Скачать презентацию Meeting APPs Tested among Danish MP s Ole Søndergaard Скачать презентацию Meeting APPs Tested among Danish MP s Ole Søndergaard


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Meeting APPs Tested among Danish MP's Ole Søndergaard, Head of IT Operations, Danish Parliament Meeting APPs Tested among Danish MP's Ole Søndergaard, Head of IT Operations, Danish Parliament (The Folketing)

i. Phones and i. Pads in Danish Parliament 1. i. Phones: Everyone 2. i. i. Phones and i. Pads in Danish Parliament 1. i. Phones: Everyone 2. i. Pads: MPs only We need an APP strategy !

2 kinds of APP’s tested 1. A Website APP for i. Pads - target 2 kinds of APP’s tested 1. A Website APP for i. Pads - target group: MPs - home-made - short cut to parliamentary information 2. A Generalized Meeting APP - target group: Municipalities + … - vender-made - meetings: Agendas + documents + annotations

1. Website APP for i. Pads Calender ion iss gs News sm tin Docu 1. Website APP for i. Pads Calender ion iss gs News sm tin Docu anmee ment trm s TVro MPs Said by MP: f biogr a to e - ‘A Website P Comm APP, dedicatesphi. MPs, is indeed s ittee ref the general web’ ! much better thanr Activ ee ities nc with the general web- ’ 50 -80 % of my works e site now has moved to the new Website APP‘ !

2. Generalized Meeting APP Said by MP: - ‘Paperless meetings two years from now’ 2. Generalized Meeting APP Said by MP: - ‘Paperless meetings two years from now’ ! - ’Social sharing of notes / comments to will change parliamentary process radically‘ !

A little more about the Generalized Meeting APP Complex Meetings Databases at Danish Parliament A little more about the Generalized Meeting APP Complex Meetings Databases at Danish Parliament Simple Database at APP Vendor 1. Committees 2. Agendas 3. Committee documents 4. Shared Notation

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Loose thoughts for an App Strategy ! Loose thoughts for an App Strategy !

Strategy loose thoughts Native for internals and HTML 5 for externals ! - Parliament Strategy loose thoughts Native for internals and HTML 5 for externals ! - Parliament still decides equipment for MP’s and staff ?

Strategy loose thoughts Separate APPs for separate user groups ! - We have to Strategy loose thoughts Separate APPs for separate user groups ! - We have to take care quite a number of APPs ? - We are ready to deliver support for public too ?

Strategy loose thoughts We are prepared to feed a lot of external APPs - Strategy loose thoughts We are prepared to feed a lot of external APPs - Be prepared to concentrate on delivering data ? - We are now synchronizers, parallel to Exchange / Outlook ?

Strategy loose thoughts We don’t care if APPs are quite the same ! - Strategy loose thoughts We don’t care if APPs are quite the same ! - A matter of individual taste among MPs ? - ‘Bring-Your-Own-APP’ principle

Strategy loose thoughts Do not compete APP Complexes ! - We can’t beat them Strategy loose thoughts Do not compete APP Complexes ! - We can’t beat them in features? - The Social Dimension / interaction (Facebook) in focus?

Strategy loose thoughts We are ready to support Party Groups as well ! - Strategy loose thoughts We are ready to support Party Groups as well ! - Party Groups need meeting APPs too ! - Our common infrastructure will be rewarded ? - Manual feed is an important supplement to the automated ?

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