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Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality
TRANSNATIONAL AIMS ACHIEVED Transnational Partnership Name Company Name Presenter Name P² + S² = Enterprise through Equality Practical Care Solutions Tony Blunden PROJECT OVERVIEW Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality
TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT THIS PRESENTATION Ø How the partnership was formed Ø What we planned to achieve Ø How we planned to achieve it Ø What we have achieved Ø The future Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality
THE BENEFITS OF TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION Benefits: Challenges: Potential for future co-operation Widening the chance of contrast Raising the profile and credibility Adding value Increasing awareness of similarities Personal growth Cultural and language differences Finding the “right” partners Time Risk Limited commitment – int/ext Relationships Agreeing a programme Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality
Finding Suitable Partners 83 DP’s researched following recommendation, -referral or web navigation. 35 reviewed in detail 7 close hopefuls 3 visited 2 chosen Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality self
DESCRIPTION Three Partner Groups: Powys Equals Partnership (P=P²); Wales Agentύra špecializovanỳch služieb pre autistov a iné zdravotné postihnutia (UCR); Slovakia ETP Slovensko – Centrum pre udržatelnỳ rozvoj (ETP); Slovakia Wanting to improve the quality of life through social economic action for the respective communities. Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality
FIRST IMPRESSIONS: ETP Benefits: Challenges: Similarities Clarity of objectives and expectations Commitment Relationships Raising the profile and credibility DP management structure Opportunity for personal growth for all Previous international experience Client group Unseen potential for the future Culture National timetable differences Risk Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality
Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality
Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality
Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality
Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality
First Impressions: UCR Benefits: Challenges: Client group Urban setting DP Structure Language Employability motivations Involving community members Commitment and vision Risk Relationships Future working Raising the profile and credibility Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality
Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality
Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality
Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality
WHAT WE PLANNED TO ACHIEVE Development of Partner Voluntary Groups/NGOs Improving skills, ability, resources by building and strengthening the capacity of staff and management in voluntary groups Developing integrated and whole community approaches to Improve awareness and support service delivery that address the issues of economy of scale for people in disadvantaged groups structures Implementation of projects creating job opportunities in Involving others collaboration with local public authorities, employment offices, local organisations, businesses and individuals Dissemination of the project outcomes and of the practical Sharing and learning experiences and lessons learnt. Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality
SPECIFIC TASKS AND ACTIVITIES Establishing the Transnational Cooperative Partnership. Sharing experience of social enterprise Development of training modules, and toolkits relating to the lived experience and training for the development of social enterprises Joint marketing and joint project development Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality
SPECIFIC TASKS AND ACTIVITIES ACHIEVED Establishing the Transnational Cooperative Partnership. Sharing experience of social enterprise Development of training modules, and toolkits relating to the lived experience and training for the development of social enterprises Joint marketing and joint project development Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality
SPECIFIC TASKS AND ACTIVITIES ACHIEVED Establishing the Transnational Cooperative Partnership. Sharing experience of social enterprise Development of training modules, and toolkits relating to the lived experience and training for the development of social enterprises Joint marketing and joint project development Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality
SOFT EVALUATION STATISTICS Numbers of P=P people directly involved: 172 Number of man hours P=P has been in Slovakia: 4, 184 Number of different sites P=P has visited 27 Number of emails between P=P Co-ordinator + peers 271 Number of phone calls from/to P=P Co-ordinator 49 Number of people the P=P Co-ordinator has formally met 162 Number of registered complaints 0 Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality
THE FUTURE Opportunities for Training Opportunities for Joint Social Enterprise Opportunity for continued action research Opportunity for people exchange Opportunity for trade exchange Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality
CONCLUSION Ďakujem za Váš dnešný čas a záujem. Thank you for your time and interest today. Tony Blunden: 00 44 (0) 1938 500 233 siawns. teg@btinternet. com Menter drwy Gydraddoldeb Enterprise through Equality