Measuring the Impact of Colorado Career Pathways Key Performance Indicators Impact on Student/Worker Educational Progress q Average quarterly educational level gains q Average quarterly credit accumulation (within a defined CP) Increased Attainment of Industry-Relevant Education & Training q Numbers completing course or training (within a defined CP) q Numbers receiving industry-recognized credential Increased Employment or Advancement q Percentage of individuals who get jobs in training-related field q Wage gain (initial earnings, current earnings) Impact on Employers Increased Availability of Skilled Workers q Improved retention (reductions in turnover) q Improved recruitment (reduced time to hire) q Quality/satisfaction ratings from employers
Measuring the Impact of Colorado Career Pathways Key Performance Indicators Career Pathway Process Metrics Active Career Pathway q Name of Career Pathway, Home Sector Partnership q Is your Career Pathway actively enrolling students? Use of Career Pathway q Number of students enrolled in a defined Career Pathway Depth of Career Pathway q Number of defined on/off ramps, within/across pathways Breadth of Career Pathway q List of connections among systems partners in education/training Relevance of Career Pathway q Clearly defined jobs and advancement along Career Pathway
Measuring the Impact of Colorado Career Pathways Discretionary Key Performance Indicators Impact on Student/Worker Educational Progress q Qtrly: Developmental/ remedial education completions q Qtrly: Short-term, forcredit training certificate completions q Qtrly: College-level math or English completions q Qtrly: College-level CP course completions Increased Attainment of Industry-Relevant Education & Training q New training programs developed for target sector q Existing programs/credentials improved q Numbers receiving industryrecognized credential by level: HS diploma employability credential license/ certification/apprenticeship certificate associate’s degree transfer to 2 yr/4 yr college (along CP) other CP credential Increased Employment or Advancement q Retention at 4 th quarter after exit quarter q Rate of new hires advancing on career pathways
Measuring the Impact of Colorado Career Pathways Discretionary Key Performance Indicators Impact on Employers Career Pathway Process Metrics Increased Availability of Skilled Workers q Reductions in vacancy Active Career Pathway q List of systems partners rates q Reductions in turnover costs q Reductions in costs of recruitment q % of new hires from Colorado CPs in education/training q Current marketing materials for this specific CP Use of Career Pathway q Number of students enrolled in a defined CP vs. number of students in a "program of study“ only