Скачать презентацию Meteorology is the study and forecasting of weather Скачать презентацию Meteorology is the study and forecasting of weather


  • Количество слайдов: 98

Meteorology is the study and forecasting of weather changes resulting from large scale atmospheric Meteorology is the study and forecasting of weather changes resulting from large scale atmospheric circulation

Introduction Introduction

Air Pollutant Cycle Air Pollutant Cycle

Transport Transport

Concentration & Dispersion Concentration & Dispersion

Prediction Prediction

Dispersion Dispersion

Atmosphere Atmosphere

Atmosphere Atmosphere

Atmosphere Atmosphere

Solar Radiation Solar Radiation

Insolation Insolation

Solar Incidence Angle Solar Incidence Angle

Wind Circulation Wind Circulation

Wind Circulation Wind Circulation

Wind Circulation Wind Circulation

Wind Circulation Wind Circulation

Wind Circulation Wind Circulation

Wind Circulation Wind Circulation

Rotation Rotation

Low-pressure system Low-pressure system

Rotation Rotation

Isobar Isobar

Frictional Force Frictional Force

Frictional Force Frictional Force

Influence of Ground & Sea Influence of Ground & Sea

Influence of Ground & Sea Influence of Ground & Sea

Vertical Motion Vertical Motion

Properties of Gases Properties of Gases

Lapse Rate Lapse Rate

Adiabatic expansion Adiabatic expansion

Adiabatic expansion Adiabatic expansion

Adiabatic expansion Adiabatic expansion

Lapse rate Lapse rate

Lapse rate Lapse rate

International lapse rate International lapse rate

International Lapse Rate International Lapse Rate

Temperature change due to atmospheric height Temperature change due to atmospheric height

Atmospheric Stability Atmospheric Stability

Inversions Inversions

Two Types of Inversion Two Types of Inversion

Two more Types of Inversion Two more Types of Inversion

Stability Classes Stability Classes

Wind Velocity Profile Wind Velocity Profile

Wind Velocity Profile Wind Velocity Profile

Wind Velocity Profile Wind Velocity Profile

Wind Velocity Profile Wind Velocity Profile

Wind Direction Wind Direction

Predicting Wind Direction Predicting Wind Direction

Mixing Height Mixing Height

Mixing Height Mixing Height

Mixing Height Mixing Height

Mechanics of Mixing Height Parcel heated by solar radiation at earth’s surface Rises until Mechanics of Mixing Height Parcel heated by solar radiation at earth’s surface Rises until temperature T’ = T T’ = particle’s temp T = atmospheric temp Achieves neutral equilibrium, no tendency for further upward motion

Turbulence Turbulence

General Characteristics of Stack Plumes General Characteristics of Stack Plumes

Six Classes of Plume Behavior Six Classes of Plume Behavior

Six Classes of Plume Behavior Six Classes of Plume Behavior

Six Classes of Plume Behavior Six Classes of Plume Behavior

Six Classes of Plume Behavior Six Classes of Plume Behavior

Six Classes of Plume Behavior Six Classes of Plume Behavior

Assignment 3 Assignment 3