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MEMBERS OF OUR CLUB Jay Ambler Doris Barnes Herman Bass John Bates Sevena Baum Charles Bender Max Booke Ed Borders Janice Bounds Doug Bradshaw Dick Brand Howard Brownie Brown Bill Bull Barry Chandler Bob Cooper Dan Corritore Gary Crumley 270 -0368 891 -4950 246 -7537 280 -8358 249 -5115 223 -0890 223 -2231 241 -5491 242 -9290 945 -9807 280 -2628 249 -5877 249 -0414 241 -0432 241 -5634 241 -0131 403 -5722 247 -8508 Beryl Dryden Jim Dunford Bill Fogg Erica Godamunne Bill Hutchinson Jenn King Hank Knox Carl Krouch Dan Kuchta Don Lafond James Lane Jim Lee Fred Lyons Ralph Marcello Walter Mather John Meadows John Meighan 241 -0888 249 -3593 249 -5129 821 -9842 246 -2853 230 -3806 246 -2225 249 -8842 241 -4145 382 -1023 285 -7273 249 -4292 241 -8333 992 -7221 246 -6745 285 -5082 247 -9268 Bill Montgomery Joe Overby Hugh Patterson Walt Pfeil Neil Powell Lal Ramdeen Jerry Richey Leigh Roberts Ed Robinson Al Russ Butch Shadwell C. W. Stanford Don Stanton Bill Thompson Burt van Wagner Carol Wallace Bill Wilson 221 -5527 249 -3513 246 -9262 221 -6810 343 -3571 992 -8275 223 -1376 247 -8929 223 -1591 645 -0688 223 -4465 249 -9974 992 -2123 246 -1442 246 -7264 992 -8037 249 -8562 Club Bulletin Editor Bev Shadwell Community Service Charles Bender, Erica Godumunne Human & Spiritual Values Sevena Baum, Al Russ Interclub Bill Montgomery, Don Lafond Jax Beach Elementary Mentoring Doris Barnes Membership Carl Krouch John Bates , New Projects Dan Kuchta, Burt Van Wagner Program Coordinator Al Russ, Janice Bounds Public Relations Jim Lee, Walt. Pfeil Sponsored Youth Butch Shadwell, Dan Corritore Terrific Kids Jay Ambler, Dick Brand, Webmaster Jim Lee Young Children Priority One John Meighan Gary Crumley , , KIWANIS CLUB Selva Marina Country Club 1600 Selva Marina Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 OF JACKSONVILLE BEACHES President: Ed Robinson January 4, 2007 Thursday Jan 4 Jan 11 Jan 18 Jan 25 12: 00 Greeters (11: 45 AM) John Meighan John Bates Bill Montgomery Hugh Patterson Janice Bounds Charles Bender C. W. Stanford Carl Krouch Joe Overby Walter Mather Hank Knox Neil Powell Guest Intro Dan Corritore Dan Kuchta Carol Wallace Bill Hutchinson Speaker Intro Program Jim Lee Butch Shadwell Jim Lee Patrick Healey Butch Shadwell President & CEO of ENFC Dr. G. P. “Gabe” Goodman James Jarboe Neptune Bch City Manager “Light” Minister of Community Presbyterian Church Special Events Fletcher Parent Recognition Breakfast Golf Tournament May Pancake Day Military Recognition Rose Sale Scholarships Teacher Recognition Day 2006 -2007 Officers President Ed Robinson 1 st Vice President Neil Powell 2 nd Vice President Burt Van Wagner Treasurer Ralph Marcello Secretary Leigh Roberts Past President Don Lafond Chartered: August 1, 1946 Our 60 th Year of Service Prayer Committees God Bless America Florida District Division 5 Burt Van. Wagner Butch Shadwell , Ed Robinson. Lal Ramdeen Neil Powell, Doris Barnes John Meighan Carl Krouch , Max Booke Lal Ramdeen Jay Ambler , , Butch Shadwell Beryl Dryden, Al Russ Board of Directors Doris Barnes John Bates Dan Kuchta James Lee Walt Pfeil Butch Shadwell Lt. Governor Division 5 Rande Le. Fevre District Governor Phil Yorston District Exec. . Director/Secretary George Langguth Club Newsletters Chair William F. Taylor International President Nelson Tucker Editor- Beverly Shadwell Ph. 223 -4465 bevs@shadtechserv. com www. beacheskiwanis. com/downloads. html Up Close & Personal Upcoming Events “Role of City Manager in Small Community” January 13 th Penman Road Cleanup and P-nut Sale "TOGETHER WE CAN, TOGETHER WE WILL!" WE ARE MEMBERS OF KIWANIS IN ORDER……. . • To give primacy to the human & spiritual rather than the material values of life. • To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships. • To promote the adoption & the application of higher social, business, & professional standards. • To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive, & serviceable citizenship. • To provide, through Kiwanis Clubs, a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service, & to build better communities. • To cooperate in creating & maintaining that sound public opinion & high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism, & goodwill.
LAST WEEK UPCOMING EVENTS SPEAKER District Council Meeting Dates in ‘ 07 Beryl Dryden Spoke about how the soldiers in Iraq are celebrating the holidays. Holly Beasley Executive Director of Beaches Historical Society Heavenly Father: Friday, Feb 16 - Official Gov's visit. Hosted by We stand before You with the hands, minds, and hearts that You gave us. the Westside Kiwanis Club Help us to put our hands at Your Thursday, May 17 - Hosted by the Fernandina service through the work of our club. Beach Kiwanis Club Help our minds to understand the best ways to help those less fortunate. And Thursday, Aug. 2 - Host club - TBD we ask that You help all our hearts to Other important '07 dates to plan for: inspire the actions our minds conceive. Jan. 13 - Penman Road Clean Up And now bless this food to our use and us to Your service. Amen Jan. 13 - Divisionwide "P-Nut Day Sale" From: “Invocations for Kiwanis Occasions” Jan. 27 - Districtwide "Kiwanis Education Day“ by James J. Muench April 1 - Mid-Winter Conference, Lake City July 5 -8 - International Convention, San Antonio, Tx OUR PROJECTS Aug. 23 -25 - Fl District Convention, Marco Island, FL Project S. 0. S Bill Hutchinson Lt Govenor Rande Le Fevre P-NUT DAY SALE If you signed up to volunteer for the Peanut Day Sale, be sure to come on Saturday, January 13 th, at the Atlantic Blvd Publix Store, at your selected time. Westside Kiwanis Club Visitors – Harry Ganey, Glen Johnson, Tom Bradock Visiting Kiwanians from out of state. Caroline and Barbara Bartoleti HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! None DATE JOINED Jim Dunford 1/5/89 CORRECTIONS The anniversary reported for Sevena and Manuel in the last newsletter has proven to be incorrect. Manuel tells us that he and Sevena are just friends. Our apologies for the mistake. The Editorial Staff Pictures by Butch Shadwell Thanks for print services from Don Lafond & Keller Williams Realty Visit Kiwanis Websites: www. beacheskiwanis. com www. floridakiwanis. com www. kiwanis. org Reading to Head Start Reading to Navy Childcare Center Jacksonville Bch Elmntry Mentoring Annual Children’s Book Gifts Beaches Habitat Scholarship Program (Feb) Fletcher Scholar Program Children’s Miracle Network Jacksonville Science & Eng. Fair Mission House Beaches Aquatic Center Scholarships Charity Golf Tournament (Dec) Mother’s Day Rose Sale (May) Garage Sale Sponsored Youth Fletcher Key Club UNF Circle K Club Penman Road Clean Up (monthly) Sailor of the Quarter Teacher of the Year Award Thanksgiving Dinner for Seniors (Nov) “Entertainment Book” Sale Community Service DIVISION 5 CLUBS Jacksonville - Downtown – Crown Plaza Hotel-1201 Riverplace Blvd. , 12: 30 Fernandina Beach - Municipal Golf Clubhouse, 6: 30 PM (Meets 1 st , 2 nd & 3 rd Monday) Historic St. Augustine - The Village Inn, 900 Ponce de Leon Blvd (U. S. 1), 7 AM Tuesday St. Augustine – Carrabba’s Italian Grill, SR 312 & US 1. , Noon (824 -8244) Wednesday Arlington - Jax. University - Bartlett Kinne University Center, 11: 30 (Meets the 1 st & 3 rd Wednesday) Deerwood - Holiday Inn, I-95 & Baymeadows Rd, Board Room, Noon (363 -2254) Thursday Jacksonville Beaches - Selva Marina, 1600 Selva Marina, Atlantic Bch, 12: 00 Westside - Holiday Inn I-295 & Commonwealth, 12: 30 Monday Lorraine Anderson Hosted by Gary Crumley INVOCATION