Mega. Fon “The future depends on you”
Mega. Fon is one of three major mobile networks in Russia, and the only one that operates its own network and provides a range of services throughout the country.
The company was founded in June 1993, when the mayor of St. Petersburg registered the Joint Stock Company “North-West GSM”. It was quick to achieve success.
2001 The company launched its first international subsidiary. 2002 The company celebrated its millionth subscriber and changed its name to JSC ”Mega. Fon”. 2004 Mega. Fon became the first company in Europe to launch multimedia messaging (MMS) 2005 The company launched its own online store 2007 Mega. Fon expanded its network throughout Russia. 2010 Mega. Fon acquired 100% of the shares of Synterra
Today Mega. Fon connects the most remote locations in Russia, allowing people to be heard and understood
Mega. Fon has always identified its own route to success – regardless of the path chosen by others and company have been rewarded with a leading position in Russia’s mobile telecommunications market.
A company's managers are often faced with difficult choices: which way to turn, what technology to bet on and which market forecast to go for.
Strategy One of company priorities is to develop own channels for acquiring and retaining customers.
Management The board is a joint executive office the Mega. Fone and carries out a current management of Company activity. The Quantitative and personal structure of Board defines annually General meeting of shareholders on representation of the General director. Board meetings pass on a regular basis.
Sergei Soldatenkov Director General (Chief Executive Officer — CEO) Mikhail Dubin First Deputy to Director General for Strategy and Development
Valeriy Ermakov First Deputy to Director General for Operations (Chief Operations Officer — COO) Gevork Vermishyan Chief Financial Officer — CFO Eduard Ostrovsky Chief Governmental Relations Officer — CGRO Tigran Pogosyan Strategic Projects Director Konstantin Solodukhin Deputy CEO for International Operations and International Development Larisa Tkachu Chief Commercial Officer — CCO Anna Goryainova Chief Legal Officer, Corporate (Company) Secretary Yuri Zheimo Chief Audit Executive — CAE Dmitry Kononov Director for Business Development and M&A (Chief Business Development Officer — CBDO) Petr Lidov Chief Communications Officer Irina Likhova Chief Personnel Officer Olga Narvskaya Chief Strategy Officer Oleg Nikolayenko Director for Cross-Sector Projects Igor Parfenov Chief Technology Officer — CTО Lyubov Strelkina Chief Accounting Officer — CAO Sergei Khrenov Information Security and Counter-Fraud Officer Konstantin Yunov Chief Information Officer — CIO
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