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Meeting of Coordinating Supervisors for the conduct of Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2015 Scheduled Meeting of Coordinating Supervisors for the conduct of Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2015 Scheduled to be held on 23 rd August, 2015

Module - 1 Scheme of Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2015 Module - 1 Scheme of Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2015

Scheme of Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2015 Date of Exam 23 rd August 2015 Scheme of Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2015 Date of Exam 23 rd August 2015 (Sunday) : : Timing : : Paper - I 09: 30 AM to 11: 30 AM Paper - II 02: 30 PM to 04: 30 PM

UPSC believe in Ø Uniformity of standards. Ø Candidate friendliness. Ø Total adherence to UPSC believe in Ø Uniformity of standards. Ø Candidate friendliness. Ø Total adherence to instructions. Ø No error.

 • This is the most prestigious examination conducted by the Commission. • 9. • This is the most prestigious examination conducted by the Commission. • 9. 46 lakh online applications received. • Examination to be held at 2186 venues in 71 Centres, which include 12 new Centres. • Last year number of applied candidates was 9. 45 lakh. • Examination was held at 2137 venues at 59 Centres.

Ø Application procedure 100% online. Ø e-Admission Certificate (e-AC): Candidates can download their e-ACs Ø Application procedure 100% online. Ø e-Admission Certificate (e-AC): Candidates can download their e-ACs from UPSC website directly and reach their venue. Ø Sending ACs by Post has been discontinued.

e-Admission Certificate e-Admission Certificate

Ø Scanable Attendance Lists (ALs) are to be handled just like the OMR sheets Ø Scanable Attendance Lists (ALs) are to be handled just like the OMR sheets – no pins, tags, smudges, folds, marks etc. – and re-packed in the specially designed boxes in which they were sent. Ø All entries in the ALs and OMR Sheets by Candidates/Invigilators/Supervisors are to be done in Black Ball Point Pen only. Ø After collection of all used OMR sheets, Supervisors to indicate running Sl. No. e. g. 001, 002, 003, . . against Attendance No. ---- at the top centre of the OMR Sheet. Number on last OMR Sheet should tally with the total number of candidates present at the Venue.

Scanable Attendance Lists Scanable Attendance Lists

Scanable Attendance Lists Scanable Attendance Lists

IMPORTANT POINTS FOR COORDINATING SUPERVISORS Ø Coordinating Supervisors to brief Supervisors THREE-FOUR days in IMPORTANT POINTS FOR COORDINATING SUPERVISORS Ø Coordinating Supervisors to brief Supervisors THREE-FOUR days in advance. Ø Security arrangements for storage of question papers in Govt. Treasury or Strong Room. Ø To get question papers distributed under escort – to be distributed separately for each session.

ØCustodian of question papers to be available at centre on the day of examination. ØCustodian of question papers to be available at centre on the day of examination. Ø No delegation/re-delegation of custody of question papers. Ø Frisking of candidates by Police personnel (both male and female) to be carried out at entry point of Venues before each session. ØFor deployment of Police personnel, Chief Secretaries concerned are being approached.

ØInvigilators to be extra vigilant to ensure that no candidate is allowed to resort ØInvigilators to be extra vigilant to ensure that no candidate is allowed to resort to cheating. Ø Also ensure that is there is no impediment in movement of sensitive material and candidates/exam functionaries due to waterlogging. Ø Venues to hire Generator/Emergency light for the day of exam. Expenditure would be reimbursed on submission of claim with proper voucher.

Ø Co-ordination with Police & Postal authorities. Ø Set up a Control Room at Ø Co-ordination with Police & Postal authorities. Ø Set up a Control Room at your Centre, for liaison with UPSC Control Room, well in advance. Intimate us about the contact details of your Control Room.

Module - 2 Arrangements for the Examination Module - 2 Arrangements for the Examination

Arrangements for the Examination Before the day of Examination Arrangements for the Examination Before the day of Examination

Please ensure : Ø Rooms are spacious, airy and have good infrastructure. Ø Furniture Please ensure : Ø Rooms are spacious, airy and have good infrastructure. Ø Furniture should be of standard size. Furniture meant for primary school children not to be used. Ø Series of Test Booklets to be indicated on one copy of Seating Plan for Invigilator to distribute – not to be indicated on desk/tables nor on the Seating Plans to be pasted on the doors of rooms/halls. Ø Direction placards are displayed. Ø There are NO maps/charts/graffiti etc. in rooms.

Also ensure : ØSeparate clean toilets for male/female candidates. ØDrinking water provision. ØUninterrupted supply Also ensure : ØSeparate clean toilets for male/female candidates. ØDrinking water provision. ØUninterrupted supply of electricity. ØArrangements for frisking of candidates by Police Personnel at the entrance of the building. Separate enclosure for frisking of female candidates. Ø Bundles of Answer Sheets are made room-wise. ØSeating Plan should be drawn as per roll order in SALs. ØSeating Plans to be displayed not earlier than two hours on the examination day.

Seating Arrangement Ø Sample Seating Plan for Paper-I (Forenoon Session) and Paper-II (Afternoon Session) Seating Arrangement Ø Sample Seating Plan for Paper-I (Forenoon Session) and Paper-II (Afternoon Session) is as follows: Ist Row IInd Row IIIrd Row Roll No. Series Roll No. Series 000001 A 000008 C 000020 000002 B 000011 D 000004 C 000014 000005 D 000006 000007 IVth Row Roll No. Series A 000039 C 000021 B 000041 D A 000026 C 000042 A 000015 B 000029 D 000048 B A 000018 C 000035 A 000061 C B 000019 D 000036 B 000062 D

Day of Examination Day of Examination

ØSupervisor/staff to reach the Venue by 7: 30 AM. All Exam functionaries to deposit ØSupervisor/staff to reach the Venue by 7: 30 AM. All Exam functionaries to deposit their mobile phones, in switched off mode, to Supervisor which should be returned to them only after conclusion of the exam. ØCoordinating Supervisor to ensure safe delivery of Test Booklets to the Supervisor at the venue by 8: 00 AM/1: 00 PM. ØCoordinating Supervisor to ensure that boxes for the correct session are handed over to the concerned Supervisor.

Ø Candidates to be allowed entry to the examination hall at 9: 10 AM/2: Ø Candidates to be allowed entry to the examination hall at 9: 10 AM/2: 10 PM. They are to be frisked by Police personnel (both male and lady officers) for mobile phones/blue tooth and other communication devices with the aim of preventing adoption of unfair means. Ø Mobile Phones/Pagers/blue tooth/any other communication devices are BANNED inside the premises where the examination is being conducted. Even exam functionaries are not allowed to carry such banned items with them in the exam hall/room & the hall/room where bags/packets of Test Booklets are to be opened.

ØCandidates not allowed to take books / calculators/electronic watch having calculator or blue tooth ØCandidates not allowed to take books / calculators/electronic watch having calculator or blue tooth / spy camera / cigarette / lighter etc. inside the examination hall. Ø There have been instances in the past where attempts have been made to violate the prohibitions on use of mobile phones or other IT gadgets in various examinations. Ø A close watch would therefore, have to be kept on any use of mobile phones, other IT gadgets, spy cameras etc. as their illegal use would have a bearing on the integrity of the examination system.

Ø Invigilator(s) to issue Answer Sheets only to the present candidates after appending his/her Ø Invigilator(s) to issue Answer Sheets only to the present candidates after appending his/her initials on the left hand corner box. Ø Entries in the OMR Sheets to be made ONLY in BLACK BALL POINT PEN by Candidates /Invigilators /Supervisors. Ø Attendance Lists are computer compliant and are to be handled with utmost care. All entries are to be made ONLY in BLACK BALL POINT PEN by Candidates /Invigilators /Supervisors.

Ø Series coding and other details in OMR Sheet made by candidate to be Ø Series coding and other details in OMR Sheet made by candidate to be checked by Invigilator before filling in Invigilator’s entry. Ø Present/Absent to be clearly entered in by Invigilator on Attendance List.

Ø Test Booklets are in four series – A, B, C, D. Ø Additional Ø Test Booklets are in four series – A, B, C, D. Ø Additional sheets have been included at the end of each Test Booklet (question paper) for rough work. No rough sheet will be provided for rough work. Ø Distribute test booklets at 9: 27 AM / 2: 27 PM. Ø No candidate to be allowed entry in the examination hall later than 9: 40 AM / 2: 40 PM. No functionary has any discretion in this regard

Ø Candidates are not allowed to leave the examination hall till examination is over, Ø Candidates are not allowed to leave the examination hall till examination is over, i. e. before 11: 30 AM / 4: 30 PM. ØHowever, if a candidate falls sick and is unable to continue, he/she should be taken to a nearby hospital, duly accompanied by an Invigilator, after collecting his/her Question Booklet and Answer sheet. Such incident may also be intimated to the Control Room forthwith. Ø If a candidate comes with court orders, he / she may be allowed to appear after obtaining an undertaking. Control Room to be informed on Phone.

Ø In case of doubt/mistake in question paper, if any, candidate be advised to Ø In case of doubt/mistake in question paper, if any, candidate be advised to make representation to the Commission. Ø Defective Test Booklet to be replaced by Test Booklet of same series.

Conclusion of Session Ø Close all doors of examination hall/room 5 minutes before conclusion Conclusion of Session Ø Close all doors of examination hall/room 5 minutes before conclusion of the examination. Ø Invigilators to collect answer scripts. Ø Tally number of scripts with number of present candidates and thereafter allow candidates to leave. Ø Invigilators to immediately hand over the scripts to the Supervisor.

Module - 3 Special Arrangements for Visually Challenged Candidates Module - 3 Special Arrangements for Visually Challenged Candidates

Special Arrangements for Visually Challenged (VC) Candidates ØEvery Centre (excepting 4 Centres in the Special Arrangements for Visually Challenged (VC) Candidates ØEvery Centre (excepting 4 Centres in the North East) has a dedicated venue for VC candidates. Special dispensation for candidates with 40% or more visual impairment; ØPaper-II of the examination for VC candidates (ONLY) is different – with ‘X’ & ‘Y’ series (as against ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ & ‘D’ series for other candidates); ØOMR Answer Sheets for Paper-II for VC candidates is different (ORANGE in colour as against MAGNETA for other candidates); Ø VC candidates, taking the examination, may be either using the services of Scribe or writing on their Contd. . . . own;

Special Arrangements for Visually Challenged (VC) Candidates ØOnly FIVE VC candidates with Scribe may Special Arrangements for Visually Challenged (VC) Candidates ØOnly FIVE VC candidates with Scribe may be seated in a room: four at four corners and one in the centre; Ø There should be one-to-one invigilation for VC candidates using Scribe; Ø Remaining VC candidates may be seated 24 in a room like other normal candidates; Ø ALL VC CANDIDATES MUST BE GIVEN COMPENSATORY TIME OF 20 MINUTES PER HOUR i. e. 40 MINUTES IN EACH PAPER; Contd. . . .

Special Arrangements for Candidates with locomotor disability and cerebral palsy (LDCP) Ø Candidates with Special Arrangements for Candidates with locomotor disability and cerebral palsy (LDCP) Ø Candidates with locomotor disability and cerebral palsy (LDCP), where dominant (writing) extremity is affected to the extent of slowing the performance of function (minimum of 40% impairment) will be allowed compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour i. e. 40 minutes for each paper and the facility of Scribe, if they opt for it; Ø No separate venue / OMR Answer Sheet / Question Paper Series have been reserved for such candidates; Ø They are to be seated with normal candidates BUT extra care may be taken to give them compensatory time in each Contd. . . . paper.

Special Arrangements for Candidates with locomotor disability and cerebral palsy (LDCP) Ø However, the Special Arrangements for Candidates with locomotor disability and cerebral palsy (LDCP) Ø However, the LDCP candidates taking the examination with Scribes shall be seated in such a manner that there are not more than FIVE candidates (four at each corner and one at the centre) in each room. There should also be one-to-one invigilation for each such candidate. Ø Venue-wise Lists of visually challenged candidates and LDCP candidates will be intimated to you separately. Please arrange for required number of Scribes who should not be more than graduates.

Module - 4 Some common problems & mistakes Module - 4 Some common problems & mistakes

Common Problems S. No. Problems Remedy 1 Candidate comes with a mobile phone and Common Problems S. No. Problems Remedy 1 Candidate comes with a mobile phone and declares its possession before commencement of Exam. Candidates are to be frisked by Police Personnel at the entry gate. Mobile phones, blue tooth and other communication devices are not allowed inside exam venue. Arrangements to be made for keeping candidates’ belonging, if any, at the entry gate of the venue. 2 It should be taken from him/her, kept in safe custody of Supervisor and returned Candidate carries the after conclusion of exam. Further, a mobile phone to declaration/Admission Statement be Examination Hall. obtained from the candidate and sent to UPSC. Contd. . .

Common Problems S. No. Problems 3 4 5 6 Remedy Candidate’s photograph on e-Admission Common Problems S. No. Problems 3 4 5 6 Remedy Candidate’s photograph on e-Admission Candidate should be photograph Certificate and Attendance List differs. allowed to take Examination. A Candidate’s name on e-Admission photocopy of Admission Certificate & Attendance List differs. Certificate should be taken and candidate Roll No. on e-Admission Certificate and present should put No. his/her signature Attendance List differs. thereon and same No photograph or illegible photograph should be sent with on e-Admission Certificate / Attendance detailed report to the List but having correct name, Roll No Commission along with and signature. undertaking. Contd. . .

Common Problems S. No. 7 Problems Remedy Candidate present should be asked to No Common Problems S. No. 7 Problems Remedy Candidate present should be asked to No facsimile signature sign in the Attendance List and this signature on Attendance List / should be countersigned by Invigilator. Facsimile signature and Undertaking and copy of e-Admission name do not tally. Certificate to be taken and sent to the Commission. Contd. . .

Common Problems S. No. Problems 8 No photograph on e. Admission Certificate / disparity Common Problems S. No. Problems 8 No photograph on e. Admission Certificate / disparity between the photograph printed in Attendance List and actual physical appearance. Remedy Candidate should be allowed to take Exam. with undertaking subject to production of proof of Identity such as I-Card, Voter ICard, Passport, Driving License etc. He should be asked to produce photograph on the same day in next session which should then be fixed on the undertaking and signed by the candidate and attested b y t h e I n v i g i l a t o r and Supervisor. However, cases of impersonation if any may be brought to the notice of UPSC Control Room forthwith for further direction. Contd. . .

Common Problems S. No. Problems 9 No venue/sub - centre on e. Admission Certificate. Common Problems S. No. Problems 9 No venue/sub - centre on e. Admission Certificate. 10 The candidate reports to a Venue other than that allotted to him/her as per the e-Admission Certificate Remedy To contact the Control Room forthwith for ascertaining Venue and the candidate be directed to proceed to the allotted Venue. However, if time left is not sufficient to reach there, the Candidate should be allowed to take Exam with undertaking that he/she is taking exam at his/her own risk and Commission’s decision will be final and binding on him/her. The candidate should also be asked to report to the allotted Venue in the next session. A detailed report along with copy of e. Admission Certificate, photograph, ID proof etc. should be sent to UPSC. Contd. . .

Common Problems S. No. Problems Remedy 11 Name to be added to the Attendance Common Problems S. No. Problems Remedy 11 Name to be added to the Attendance List at the end and photocopy of e-Admission Candidate has e-AC but Certificate to be attached and sent to the name of the candidate does Commission, alongwith undertaking from not figure in the candidate as well as a detailed report Attendance List. from the Supervisor. Such cases may also be intimated to the Control Room forthwith. 12 Candidate should be allowed to take the Examination and asked to furnish The candidate does not photograph and undertaking to the effect hold any e-Admission that he is appearing on the basis of court Certificate but comes with order. These should be sent to the Commission with detailed report of the Court Order/ Direction. supervisor. Such cases may also be intimated to the Control Room forthwith. Contd. . .

Common Problems S. No. Problems 13 The candidate does not hold e. Admission Certificate Common Problems S. No. Problems 13 The candidate does not hold e. Admission Certificate and his name is also not included in the Attendance List. Remedy To contact Control Room for ascertaining venue with reference to R. I. D. , name, date of birth and father’s name of the candidate. The Supervisor does not have any discretion to allow a candidate who does not have any valid document without approval from the Control Room of the Commission. Contd. . .

Common Problems S. No. Problems Remedy 14 Candidate’s name is appearing in Attendance List Common Problems S. No. Problems Remedy 14 Candidate’s name is appearing in Attendance List (AL) of Paper-I but missing in Paper-II or vice-versa. 15 One or more pages of ALs of other paper are to be checked ALs of one paper are and photocopies of the missing pages to missing. be made and use the same. Supervisor should make photocopies of Attendance List where the name appears for this purpose and use the same. Concluded

FEED BACK expected from your Control Room after the start of the examination ØUPSC FEED BACK expected from your Control Room after the start of the examination ØUPSC Control Room to be informed about smooth commencement by 10: 00 AM in the first session and by 03: 00 PM in the second session; ØUPSC Control Room MUST also be intimated about: q total number of candidates actually present at all the venues in each Centre/city during the Forenoon Session, latest by 12: 00 Noon on 23 rd August, 2015; -

 qwhether frisking of candidates at each venue was done by Police personnel for qwhether frisking of candidates at each venue was done by Police personnel for both the Sessions; and q whether all parcels of used Answer Scripts have been dispatched by every Venue Supervisor, separately for each session, from your Centre and delivered to the designated Post Offices.

Ø For details of Admission Certificates and Venue of the examination etc. , the Ø For details of Admission Certificates and Venue of the examination etc. , the candidates may contact UPSC Facilitation Counter and UPSC website : Facilitation Counter 011 -23385271 011 -23381125 011 - 23098543 UPSC Website www. upsc. gov. in For further details, please familiarise yourself with the ‘Handbook for Supervisors’ and other detailed instructions supplied to you.

Module - 5 Handling of Sensitive material for the Exam Module - 5 Handling of Sensitive material for the Exam

Handling of sensitive material for the Exam Handling of sensitive material for the Exam

Dosuti Bags have sealed Boxes inside, which contain Test Booklets for the Exam These Dosuti Bags have sealed Boxes inside, which contain Test Booklets for the Exam These Bags are sealed and have a Plastic Tag containing the name and address of the Custodian and Centre On receipt of the Dosuti Bags ensure correctness of the addressee from the Plastic Tags on the Bags before opening

Sealed Boxes Immediately on receipt, Dosuti Bags shall be opened and boxes taken out Sealed Boxes Immediately on receipt, Dosuti Bags shall be opened and boxes taken out and checked for any signs of damage to sealing or the Box itself. Information on the slips should be tallied with that advised in the letters separately sent w. r. t. name of sub-centre / venue, number of Boxes etc. and confirmation sent to Joint Secretary (Conf. ) , UPSC by FAX.

Boxes of Test Booklets Ø Boxes are sealed using brown adhesive tapes with authorized Boxes of Test Booklets Ø Boxes are sealed using brown adhesive tapes with authorized signature impressions on information slips visible through transparent adhesive tapes on top. Ø Slips contain instructions of opening and information of venue and quantity of and Ø Boxes should be segregated sub-centre/venue-wise. Test Booklets securely stored separately for each session and shall be sent to venue-Supervisors on the day of Exam, session-wise.

Opening of Boxes at Venue Ø At the venue, the Boxes shall be opened Opening of Boxes at Venue Ø At the venue, the Boxes shall be opened by the Venue Supervisor in presence of Asstt Supervisors & Invigilators , Session-wise. Opening Time Paper-I (Forenoon Session) To be opened at 9: 00 A. M. Opening Time Paper-II (Afternoon Session) To be opened at 2: 00 P. M.

Opening of Boxes at Venue Ø Cut open the brown tape pasted on the Opening of Boxes at Venue Ø Cut open the brown tape pasted on the top side along the middle and the edges. Ø Do not open the boxes with force or from the edges which may damage the Test Booklets inside.

Handling of OMR Sheets & Attendance Lists Handling of OMR Sheets & Attendance Lists

Filling up of OMR Sheets Correctness of : Ø Roll No. Ø Subject Code Filling up of OMR Sheets Correctness of : Ø Roll No. Ø Subject Code Ø Test Booklets Series (candidate) Filling of : Ø Attendance No. (Venue Supervisor) Ø Test Booklet Appending of : Series Invigilator) Ø Signature Invigilator ) ( (

Filling up of Attendance List Ø Presence or Absence of Candidates C S ( Filling up of Attendance List Ø Presence or Absence of Candidates C S ( PRE) EXAM 2015 SUBJECT Ø Test Series Booklets Ø Test Booklet Serial No. Ø OMR Sheet Serial No. Ø Signature candidate Ø Photo of candidate by the

Care to be taken in handling OMR Sheets and Attendance Lists X X Ø Care to be taken in handling OMR Sheets and Attendance Lists X X Ø OMR sheets & Attendance Lists to be packed carefully without any folds or crumbling of the edges. Tags, Punch X Ø Pins, not to be used. etc.

Care to be taken in handling OMR Sheets and Attendance Lists 2 1 X Care to be taken in handling OMR Sheets and Attendance Lists 2 1 X 3 Ø After formation of a bundle of OMR Sheets ensuring no folds or damage to edges, provide card-boards at the top and bottom to protect edges and then tie with string or twine. Ø Such a stack shall be placed in cardboard box and packed as

Packing of Post-Exam Material Packet - I Ø Used OMR Sheets Packet - II Packing of Post-Exam Material Packet - I Ø Used OMR Sheets Packet - II Ø Attendance Lists in designated boxes Packet - III Ø Certificate of Opening & Packing Ø Account of Test Booklets Ø Checklist for Packing & Dispatch of Answer Sheet Ø Absentee Statement

Packing of Post-Exam Material Ø Both Packet I , Packet II & Packet III Packing of Post-Exam Material Ø Both Packet I , Packet II & Packet III should be wrapped in durable paper and tied Ø Such a packet should be covered with cloth and sealed in form of a Parcel. Ø Parcel for Forenoon Session to bear code 23/VIII/I. Ø Parcel for Afternoon Session to bear code 23/VIII/II. Ø Code words on the Parcels to be written in BLUE INK for Forenoon Session and RED INK

Packing and Dispatch of Post Exam Material Ø Name of the Exam SHOULD NOT Packing and Dispatch of Post Exam Material Ø Name of the Exam SHOULD NOT be written on the outer cover of the Parcel. Ø Immediately after conclusion of the Exam in each FN / AN session , cloth Parcel so formed shall be dispatched to Joint Secretary (C), UPSC by insured speed post (Rs 100/-) from designated Post Office only Ø List of designated Post Offices and details of Nodal Officer of Deptt of Posts at your Centre has already been sent to you.

Thank You Thank You