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MEMBERS May 9, 2008 Florida District Division 5 Jay Ambler/ Jane 270 -0368 Doris Barnes 891 -4950 Herman Bass/Alice 246 -7537 John Bates/ Delores 280 -8358 Sevena Baum 249 -5115 Charles Bender/ Wanda 223 -0890 Max Booke/Marlette 223 -2231 Ed Borders/ Nancy 241 -5491 Doug Bradshaw/ Connie 945 -9807 Dick Brand/ Paula 280 -2628 Howard Brown/ Hazel 249 -5877 Brownie Brown/ Marilee 249 -0414 Bill Bull/Jane 241 -0432 Barry Chandler/ Bev 241 -5634 Bob Cooper/ Margie 241 -0131 Dan Corritore/ Cindy 403 -5722 Gary Crumley 247 -8508 Gabriella Donivan 683 -2322 Beryl Dryden 241 -0888 Jim Dunford 249 -3593 Erica Godamunne/Senaca 821 -9842 George Goodloe/Kitty 241 -9526 Kitty Goodloe/George 241 -9526 Alex Himmelberg 548 -4808 Debbie Johnson/Jay 260 -4939 Carl Krouch/ Phyllis 249 -8842 Dan Kuchta/ Tillie 241 -4145 James Lane/ Marie 285 -7273 James Lee/ Mary Ellen 249 -4292 Bill Mac. Leod/Mary Lou 220 -2355 Ralph Marcello/Carol 992 -7221 John Meadows/ Leanne 285 -5082 John Meighan 247 -9268 Bill Montgomery/Lea 221 -5527 Joe Overby/Jean Hugh Patterson/Beth Walt Pfeil/Marie Neil Powell/Kristina Paula Powell/John Lal Ramdeen/Daphne Jerry Richey/ Vicki Ed Robinson/Myrle Al Russ/Gerry Harry Schnabel Butch Shadwell/Bev Don Stanton/Marian Burt van Wagner/ Joan Carol Wallace/Manny Wallace/Carol Bill Wilson/Jan 249 -3513 246 -9262 221 -6810 343 -3571 899 -6446 992 -8275 223 -1376 223 -1591 645 -0688 246 -7533 223 -4465 992 -2123 246 -7264 992 -8037 249 -8562 Division 5 Clubs Mon - Jacksonville Club Crown Plaza Hotel 1201 Riverplace Blvd, 12: 30 http: //kiwanisjax. com/ - Fernandina Beach Club Municipal Golf Clubhouse 6: 30 PM (1 st, 2 nd & 3 rd Mon) Tues - St. Augustine Club Carrabba’s Italian Grill SR 312 & US 1, Noon (824 -8244) Wed - Arlington Club Jacksonville University Bartlett Kinne University Center 11: 30 (1 st & 3 rd Wed) - Deerwood Club - Holiday Inn I-95 & Baymeadows Rd, Board Rm, 12: 00 Thurs- Jacksonville Beaches Club Selva Marina 1600 Selva Marina, Atlantic Bch, 12: 00 - Historic St. Augustine Club The Village Inn 900 Ponce de Leon Blvd (U. S. 1), 7 AM -Westside Club - Holiday Inn I-295 & Commonwealth, 12: 30 Committees Chairs Club Administration Community Service Finance and Fundraising Human and Spiritual Values Interclub Membership Growth and Education Newsletter Editor Program Coordinator Public Relations Sponsored Youth Webmaster Young Children: Priority One Bill Montgomery Corky Borders Neil Powell Hugh Patterson Al Russ Dick Brand Beverly Shadwell Doris Barnes Butch Shadwell James Lee Dan Corritore Special Events Fletcher Scholar Recognition Breakfast Golf Tournament Military Recognition Rose Sale Scholarships Teacher Recognition Day Butch Shadwell Ed Robinson, Lal Ramdeen John Meighan, Carl Krouch Max Booke, Lal Ramdeen, Jay Ambler Butch Shadwell Beryl Dryden, Al Russ “SERVING THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD” 2007 -2008 Officers President Neil Powell 1 st Vice President James Lee 2 nd Vice President Doris Barnes Treasurer Ralph Marcello Secretary Jay Ambler Past President Ed Robinson Board of Directors Lal Ramdeen Dan Corritore Dan Kuchta Dick Brand Walt Pfeil Carol Wallace Lt. Governor Division 5 Bert Wasmund District Governor Mark C. Taylor District Exec. Director KIWANIS CLUB OF JACKSONVILLE BEACHES 61 Years Of Service Be A Super Model OBJECTS OF KIWANIS WE ARE MEMBERS OF KIWANIS IN ORDER……. . • To give primacy to the human & spiritual rather than the material values of life. • To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships. • To promote the adoption & the application of higher social, business, & professional standards. • To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive, & serviceable citizenship. • To provide, through Kiwanis Clubs, a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service, & to build better communities. • To cooperate in creating & maintaining that sound public opinion & high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism, & goodwill. TODAY’S MEETING 10: 00 AM: Rose Packaging for Mother’s Day Rose UPCOMING SPEAKERS Sale 12: 00 NOON: MEETING GREETERS: John Bates and Alex Himmelberg OPENING CEREMONY : President Neil Powell CEREMONY : Song, Pledge, and Invocation ANNOUNCEMENTS: President Neil Powell ANNOUNCEMENTS: GUEST INTRODUCTION: Bill Montgomery SPEAKER INTRODUCTION: None George Langguth TODAY’S SPEAKER: None District Club Newsletters Chair Maggie Gunther 50/50 FUNDRAISER DRAWING International President Dave Curry Chartered: August 1, 1946 JOKE CLOSING SONG PICK UP ROSE ORDERS FOR DISTRIBUTION May 15 Dr. Amy Lindgren, Chief, Academic Operations, Duval County Schools May 22 Carla Miller City of Jacksonville Ethics Officer May 29 Demonstration: Florida Coastal School of Law Mock Trial Team
May 1 st - LAST WEEK ‘S HIGHLIGHTS Make a difference. Change the world one child and one community at a time. INVOCATION May 13 - Division Council meeting, 6: 00 PM, Carpool leaving at 5: 30 PM, Kiwanis Club of Westside Jacksonville, Holiday Inn, I 295 at Commonwealth Ave. Cost: $14. 00 for regular Holiday Inn Buffet, menu varies June 26 - 29 - Kiwanis International Convention, Orlando, Fl Aug 21 -24 - Fl District Convention, Hyatt Regency Jax Riverfront Airport Design and Renovation Reynolds, Smith, and Hills, Inc. THANK YOU FOR VISITING From: “Invocations for Kiwanis Occasions” by James J. Muench OUR 61 ST YEAR OF SERVICE INTERCLUB Speaker - Martin Wander, VP Carl Krouch presided. Heavenly Father: Teach us to be content with modest means, to work hard, bear all burdens cheerfully, and thank God daily for all our blessings. Guide us daily in our efforts to help those in need. And now bless this food to our use and us to Your service. Amen We had 6 members attend an Interclub meeting with the St. Augustine Kiwanis Club on April 29 th, at the Carrabba’s Italian Grill. Erica Godamunne Dick Brand Doris Barnes Lal Ramdeen Al Russ Charlie Bender Community Service Teacher of the Year Award (March) Back To School With B. E. A. M (August) Thanksgiving Dinner for Seniors (November) Penman Road Clean Up (2 nd Sat of month) Beaches Habitat For Humanity Salvation Army Bell Ringing (December) Fundraisers CONGRATULATIONS ! Ensign Jason Pfeil will be promoted to Lt. J. G. when his degree is conferred, and he is admitted to the Bar. After OIS and Navy Law School, he will be a practicing JAG. Wow !! P-Nut Day Sale (January) Garage Sale (Feb) Mother’s Day Rose Sale (May) Children’s Charity Golf Classic (December) Sponsored Youth Fletcher Key Club (Tuesday 2: 30) Providence Key Club (1 st Friday of month) UNF Circle K UKRAINE KIWANIS CLUB Lou Rice and Bebe Humphries hosted by Kitty and George Goodloe Walt Pfeil, Joker Photos by Butch Shadwell Kiwanis Club Helps Landscape Safe Harbor Boys Home APRIL WAS A GOOD MONTH FOR PLANTING THE TREES AND SHRUBS THAT TRANSFORMED THE SAFE HARBOR BOYS HOME ON THE 23 RD. GARY R. CRUMLEY'S LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE COMPANY LEAD A TEAM OF 50 BRINKS SECURITY VOLUNTEERS ALONG WITH FOLKS FROM KIWANIS TO PLANT AND MULCH THE SIGNAGE AND ENTRY LANDSCAPING AT THE SCHOOL WHILE THE STUDENTS PITCHED IN ON IMPROVING THEIR CAMPUS OFF HECKSHIRE DRIVE. Excerpt From Letter “ ……I would want to write about our basic need. Our club now helps to feed homeless children in the day time center and also on the street. We have many children. They are children and teenagers from 7 up to 16 years old. Many of them has no parents and they has different illnesses. Probably your club or separate members will have desire to support our project. To us are necessary monthly money support that we could to buy a meal, medicines and to recover documents for homeless children. Even if it will be not big amount but a constant we could help some of them. We shall be grateful if you will tell about our work and plan to other organizations. I am glad that we have dialogue with you. ” President Lora KIWANIS CLUB UKRIANE UPCOMING MEETING ASSIGNMENTS Thursdays 12: 00 May 15 May 22 May 29 June 5 Kiwanians adopted the name Kiwanis International and the six Objects of Kiwanis International at the 1924 Convention in Denver, Colorado, U. S. A. Bill Montgomery Lal Ramdeen Al Russ Hugh Patterson Walt Pfeil Carol Wallace Gabriella Donivan Guest Intro KIWANIS EDUCATION John Meighan Burt Van Wagner Carl Krouch Sevena Baum Ed Robinson Speaker Intro Walt Pfeil Greeters (11: 45 AM) Up Close And Personal Happy Bucks Gabriella Donivan Corky Borders Young Children: Priority One Reading at Head Start (twice/month) Reading to Navy Childcare Center (twice/month) Annual Children’s Book Gifts (March) Guardian Ad Litem Youth Services Fletcher Scholar Program Jacksonville Science & Engineering Fair (Feb) Beaches Aquatic Center Scholarships Boys and Girls Clubs of Northeast Florida Children’s Miracle Network Project S. 0. S Visit Kiwanis Websites: www. beacheskiwanis. com www. floridakiwanis. com www. kiwanis. org For Past Newsletters - www. beacheskiwanis. com/downloads. html Newsletter Editor: bevs 1@bellsouth. net Mailing Address: Kiwanis of Jacksonville Beaches PO Box 50504 Jacksonville Bch, FL 32240 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Joe and Jean Overby 5/12