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Meeting the Professional Education Requirements for Licensure as a Mental Health Counselor (MHC) in Meeting the Professional Education Requirements for Licensure as a Mental Health Counselor (MHC) in New York NYMHCA Counselor Educator Meeting April 8, 2017 Presentation by Division of Professional Education Office of the Professions New York State Education Department

Purpose of this Presentation n n Provide an overview of the responsibilities of the Purpose of this Presentation n n Provide an overview of the responsibilities of the Division of Professional Education Review the professional education requirements for MHC licensure in New York Provide information on existing licensure-qualifying MHC programs Review the standards and procedure to register an MHC licensure-qualifying program Answer any questions you may have 1

Major Responsibility of the Division of Professional Education n n The mission of the Major Responsibility of the Division of Professional Education n n The mission of the Office of the Professions: to protect the public by fostering high standards of professional licensure, practice, and discipline. The major responsibility of the Division of Professional Education is to ensure that candidates meet licensure education requirements through program registration and individual transcript evaluation. The Division of Professional Education is core to the mission Office of the Professions. 2

Organizational Chart Office of the Professions Licensing Professional Responsibility (discipline, etc. ) State Board Organizational Chart Office of the Professions Licensing Professional Responsibility (discipline, etc. ) State Board Offices Professional Education Comparative Education (Individual Transcript Evaluation) Program Review 3

Professional Education Requirement for MHC Licensure in New York n n n Degree: a Professional Education Requirement for MHC Licensure in New York n n n Degree: a master's or doctoral degree program in counseling. Curriculum: 60 semester hours or equivalent study containing curricular content that includes each of the required content areas. Clinical experience: at least 600 clock hours supervised internship or supervised practicum in mental health counseling. 4

Data on Existing MHC Programs n n n 43 institutions have registered licensure-qualifying MHC Data on Existing MHC Programs n n n 43 institutions have registered licensure-qualifying MHC programs, including 29 independent institutions, 7 CUNY institutions, and 7 SUNY institutions. Among the 43 institutions, 14 institutions have CACREP accredited programs (up from 9 in 2015), including 11 independent institutions and 3 SUNY institutions. One other program is in the accreditation process. Average state pass rate on NCMHCE for 2014 and 2015 was 59%. 5

Programs by Degree Level At this time in New York State there are: n Programs by Degree Level At this time in New York State there are: n 62 registered licensure-qualifying master’s programs n 21 registered licensure-qualifying advanced certificate programs n 2 registered licensure-qualifying doctoral programs 6

MHC Program Registration. What Requires Registration n n All newly proposed MHC licensure-qualifying degree MHC Program Registration. What Requires Registration n n All newly proposed MHC licensure-qualifying degree and certificate programs; and Any changes (curricular change; title change; number of credits change, etc. ) in a registered licensure-qualifying program. Prior to NYSED approval, no program shall be advertised o offered/no changes shall be implemented. 7

MHC Program Registration Standards n n n The program shall meet the professional education MHC Program Registration Standards n n n The program shall meet the professional education requirement as a licensed MHC: Ø master’s or doctoral degree program in counseling; Ø 60 credits of study or its equivalent covering all the required content areas; Ø at least 600 hours internship. The program shall have qualified faculty: doctorates or terminal degrees or special competence for graduate degree programs. The program shall have sufficient full-time faculty to foster and maintain continuity and stability. 8

MHC Program Registration Standards (Cont. ) n n n The institution shall have sufficient MHC Program Registration Standards (Cont. ) n n n The institution shall have sufficient resources (instructional, financial, library, etc. ) to support the program. The institution shall provide adequate academic support services to students in the program. The program shall meet other program registration standards specified in Part 52. 2 of the Commissioner’s Regulations on Standards for the Registration of Undergraduate and Graduate Curricula. 9

MHC Program Registration 600 Clock Hour Clinical Experience n Education program is responsible for MHC Program Registration 600 Clock Hour Clinical Experience n Education program is responsible for placing students in the internship Ø Setting authorized to provide MHC services Ø Supervisor licensed and qualified to practice and supervise MHC interns 10

MHC Program Registration. Distance Education n SED defines distance education format as programs that MHC Program Registration. Distance Education n SED defines distance education format as programs that include 50% or more distance courses. There is no need to register addition of online courses unless they exceed 50% or more of the total courses. We would typically expect clinical courses to remain face to face. 11

MHC Program Registration. Bridge Program n n Bridge programs are typically 15 -24 credit MHC Program Registration. Bridge Program n n Bridge programs are typically 15 -24 credit hours and are designed to bridge a gap for students who may have already taken many of the same foundational courses and who need to fill a gap to meet MHC licensure requirements. Admission requirements include a graduate degree in counseling or related field. Program shall include didactic courses/internship to bridge the gap. Pre-requisites and required courses/internship should account for all MHC requirements. 12

Placement of Interns from Out-of-State Schools n n Out-of-state CACREP accredited Mental Health Counseling Placement of Interns from Out-of-State Schools n n Out-of-state CACREP accredited Mental Health Counseling programs may place students at internship settings located in NYS. As of October 2015, non-accredited programs can no longer apply for permission to place interns in NYS. At this time 10 institutions have permission to place interns in NYS until September 1, 2018. Effective September 1, 2018 only out-of-state CACREP accredited programs may place students in internship settings in NYS. 13

MHC Program Registration. Collaborative Review Process n n Master’s level MHC program proposals are MHC Program Registration. Collaborative Review Process n n Master’s level MHC program proposals are reviewed in collaboration with the Executive Secretary of the Mental Health Practitioners Board. Doctoral level MHC program proposals are reviewed in collaboration with the Executive Secretary of the Mental Health Practitioners Board and the Doctoral Program Review staff from the Office of Higher Education. 14

MHC Program Registration. Links to Regulations n n Part 52. 2 of the Commissioner’s MHC Program Registration. Links to Regulations n n Part 52. 2 of the Commissioner’s Regulations on Standards for the Registration of Undergraduate and Graduate Curricula: http: //www. highered. nysed. gov/ocue/lrp/rules. ht m Part 52. 32 of the Commissioner’s Regulations on Mental Health Counseling: http: //www. op. nysed. gov/prof/mhp/section 5232. htm 15

MHC Program Registration. Links to Registration Application Forms n n n New Program Registration: MHC Program Registration. Links to Registration Application Forms n n n New Program Registration: http: //www. highered. nysed. gov/ocue/aipr/documents/ profsapp 0912. doc Adapt/Change an Existing Program: http: //www. highered. nysed. gov/ocue/documents/chang esept 09. doc Add Distance Education Format: http: //www. highered. nysed. gov/ocue/ded/reviseddeppli cation. doc 16

MHC Program Registration. Submission n n Submit the application electronically to opprogs@nysed. gov; AND MHC Program Registration. Submission n n Submit the application electronically to opprogs@nysed. gov; AND Mail one hard copy to the following address: Professional Education Program Review Office of the Professions 2 nd Floor, West Wing, EB, New York State Education Department 89 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12234 17

Useful Links and Contact information n n Link to MHP on the Office of Useful Links and Contact information n n Link to MHP on the Office of the Professions website: http: //www. op. nysed. gov/prof/mhp/ Link to Frequently Asked Questions: http: //www. op. nysed. gov/prof/mhp-educationfaq. htm Questions on MHC program registration: opprogs@nysed. gov (email); (518) 474 -3817 ext. 360 (phone) Questions on MHC practice: MHPBD@nysed. gov (email); (518) 474 -3817 ext. 450 (phone) 18

Questions and Answers 19 Questions and Answers 19