MDP/GlobalClassroom AlFarabiKazakhNational University RafisAbazov Director, MDP/GlobalClassroomProgramatAlFarabiKaz. NU

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Описание презентации MDP/GlobalClassroom AlFarabiKazakhNational University RafisAbazov Director, MDP/GlobalClassroomProgramatAlFarabiKaz. NU по слайдам
MDP/Global. Classroom Al. Farabi. Kazakh. National University Rafis. Abazov Director, MDP/Global. Classroom. Programat. Al. Farabi. Kaz. NU
Global Trends in Education by Dr. Jefferey Sachs 1) Global Economic Changes – education would become one of the key pillars for an internationally competitive development; 2) The rise of Green Economy – there would be an increasing demand for greening of national economies and growing role of universities in this process; 3) Global technological changes – R&D at universities will become a very important part of technological changes & innovations (Third generation universities); 4) Changing nature of the governance – universities will become even more important in providing expertise & consultations due to the increasing complexity of the governance; 5) Global Affairs – universities will increasingly become centers for global policy making and consultations; 6) The rise of Global Universities — about 400 -600 universities around the world would become global highly competitive research universities; 7) The growing role of high profile educational programs and R&
November 2007 The Master’s in Development Practice Programs www. globalmdp. org
www. globalmdp. org
BACKGROUND and initial formation • Challenge of poverty alleviation, disease control, hunger elimination, climate change, water scarcity, . . • Need for cross-disciplinary “specialist” practitioners • Mac. Arthur Foundation support • International Commission on Education for Sustainable Development Practice
MDP Students learn to: • Applycross disciplinaryknowledge • Integratescienceand technology • Communicate effectively • Developeffective policystrategies • Utilizeavarietyof managementand leadershipmodels • Designavarietyof datacollectionmethods andstatisticalanalysis • Acquireafirmgraspof thepoliticaland socioculturalcontext
MDP/Global Classroom at Al farabi Kaz. NU
MDP/Global Classroom Program : Achievements & Benchmarks 1) This is the fourth semester of MDP at Al Farabi Kaz. NU (we have about 100 graduates); 2) Established partnership with Columbia University — top world university. (One indicator – the logo of Kaznu at Columbia University); 3) Joined the Global MDP as an associate member – the only university in the CIS & Eastern Europe (there were many applications & many CIS universities still apply); 4) Our MDP students have become highly valued – they won several awards, & made several international presentations; 5) Al Farabi Kaz. NU and MDP/GC program jointly won a panel at RIO+20 conference (the only university from the CIS and Eastern Europe); 6) MDP/GC program won one million Tenge from the Mayor of Almaty; 7) MDP/GC students become the first students from Kazakhstan to make a presentation at the UNDP HQ NYC (Ambassador Aitimova called this presentation “unique” and “important”); 8) Topuniversities Magazine published two articles about MDP/GC at Al farabi Kaz. NU and highly valued its contribution to the SDGs; 9) Developed distance learning programs and expertise; 10) Developed international level case studies and case studies methods •
Sustainable Development Practice Discipline Natural. Sciences Health Sciences Social. Sciences Management Sustainable Development Practice
MDP/GC proposal to open the program at al Farabi Kaz. NU (pre-conditions) 1) Ability to maintain the quality and standards of education; 2) 45 -48 credits for a master degree; 3) All necessary equipment and classrooms exclusively devoted to the MDP program; 4) Quality students with good knowledge of English language; 5) Academic exchange facilities to send qualified students to host universities; 6) Academic exchange facilities to host qualified students from sending universities; 7) Field training, internship and placement opportunities; 8) Ability to invite visiting scholars/professors to teach some subjects to students; 9) Strategic plan and plan for the development for five years 10) Independent advisory board;
Global MDP Network: Africa 1. Universityof. Cheikh. Anta Diop, UCAD (Dakar, Senegal) 2. Universityof. Botswana (Gaborone, Botswana) 3. Universityof. Ibadan (Ibadan, Nigeria) www. globalmdp. org
Global MDP Network: Asia 1. BIMTECH (New. Delhi, India) 2. The. Energyand. Resources Institute(TERI)University (New. Delhi, India) 3. James. Cook. University (Cairns and. Townsville, Australia) 4. Tsinghua. University (Beijing, China) 5. BRAC (Dhaka, Bangladesh) 6. Universityof. Peradeniya (Peradeniya, Sri. Lanka) 7. Universiti. Sains Malaysia (Penang, Malaysia www. globalmdp. org
Global MDP Network: Latin America 1. CATIE (Turrialba, Costa. Rica) 2. Universidaddelos. Andes (Bogota, Colombia) 3. Universidade. Federal. Rural do. Riode. Janeiro (Riode Janeiro, Brazil) www. globalmdp. org
Global MDP Network: Europe 1. Sciences. Po (Paris, France) 2. Trinity. College. Dublinand University. College. Dublin ( Dublin, Ireland) 3. Lund. University (Sweden) www. globalmdp. org
Global MDP Network: North America 1. Columbia. University( NYC, NY) 2. Emory. University( Atlanta, GA) 3. Universityof. Arizona 4. Universityof. California, Berkeley( Berkeley, CA ) 5. Universityof. Florida ( Gainsville, FL ) 6. Universityof. Minnesota ( Minneapolis, MN ) 7. Universityof. Waterloo (Waterloo, Canada) 8. Universityof. Winnipeg (Winnipeg, Canada ) www. globalmdp. org
Annual MDP Summit, Dakar, February 27 -29, 2013 Conferenceplenarysessions Presentationby. Dr. Haideral Aly, a. Ministerof. Sustainable Developmentof. Senegal
The Program of the Summit • 1) MDP Global Association is a global hub for education for sustainable development closely working with the UN system; • 2) Discussion of MDP Global Association Conference in September 2013, at Columbia University in NYC, USA; • 3) MDP global training collaboration within the MDP network; • 4) Establishment of the MDP academic journal with high impact factor; • 5) MDP program implementation; • 6) A presentation by Jeffrey Sachs about the global trends in education; • 7) Other issues; • 8) Field Trip •
MDPat. Al. Farabi. Kaz. NU • Studentsat. MDPclass • Representativeofthe. UNESCOoffice in. Almatywith. MDPstudents www. globalmdp. org
November 2007 Thank you! www. globalmdp. org