max weber1.ppt
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Max Weber. Democracy in Max Weber’s Thought by Maria Silakova group № 5521
Max Weber (21 April 1864 – 14 June 1920 ) • German sociologist, philosopher and political economist ; • influenced social theory, social research, the discipline of sociology itself; • the main theoretical works: "The Exchange and its value", "Science as a Vocation", "Politics as a Vocation, " "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism“, ect.
Main lines of Weber’s political activity 1. theory of legitimacy; 2. types of political leadership; 3. analysis of the social reasons of political stability and instability; 4. analysis of the political process (to prevent the transformation of democracy into a dictatorship).
Theory of legitimacy • universal; • means recognizing the power, its legality and acts as a guarantor of stability; • central element of the «political domination» ;
Theory of legitimacy Legitimacy rational traditional charismatic
Types of political leadership Z 1. rules as a basis 2. the head of system 3. source of authority 4. form of legitimacy Rational Traditional Charismatic • legal domination • rationally designed rules • traditional dominance • patriarchal rules charismatic domination elected official monarch demagogue, leader delegation of the principle of majority tradition emotional trust belief in the correctness of the system of rules belief in the established order of things affective/emotional belief in the extraordinary quality of the charismatic leader
Bureaucracy is the main danger for democracy the opportunity to concentrate power in the hands of a narrow circle of people The question is: How to limit the power of the bureaucracy and save society democratic, stable and developing?
The Theory of Plebiscitary Democracy • "sovereignty of the people, " "people's will", "wisdom of the people" - utopian concepts; • the democracy serves as a way to elect charismatic leaders; • Leaders should carry out their work on a regular basis; • they are required to have specific knowledge and skills ; sovereignty – суверенитет regular basis – постоянная основа
The Theory of Plebiscitary Democracy • the idea of mass citizenship increases the need of bureaucracy; • the great relationship between bureaucracy & democracy; • representative multi-party democracy;
The efficiency of democratic system 1. parties representing different views and expressing different interests; 2. political leaders with a vivid imagination and ability to withstand pressure from the bureaucracy; 3. the system of"democratic elitism" - the rule by elites which will effectively represent the interests of the people "democratic elitism“ – демократический элитизм; elites – политические элиты
bureaucracy democracy in Weber’s thought charismatic leader people
Shot Review • democracy is more important as a method of creating an effective government, and not as a means of providing power to the majority; • the object of power is the leader (not the law); • the mechanism of power is the People's gaze (not its decisions).
max weber1.ppt