- Количество слайдов: 8
Matthew 25 Be Prepared Matthew 25: 1 -13
²Ten virgins hear of the approach of the bridegroom (1) ²Five were foolish in regard to taking oil (2 -3) ²Five were wise in regard to taking oil (2, 4) ²While waiting they all slept (5) ²The bridegroom is finally coming. The virgins were in a house somewhere {“go out and meet him”} (6)
²Five foolish cannot trim their lamps for lack of oil and the five wise do not have enough to share (7 -9 a) ²The foolish hurry to buy some oil (9 b) ²While gone the bridegroom arrives, the wedding feast begins and the door is shut (10) ²The foolish virgins arrive and beg entrance (11) ²Entrance is denied (12)
²The whole point is summed up in verse 13 (cf. Matthew 24: 42 -46) § Five foolish virgins had some oil, but not enough • Partial preparation is enough? • Last minute “full court press”? • Only prepare for the present? • Obedience is like jumping a ditch, halfway just doesn’t get it § Preparation cannot be transferred from one to another
How To Be Prepared ²Acknowledge that preparation is not a given! Like the virgins, you will either be wise or foolish ²Determine to be fully prepared. § Jesus is coming in judgment (Acts 17: 3031) § We do not know when (Mk. 13: 32) § Be prepared for Him to come at any time (2 Peter 3: 10)
²Some advice § Be cautious that the cares of life do not distract you (Lk. 21: 34 -35) § Watch and pray (Lk. 21: 36) § Work to grow (2 Peter 3: 18)