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Medspiration 4 th and Globcolour 1 st UCM Villefranche sur Mer: 4 th-6 th Dec 2006 Overview of Progress in Medspiration Ian Robinson, Project manager
Outline of Medspiration Project Status l Background to the Medspiration Project l Overview of the Medspiration Service l Summary of Operation l Recent Developments l Looking forward Medspiration 4 th and Globcolour 1 st UCM Villefranche sur Mer: 4 th-6 th Dec 2006 2
A brief history of Medspiration l 2001 -2003 GHRSST-PP establishes methodology for complementary use of SST from different sources v GODAE High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature, Pilot Project v GHRSST Data-processing Specification (GDS 1. 5) agreed l 2003 ESA proposes Medspiration project (part of DUE) v GHRSST is the “Key User” to whom ESA responds w The European regional data assembly centre (RDAC) for GHRSST w European User requirements document for SST is produced v ITT issued July 2003. Contract confirmed Dec 2003. K/O 1 -01 -04 Medspiration Consortium l 2004 -5 Phase 1 of Medspiration National Oceanography Centre, v System Requirements Review: 4 -5 Mar, 2004 Southampton (Prime) Ifremer, Brest v Critical design review: 14 th July, (CMS, Lannion) Meteo-France 2004 CLS , Toulouse v Qualification Review: 24 -26 Nov, 2004 CNR, Rome v Beta Test: 1 -28 Feb 2005 Oslo Met. No, v Acceptance Review. Vegastplc, UK : 22 -23 March 2005 & 1 UCM Medspiration 4 th and Globcolour 1 st UCM Villefranche sur Mer: 4 th-6 th Dec 2006 3
The GHRSST-PP Concept l In principle, the merging and analysis of complementary satellite and in situ measurements can deliver SST products with enhanced accuracy, spatial and temporal coverage. Data Fusion Quality Control To facilitate the movement of data Medspiration 4 th and Globcolour 1 st UCM User Applications Villefranche sur Mer: 4 th-6 th Dec 2006 4
The Issues GHRSST grappled with l Different types of SST from different sources w Skin w Sub-skin w Biased to buoy observations (~ 1 m depth) l Different sensor types w Infra-red limited by cloud but offers fine spatial and radiometric resolution w Microwave radiometers penetrate cloud, but have coarser resolution l Different sampling characteristics w w Polar orbit, wide swath, ~ 1 km resolution (IR) Polar orbit, wide swath, 25 – 60 km resolution (MW) Geostationary orbit, ~ 5 km resolution (IR) Polar orbit, 500 km swath, 1 km resolution, high accuracy & stability (IR) l Natural ocean – atmosphere variability w w Diurnal variability of SST Clouds Atmospheric aerosol Sea ice etc. l Different SST product formatting Medspiration 4 th and Globcolour 1 st UCM Villefranche sur Mer: 4 th-6 th Dec 2006 5
Temperature (o. C) Thermal structure of top 5 m (from sub-skin to 5 m) The temperature at dawn (uniform through the top 5 m) is called the Foundation Temp. (SSTfnd) Temperatures at all depths collapse overnight to the same value at dawn Arabian Sea WHOI Mooring Data - Spring 1995 (From the Ph. D of A. Stuart-Menteth Villefranche sur Mer: 4 th-6 th Dec 2006 6 (1 mm data estimated using Fairall et al. (1996)) Medspiration 4 th and Globcolour 1 st UCM
Near-surface profiles of temperature Infrared radiometers measure skin SST Microwave radiometers measure sub-skin SST A buoy measures SST about here A ship intake measures SST about here “Foundation” SST Medspiration 4 th and Globcolour 1 st UCM Villefranche sur Mer: 4 th-6 th Dec 2006 7
The GHRSST solution l Pre-process all L 2 SST datasets from different sources v Add error statistics if not already present v Add quality flags if not present v Attach ancillary data that can inform the interpretation w E. g. , wind speed, solar radiation, atmospheric aerosol, sea ice v Re package as level 2 P in standard (net. CDF) format v Do this in near-real time l Create match-up database (MDB) v Pair all available in situ obs. of SST with coincident satellite data l Create a high resolution diagnostic dataset (HR-DDS) v Assemble extracts of all L 2 P data at specific sites for ease of intercomparison l Perform O. I. analyses of L 2 P data to create L 4 products l Provide archive / distribution suitable for operational users l Oversee quality assessment and reanalysis Medspiration 4 th and Globcolour 1 st UCM Villefranche sur Mer: 4 th-6 th Dec 2006 8
Medspiration Data processing tasks Medspiration 4 th and Globcolour 1 st UCM Villefranche sur Mer: 4 th-6 th Dec 2006 9
Distributed data processing chain for Medspiration Phase 1 L 2 SST data from several sensors Auxiliary data (wind, etc. ) CMS Sensor specific error statistics Ingest input and apply quality control In situ SST data Reference data fields Generate L 2 P data products Generate MDB records Generate analysed SST L 4 products L 2 P data IFREMER MDB records L 4 SSTfnd UHR Medspiration Final Archive Disseminate L 2 P data to GHRSSTPP GDAC & users GHRSST MDB Archive Extract DDS L 2 P granules L 2 P DDS granules NOCS Medspiration DDS Archive Disseminate DDS granules Medspiration 4 th and Globcolour 1 st UCM Disseminate L 4 UHR data to EU users Extract DDS L 4 granules L 4 DDS UHR granules Villefranche sur Mer: 4 th-6 th Dec 2006 10
Medspiration Coverage of L 2 P products Medspiration 4 th and Globcolour 1 st UCM Villefranche sur Mer: 4 th-6 th Dec 2006 11
The Medspiration UHR L 4 product Ultra-high resolution (UHR) 2 km grid Analysis performed once per day Estimates the foundation SST Medspiration 4 th and Globcolour 1 st UCM Villefranche sur Mer: 4 th-6 th Dec 2006 12
Medspiration Phase 2 l Operational delivery of products from 1 st June 2005 v Extended by at least 18 months in response to User request v The same range of products as developed in Phase 1 v UHR L 4 domain extended west into Atlantic l Extended AATSR L 2 P product to global coverage v In response to the international users through the GHRSST ST v Provided since Dec 2005 l Developed a number of key operational users v Assimilation into ocean models w Met Office, UK FOAM model v Analysis products w OSTIA w Mersea w Scandinavian seas v Growing international use v See later talks from users Medspiration 4 th and Globcolour 1 st UCM Villefranche sur Mer: 4 th-6 th Dec 2006 13
Present status l Medspiration is operating as planned v See presentation by Jean-Francois Piollé, Operations manager l Regular delivery of the basic L 2 P products l MDB being generated v Being used to check error statistics l HR-DDS now has a web interface v Consulted by operational users l L 4 products routinely generated v Configuration has been refined v Delivery time changed w Analysis now runs at 12. 00 on Day N (delivery by 15: 00) using data acquired between 06: 00 on day N-1 and 06: 00 on day N Medspiration 4 th and Globcolour 1 st UCM Villefranche sur Mer: 4 th-6 th Dec 2006 14
Current ongoing Development l Improved interface to MDB (CCN-1): Ifremer v Now in place and being used l Improved outreach tools (CCN-1): Boost Technologies v Medspiration products within Google Earth • See Fabrice Collard’s talk v Medea outreach along European coastline w E. G German newspapers used the UHR-L 4 product during the recent summer w A study of methods for reaching the news media, and a eview of their interst is being made by Boost technologies • See Fabrice Collard’s talk l Improving the AATSR Error Statistics (CCN-2 recently approved) v Use of the MDB by AATSR validation scientist to improve SSES w Confirm the proposed use of the “view difference” data • See talk by Gary Corlett w Target is to establish a means for automatically checking SSES validity Medspiration 4 th and Globcolour 1 st UCM Villefranche sur Mer: 4 th-6 th Dec 2006 15
Sustaining the Medspiration Service l GMES Marine Core Services v Medspiration experience valuable for MCS implementation v GHRSST & Medspiration underpin the Sentinel-3 SST planning l Proposals for transitioning the Medspiration service into an element of the MCS v See presentation on Wednesday v Needs comments and endorsement of the user community v Timing of MCS implementation uncertain: Extension of Medspiration to Dec 2007 is desirable l Interaction – complementarity with Glob. COLOUR v Interchange of ideas and information is already occurring v Other mutual benefits to be explored at this meeting l The Importance of Medspiration’s users v You continue to be the drivers – tell us what you need v The same principle is to be applied within EU MCS activities Medspiration 4 th and Globcolour 1 st UCM Villefranche sur Mer: 4 th-6 th Dec 2006 16