Скачать презентацию Mepak-Kierrätys Oy www mepak fi Metal-packaging producer organisation Скачать презентацию Mepak-Kierrätys Oy www mepak fi Metal-packaging producer organisation


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Mepak-Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi Metal-packaging producer organisation • Founded in 1997, entered in Mepak-Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi Metal-packaging producer organisation • Founded in 1997, entered in the wastefile in 1998 • Packaging – Tinplate packaging such as food cans, paint pails, crown caps, lids to glass jars and aerosol cans – Aluminium packaging such as aluminium trays, screw caps, beverage cans, aerosol cans, foil lids and sardine cans – Steel packaging such as drums, bindings ja metal cores – Deposit beverage cans managed by PALPA 1 3/16/2018 Mepak - Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi

Area of responsibility and tasks • Organisation of the recovery of metal packaging to Area of responsibility and tasks • Organisation of the recovery of metal packaging to meet the recycling targets set in compliance with the EU packaging directive and the decision by the Council of State – 25 % in 2001 – 50 % in 2008 • Recovery assurance • Studying optional schemes to attain the target • Collection is not within the area of responsibility 2 3/16/2018 Mepak - Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi

Shareholders the entire packaging chain Domestic metal packaging industry Crown Pakkaus Oy Finn-Korkki Oy Shareholders the entire packaging chain Domestic metal packaging industry Crown Pakkaus Oy Finn-Korkki Oy Metalpak Oy Onni Forsell Oy Paketo Oy Packaging industry The Food Industry Federation The Printing Ink Association The Finnish Aerosol Association The Paint Industry Association Oil Industry Service Centre Wholesale-Retail trade The Food Retail Federation Building and Interior Supplies Trading Association Rasi 3 3/16/2018 Mepak - Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi

Recovery of metal packaging • Steel packaging recycled for the domestic steel industry through Recovery of metal packaging • Steel packaging recycled for the domestic steel industry through the scrap business • Aluminium packaging recycled by Kuusakoski Oy or the foreign aluminium industry • Tinplate packaging recycled for the foreign steel industry using crushing plants • Mechanical separation from other waste 4 3/16/2018 Mepak - Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi

Environmental impact of recycling • According to research by AEM Ltd the crushing and Environmental impact of recycling • According to research by AEM Ltd the crushing and smelting of metal paint packaging is more economical than processing automobile scrap from the standpoint of environmental impacts • Use of recycled metal as raw material for packaging saves energy by 75 -95 % • Each metal packaging contains over 25 % recycled material • The quality of metal does not deteriorate through recycling 5 3/16/2018 Mepak - Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi

Metal packaging in Finland in 2006 Packed in Finland imports • Tinplate 15 670 Metal packaging in Finland in 2006 Packed in Finland imports • Tinplate 15 670 tn • Aluminium 6 400 tn • Deposit cans 6 500 tn ++ • Steel 16 260 tn Total 44 800 tn 2001 target 2001 recycled 39 % 2003 recycled 50 % 2006 recycled 59 % 2008 EU target 6 25 % 50 % 3/16/2018 Mepak - Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi (Figures taken from PYR statistics)

Metal packaging waste (tn) Figures without bindings and beverage cans 7 3/16/2018 Mepak - Metal packaging waste (tn) Figures without bindings and beverage cans 7 3/16/2018 Mepak - Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi

Recycling of metal packaging material and reuse of metal packaging YEAR REUSED 1999 19 Recycling of metal packaging material and reuse of metal packaging YEAR REUSED 1999 19 % 90 % 2000 25 % 89 % 2001 39 % 88 % 2002 46 % 91 % 2003 50 % 88 % 2004 55 % 90 % 2005 54 % 90 % 2006 8 RECYCLED 59 % 93 % 3/16/2018 Mepak - Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi

Recovery fees based on statistical data from previous year 2002 1999 2003 2006 2000 Recovery fees based on statistical data from previous year 2002 1999 2003 2006 2000 2001 2004 2005 2007 2008 2009 (VAT 0 %) FIM/tn €/tn €/tn Alum. and tinplate 50 – 70 80 20 18 17 18 20 5 2 1, 80 1, 70 1, 80 2, 00 based Scheme Steel Deposit cans 9 3/16/2018 Mepak - Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi 0 -5 Fees from deposit

What recovery fees go to Crushing plants • recovery 75 % Suppliers of packaging What recovery fees go to Crushing plants • recovery 75 % Suppliers of packaging scrap Packer Importer PYR Oy MEPAK 100 % 10 % Workshop activities • payments • information • research • tests 15% Administration 10 3/16/2018 Mepak - Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi • www • office • travel

Recovery assurance Mepak has made contracts with the two scrap companies with crushing plants Recovery assurance Mepak has made contracts with the two scrap companies with crushing plants in Finland: Kuusakoski Oy and Stena Metalli Oy • Involving five crushing plants and 29 local terminals. In addition a collection skip by separate arrangement • Payment to deliverers of tinplate and aluminium packaging in 2009 – At local terminal – At crushing plant EUR 17, 00/ tn • Mepak-Kierrätys Oy pays for the crushing and transporation of, compilation of statistics on and recovery programme for packaging tinplate and aluminium • Statistics also on steel packaging • Suppliers of packaging tinplate and aluminium are registered with Mepak and are committed to the reception terms. Over 270 contracts. A certificate for contracting parties • Similar contract with Eurajoen Romu Oy (local terminal) 11 3/16/2018 Mepak - Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi

Reception points for metal packaging Crushing plants Local terminals Kuusakoski Oy Seutula, Heinola, Airaksela, Reception points for metal packaging Crushing plants Local terminals Kuusakoski Oy Seutula, Heinola, Airaksela, Lapua Turku, Tampere, Lahti Jyväskylä, Pori, Rauma, Kotka, Imatra, Karjaa, Esbo Laihia, Joensuu, Kajaani Oulu, Kalajoki, Iisalmi Stena Metalli Oy Pori Riihimäki, Tarvasjoki, Lahti Jyväskylä, Vaasa, Oulu, Pori Vantaa, Lappeenranta, Nokia Kotka, Joensuu, Pusula Eurajoen Romu Oy Eurajoki 12 3/16/2018 Mepak - Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi

Certificate Oy Company Ab has made a contract with Mepak-Kierrätys Oy, the producer organisation Certificate Oy Company Ab has made a contract with Mepak-Kierrätys Oy, the producer organisation for metal packaging, concerning the recovery of tinplate and aluminium packaging in accordance with Council of State decision 962/97. The contract entitles the said firm to payment for metal packaging complying with reception terms. The receiving firm is committed to the recycling of packaging into raw material. 13 3/16/2018 Mepak - Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi

Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj contract • Mepak and L&T have a joint contract concerning Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj contract • Mepak and L&T have a joint contract concerning the promotion of recycling of metal packaging • Contract for 2001 – 2003. New contract from 2004 • Mepak supports information and campaign activities • Mepak does not support collection • There is no exclusive agreement with L&T • L&T gradually providing collection of metal packaging and small metal to cover the whole country • The contract also covers paint pails 14 3/16/2018 Mepak - Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi

Food packaging • Running of Greater Helsinki Waste Management (YTV)`s 27 district collection points Food packaging • Running of Greater Helsinki Waste Management (YTV)`s 27 district collection points transferred to Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj. L&T provide collection services to households and business • Retailers, food industry and caterers involved (compacting systems) • Plan for an incineration plant to be set up by YTV where metals will be sorted. Waste management regulations to be renewed. Good results in collection of small metals (VTT) in pilot schemes. Metal recovered in Ekokem incineration plant. • Growth in municipal collection of small metals in Finland through contracts with Kuusakoski, Stena, Jylhän, Eurajoen and L&T and through the new landfill regulations 15 3/16/2018 Mepak - Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi

Paint packaging • Recycling trials among professional users since 1996 • Established recycling routines Paint packaging • Recycling trials among professional users since 1996 • Established recycling routines by industrial painters - recycling rate over 50 % • Emptying instructions for paint packaging - pails stacked on pallet with opening downwards - packaging must be absolutely dry/empty (no wet paint) - a hole must be pierced in the bottom to ensure drying and emptying • Reception terms checked for explosions occurring during crushing - contractpractice • Ongoing pilot schemes on building sites and paint retailers for profession painters 16 3/16/2018 Mepak - Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi

Consumer paint packaging • Collection pilot schemes started in 1999 - M. Sc. thesis Consumer paint packaging • Collection pilot schemes started in 1999 - M. Sc. thesis on recycling of consumer paint packaging - market research • Paint retailers involved are - Värisilmä store in Muurala - ATV in Turku - K-rauta store OTRA in Tampere - Rautia-Malmi - Maalarimestarien Oy in Helsinki • L&T provides collection service to retail stores • After pilot schemes recycling of consumer paint pails as part of small metal collection is allowed in the entire country in 2005 17 3/16/2018 Mepak - Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi

Recycling of aerosol cans • Different procedures in different countries. In Sweden empty unpressurized Recycling of aerosol cans • Different procedures in different countries. In Sweden empty unpressurized aerosol cans included in other packaging waste • In Finland pilot schemes at Seutulan Uusiometalli Oy´s plant - about five percent metal to be crushed consisted of aerosol cans - results acceptable after a difficult start • As a consequence of positive results of the trial in Turku following the Swedish model, collection of aerosol cans with other metal packaging waste is approved for the whole of Finland in 2005 • Collection instructions and reception terms for industrial aerosol cans made: www. mepak. fi 18 3/16/2018 Mepak - Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi

Steel packaging • Drums reconditioned 6 – 7 times • Drums rejected in conditioning Steel packaging • Drums reconditioned 6 – 7 times • Drums rejected in conditioning process (about %) sent to steel mills as raw material 30 • Clean drums with ends open sent to scrap dealers or crushing plant • Recycling instructions for users of drums: www. mepak. fi • The major part of steel binding goes as recycled raw material to steel mills via scrap dealers • The bindings are cut up or bailed for crushing 19 3/16/2018 Mepak - Kierrätys Oy www. mepak. fi