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Metalfab Hightech Pvt. Ltd. E-21/25 MIDC AREA, HINGNA ROAD NAGPUR (MS) -440028 INDIA
v. Metalfab Hightech Pvt. Ltd. At a glance An ISO 9001: 2000 Certified company has manufactured almost 1000 Tubular towers for wind energy industry since year 2000. E nercon (India) one of the leaders in Wind Power Business has awarded for Towers. Metalfab Hightech Pvt. Ltd. as best Supplier
v Introduction Ø Company was established in year 1981 as M/S. METALFAB INDUSTRIES up to 1995, subsequently later known as M/s. METALFAB HIGHTECH PVT. LTD on Day 17 th April 1996. Ø ISO-9001 - 2000 certified company. Ø METALFAB has technically proficient team of professionals backed with highly motivated skilled work force resulting in a huge wealth of Experience and knowledge in the field of manufacturing of Tubular Tower for generation of Electricity through Windmill.
Ø It is serving customers from Public & Private core sectors and emerged as renounced Fabrication unit in central India, Manufacturing, Testing , Supply & Erection of Sophisticated Equipment and Technological Structures for Steel, Cement , power, Chemical and petrochemical etc. Ø Company has successfully executed a large number of order under Third Party Surveillance such as Lloyds, SGS, PDIL, MECON, MN DASTUR, TATA PROJECTS, SMS GERMANY, VOEST ALPHINE – AUSTRIA etc. Ø It is well equipped with Material preparation , forming, welding, machining, Material handling and Power Source facilities and Surface preparation & coating.
v. Management Mr. Sandeep Jain Managing Director Mr. S. Dharmarajan Mrs. Manju Jain Management Representative M Marketing A General Manager Mr. M. Omprakash AGM (COMML) Quality Mr. Ajit Kumar Ghosh DGM QA A Finance Mr. S. J. Nandakumar AGM Finance G Production N E Purchase R Stores Mr. Anurag Misra Mr. Arvind Rai Production Mgr. Astt. Mgr. Purchase Mr. Ravindra Parande Stores
v. Work Site at a Glance
v. Steel Sections for 75 Meter height Towers.
v. Capacity u Total Production Area u Free/ Uncovered area for u Production capacity is 800 -1200 available is 21173. 04 sq. Mtr. production is 3871 Sq. Mtr. Ton depending upon product mix. u Sophisticated Machineries for u More than 400 (includes Admin, Material Processing and handling. Technical & Workers) skilled and semi-skilled Employees i. e. a strong Human resource.
v. Machinery at Works Material Handling Facility • • • a) Movable Hydra Cranes 8 Ton Cap. 3 Nos. b) Movable Hydra Crane 11 Ton Cap. 1 No. c) Coles Crane revolving type 15 Ton cap. 1 No. d) TATA 955 Crane revolving type 75 Ton cap. 1 No. e) Over Head Cranes of different capacities 5 to 25 Tons cap. 1 No. , 8 T Cap. -1 No. , 10 T Cap. -4 Nos. , 5 T Cap. -1 No. , 20 T Cap. -2 Nos. , 25 T Cap. - 3 Nos. , f) ETO Crane 30 T Cap. - 3 Nos, 20 T Cap. – 1 No. , 15 Cap. - 2 Nos. Material Preparation & Forming Facility. • • • a) CNC Profile cutting machine with Auto Beveling 2 Nos. B) Plasma Cutting Machine, Cap. 20 Thickness In Stainless Steel 1 No. c) Portable Pug Cutting Machines 16 Nos. d) Shearing Machine 5 mm Thickness X 2500 mm 1 No. e) Cropping, Shearing & Punching Machine Cap. 30 Φ 16 Thk. 1 No. , Cap. 50 Φ 16 Thk 2 No. f) Plate Bending Machine, Cap. 3 Mtr. x 50 Thk. 1 No. Cap. 3. 2 Mtr. x 40 Thk. 1 No. Cap. 2. 5 Thk. x 50 Thk. 1 No. g) Portable Grinding Machines 50 Nos. h) Flexible Shaft Grinder 10 Nos. i) Hydraulic Press of cap. 75 Ton Cap. 1 No. , 100 Ton Cap. 1 No. 250 Ton Cap 1 No
u Welding Facilities • • • u a) Submerged Arc Welding Machine for Long Seam Welding 3 Nos. b) Submerged Arc Welding Machine With Column and Boom for circumferential & Long Seam welding with Automatic Rotators (15 Ton to 50 Ton) Covering a Length of 8 Mtr. 2 Nos. 2 Mtr. 1 Nos. 13 Mtr. 1 Nos. c) Special internal Circ Seam Submerged Arc Welding Machine for a Minimum diameter 1200 mm. 3 No. d) MIG Co 2 Welding Machine 10 Nos. e) Welding Rectifiers / Generators, 400 Amps. 60 Nos. f) TIG Welding Machine 2 Nos. Machining Facilities • • • a) Vertical Turning Boring Machine, Table Diameter - 0. 5 Mtr. /Swing 1. 6 Mtr. x 1 Mtr. ht. 1 No. - 3 Mtr. / Swing 3. 5 Mtr. X 2. 5 Mtr. Ht. 2 Nos. - 4. 5 Mtr. / Swing 5. 0 Mtr. x 3 Mtr. ht. 1 No. - 3 Mtr. / Swing 6. 3 Mtr. X 3 Mtr. ht. 1 No. b) Radial Drilling Machines, RM 65, 50, 40, 32 4 Nos. c) 40 Φ Pillar Drilling Machines 8 Nos. d) NW 10 Φ Drilling Machines with Magnetic Base 8 Nos. e) Plano Miller, Table Size: 1. 5 Mtr. x 4 Mtr 1 No. f) Shaper 24” Stroke. 1 No. g) Lathe Machines different sizes 3 Nos. h) Flange Facing Machine 3 Nos. i) Horizontal Drilling Machine with Rotary (Indexing Table) 1 No.
w Surface Preparation and Coatings a) Shot Blasting Room, 7. 0 x 30 Mtr. 2 Nos. b) Shot Blasting Room, 5. 0 x 15 Mtr. 1 No. c) Painting Room, 7 x 30 Mtr. 6 Nos. d) Painting Room, 5 x 15 Mtr. 3 Nos. e) Reciprocating Compressor, 140 CFM 1 No. f) Screw Compressors, 100 CFM (Portable) 1 No. 173 CFM 1 No. 193 CFM 3 g) Grit Blasting Unit 6 Nos. h) Electric Spray for Non – Ferrous Metal Spray 1 No. i) Arc Jet Spray Guns Gas based for spraying non-ferrous metals. 3 Nos. j) Airless Spray Painting Pump, Ratio – 1: 55 6 Nos. k) Airless Spray Painting Pump, Ratio – 1: 40 2 Nos. w Power Source Power Transformer 850 KVA , 400 KVA & 315 KVA 3 Nos. b) Diesel Generator Sets of capacity 250 KVA 1 No. 320 KVA 1 No.
v. Inspection & Testing u u u Inspection & testing is done at various stages of production according to QAP by client is also acceptable. We had successfully handled many Third Party inspection agencies for jobs viz. SGS, Lloyds, PDIL, SMS-Germany, VOEST –Alphine Austria. In Process Third Party Inspection Highly equipped NDT- RT labs is available at our place. Material Testing, Laser Testing and many such other vital testing is carried out at our place for better Quality Assurance. Welder Qualification & other aspects of Quality Production is given utmost importance.
v. Testing Facility at Works (1)NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING FACILITIES AT WORKS Radiography with IC-2 Camera. Ultrasonic testing –D meter for measuring wall thickness up to 60 mm. Ultrasonic Flow Detector type DM - 501. Magnetic Particle testing by “ ORMS PAVAN “ made Magna Spray. Dye Penetrate test. Hydraulic testing up to 500 Kg/ Cm Press Pneumatic Testing and Vacuum Testing (2) PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL TESTING Physical and Chemical testing done from Government approved laboratory at Regional Engineering Collage. Nagpur and at reputed Private Lab. (3) DESIGN AND FABRICATION CODE ASME SEC –VIII. DIV. I TEMA, IS: 2825, IS: 803, DIN BS 5500, IBR and other Indian and International Codes. (4) INSPECTION AGENCIES BHEL, NTPC, BARC, L&T, PDIL, MECON, LLOYDS, Bureau VERITAS, EIL, MN Dastur, VAI, TATA Project Ltd.
v Internal Fittings - Towers
v Internal Fittings - Towers
v Tower Inspection
Manual Welding & Arc Welding
Lifting Capacity
v. Training on Attitude Engineering & Professionalism
Rolling & Re-Rolling of Sections
CNC Cutting Machine
v Director Dr. Surender Das (TRIHD) during his training on Attitude Engineering & professionalism.
v. Major Clientele u ENERCON India Ltd. • u Hamon Research Cottrell, Saudi Arabia. • u Tower for wind operated electricity generated of different capacity 16000 MTPA. ESP structure for Boilers etc. Global Wind Power Ltd. • • u u Manufacturing towers top units 750 KW Wind Turbines. 80 Meter Hub height Tubular Steel Towers. Kenersys India Pvt. Ltd. Thyssen. Krupp (I) P. Ltd. • u Thermax Ltd. • u Wagon Tippler and Material Handling equipments. Stacks, Deaereator Tanks, Vapour Tanks etc. ISGEC John Thompson, Noida. • • u u Boiler, Supporting structures and Auxiliaries. High pressure piping pressure vessels and heat exchangers • Material Handling equipments. BHEL Trichi and Hyderabad, India. Metso Minerals (I) Ltd.
v. Quality Policy Ø Ø Ø To produce items of high standard using best quality material to give customer satisfaction at the highest level. To update techniques to deliver quality goods in time as per specification of the customer. To develop human resources through communication training and participation at all levels. To achieve productivity through efficiency (do things rightly) and effectiveness (doing right things) safeguarding environment and conserve natural resources. To implement and maintain QMS as per ISO 90012000 and improve its effectiveness continually & seek certification.
v. Customer Satisfaction At a Glance of Customer Rating Ø Thermax Ltd. - Excellent Rating in Quality Ø Enercon (I) Ltd. - Best Supplier Ø ISGEC John Thompson - Very Good Ø Tata Steels - Good Ø Hamon R. Cottrell- Good Ø Belliss (I) Ltd. - Good
v. Work Experience in Wind Mill Tower u Enercon (I) Ltd. Manufactured almost 1000 towers since year 2000 & Awarded as Best Suppliers in Towers by Enercon (I) Ltd.
v. Regen Powertech P. Ltd. Manufactured almost more than 10 Towers of different heights.
v. Other Structures at Works u Boiler Tanks, Chimneys, Steel Parts of wind Operated Electricity Generators, etc.
v. Contact Details u mr. sandeep jain (Managing Director) Tel. : 07104 - 234240, 237998, 232566, Mob. : 09822221419 Fax : 07104 - 236713 Mail to: mfhpl@hotmail. com u mr. s. dharmarajan (General Manager) Tel. : 07104 - 234240, 237998, 232566, Mob. : 09922900205 Fax : 07104 - 236713 Mail to: mfhpl@hotmail. com
u mr. m. omprakash (AGM – COMML) Tel. : 07104 - 234240, 237998, 232566, Mob. : 09922900208 Fax : 07104 - 236713 Email: marketing@metalfabhightech. com u mr. ajit kumar Ghosh (DGM – QA) Tel. : 07104 - 234240, 237998, 232566, Mob. : 09922900206 Fax : 07104 - 236713 Email: marketing@metalfabhightech. com
u mr. s. j. nandakumar (AGM – Finance) Tel. : 07104 - 234240, 237998, 232566, Mob. : 09922900211 Fax : 07104 - 236713 Email: info@metalfabhightech. com u mrs. manju jain (Management Representative) Tel. : 07104 - 234240, 237998, 232566, Mob. : 09822369419 Fax : 07104 - 236713 Email: mfhpl@hotmail. com