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Mercantil Laboratorio SAC Calle Santorin N° 243 Urb. El Vivero Monterrico Surco - Lima 33 Telef. 4342727 Fax 4360138 www. mercantillab. com. pe ventas@mercantillab. com. pe
Capp. Aero™ Pipettes Product training Pipetting Concepts, Product Review and Selling Information
Who are we? § Capp A/S is a Danish manufacturer of pipettes and immunowashers § Established 1984 § World-wide distributor network of local laboratory suppliers and selective private brand agreements § An ISO 9001 Certificated Company
Where are we? Production and salesoffice worldwide: Capp A/S - Landbrugsvej 10 - DK-5260 Odense S - Denmark Tel. +45 66 13 61 40 - Fax. +45 66 13 27 70 - info@capp. dk
Capp Profile Company vision § To develop, produce and market high quality pipettes and related equipment for liquid handling in laboratories. Strategic goal § To reach a globally strong position by means of a consistent and determined focus on a high quality profile.
Capp Profile Operating principles To develop products of the highest quality with emphasis on unique benefits to users. To be a serious trading partner conducting business with the highest degree of credibility. § To choose suppliers and subcontractors based on high quality, continuity, capacity and proximity and with emphasis on lasting, stable relationships. § To choose distributors with emphasis on long lasting, stable relationships based on trust and open two-way communication. § To promote and to increase the awareness of the pipetting concepts (the five elements of pipetting).
Pipetting General principles & background
Forward Pipetting The ”normal” pipetting technique À Push to 1 st stop Á Draw up liquid Dispense à Blow-out to 2 nd stop
Reverse Pipetting Useful e. g. for viscous samples À Push to 2 nd stop Á Draw up liquid Dispense to 1 st stop à Liquid may remain in tip!
Aspiration Techniques for correct aspiration: § Dip tip only a few mm into solution § Do not immerse too deeply § Keep the pipette vertical during aspiration!
Pipetting Guidelines Aspirate evenly and with consistent timing § Uneven rhythm/timing and/or piston movement: Up to 2% error (1. 5% and 0. 5% resp. ) Immerse tip vertically to maximally 1 cm § Up to 1% error Keep pipettes, tips and liquid at same temp. § Up to 0. 3% error/°C (RT to 0°C: 6%) % values of nominal volume
Pipetting Guidelines Prewet pipette tip before use § Up to 2% error § Also important for handling vapour pressure Wipe tip on vessel wall § Up to 3% error Do not reuse pipette tips § Up to 4% error % values of nominal volume
Pipetting Guidelines Choose correct pipette tips! §Up to 40% error! §Test: Fill tip, hold vertically – check for drops Specifications ONLY valid with Capp. Expel™ §ISO 8655 -2, section 7. 6: ”When using pipette tips not delivered by the pipette supplier, the supplier’s declaration or the certificate of conformity does not apply” % values of nominal volume
Accuracy Definition § ”Difference” between the set volume and observed mean volume: Example § Capp. Aero™ 5 -50 l : 1. 5% ( 0. 075 l) at 5 l 0. 7% ( 0. 35 l) at 50 l
Precision Definition § Reproducibility of a given volume delivered repeatedly. Given as coefficient of variance, Cv: Example § Capp. Aero™ 5 -50 l at 50 l: 0. 3% ( 0. 15 l)
Determining Accuracy & Precision Control/register environmental cond. § Temperature (humidity and atm. Pressure) Use appropriate balance § 4 -6 places (depends on volume), calibrated. Carry out # weighings § Accuracy: 5; Precision: 10 -15 Calculate § Compensate for spec. density (temp. ), evaporation.
Standards National / international § ISO 8655 is the guideline for piston-operated volumetric apparatus. Our products comply with essential requirements of Annex VIII of the IVDD (In vitro Diagnostics Directive 98/79/EC) and ISO 8655 -2: 2002/ISO 8655 -6: 2002. Capp has a Quality System in place based on DN/EN ISO 9001: 2000.
The Capp. Aero™ Pipettes Product description Features & benefits
Capp. Aero Pipette Volumes Single channel § 0. 2 -2; 05 -10; 5 -50; 10 -100; 25 -200; 100 -1000 ul; 1 -5 ml 8 - and 12 -channel § 0. 5 -10; 5 -50; 25 -200; 50 -300 ul 16 -channel § 0. 2 -2; 0. 5 -10; 5 -50 ul
Capp. Aero Pipette Types Standard, Grey Standard, Transparent Colour. Line, Single Soft. Line
Main Feature / Benefit Groups § § § Ergonomics / User friendliness Volume controllers Tip handling Pipetting performance Robustness
Ergonomics and user friendliness Ergonomical design § Pipetting may result in strain in hand/arm and shoulder/neck regions § Capp design philosophy is based on minimising strain and risk of adverse effects (RSI)
Force requirements Relates to hand, wrist and arm problems Sum of 3 actions § § § Aspiration (to first stop) Blow-out (to second stop) Tip ejection (third stop or separate action) The lower, the better!
Force requirements
Force requirements 2
Work position – shoulder issues Shoulder most often raised § Need to keep pipette vertical § Pipette length Shorter pipette the only solution! § Standard pipette length: 24 -27 cm Capp. Aero™ Short: 19 cm First short pipette available!
Other friendly features Volume controller ”turns” § Accommodates right- and left-handed users Finger hook Allows relaxed hand micro-pauses Soft. Line hook is flexible – automatically adjusts to user’s finger!
Other friendly features Thumb positioned correctly § Position optimal when most force required Soft. Line “rubber” handle Ultimately comfortable Colour. Line Brings colour to your work! Even clearer identification of volume range
The CAPP volume controllers Switch variable fixed volume § Quickest, most precise and easy § § Fixed controllers calibrated at exact volume Ideal for ”routine assays” Additional fixed volumes available § Any volume in range is possible § Also additional variable controllers (use as fixed? )
The Capp. Aero volume controllers User friendly Always visible, not obscured by hand § Slider locks volume setting Economical § ”Two for one” § § Very cheap compared to full fixed vol. pipette Reduces down-time
The Capp. Aero volume controllers Ordering volume controllers Variable volume: § xxx-VZ – where xxx = max volume of pipette Example: 200 -VZ for 25 -200 µl pipettes Fixed volume: § xxx-FZ yy – xxx = max volume; yy = controller vol. Example: 200 -FZ 50 – 50 µl controller for 25 -200 ul
Tip handling O-rings on all tip bases § (except the 16 -channels) § Double o-rings is standard; single on 1000 ul pipettes Provides excellent sealing § Accommodates wider tip range Smaller contact area between pipette & tip § Significant reduction in ejection force
Pipette performance Precision/Accuracy § At least equal to competitors § Conforms to standards § Multi channel data equals single channel levels
Pipette Performance Temperature affects precision. . . § There is air between the pipette piston and the liquid in the tip § § § When the pipette is warmed by the hand, the air bubble also gets warmer and expands The expanding air leaves less room for the liquid the warmer the pipette gets, the less liquid is dispensed.
Pipette Performance The Capp. Aero™ principle § The air in the hollow handle acts as insulation j When the knob is pressed down, warm air is expelled k When the knob goes back up, ambient temperature air is drawn into the pipette ‚
Capp. Aero™ Performance: Results
Robustness and reliability Steel, aluminium, polycarbonate. . . § Very high chemical resistance § § § Aluminium tolerates organic solvents better than plastic Fully autoclavable Much more break resistant
Robustness and reliability Tip bases easy to change § Individual tip bases can be changed on the multis Easy to service § Reduces need for (costly) external service § Minimal down-time
Capp in the market § § Positioning Competitor information
Market Positioning ?
Competitive Comparison
Competitive comparison Feature Capp. Aero Weight, g Epp. Refer. Epp. Res. Finn Digital 120 / 100 90 90 70 26 / 19 25 24 24 Aspiration 0 + + 0 Blow-out 0 ++ ++ Tip ejection 0 ++ 0 – to +* Setting, turns 10 18 18 18 Turn difficulty 0 0 (2 -handed) (+) +++ Finger rest + – + + Length, cm Force required for. . . * * 0 Capp level / + Harder / – Easier * Depending on tip mounting pressure
Possible drawbacks Slightly heavier § Choice of steel and aluminium vs plastic § Work in progress to substitute materials to reduce weight – without compromising benefits Numbers in variable controller § Some find them small Detachable volume controllers § Risk getting lost in teaching labs. . . ?
Possible drawbacks ” 2 ul setting” on 25 -200/50 -300 § Made to reduce no. of turns § All pipettes can be locked in place “in between” § Competitors settings may be deceptive in precision
Selling the Capp. Aero™ General selling points Tips & Tricks
General selling points Precision and accuracy Capp also have §General argument §Ergonomically optimal design §Know the data and definitions §Short pipette available §Every pipette sells on this §Simple and robust construction §Detachable volume controllers §Chemical resistance §Autoclavability • Find the argument(s) that make your customer ”tick”
Hands-on selling The customer’s hands, that is. . . § ”It sells itself” (well, almost) Experience from other distributors § Capp. Aero very well suited to small shows § Lots of points to talk about Use ”the look”! § Colour. Line and Soft. Line does well here!
Selling the singles Low force requirement § ”Plunger-to-plunger” demo § Look out for Gilson users ejecting the tip when aspirating Materials § Autoclavability § Break resistance Tip handling § vs Rainin LTS: same idea but with standard tips!
Selling the Short Show Universal & Short together § Point out ”they’re the same” § Hammer-and-Nail analogy Explain benefits § Shoulder relief § Enhanced tip control You’re better off vs competitors! § Labsystems introduced short pipette Nov ‘ 01
Multi channel selling Tip handling, tip handling and. . . tip handling! § ”Have you ever had trouble mounting and ejecting tips on your current multi channel pipette? ” § ”How easy is it to mount the tips on your current multi? ” Add the other benefits as necessary …
Multi channel selling Ejection lever for low-force ejection Tip bases § Aluminium – break resistant § Individually changeable Very easy maintenace § 2 screws out gives full access to pistons Autoclavability Single-channel accuracy/precision data
Tips and tricks Tip base on the BZ ”pre-loosened” Use Colour. Line for shows § More eye-catching! Soft. Line may win customers § It just feels good (customer responses) Which hand does the customer use? § Controller-switch potential winner for left-handed users
Tips and tricks Demoing Multis: § Watch the screws! When you sell a Multi § ”Teach” the customer to mount tips § The tip bases are aligned!
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Mercantil Laboratorio SAC Calle Santorin N° 243 Urb. El Vivero Monterrico Surco - Lima 33 Telef. 4342727 Fax 4360138 www. mercantillab. com. pe ventas@mercantillab. com. pe