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May 05, 2012 Faculty meeting - VMEdu, Inc May 05, 2012 Faculty meeting - VMEdu, Inc

Sandra Strech Page 2 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Sandra Strech Page 2 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Teaching Experience ► Positive experiences ► ► ► Negative experiences ► ► Page 3 Teaching Experience ► Positive experiences ► ► ► Negative experiences ► ► Page 3 Students that come to class prepared fare better than those who aren’t Many students choose to prepare before class Students think we are supposed to help write their application to PMI Students think they don’t need to prepare but will be ready to test on Friday VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Teaching Experience ► Size ► ► Student ‘likes’ ► ► location, referrals, previous student Teaching Experience ► Size ► ► Student ‘likes’ ► ► location, referrals, previous student experience Student ‘dislikes’ ► ► ► Page 4 Fairfax, Columbia classes are largest Richmond, Virginia Beach smaller Occasional class in Fredericksburg Temperatures, food, commute Need more visual presentations in workbook Need more explanation in test books/online VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

PMI Concerns ► ► Page 5 Change in rescheduling policy - $ Change in PMI Concerns ► ► Page 5 Change in rescheduling policy - $ Change in R. E. P price - $ Lack of consistency in exam Responsiveness to students VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

ITIL ► ► ► ► Page 6 Have only taught 1 class so far, ITIL ► ► ► ► Page 6 Have only taught 1 class so far, 2 next week Text is better but still improving What is the reference source? Can we get that for a corporate library? Pace is good, discount is great Repetition, repetition… More examples (not necessarily in workbook) more practice questions for students Looking forward to 2 PMP/2 ITIL per month VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Marketing ► ► ► Just finished the 3 rd session of LMI corporate class, Marketing ► ► ► Just finished the 3 rd session of LMI corporate class, 22 students Not as active/successful in sales this year Current corporate activity ► ► Page 7 Grant Thornton, ITIL Get Smarter IT, ITIL VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

New Initiatives ► ► ► Page 8 Excited about the growth and growth opportunities New Initiatives ► ► ► Page 8 Excited about the growth and growth opportunities Will be working on SSGB classroom course Perhaps a blog or other way for faculty to discuss issues and team building Maximize value of discounts – reward students with small things like coupons, swag, etc Apps, apps! VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

App Suggestions ► ► ► ► ► Page 9 PMP flashcard database Flashcards with/without App Suggestions ► ► ► ► ► Page 9 PMP flashcard database Flashcards with/without slideshow mode Matching PMP flashcards games Memorize PMP flashcards games PMP flashcards quizzes 300 of the most popular terms/definitions Acronyms Access/study flashcards on PMstudy site Leitner system Free/paid VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Alexis Carnegie-Dunham Page 10 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Alexis Carnegie-Dunham Page 10 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Experience with PMstudy ► ► ► ► Page 11 Be aware of audience (geographic Experience with PMstudy ► ► ► ► Page 11 Be aware of audience (geographic location, corporate culture, military). Know names of participants. Get feedback from class mid-Monday morning on pace, adjust as needed. Be aware of date students are scheduled to take PMP exam. Arrive at venue early. View and treat every venue employee as a potential ally. Communicate expectation of success and study plan to students. Instill a “yes I can pass” attitude in class participants. VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Experience with PMstudy (con’t) ► ► ► ► Page 12 Take control of class. Experience with PMstudy (con’t) ► ► ► ► Page 12 Take control of class. Don’t allow any 1 student to dominate the class discussion. Embrace “push back” conceptually. Encourage questions and discussion. Don’t digress. Verify dietary requirements. (vegans, vegetarians) Have a break every 1 -1. 5 hours (longer and more frequent breaks as the week progresses. Answer every question. Remind seasoned professionals that PMI will test knowledge of PMI method. Engage all participants in classroom discussion. Take some of the mystery out of a standardized test experience (Prometric). VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Corporate Accounts ► ► ► Page 13 Leverage professional connections. Be aware of organizations Corporate Accounts ► ► ► Page 13 Leverage professional connections. Be aware of organizations that have made acquiring PM skills a priority. Return marketing calls. Identify and research the target organizations; plant the seed. Make them aware of all VMedu training offerings; direct them to website(s), Facebook page. Informally communicate pass rate and student successes. Discuss benefits of corporate classes (discounts, not open to public) Establish a relationship with the main corporate contact; follow-up Be prepared to have multiple stakeholders/points of contact (HR, finance, supervisor). Be transparent in communication effort. Move to close (PO, email IDs, invoice, date of corporate class). VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Opportunities for Improvement ► Decrease “time to close” for corporate leads. ► Page 14 Opportunities for Improvement ► Decrease “time to close” for corporate leads. ► Page 14 (Instructor improvement): I tend to consider a sale initially “closed” when the invoice is paid. However class date must also be set/scheduled by corporate client and email IDs for corporate participants must be received in a timely manner. VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Ali Abo-Laban Page 15 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Ali Abo-Laban Page 15 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Teaching experiences ü One year teaching experiences with PMstudy ü 7 classes up to Teaching experiences ü One year teaching experiences with PMstudy ü 7 classes up to date ü Small group class (3 student mostly) ü Preparation for every class brings confidence ü Setting up Ground Rules and Manage expectations help manage the class ü Most students are very receptive to learn ü Same questions are asked ü Teaching give me more understanding of the PMI process Page 16 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Other points: ü ü Last class breakfast and lunch were not arranged ü Logistics…Overstock Other points: ü ü Last class breakfast and lunch were not arranged ü Logistics…Overstock ü Future markets…. Middle East ü Page 17 Back office team… It would be helpful to have support during US business hours. ITILstudy… Working on it VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Scott Hamilton Page 18 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Scott Hamilton Page 18 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Internet Marketing Youtube and videos Page 19 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Internet Marketing Youtube and videos Page 19 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Business Case • Helps garner more interest about our products • Search engine - Business Case • Helps garner more interest about our products • Search engine - Key words now bring up our videos, i. e. "How to remember the processes in the Monitoring and Control group" or "Ground Rules" or "Tips for the PMP Exam" • Turns browsers into buyers • Video is more entertaining then reading a webpage • Provides a "behind the scenes" view of VMedu i. e. classroom size; engaging and Informative, fun, rewarding, who will be teaching the class and their style • Increases employees comfort level in choosing PMstudy as the see what the program is all about. Less uncertain build consumer confidence Page 20 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Some ideas on video content • • • Instructors showcasing their unique style of Some ideas on video content • • • Instructors showcasing their unique style of teaching Value of the PMP Benefits of PMstudy / ITILstudy classroom training Classroom pictures/program content with voice over Interview style (show instructor talking to someone off camera who asks them questions • Student testimonials (question appears and actual student answers) i. e. "What did you enjoy about the class? " Page 21 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Sample Video Page 22 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Sample Video Page 22 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Ruth Kim Page 23 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Ruth Kim Page 23 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

UPDATES Ø Training Experiences § § Ø PMstudy / ITILstudy / RMstudy American Express UPDATES Ø Training Experiences § § Ø PMstudy / ITILstudy / RMstudy American Express Corporate Account Improvement opportunities § § Page 24 PMstudy Question Updates Corporate Initiatives VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

ITILstudy CLASS First Class: Students: Format: Phoenix, 4/11 -12 4 (1 paid, 3 internal) ITILstudy CLASS First Class: Students: Format: Phoenix, 4/11 -12 4 (1 paid, 3 internal) Mixed Live Online + Classroom What went well: ► ► ► Great learning experience! Helped to have online producer (Dip) to handle technical issues and ITIL online expert (Ajay) to answer questions for online students No major technical issues with Web. Ex Training, video & audio. Improvement Opportunities: ► ► Page 25 Need version control for ITILstudy materials! It helps to have same version as students More class interaction - Maybe leverage more features for Web. Ex Training: Polling, Q&A, Webcams. Figure out audio so online students can hear classroom VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

ITILstudy 100% LIVE ONLINE CLASS Class: Students: Format: Phoenix, 4/23 -24 3 (1 paid, ITILstudy 100% LIVE ONLINE CLASS Class: Students: Format: Phoenix, 4/23 -24 3 (1 paid, 2 internal) 100% Live Online Class What went well: ► ► Successfully delivered first instructor-led class with all remote students Leveraged intro/section heading presentation slides, polls, Q&A section and online testing features in Web. Ex Training Student feedback through features No major technical issues with Web. Ex Training, video & audio. Improvement Opportunities: ► ► Page 26 Could use more student interaction Maybe have students on webcams for faculty VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

RMstudy CLASS Corporate Class: Abengoa - Phoenix, 4/19 10 Students @ customer site What RMstudy CLASS Corporate Class: Abengoa - Phoenix, 4/19 10 Students @ customer site What went well: ► ► Successfully delivered first ever RMstudy class RMstudy workbook was provided to each student. Also decided to incorporated presentation slides (& treats) into training. Tried to promote lots of interaction/class participation since students are not preparing for an exam. § § Used our PMstudy case study example Added a Workshop session Improvement Opportunities: ► ► Page 27 RMstudy Workbook/Materials need to be updated for this type of seminar. Need to engage/motivate students differently for RMstudy Targets: Corporates looking to provide in house Risk Management training for team members vs. PMs. Great potential! VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

American Express Account To-date we have trained 100+ American Express PMs through our PMstudy American Express Account To-date we have trained 100+ American Express PMs through our PMstudy ATP program! Highlights: ► ► Recent organizational changes Additional AMEX Faculty trained in 2011 Classes scheduled each Quarter in Phoenix for 2012 First Florida class conducted November 2011 by Jeffrey. Both Jeffrey and Daniel involved in Amex relationship in Florida. Opportunities: ► ► Page 28 Currently working on getting AMEX faculty trained for Florida region to conduct their own onsite PMP boot camps Plan to displace Pink Elephant as corporate training partner for ITIL! Cross-sell: Risk Management, 6 sigma, PM Fundamentals, etc. Leverage corporate partnership: Press Release, etc. VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Corporate Initiatives PMstudy Question Updates: ► Lynne/Karen/Ruth currently working on updating questions for PMstudy Corporate Initiatives PMstudy Question Updates: ► Lynne/Karen/Ruth currently working on updating questions for PMstudy Marketing: ► Improving/Developing marketing collateral to support sales efforts for all VMEdu brands ► Prioritizing materials required for corporate sales opportunities My. GMATstudy Status: ► ► ► Page 29 Need to build team US based team to support GMAT study course development (Item writers/reviewers & 99 percentile resources) GMAT team in India already up and running – delivering sections of course content which are being reviewed by Karen & Ruth Forward looking planning for My. GMAT development/ review/ test/ deployment, etc. in process VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Audrey Phillips Page 30 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Audrey Phillips Page 30 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Keep Students Engaged 1. Use EVERYTHING in the PMStudy Book Bag as a learning Keep Students Engaged 1. Use EVERYTHING in the PMStudy Book Bag as a learning tool: • 2. Advocate Class Participation • 3. Board Visuals, Flip Charts, Hand-outs Don’t Be Afraid to Think Outside of the Box • Page 31 Time, Risk, HR Use Visuals – A Picture Paints A Thousand Words • 5. Everyone Reads; Everyone Answers Questions Invent Games to Help with Tough Knowledge Areas • 4. Name Tags, Post-Its, (Thinking) Caps Dare to Be Creative VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Suggestions for Improvement PMStudy Process Chart: • Green Arrow with Red Stem provides a Suggestions for Improvement PMStudy Process Chart: • Green Arrow with Red Stem provides a visual of Process Outputs becoming Process Inputs Page 32 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Barbara Siefken Page 33 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Barbara Siefken Page 33 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Teaching History ► ► Page 34 PMP - January 2010 until now Over 150 Teaching History ► ► Page 34 PMP - January 2010 until now Over 150 students ITIL Foundation - certified in April, 2012 First scheduled class is Portland, June 5 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Class Geography ► ► Page 35 Portland area (primary) Seattle area, Knoxville, Orlando, Chicago, Class Geography ► ► Page 35 Portland area (primary) Seattle area, Knoxville, Orlando, Chicago, Houston, Cincinnati, Los Angeles, West Palm Beach, Boise Classes range from 3 – 12 people 5 – 10% change jobs after PMP obtained VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Positives ► ► ► Page 36 The materials work. Combo of online prep & Positives ► ► ► Page 36 The materials work. Combo of online prep & tests, workbook, & process chart allow people to focus properly to pass the exam Supplies are always on time, and plentiful Large oil-cloth process charts are a hit Nice venues; timely contracts (food varies) We attract high caliber students Other faculty are always ready to help VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Challenges ► ► ► ► Page 37 Differing student preparation levels Late application to Challenges ► ► ► ► Page 37 Differing student preparation levels Late application to PMI, or audit Company enrolls students -> less ownership Losing to competitors due to class availability Fear of cancelled classes resulting from not seeing a venue listed (new test change fee) Late assignment to classes (or no, then yes) Separate PM vs ITIL calendars (coordination) VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Questions – Company Level ► ► ► Page 38 What is our ability to Questions – Company Level ► ► ► Page 38 What is our ability to initiate a class in a new “city” (Wilsonville, Tigard, Hillsboro) even if published numbers show low base Process for students who register at $1849, then go back to pay and see $1949 Who handles student follow up when an alternate instructor is teaching VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Suggestions ► ► ► Page 39 List of alternate instructors, by city. Earlier assignment Suggestions ► ► ► Page 39 List of alternate instructors, by city. Earlier assignment of remote classes Online access to what students see on pmstudy. com A place to submit “defect reports” for later updating of the workbook (google docs? ) Reminders for students who register but don’t attend (like Knoxville, re: upcoming class) Combined visual PMP, ITIL class calendar VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Logistics ► ► ► Page 40 Well supplied w/ books & gifts - balance Logistics ► ► ► Page 40 Well supplied w/ books & gifts - balance varies Time needed to keep track of supplies (no idea when to expect until after it has shipped) Shipping with Fedex Ground account and 5 days time to remote classes works well Hotels sometimes surprised by our hours Courtesy hotel room rates are appreciated VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Corporate Marketing ► ► ► Page 41 Tough to move group interest-> registration Have Corporate Marketing ► ► ► Page 41 Tough to move group interest-> registration Have had several groups of 3 -6 from the same company for PMP in public classes Seems much easier to market for ITIL, netting larger groups Titles of best contact person (training mgr, IT supervisor? ) Have we set a government rate? VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Mary Jo Tessler Page 42 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Mary Jo Tessler Page 42 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Experience with PMstudy 2011 – 2012 Ø Completed 37 classes from January 2011 through Experience with PMstudy 2011 – 2012 Ø Completed 37 classes from January 2011 through current. Ø Added Dayton to the Ohio area in 2011 which has started to receive recognition from the community due to layoffs and an emphasis on government agencies and contractors obtaining certification. Ø The new test roll out last September slowed down my classes for about 8 months. Partly due to all the rumors about the test. Students were terrified to take it. Now it is picking back up. Ø I have settled into a great area in Indianapolis and Cincinnati which has helped get attendance up in those areas. Indianapolis has been difficult due to a lack of budget dollars for training. Ø PMstudy is becoming a known, credible, resource for PMP Certification Training in Dayton. This has been difficult due to our competitor there. Page 43 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Experience with PMstudy 2011 -2012 con’t Ø I have had difficulty with the new Experience with PMstudy 2011 -2012 con’t Ø I have had difficulty with the new Prometric exam rules that charge a student $70 if they move the exam. When we cancel classes it is difficult on students as their employers do not reimburse them if they move the exam. Ø This year my opportunity is to grow my class numbers. I am using quite a few social media groups to do so; Twitter, Facebook, Linked. In, etc. Ø I am hoping to be able to add another area between Pittsburgh and Columbus. I am just not sure where it should be. I believe there is opportunity there if it is in the right place. Perhaps Wheeling, WV. Ø I am looking at ways in which I can get the PMstudy & Itil training out there. Thinking about putting a screen in my back window of my SUV with the 800# and logo. Page 44 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

ITIL Training Ø I am currently studying for the first exam. I should be ITIL Training Ø I am currently studying for the first exam. I should be scheduled to take it within two weeks. Page 45 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Corporate Accounts Acquired in 2011 & 2012: v v Page 46 Completed training of Corporate Accounts Acquired in 2011 & 2012: v v Page 46 Completed training of the Westinghouse Nuclear Team and for Vivisimo in Pittsburg, PA. I had a 100% pass rate first try for 13 students. These students came to individual classes vs in-house. Had first training class for Alliance Data in May, 2011. There were 14 students all of which had taken an onsite PMP Prep course 3 months earlier and had failed. I had a 100% pass rate of which only 2 had difficulty passing the first try. I picked up Lexus Nexus as a corporate client. I have successfully trained 6 project managers of which all passed first try. Lexus Nexus will not commit to a contract due to budget issues. I have been invited back to Alliance Data to have a second class in July, 2012. I am excited to be a part of their program. They are very impressed with Pmstudys program and have incorporated it into their transition into a more projectized organization. VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Corporate Accounts Challenges of Corporate Accounts: v v Page 47 It has been difficult Corporate Accounts Challenges of Corporate Accounts: v v Page 47 It has been difficult to obtain contracts with companies due to the inability for them to train all or a group of Project Managers in one class. We do continue to get their project managers but not as a group. Some corporations have requirements that the courses be accredited. PMstudy does not have this accreditation and therefore they will not use our programs. However, I am able to get one offs from them. The economy has not allowed some corporations to set aside dollars for this training. Lexus Nexus is one of them. Some students have to pay for the training themselves and will not be reimbursed. PMstudy is not part of some corporate preferred providers. This is a challenge as they don’t have a clear process as to how to become a preferred provider. VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Corey Bailey Page 48 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Corey Bailey Page 48 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Overview ► ► Page 49 PMstudy Experiences ITILstudy Experiences Corporate Accounts RFP Process VMEdu Overview ► ► Page 49 PMstudy Experiences ITILstudy Experiences Corporate Accounts RFP Process VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Pmstudy Experiences ► ► Have trained 392 students in over 70 classes Setting Ground Pmstudy Experiences ► ► Have trained 392 students in over 70 classes Setting Ground Rules has been Key ► ► ► It has been important to anticipate what questions students will ask and have additional examples to clarify the material Know the material (workbook, chapter tests, final test) Final day builds confidence ► ► Page 50 Having students be patient on results Highlighting methodology and repetition works Over 25, 000 successful PMP certified students Final test repeat questions – Let them know it reinforces key concepts Afternoon group sessions relax students after a rigorous week VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

ITILstudy Experiences ► Have facilitated 3 classes with 17 students ► ► It has ITILstudy Experiences ► Have facilitated 3 classes with 17 students ► ► It has been fun facilitating a new course. ► ► Page 51 1 student had to take the test twice to pass ITIL training moves at a less intense pace (different!!) Less material; but still a lot of student interaction Setting ground rules is still important Building my own confidence: I need to develop more industry examples to answer/clarify student questions about the ITIL framework, as I did with PMstudy. I have been working on it; but still need some improvements. VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Corporate Accounts ► Quanta Services (Houston) – 75 students 2011 ► ► ► Devon Corporate Accounts ► Quanta Services (Houston) – 75 students 2011 ► ► ► Devon Energy Proposal ► ► Page 52 Classes were at Quanta Headquarters Director of Employee Development was a former PMstudy student. ITIL Foundation – 160 students CAPM – 50 Students PMP Boot Camp – 70 students RFP dollar value - $302, 000 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

RFP Process ► Comments: ► ► ► Page 53 First Draft of RFP Process RFP Process ► Comments: ► ► ► Page 53 First Draft of RFP Process Regardless of how we become aware of an RFP, there should be a central location to approve responses, log the RFP and track progress throughout the process. For the purpose of the RFP Process, I have assigned Phoenix Sales/Marketing as the central point of contact. I used RFP database as the term for storage and tracking of all RFP information. I was not sure if Teamwork will be the final platform. RFP Owner is used for the person responsible for the RFP response or Proposal Past RFPs and RFP templates will be stored in the RFP database for RFP owners to utilize when creating proposals. VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

RFP Process Continued ► Receive RFP - Phoenix Sales/Marketing office should be notified of RFP Process Continued ► Receive RFP - Phoenix Sales/Marketing office should be notified of all new RFPs through the Sales/Marketing RFP email account. ► ► ► Page 54 Notification from PMI Linked. In Group Internet Search Industry trade publications Instructor Lead from students Customer Contacts Phoenix Office or Instructor VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

RFP Process Continued ► Phoenix Office logs new RFP into RFP database ► ► RFP Process Continued ► Phoenix Office logs new RFP into RFP database ► ► ► Page 55 A decision is made whether to approve a response to the RFP. If an RFP response is not approved for response, reasons for nonapproval are documented in the RFP database. Approval would require a complete review of the RFP requirements and any contractual provisions that may be included for large corporations (e. g. insurance, bonding, etc. ) Phoenix sales/marketing may wish to provide a list of RFP response questions that the RFP owner must submit to customer for clarification of the RFP. Begin tracking progress of the RFP response (online updates will come from marketing or RFP owner) VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

RFP Process Continued ► Assign approved RFP response ownership (Phoenix Sales/Marketing action). ► If RFP Process Continued ► Assign approved RFP response ownership (Phoenix Sales/Marketing action). ► If the instructor who identifies an RFP opportunity has the time and ability to respond to the RFP, the instructor will have the option to create the proposal utilizing RFP templates and standard pricing. ► ► Any deviation from standard terms and pricing must be approved by Phoenix Sales/Marketing. If the Phoenix sales/marketing office generates the lead; or, if the instructor identifying the lead does not wish to respond: ► ► Assign the RFP response to sales/marketing personnel; or, Assign the RFP to an instructor who: ► ► ► Page 56 Geographically is near the customer's headquarters; and/or, Has industry knowledge that would aid in development of a proposal; and/or, Has had contact or has developed a relationship with the customer from past interaction. VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

RFP Process Continued ► Assigned personnel develops RFP Response ► Complete review of RFP RFP Process Continued ► Assigned personnel develops RFP Response ► Complete review of RFP ► ► ► Important deadlines Required format for response Company and Training detail requirements Develop list of RFP clarification questions if necessary Leverage Standard proposal templates and previously created proposals to draft a proposal ► There are two files in the RFP database ► ► Page 57 Past complete RFPs in "Proposals" file RFP section templates in "Proposal Templates" that are generic. These sections can be cut and pasted to build a new RFP Owner inquiries should be directed to Phoenix Sales/Marketing via their RFP email account. Review final draft against all RFP requirements VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

RFP Process Continued ► Submit RFP to Customer ► Page 58 A copy of RFP Process Continued ► Submit RFP to Customer ► Page 58 A copy of the final version of the RFP is archived in the RFP database. VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

RFP Process Continued ► Post-RFP Follow-up ► Success ► Final contract negotiation and signing RFP Process Continued ► Post-RFP Follow-up ► Success ► Final contract negotiation and signing will be coordinated between RFP owner and Phoenix Sales/Marketing RFP owner develops a schedule for training with Marketing@variousstudy. com ► Lessons Learned - why did we win the account? ► ► Failure to win the business ► ► ► Page 59 RFP owner should meet or Conference with the Customer. RFP owner will document Lessons Learned in the RFP database. RFP owner should Meet or conference with the customer if possible. Company web sites often have information regarding RFP results, if this is not possible. Government RFP responses are most often considered public information Who won the opportunity? Why did we fall short? Price? Methodology? Generic training versus industry specific? What could we have done differently? RFP owner will be update Lessons Learned in the RFP database. VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

RFP Process Continued ► ACTIONS: ► ► ► Page 60 1. Determine which instructors RFP Process Continued ► ACTIONS: ► ► ► Page 60 1. Determine which instructors wish to be part of the RFP process. Not all instructors may want to respond to RFPs. 2. Develop a summary of instructor backgrounds that could aid in specific industry responses. 3. Request resumes from all instructors that could be used in RFP responses. Resumes would be added to the "Proposal Template" file the RFP database. 4. Set up a Sales/Marketing Email address specifically for RFP communications. 5. Request instructors send RFPs they feel would be useful to Corey, so he can add them to the RFP "Proposal file" in the RFP database. 6. Add RFP section templates to the "Proposal Templates" section of the RFP database. VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

RFP Process Continued ► OPEN QUESTIONS: ► ► ► ► Page 61 Are we RFP Process Continued ► OPEN QUESTIONS: ► ► ► ► Page 61 Are we going to use Teamwork going forward? If so, create a lessons learned folder for RFPs and Corporate Customer Accounts Who is the main contact(s) for question regarding proposals? I generically used Phoenix Sales/Marketing. Do we want one central contact? Is Teamwork going to be our Database? How to get notified ASAP of RFPs? Can we automate the process and receive daily updates from the PMI Linked. In Group? Why do we have a failure rate of 100% for RFP? Lessons learned will be an important part of changing this trend. How do bonuses work if multiple faculty are involved in RFPs? Should Phoenix Sales/Marketing approve the RFP response before it is sent to the customer? VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Mike Tomaszewski Page 62 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Mike Tomaszewski Page 62 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

 • • Page 63 Midwest Region, based in Chicago Roughly 30 -40 classes • • Page 63 Midwest Region, based in Chicago Roughly 30 -40 classes taught, over 3 years Currently working as a full-time PM Teaching weekend and corporate classes VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Experiences with PMstudy/ITILstudy training • • • Page 64 Spend time on student introductions Experiences with PMstudy/ITILstudy training • • • Page 64 Spend time on student introductions Inject humor Encourage participation Review concepts each morning Relate experiences to material VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Process of getting corporate accounts • • • Page 65 Talk about class, etc. Process of getting corporate accounts • • • Page 65 Talk about class, etc. first Offer help with application Inquire if they have friends/colleagues Offer the reduced rate for corporate classes and convenience of location Full-time PM, current skills VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Improvement opportunities for the company • • Page 66 Provide continuous access to online Improvement opportunities for the company • • Page 66 Provide continuous access to online questions Better consolidated feedback Offer: Agile, Risk, Planning & Scheduling Better system for incoming calls VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Rick Mather Page 67 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Rick Mather Page 67 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Learning Experiences ► Military students - Fixed mind set Odd learning styles The paper Learning Experiences ► Military students - Fixed mind set Odd learning styles The paper folder The dot and X’s lady ► Failure Emails ► Page 68 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Positive Experiences ► ► Page 69 2 Russian ladies – English second language – Positive Experiences ► ► Page 69 2 Russian ladies – English second language – both passed Several Individuals get jobs 100% Pass Rate Classes Emails of Joy VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Corporate Clients BCBS Montana ► LSI ► Denver Water Board ► CSU ? ► Corporate Clients BCBS Montana ► LSI ► Denver Water Board ► CSU ? ► Page 70 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Improvement ► Six Sigma access email ► ITIL Exam registration instructions Page 71 VMEdu Improvement ► Six Sigma access email ► ITIL Exam registration instructions Page 71 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Mimi La. Raque Page 72 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Mimi La. Raque Page 72 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Teaching Pmstudy/ Corporate Classes v v PMstudy classes Corporate Classes: Negotiating the Contract Challenges: Teaching Pmstudy/ Corporate Classes v v PMstudy classes Corporate Classes: Negotiating the Contract Challenges: v v v Page 73 Keeping the class focus Minimizing the side conversations among students Working with students with limited Project Management Experience VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Scott Ferrin Page 74 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Scott Ferrin Page 74 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Overview of Teaching Experience ► ► Regular Classes: Albuquerque, Boise, Idaho Falls, Phoenix Weekend, Overview of Teaching Experience ► ► Regular Classes: Albuquerque, Boise, Idaho Falls, Phoenix Weekend, Salt Lake City, Tucson, and Tulsa Extra Classes: Grand Rapids, North Scottsdale, Omaha, and Phoenix Great compliments on material and support Weekend Challenges – ► ► Page 75 Carry over of last week Pick-up of ideas for second week testing Maintaining the confidence level “The” student and maintaining the right direction VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Corporate Accounts ► Sandia National Labs – Albuquerque, NM ► ► ► Dematic (HK Corporate Accounts ► Sandia National Labs – Albuquerque, NM ► ► ► Dematic (HK Systems) – Salt Lake City, UT ► ► ► 6 Student at a discount in one class ► 4 passed first try ► One passed in second try outside Guarantee ► One did not re-take 2 Additional students in Open Enrolled classes RMStudy Class – Gila Bend, AZ ► ► Page 76 9 Students ► All Passed first time ► Great reviews from students 4 Additional students in Open Enrolled classes 10 Students enrolled Ruth developed material and instructed VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Improvement Opportunities ► Better student collateral ► ► ► Page 77 Pens Highlighters Take Improvement Opportunities ► Better student collateral ► ► ► Page 77 Pens Highlighters Take advantage of the material to offer a broad overview of all training offered by VMEdu Minimize the food ordered for the afternoon breaks in the classes Coordinate the offering on the PMP and ITIL in a location (Passed ITIL Foundation! YAHOO!) Many Corporate Sales Opportunities in Teaching Areas VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Magaline Harvey Page 78 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Magaline Harvey Page 78 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Contents 1. Improve Corporate Sales 2. Social Media presence 3. Using Facebook & Linked. Contents 1. Improve Corporate Sales 2. Social Media presence 3. Using Facebook & Linked. In effectively Page 79 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

CORPORATE SALE CONVERSIONS FROM CLASSES ► Page 80 Most people are life long learners CORPORATE SALE CONVERSIONS FROM CLASSES ► Page 80 Most people are life long learners commend your students for taking the steps while in class. VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Better coming from AN established relationship with instructor. ► Instructor warms the relationship. ►

Corporate Sales ACTIONS ► Get students to post flyers in break-rooms ► Give students Corporate Sales ACTIONS ► Get students to post flyers in break-rooms ► Give students an email to send out to coworkers or place on intranet ► Standardized letter to corporate decision makers Page 81 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 ► ► Lunch & Learns Locating and finding decision makers How to get them to buy? Use warm marketing

Sample Letters ► ► ► Page 82 Send congrats letter to them immediately after Sample Letters ► ► ► Page 82 Send congrats letter to them immediately after passing PMP. Benefits of ITIL training letters Benefits of Risk Management Letters VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook Linked. In Twitter Blogs Page 83 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook Linked. In Twitter Blogs Page 83 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Social Media ideas for Instructors Sign up for Twitter/Linked. IN/Facebook as a business. ► Social Media ideas for Instructors Sign up for Twitter/Linked. IN/Facebook as a business. ► Find your course invite online in Linked. In & Facebook and post/like for their followers and friends to see. ► ► ► Page 84 Exam pass “shout-outs” Twitter/Facebook/Linked. In welcome email to students encourage students to tweet on Social Media sites. Include social media handles in signatures on email to prospective students. Follow your students on twitter, friend your students on FB w/Business account, connect w/them on Linked. In. VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Ideas, continued ► ► ► Page 85 PMstudy reply to posts, mentions & #hashtags Ideas, continued ► ► ► Page 85 PMstudy reply to posts, mentions & #hashtags on twitter. Agree to twice a week post in Linked. In groups Establish yourself as a thought leader professional in the field. Old students more than a year ago send PDU reminder emails. Encourage them to join us on Social Media. Ask them to join fan pages or business page and tweet about us. VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

How do we currently look? FB, TWITTER, LINKEDIN Page 86 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting How do we currently look? FB, TWITTER, LINKEDIN Page 86 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

FACEBOOK ► Setting up your own business page would be a great way to FACEBOOK ► Setting up your own business page would be a great way to engage students and update them on statuses. Old students can encourage new ones. Topics can be uploaded Professional instead of getting too personal ► Check out Scotty’s page ► ► ► Page 87 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Page 88 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Page 88 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

FB goal for Instructors ► ► To drive more Customers to our FB fan FB goal for Instructors ► ► To drive more Customers to our FB fan page and to engage more customers. Increase the likes to double digit thousands within 6 months. ► Currently 3682 likes for PMstudy ► How many of your friends are following? ? ► Currently 144 likes for ITILStudy ► How many of your friends are following? ? Page 89 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Facebook. com/pmstudy Page 90 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Facebook. com/pmstudy Page 90 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Page 91 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Page 91 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

TWITTER Page 92 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 TWITTER Page 92 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Twitter - A Step-by-Step Guide ► Sign-up and post a profile. Visit Twitter and Twitter - A Step-by-Step Guide ► Sign-up and post a profile. Visit Twitter and click on the "Get Started - Join" button in the middle. ► Write some updates. Twitter has a 140 character limit (the great equalizer) - Post a link to a news article you liked with a one line comment, mention an interesting thought you had, or tell everyone where you are teaching. Just write something. Page 93 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Twitter, continued ► Make friends. Pretty easy. Just surf the web on your favorite Twitter, continued ► Make friends. Pretty easy. Just surf the web on your favorite blogs, people's Facebook, Linked. In profiles etc, and when you see a Twitter box that tells you what they are doing click on it. That will bring you to their profile and then you just click on the "Follow" button on the top left and you are now following them. ► How to post URLs. Twitter limits to 140 characters If you have a really long URL, that doesn't leave much room for Most people on Twitter use www. tinyurl. com to take a long URL and make it short. Give it a shot if you have a long URL that you want to market on Twitter. Page 94 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

TWITTER, Continued ► Page 95 Monitor conversations about your company. You can monitor what TWITTER, Continued ► Page 95 Monitor conversations about your company. You can monitor what people are saying about any person, company or brand. Twitter has a search engine that lets you do just this. For instance, here is https: //twitter. com/#!/search/realtime/pmstudy You can subscribe to these searches by RSS to keep yourself updated. Another tip is that you can "follow" all the people you find talking about your company (just click on their username to go to their profile). If they are talking about your company, they would probably be pretty happy that someone from the company wants to follow them. VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Twitter, cont ► How to Twitter, cont ► How to "chat". Using the @ symbol before someone's Twitter username is how people have "conversations" in Twitter. This makes their username a link to their profile so other people can follow the conversation (sort of). For example if you wrote “@enilagam thanks for an awesome slide on Twitter today" that would be a way of telling me you liked this presentation. It's not IM (instant messaging), but it is sort of like a publicly broadcast IM service. Page 96 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

WE NEED YOUR TWITTER HANDLE!! Please follow @pmstudy on Twitter Brainstorm on #HASHTAG CAMPAIGN WE NEED YOUR TWITTER HANDLE!! Please follow @pmstudy on Twitter Brainstorm on #HASHTAG CAMPAIGN Page 97 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

SOCIAL MEDIA coming soon…. Encourage instructors to tweet & posts ► Instructor landing pages SOCIAL MEDIA coming soon…. Encourage instructors to tweet & posts ► Instructor landing pages linked to PMstudy ► Pictures ► ► Visual inspiration ask can you guess what’s happening here Allow fans/followers to share social networks ► PMP lessons learned ► Message all fans to talk about class experience ► FAQ ► PMstudy blog ► Page 98 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

TWEET IDEAS Starting Class CAMPAIGN Ideas ► Teaching a #PMP class in ► Hashtags TWEET IDEAS Starting Class CAMPAIGN Ideas ► Teaching a #PMP class in ► Hashtags to start a trend #New. Orleans for ► Like articles you read @pmstudy this week. about industry PM or ITIL ► @newenrollee welcome to related and post a the #Atlanta PMP course comment with your this week. UR ready to professional @pmstudy pass the PMP. signature. ► Post positive comments ► #Pass. PMPwith. PMstudy from Students ► #Pass. ITILexam. ITILStudy ► #ITILstudy. Atlanta Page 99 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

LINKED IN WWW. LINKEDIN. COM Do you have a profile? ? Page 100 VMEdu LINKED IN WWW. LINKEDIN. COM Do you have a profile? ? Page 100 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

How to use Linked. In effectively Linked. In ► ► ► ► Page 101 How to use Linked. In effectively Linked. In ► ► ► ► Page 101 Make sure profile is 100% complete Establish yourself as a Thought Leader Join industry specialty groups. Participate in discussions Comment on students posts Update statuses on Sunday with class information Linked. IN Events and join the class you’re teaching. Ask for recommendations VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

LINKED IN Page 102 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 LINKED IN Page 102 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

WE ALL USE SOCIAL MEDIA ANYWAY ► Page 103 How do we keep up WE ALL USE SOCIAL MEDIA ANYWAY ► Page 103 How do we keep up with it all – Hootsuite!! VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Torri Stokes Page 104 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Torri Stokes Page 104 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

ITILstudy Summary ► ► ► Page 105 3 Classes To Date Maryland, Atlanta, Chicago ITILstudy Summary ► ► ► Page 105 3 Classes To Date Maryland, Atlanta, Chicago Total of 14 Students VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

ITILstudy Successes ► ► ► Page 106 Very Positive Student Feedback (especially regarding methodology ITILstudy Successes ► ► ► Page 106 Very Positive Student Feedback (especially regarding methodology and materials) Many Students Interested in Pmstudy After Taking ITILstudy classes 100% Pass Rate VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

ITILstudy Challenges ► ► ► Page 107 Students Wanting to Take Test Early Would ITILstudy Challenges ► ► ► Page 107 Students Wanting to Take Test Early Would Like More Examples Hotels Not As Prepared for Weekend Classes VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Pmstudy Updates ► ► ► Page 108 Enrollment Still Low in Detroit Metro Area Pmstudy Updates ► ► ► Page 108 Enrollment Still Low in Detroit Metro Area but Success Rate is Still High Grand Rapids Classes Consistently Holding Consider Offering in Different Areas (Ann Arbor, Lansing, etc) VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05

Questions ? Page 109 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05 Questions ? Page 109 VMEdu Inc: Faculty Meeting on May 05