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May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Draft PHY/MAC Specification for IEEE 802. 22 Authors: IEEE P 802. 22 Wireless RANs Date: 2006 -05 -15 Name Company Address Phone email John Benko France Telecom (FT) USA Soo-Young Chang Huawei USA +1 -916 -278 -6568 sychang@ecs. csus. edu Yoon Chae Cheong SAIT Korea +82 -31 -280 -9501 Yc. cheong@samsung. com Carlos Cordeiro Philips USA +1 914 945 -6091 Carlos. Cordeiro@philips. com Wen Gao Thomson Inc. USA +1 -609 -987 -7308 wen. gao@thomson. net Wendong Hu STMicroelectronics USA +1 -408 -467 -8410 Wendong. hu@st. com Ramon Khalona Next. Wave USA +1 -760 -710 -2063 rkhalona@nextwavetel. com Chang-Joo Kim ETRI Korea +82 -42 -860 -1230 cjkim@etri. re. kr Hak-Sun Kim Samsung Electro-Mechanics Korea +82 -31 -210 -3500 hszic. kim@samsung. com Stephen Kuffner Motorola USA +1 -847 -538 -4158 stephen. kuffner@motorola. com Joy Laskar Georgia Institute of Technology USA +1 -404 -894 -5268 joy. laskar@ece. gatech. edu Ying-Chang Liang Institute for Infocomm Research (I 2 R) Singapore +65 -68748225 ycliang@i 2 r. a-star. edu. sg Eli Sofer Runcom Israel +972 -544 -997996 elisofer@runcom. co. il John. Benko@francetelecom. com Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802. 22. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802. 22. Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures http: //standards. ieee. org/guides/bylaws/sb-bylaws. pdf including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard. " Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair Carl R. Stevenson as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE 802. 22 Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at patcom@iee. org. > Submission 1 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Co-Author(s): Name Company Address Phone email Paul Piggin Cygnus Myung-Sun Song ETRI Korea +82 -42 -860 -5046 mssong@etri. re. kr Soon-Ik Jeon ETRI Korea +82 -42 -860 -5947 sijeon@etri. re. kr Gwang-Zeen Ko ETRI Korea +82 -42 -860 -4862 gogogo@etri. re. kr Sung-Hyun Hwang ETRI Korea +82 -42 -860 -1133 shwang@etri. re. kr Bub-Joo Kang ETRI Korea +82 -42 -860 -5446 kbj 64370@etri. re. kr Chung Gu Kang ETRI Korea +82 -2 -3290 -3236 ccgkang@korea. ac. kr Kyung. Hi Chang ETRI Korea +82 -32 -860 -8422 khchang@inha. ac. kr Yun Hee Kim ETRI Korea +82 -31 -201 -3793 yheekim@khu. ac. kr Moon Ho Lee ETRI Korea +82 -63 -270 -2463 moonho@chonbuk. ac. kr Um Jung Sun ETRI Korea +82 -42 -860 -4844 korses@etri. re. kr Hyung. Rae Park ETRI Korea +82 -2 -300 -0143 hrpark@mail. hangkong. ac. kr Martial Bellec France Telecom France +33 2 99 12 48 06 Martial. Bellec@francetelecom. com Denis Callonnec France Telecom France +33 -4 -76 -764412 Denis. Callonnec@francetelecom. com Luis Escobar France Telecom France +33 -2 -45 -294622 Luis. Escobar@francetelecom. com Francois Marx France Telecom France +33 -4 -76 -764109 Francois. Marx@francetelecom. com Patrick Pirat France Telecom France +33 -2 -99 -124806 Ppirat. ext@francetelecom. com Kyutae Lim Georgia Institute of Technology USA +1 -404 -385 -6008 ktlim@ece. gatech. edu Youngsik Hur Georgia Institute of Technology USA +1 -404 -385 -6008 yshur @ece. gatech. edu Submission 2 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Co-Author(s): Name Company Address Phone email Jianwei Zhang Huawei China 86 -21 -6864480824638 zhangjianwei@huawei. com Linjun Lv Huawei China 86 -755 -28973119 lvlinjun@huawei. com Lai Qian Huawei China 86 -755 -28973118 qlai@huawei. com Jianhuan Wen Huawei China 86 -755 -28973121 wenjh@huawei. com Vincent K. N. Lau HKUST Hong Kong 852 -2358 -7066 eeknlau@ee. ust. hk Roger S. Cheng HKUST Hong Kong 852 -2358 -7072 eecheng@ee. ust. hk Ross D. Murch HKUST Hong Kong 852 -2358 -7044 eermurch@ee. ust. hk Wai Ho Mow HKUST Hong Kong 852 -2358 -7070 eewhmow@ee. ust. hk Khaled Ben Letaief HKUST Hong Kong 852 -2358 -7064 eekhaled@ee. ust. hk Edward K. S. Au HKUST Hong Kong 852 -2358 -7086 eeedward@ee. ust. hk Peter W. C. Chan HKUST Hong Kong 852 -2358 -7086 peter@ee. ust. hk Chee Wei Ang I 2 R Singapore +65 -68748225 angcw@i 2 r. a-star. edu. sg Anh Tuan Hoang I 2 R Singapore +65 -68748225 athoang@i 2 r. a-star. edu. sg Peng-Yong Kong I 2 R Singapore +65 -68748225 kongpy@i 2 r. a-star. edu. sg Yonghong Zeng I 2 R Singapore +65 -68748225 yhzeng@i 2 r. a-star. edu. sg Changlong Xu I 2 R Singapore +65 -68748225 clxu@i 2 r. a-star. edu. sg Ashok Kumar Marath I 2 R Singapore +65 -68748225 ashok@i 2 r. a-star. edu. sg Francois Chin I 2 R Singapore +65 -68748225 chinfrancois@i 2 r. a-star. edu. sg Zander Zhongding Lei I 2 R Singapore +65 -68748225 leizd@i 2 r. a-star. edu. sg Wing Seng Leon I 2 R Singapore 65 -6874 -7581 wsleon@i 2 r. a-star. edu. sg Submission 3 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Co-Author(s): Name Company Address Yufei Blankenship Motorola USA Yufei. Blankenship@motorola. com Brian Classon Motorola USA Brian. Classon@motorola. com Fred Vook Motorola USA Fred. Vook@motorola. com Jeff Zhuang Motorola USA Jeff. Zhuang@motorola. com Kevin Baum Motorola USA Kevin. Baum@motorola. com Tim Thomas Motorola USA Tim. Thomas@motorola. com David Grandblaise Motorola France +33 1 69 35 25 82 David. Grandblaise@motorola. com Dagnachew Birru Philips USA +1 -914 -945 -6401 Dagnachew. Birru@philips. com Kiran Challapali Philips USA +1 -914 945 -6356 Kiran. challapali@philips. com Vasanth Gaddam Philips USA +1 -914 -945 -6424 Vasanth. Gaddam@philips. com Monisha Ghosh Philips USA +1 -914 -945 -6415 Monisha. Ghosh@philips. com Zion Hadad Runcom Israel +972544 560 655 Zionh@runcom. co. il Duckdong Hwang SAIT Korea +82 -31 -280 -9513 duckdong. hwang@samsung. com Chung Jaehak SAIT Korea +82 -32 -860 -8421 jchung@inha. ac. kr Kim Jaemyeong SAIT Korea +82 -32 -860 -8420 jaekim@inha. ac. kr Ashish Pandharipande SAIT Korea +82 -010 -6335 -7784 pashish@ieee. org Yoo Sangjo SAIT Korea +82 -32 -860 -8304 sjyoo@inha. ac. kr Kihong Kim Samsung Electro. Mechanics Korea Submission Phone email kh 607. kim@samsung. com 4 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Co-Author(s): Name Company Address Seongsoo Lee Samsung Electro-Mechanics Korea Jeong Suk Lee Samsung Electro-Mechanics Korea +82 -31 -210 -3217 js 0305. lee@samsung. com Chang Ho Lee Samsung Electro-Mechanics Korea +82 -31 -210 -3217 changholee@samsung. com Wangmyong Woo Samsung Electro-Mechanics Korea +82 -31 -210 -3217 wmwoo@samsung. com David Mazzarese Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Korea +82 10 3279 5210 d. mazzarese@samsung. com Baowei Ji Samsung Telecom America USA +1 -972 -761 -7167 Baowei. ji@samsung. com Changhoi Koo Samsung Telecom America USA +1 -972 -761 -7934 ckoo@sta. samsung. com Yinong Ding Samsung Telecom America USA +1 -972 -761 -7975 yding@sta. samsung. com Liwen Chu STMicroelectronics USA 408 -467 -8436 Liwen. chu@st. com Kyeongsoo Kim STMicroelectronics USA 408 -451 -8137 Kyeongsoo. kim@st. com George Vlantis STMicroelectronics USA 408 -451 -8109 george. vlantis@st. com Max Muterspaugh Thomson Inc. USA +1 -317 -587 -3711 Max. muterspaugh@thomson. net Hang Liu Thomson Inc. USA +1 -609 -987 -7335 hang. liu@thomson. net Paul Knutson Thomson Inc. USA +1 -609 -987 -7314 paul. knutson@thomson. net Josh Koslov Thomson Inc. USA +1 -609 -987 -7337 josh. koslov@thomson. net Submission 5 Phone email sslee. rf@samsung. com ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Protection of Incumbents • First and foremost requirement is protection of incumbent services – Broadcast TV – Part 74 Subpart H Low Power Auxiliary Stations (i. e. , wireless microphones) • Database and location techniques are not part of this interoperability standard • Mechanisms for incumbent awareness and avoidance are built into the MAC and PHY – – – Submission Distributed spectrum sensing Quiet period and fast/fine sensing management Measurements and clustering Detection algorithms Spectrum management 6 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Protection of Incumbents • Protection of incumbents is the overarching requirement and so deserves priority in the presentation • However, since this protection is so inextricably woven into the system, the PHY and MAC have to be introduced as a setting for these mechanisms • Therefore, discussion of this topic will be distributed throughout the presentation Submission 7 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Presentation Outline • System Overview • PHY Overview • MAC Overview Submission 8 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Presentation Outline • System Overview • PHY Overview • MAC Overview Submission 9 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 WRAN Hierarchy Public IP Network Service Provider IP Network HA AAA ACR CPE ACR WRAN BS • AAA : Authentication, Authorization and Account Server • ACR : Access Control Router HA : Home Agent Submission 10 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Deployment Scenario WRAN Base Station Wireless MIC TV Transmitter WRAN Base Station WRAN Repeater Typical ~33 km Max. 100 km Wireless MIC : WRAN Base Station : CPE Submission 11 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 System Overview • • • OFDMA both in uplink and downlink 2 K FFT mandatory TDD mandatory, FDD optional 10 msec frame duration 16 -frame superframe QPSK, 16 -QAM, and 64 -QAM, transformed-QPSK Rate 1/2 through rate 5/6 coding 30 - 32 sub-channels per TV channel Data rate range from 4. 8 Mbps to 72. 6 Mbps (with optional channel bonding and channel aggregation) Submission 12 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 Parameters doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 System Parameters Specification Frequency range 54~862 MHz Service coverage Remark Typical range 33 km Bandwidth • Mandatory: 6, 7, 8 MHz Optional fractional use of TV channel and channel bonding up to 3 contiguous TV channels. Channel aggregation of discontiguous channels. Data rate • Maximum: 72. 6 Mbps • Minimum: 4. 8 Mbps Maximum of 23 Mbps for 6 MHz Spectral Efficiency • Maximum: 4. 03 bits/s/Hz • Minimum: 0. 81 bits/s/Hz Single TV channel BW of 6 MHz Modulation QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM mandatory Transmit power Default 4 W EIRP Multiple Access Adaptive OFDMA Partial bandwidth allocation FFT Mode 2 K mandatory 1 K / 4 K optional, 2 K / 4 K / 6 K for channel bonding Cyclic Prefix Mode 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 Duplex TDD mandatory Network topology Point-to-Multipoint Network Submission FDD supported 13 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Presentation Outline • System Overview • PHY Overview • MAC Overview Submission 14 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 FFT Mode for WRAN Systems Submission 15 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Subcarrier Spacing and Symbol Duration (2 K) 6 MHz based channels (6, 12 and 18 MHz) Inter-carrier spacing, DF (Hz) = 3348. 214 FFT/IFFT period, TFFT (ms) GI = T FF FF FF 32 16 8 T/ T/ 6 TSYM = T F Submission F = 3906. 25 298. 666 GI = T T/ 7 MHz based channels (7, 14 and 21 MHz) M 308. 00 317. 33 336. 00 H 0 3 0 z 7 M 264. 00 272. 00 288. 00 256. 000 8 MHz based channels (8, 16 and 24 MHz) = 4464. 286 224. 000 GI = T F F T/ 4 373. 3 320. 0 0 16 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Channel Bonding Structure • 6 K FFT over 3 TV channels • Fixed inter-carrier spacing – 2 K per TV channel – Null out the outer carriers for 1 or 2 TV channels – Several implementation possibilities 6 MHz 12 MHz 18 MHz Submission 17 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Fractional Bandwidth Usage • Considering the location, bandwidth and type of the narrowband incumbent users, we can use the fractionally vacant bandwidth of a single channel • The number of used sub-carriers is proportional to the fractional bandwidth • If the wireless microphones are operating co-channel, the WRAN systems shall clear the entire channel • The fractional BW mode is identified by using a Preamble • Example: Other CR user or nonmicrophone incumbent (regulations permitting) Submission 18 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Subchannelization Subcarrier Allocation Uniformly Distributed Subcarrier permutation Adjacent Subcarrier Permutation Band type Adjacent Subcarrier Permutation Distributed Subcarrier permutation • Each subchannel consists of a group of adjacent subcarriers • Bands in good state are selected for data transmission • Multiuser diversity • Require more feedback information than distributed subcarrier allocation type Submission Scattered type • Each subchannel consists of distributed subcarriers within an OFDM symbol • Only the average CINR over all subcarriers is required • For users with high frequency selectivity or far distant users 19 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 OFDMA Parameters: Status Nc = # of sub. CH Nd = # of data carriers/ sub-CH Np = # of pilots/sub. CH Nd+Np # of used carriers Remarks ETRI 30 28 48 52 28 8 4 56 56*30 = 1680 Worst CH Medium CH Best CH I 2 R 32 48 4 or 6 52 or 54 52*32=1664 or 54*32=1728 Philips 32 48 6 (would agree to 4) 54 54*32=1728 Runcom has also proposed single channel parameters based on 802. 16 e PUSC (1680 used sc) and FUSC (1702 used sc) Submission 20 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Frame Structure Submission 21 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Frame Element Definitions • Preamble – synchronization, channel estimation – Long training sequence and optional short training sequence – There’s also an upstream burst preamble • FCH – frame control header, info on size of DS- and US- MAP and channel descriptors (PHY characteristics) • MAPs – resource scheduling info for user bursts • Ranging – timing offset, power adjustment • UCS – urgent coexistence situation, incumbent detection report • BW Request – self-explanatory • SSS - sliding self-coexistence slots – used by coexistence beacon to improve coexistence with neighbors • BCH – burst control header for upstream – ID information Submission 22 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Superframe Structure Submission 23 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Superframe Element Definitions • Preamble – synchronization, channel estimation – Two symbols long with 5 short and 2 long training sequences • SCH – superframe control header – info on system type, channel bonding, quiet periods (time to, duration of) Submission 24 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Channel Coding • Convolutional Coding (mandatory) – Rate ½, other rates by puncturing – Constraint length 7 • Optional Advanced Codes – Duo-binary Convolutional Turbo Coding (DB-CTC) • see 8. 5. 2. 2 – Low-Density Parity Check Coding (LDPC) • see 8. 5. 2. 3 – Shortened block turbo codes (SBTC) • see 8. 5. 2. 4 Submission 25 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Sensing • Proposed methods still remain to be evaluated and compared (Tiger Team) • Several techniques were introduced at previous meetings and have been included in the PHY spec in section 8. 8 – – – – Energy detection (full bandwidth or pilot) Multi-resolution spectrum sensing and Analog auto correlation PN 511 or PN 63 sequence detection Segment sync detector Cyclostationary feature detection Spectral correlation Optimal radiometer • Primary waveforms are DTV and analog FM for wireless microphones – 802. 22 TG 1 beacon in MAC Section 6. 21. 1. 7. x – More on this later Submission 26 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Multiple Antenna Options • The following options are under consideration (Sec. 8. 10) – – – Equal Gain Transmit Beamforming Using Codebooks Downlink Closed Loop SDMA Adaptive Beam-Forming Techniques Space Time Block Coding (STBC) Combined Diversity/Spatial multiplexing/Delay Management Virtual MIMO • Final decisions on which ones are included will be based on performance and complexity • Please also refer to Samsung contribution on EIRP analysis • MAC already provides support for multiple antennas Submission 27 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Presentation Outline • System Overview • PHY Overview • MAC Overview Submission 28 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Reference Architecture (Channel Aggregation support) Spectrum Manager – facilitates use of non-contiguous channels (channel aggregation) – responsible for maintaining global view of target RF spectrum – assigns spectrum to MAC/PHY modules Submission 29 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 MAC View of Frame PDU – protocol data unit CRC – cyclic redundancy check Header – PDU length, connection ID, encryption Submission 30 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 MAC Frame Slotted Structure • Each frame is formed by an integral number of MAC slots – 1 MAC slot = 1 modulation symbol • Boundary between upstream and downstream is adaptive to accommodate traffic asymmetry Submission 31 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Network Entry and Initialization • BS initialization… – Consult TV usage database and regional WRAN information database to identify candidate channels – Perform sensing to confirm vacancy of channels – Establish operation on a vacant channel • The CPE will… – Scan a previous list of candidate channels or all downstream channels until it finds a valid downstream signal – After acquiring the SCH, sense on all relevant channels surrounding operating channel – Obtain upstream and downstream parameters and perform initial ranging • See sections 6. 15. 1+ Submission 32 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Network Entry and Initialization • The CPE needs to be sure that its communications will not cause harmful interference before it first transmits • If a CPE inside of a protected contour can both detect the incumbent and synchronize to the co-channel BS, it will not associate with the BS • However, if allowed it may send a short message to alert the BS to the presence of the incumbent • See section 6. 15 Submission 33 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Ranging • Downstream management – If CPE CINR falls below the range required for the specified burst profile, the CPE requests transition to a new burst profile – See section 6. 17. 1 • Upstream management – Consists of two procedures: • Initial ranging allows a CPE to join a network and acquire correct Tx parameters • Periodic ranging allows the CPE to maintain upstream communications – For periodic ranging, timers must be maintained for each channel in DFH operation – The algorithm is described in section 6. 17. 2 Submission 34 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Qo. S • The service model is similar to that specified in 802. 16 • The primary purpose is to define transmission ordering and scheduling over the air interface • Packets traversing the MAC interface are associated into a service flow as identified by the connection identifier (CID) • A service flow is characterized by a set of parameters such as latency, jitter, and throughput assurances • See section 6. 20. x Submission 35 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Channel Grouping and Matching CH-1 MAP Burst#4 DS Burst#2 Burst#5 DS Burst #3 time Burst #1 Multi-CH Resource Allocation by CH Grouping: The size of both FA-1 MAP and FA-3 MAP can be reduced by using the Channel Grouping and Matching which is managed by SM (Spectrum Manager) CH-3 MAP Burst #6 After Matching and Grouping CH Matching 1’ 3’ 1 CH-1 MAP Burst #3 3’ Burst #1 Burst#2 Before Matching and Grouping Submission CH Matching BS CPE 1 CH Grouping: To select a group of CPE’s that are assigned to the same channel 3 3 CH Matching: To select (US and DS) active set 1 for individual CPE 36 CPE 3 CPE 2 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Dynamic Frequency Hopping • An optional feature when the number of vacant channels exceeds the number of neighboring BSs • Avoids inband quiet periods and interruptions to service by hopping to other vacant channels for operation while sensing is performed on the previously occupied channels and other channels • Regular periodic channel maintenance is combined with DFH to minimize frequency switching latency Submission 37 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Clean Sensing for DFH • “N+1” Rule and Phase Shifting operation • 3 WRAN systems share 4 channels using DFH with clean sensing • See section 6. 16. 6 for more info Submission 38 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Incumbent Coexistence • See section 6. 21. 1. 4. x • A comprehensive set of measurement and spectrum management commands is available • Urgent coexistence situations can be reported through fields in the MAC header or through the UCS slots • Sensing can be in-band (where quiet periods are required) and out-of-band (no quiet period required) • In-band incumbent detection can take place during two phases – Quiet Periods; and – Normal System Operation (e. g. , opportunistic in-band sensing) Submission 39 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Incumbent Coexistence • During Quiet Period Notification Phase – BS limits downstream traffic so that ample time is allocated for CPEs to report – The BS indicates this to the CPEs through the MDP (measurement data preferred) field in the US-MAP – CPEs with allocated BW that did not detect the incumbent can still use the US to transmit data – Unresponsive CPEs are pursued to determine the source of the problem – Only CPEs without US BW should use the UCS slots • During Normal System Operation – CPEs with allocated BW send a BLM-REP (bulk measurement report) with priority over other pending traffic – If there’s insufficient BW, the CPE may use fields in the MAC header – CPEs without allocated BW use UCS slots Submission 40 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Incumbent Detection Recovery • To recover from an UCS, protocols are needed that enable the network to restore normal operation • Backup channels are relied upon to quickly re-establish communications – Backup channels should be completely disjoint from the affected channel to minimize the probability that the backup channel is also impaired • In the event that no vacant channels remain, CPEs periodically monitor the status of a channel and inform the BS via the MAC header fields if the channel becomes available again • See section 6. 21. 5. x Submission 41 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Class B CPE for Part 74 Protection • 802. 22 TG 1 is currently preparing to address enhanced protection mechanisms for hard-to-detect Part 74 low power auxiliary devices • One possible method is to use a special class (class B) CPE as a beacon • This CPE is initially tuned to the desired channel of Part 74 operation • If no SCH are detected after a timeout, the channel is assumed unoccupied by WRANs – But it will continue to search for SCH during normal operation • If SCH are detected, the QP info is used to build a QP map for all area WRANs to find QP opportunities • Beacons are transmitted during the best QPs to maximize detection • See section 6. 21. 1. 7. x Submission 42 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Hidden Incumbent Systems • If a CPE cannot detect the BS due to strong interference from an incumbent, a “hidden incumbent” situation results – See section 6. 16. 4 • The BS can remedy this situation by periodically broadcasting out-band signaling on other vacant channels • The CPE can respond on one of these channels and alert the BS to the hidden incumbent situation • The BS responds to the alert by changing the operating channel Submission 43 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Quiet Period Management for Sensing • Sensing is a two-stage process – Stage 1: Fast sensing – Stage 2: Only if needed, perform fine sensing • The fast sensing is performed in-band only • Based on the fast sensing outcome, BS determines the need for the next fine sensing and the required time • The synchronization of overlapping BSs makes this scheme highly reliable Submission 44 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Opportunistic In-band Sensing • Use common “sensing-eligible” frames to do in-band sensing • A “sensing-eligible” frame is: – A frame with no traffic, i. e. no US or DS traffic – A frame at which the backlogged traffic (both US and DS) is less than the remaining capacity in the current superframe and no sensing frame has been allocated in the superframe – The last frame of the superframe and no sensing frame has been allocated in the superframe • A “sensing-eligible” frame is designated as a sensing frame if it is not marked for use for out-of-band sensing Submission 45 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Distributed Quiet Period • When multiple CPEs are operating on different aggregate channels, a hidden node can result if the CPEs only sense on their active channel • Meanwhile the BS is broadcasting on all aggregated channels and interference to the incumbent results Submission 46 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Distributed Quiet Period • This situation can be remedied by distributing the quiet period • Each channel is interrupted only once using DQP, while simultaneous QP would require 3 x interruption in this example • See section 6. 16. 7. 1 Submission 47 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Self-Coexistence • CMAC addresses self-coexistence amongst overlapping cells in two mandatory ways: – BS beacon (i. e. , SCH) based – The Coexistence Beacon Protocol (CBP), which enables: • Sharing in time and frequency • Dynamic resource offering and renting • Etiquette for channel assignment • CBP follows a best effort model that: – – Allows for direct BS-to-BS communication and communication via CPEs The overlapping BSs synchronization mechanism makes it highly reliable Can be implemented either over-the-air or via a backbone Allow either one-way or two-way (i. e. , negotiation) communication • The CBP packet consists of a preamble (different than the superframe preamble) followed by the SCH with the CT (content type) field set and a CBP MAC PDU Submission 48 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Spectrum Contention • Three options are described • Spectrum Renting/Offering (Sec. 6. 21. 2. 3. 1) – Offerers share active and candidate channel sets with potential renter – Renter chooses from union of neighbor’s candidate channels and informs neighbors of choice and required rental time • Credit Tokens (Sec. 6. 21. 2. 3. 5) – Neighboring BSs trying to share a resource negotiate rental fees using psuedo-monetary credit tokens from an initial reserve – By sharing resources, a BS can accumulate tokens to build up its reserve for future rentals (incentive for sharing) Submission 49 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Spectrum Contention • • • On-Demand Spectrum Contention (Sec. 6. 21. 2. 3. 4) Negotiation based distributed spectrum sharing mechanism Contention number exchange and comparison Iteratively driven by internal or external demands for spectrum sharing Allow different contention strategies and flexible strategy adaptation Submission 50 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Channel Switch Procedure • • WRAN system builds a candidate channel list using distributed sensing When incumbent users and other WRAN systems are detected in the current operating channel, – – • Meanwhile the WRAN system senses CHselect for incumbent signals and other WRAN systems – – • The BS selects a channel CHselect from the candidate channel list, either randomly or based on some algorithms Randomly selects a wait time twait from a time window [ Tmin, Tmax ] Starts a wait timer with Twait as the expiration time Advertises the channel selection using a backhaul channel or WRAN air interface before jumping to CHselect If the channel CHselect is still idle/available, it jumps to CHselect when the wait timer expires If incumbent signals or other WRAN systems exist in CHselect , it goes back to the beginning to select another channel from the candidate channel list or its previously operated channel if occupied by incumbent users If collision occurs after channel switch, it increase tmax and goes back to the beginning to select another channel from the candidate channel list or its previously operated channel if not occupied by incumbent users – Submission Otherwise, it decreases Tmax and removes CHselect from the candidate channel list 51 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 MAC Adaptive Antenna System (AAS) Support • Frame structure simultaneously supports AAS and non -AAS traffic • CPE uses preamble for downstream sync • Network entry and initialization – CPE decodes FCH if able – Alternatively, BS can reserve portion of superframe as initial ranging/contention slots • Channel state via reciprocity or feedback – MAC control messages – Piggyback on existing measurement reports Submission 52 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 CPE Maximum Transmit Power Control (TPC) • CPE can operate co- or adjacent channel provided it is outside of the protected contour • On other channels surrounding a TV channel, a CPE must abide by TPC defined by an EIRP profile • All active TV channels in the area within ± 15 channels will contribute to the profile • Flowcharts and examples are shown in 6. 13. 5. x Submission 53 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Pending Items • Some items reviewed by the proposal team did not reach consensus (for a variety of reasons) in time for the May meeting but are still considered worthy of continued consideration • These items need to be exposed to the WG so they are not “in the dark” Submission 54 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson
May 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 22 -06/0069 r 1 Pending Items • PHY – FT: OQAM/IOTA – I 2 R: Block spreading – Runcom: Macro-diversity • MAC – FT: OFDMA subcarrier slot sensing – Huawei • • MAC management message Guard interval for quiet period Efficient control signaling for downlink allocated resources information broadcast Effective and flexible structures for CPE CSIT collection – I 2 R • Hidden incumbent problem • Adaptive TDD – Samsung: Uninterrupted frame synchronization and channel estimation – STM • Inter-BS communications • DFH community Submission 55 ETRI, FT, Huawei, Ga Tech, I 2 R, Motorola, Next. Wave, Philips, Runcom, Samsung, ST Micro, Thomson