of force. After the war, the idealistic tradition found expression in some of the American politicians such as Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State and Zbigniew Brzezinski (representing, however, not only political, but also the academic elite of the country), President Jimmy Carter (1976 -1980) and President George W. Bush (1988 -1992). In the literature it has been presented, in particular, a book by American authors such as Richard Clarke and LB Dream "Achieving peace through world law. " In the book, a draft phase of disarmament and the establishment of a system of collective security for the world for the period 1960 -1980 years. The main tool to overcome war and achieve perpetual peace among nations must be a world government, led by the UN and acting on the basis of an elaborate world of the constitution. Similar ideas are expressed in a number of works by European authors (19). The idea of a world government, and expressed in the papal encyclicals: John XXIII - "Pacem in terns" or 16. 04. 63, Paul VI - "Populorum progressio" from 03/26/67, and John Paul II - on 2/12/80, which today stands the creation of "political power, endowed with universal competence".
Folklore of ancient and medieval times Kazakh folklore and literature - holistic national folklore and written literature formed and developed in the former Kazakh Khanate and the present-day Republic of Kazakhstan. • Scientific studies show that primary sources of Kazakh literature are common to all Turkic peoples like tales of Saks-Massagets created in VIII-VI centuries BC, particular such epics as "Tumaris", " Chirac ", Zariadar and Odadita "Orkhon-Yenisey” written monuments, legends and traditions about Kayumars and Iskander Zulkarnayn and others in the book "Monument" by Biruni; • proverbs and sayings, riddles, tongue twisters, songs-contests in "Devonu lugat it Turk» by Mahmoud Kashgari (VI century); • "Oguznama", "Book of grandfather Korkut" • works of Yusuf Has Khadjib and Ahmed Yugnaky, Khorezmi, and others.
How long the folklore of the Middle Ages takes the period? • since the formation of early feudal states to the decline of the Kazakh Khanate. As recorded at the time the actual folklore texts are missing, • the main source are some engraved on the rocks samples of literary works of folklore, which make it possible, though indirectly, to judge the state and forms of folklore at that time. • This is an ancient Turkic inscription in honor of Kyultegin and Bilge Kagan; • these are anonymous works "Oguz-name“; • "Code Kumanikus" and "Kitabi Dedem Korkut" as well as works "Kissas-ul-anbiya" by Rabguzi, "Muhabbat-name" by Khorizmi and others.
Content and folk motifs • In these written materials, folk motifs and themes (and sometimes genres are widely represented), which describes the national customs, shows the actions of characters resembling mythical deeds of ancestors, epic heroes, fairy tale characters or historical figures. For example, in Ancient texts carved in stone, are obvious traces of archaic myth of the origin of heaven and earth, the ancestors of the Turks, there is a spirit and motives of the heroic epic, and "Oguzname" and "Kitabi Dedem Korkut" is something different from the book as examples of medieval epic with all the properties of the epic genre, the "Code Kumanikus" as there a large number of proverbs, riddles, and quatrains.
Period of the Kazakh Khanate many ancient genres and subjects receive a new impulse and transformed into real artistic creation. The system of classical folk is formed, especially blossoms heroic and romantic epic, based on the ancient tales of the developing animal, heroic, and legends, proverbs, there is a historical epic. . . It is at the very period the process of historical, biographical and genealogical cyclization epic and other genres, in most folklore there is a peculiar reflection of life and the life of people of the Kazakh Khanate.
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