Information metabolism Pt1.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 82
Metabolism – circulation of nutrients
• Mental attitudes, called also modes of thinking, include optimism, pessimism, realism and idealism (they can be all enhanced by perfectionism). • Mental attitude is basically what attitude the person takes to something that happens – and what he remembers out of the situation
• What is optimism? • Can you draw examples of being optimistic? • Are you and your close people optimists? • Do you think that optimists are always happy? • Do you get irritated by optimists? • What are good and bad sides of being an optimist?
Origins of optimism • At the prehistoric time humans had to be cautious, since every mistake was fatal, so pessimists survived more often where optimists were eaten trying • With development of human society the consequences of failure became much less fatal
Philosophical optimism we live in the best possible world This usually is connected with the idea that the God created the universe perfect for humans.
Panglossianism, or pessimistic philosophical optimism since we live in the best of the worlds already it’s impossible to get better – just because it’s already perfect as it is Every tragedy has a reason that leads to more positive thing
Optimalism (evolutionary optimism) this universe exists because it is better than the alternatives willingness to accept failure while remaining confident that success will follow
Optimism bias One of cognitive biases (remember beautiful person-kind person) Makes person believe that they are less at risk of experiencing a negative event compared to others
• What is pessimism? • Can you draw examples (or idioms) of being pessimistic? • Do you think that pessimists are always depressed? • Is it good to be a pessimist and be ready for the bad outcome? • Do you get irritated by pessimists?
Philosophical pessimism (Existential nihilism) Life has no meaning or value, Choices are useless since you can’t change anything All you can do is take what you can from it. You cannot fail (because you cannot win)
Consequences of mental attitude • Optimists: are 5– 10% less likely to have a heart attack, stroke or depression • Optimists smoke less, are more physically active, consume more fruit, vegetables and whole-grain bread, and consume more moderate amounts of alcohol • Pessimists generally have higher levels of cortisol (the “stress hormone”) and have trouble regulating it in response to stressors
• When life gives you lemons, make lemonade • Every cloud has a silver lining • There is light at the end of the tunnel • To hope against hope (that something happens) Though his knee is badly injured, he is hoping against hope that he will win the race. • Count your blessings Sometimes you get frustrated working whole day on the computer but count your blessings; technology has given you a lot. • Every dog has his day
• Keep your chin up I know you have difficulty finding a job but you will have to keep your chin up • To hang in there A sale of our product is not going high but still we hang in there for better future • There are plenty of fish in the sea • Everything is coming up roses • When one door closes, another one opens • Wear rose-tinted glasses
• Be your own worst enemy • If the worst comes to the worst • Someone’s days are numbered • To drop the ball (baseball) – screw up, make a big mistake with consequences • To look on the black side • To rain on someone’s parade • Doom and gloom • When pigs fly
Make a situation based on your idiom
• Hope for the best and prepare for the worst (realist)
Information metabolism Pt1.pptx