Max Barskih Is the best Ukrainian artist by

Max Barskih

Is the best Ukrainian artist by version MTV Europe Music Awards 2010 !!!

He was born 08.03.1990 in Kherson, Ukraine. Brother – Maxim, sister – Oksana. Name: Bortnik Nicola Nikolayevich. Education:nofinal, highest, variety-circus college. Height: 190 sm. Mass: 71 kg. Hobby: painting, horeography.

He – child!

The first arise Max's in TV became “Караоке на Майдані” in 2006

In 2008 he hit the "Star Factory 2, and has become to push to become a mega-star.

His noticed such popular producers, as Alan Badoev and Natalya Mogylevs`ka here . They developed his ahead, as artist.

His first work was a video clip of "SL". Some channels are forbidden to produce it in rotation because it contained obscene materials. This clip is still, in spite of antiquity, remains a favorite of his great funs. .

In the same 2009 he releases other clips - “Пусто" and "DVD", which is added to it's popularity, but made a significant contribution to its creation.

For all funs blast was his performance in "Star Factory 3" with Tatiana Vorzheva 06/12/2009. There he sang his most popular song funs "Aгония”.This song has started a new stage of show-biz life Max Barskih.




One day, 07.12.2009, presentation is the first album by Max Barskih – “1: MAX BARSKIH". This album includes 13 songs, between which the "S.L", "Aгония", and two transformations in songs «Аномалия“ and “Пусто”.

During this time Barskih had to earn enough money to buy themselves expensive car!

07/03/2010 is his successful return to “Fabrika. Superfinal”. Remembered such perfomances: "Student", "No crazy stairs" and "Ring my bells".

He didn't became winner of this project, but quantity of fans Max was one of the biggest.

At the same time Max is selection for the “Eurovision-2010“ with song "White Raven", but there is no prizes.

At that time prepared to issue a new clip Max's Barskih featuring LOBODA “Ceрдце бьется”. This clip in this moment is the highest clip in Ukraine!!! His cost - $ 40 000

02/09/2010 video premiere is “Student". It involved many people. This particular clip, according to Max, and it became history ascent to the summit of glory!

21.09.2010 Conference hosted online Barskih magazine “TeleSem” and the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda". It was then that I was able to talk to him live! Then was the happiest day in life for many of his funs. In particular, and for me.

14.02.2011 Max Barskih was presented the first in Ukraine 3D-clip “Lost in love/Теряю тебя” and disseminated his at the border.

07.03.2011 he was maked a present itself in the Happy Birthday and his funs in the 8 of March - he was present a new clip "White Raven“, which shot in Mayami.

All of his clips are different from others his passion. They are always a lot of dirt and blood.

Performa-nces always end absolutely success!

Max Barskih is author of all his songs, which today happens very rarely. And all this pride and his funs people who cooperate with him. His songs are essentially different from the songs of other artists. That is, it is an indicator that Max is present throughout your style.

In show business deals Max drawing. He works in the genre of Impressionism. Unfortunately, an exhibition of his work will not soon ...

His hobby: photography

It is his dog

In 2009 and 2010 he was nominated for the title of “Most beautiful in Ukraine” by version of the magazine "Viva!"

Афтограф Макса

Max is now at the top of the charts of the country, a frequent guest of various TV shows and frequent interviews press. In my opinion, a new era of Ukrainian show-biz was started. And she called the "Era Max's Barskih"

By logical administrative Linska Vita, a dedicated work fun Max Barskih.

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