Скачать презентацию Material Requirements Planning or as we in the Скачать презентацию Material Requirements Planning or as we in the


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Material Requirements Planning or as we in the business like to call it - Material Requirements Planning or as we in the business like to call it - MRP Computer Based Production Planning and Inventory Control System Scientific Management meets the Computer 1

Where are we? Strategic Tactical Operational Purpose Plan acquisition of resources Plan utilization of Where are we? Strategic Tactical Operational Purpose Plan acquisition of resources Plan utilization of resources Execution of resources Time horizon 2+ years 6 to 24 months 1 -3 months Time period Yrs/Months Days/weeks Level Top management Middle management Plant management Questions addressed What products/Levels Plant sizes/capacities Plant/warehouse locations What technologies? Inventory levels Production rates Work force sizing Subcontracting Batch sizes Job scheduling Material control Machine maintenance Analysis techniques Break-even analysis LP product mix Distribution models Supply Chain models Long range forecasting Location analysis Forecasting Aggregate planning Production smoothing Inventory models Facility layout Make or buy decisions Project planning Job scheduling Task sequencing Assembly line balancing Shift scheduling Worker assignments MRP/JIT Group technology transfer lines 2

Three Approaches to Production Control or how much to make, when? • Traditional – Three Approaches to Production Control or how much to make, when? • Traditional – inventory control and job scheduling • Material Requirements Planning (MRP) – along with Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP-II) – capacity requirements planning (CRP), – and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) • Just-in-Time (JIT) Manufacturing 3

Basic Definitions • MRP (Materials Requirements Planning). MRP is the basic process of translating Basic Definitions • MRP (Materials Requirements Planning). MRP is the basic process of translating a production schedule for an end product (MPS or Master Production Schedule) to a set of requirements for all of the subassemblies and parts needed to make that item. • JIT Just-in-Time. Derived from the original Japanese Kanban system developed at Toyota. JIT seeks to deliver the right amount of product at the right time. The goal is to reduce WIP (work-in-process) inventories to an absolute minimum. 4

Why Push and Pull? • MRP is the classic push system. The MRP system Why Push and Pull? • MRP is the classic push system. The MRP system computes production schedules for all levels based on forecasts of sales of end items. Once produced, subassemblies are pushed to next level whether needed or not. • JIT is the classic pull system. The basic mechanism is that production at one level only happens when initiated by a request at the higher level. That is, units are pulled through the system by request. 5

Push versus Pull • Push – MRP • Forecast driven • Production Plan by Push versus Pull • Push – MRP • Forecast driven • Production Plan by period • Parts – explosion • Uses lot-sizing techniques • Pull – JIT • Production driven by demands (in the form of Kanban) from the next higher level • Minimizes work-inprocess • Requires reduced setup times 6

Advantages MRP üreacts to changes in demands üallows for lot sizing to reduce setup Advantages MRP üreacts to changes in demands üallows for lot sizing to reduce setup costs üplans for several time periods into the future JIT üreduces work-in-process üquickly identify quality problems before large inventories of defect parts üsmooth flow of material through the supply chain 7

What problem does MRP try to solve? • Independent demand – originates outside the What problem does MRP try to solve? • Independent demand – originates outside the factory system – Is subject to uncertainty – Traditional (stochastic) inventory models work well • Dependent Demand – demand for components that make up independent demand products – No uncertainty – demand is known (at least in principle) once the final assembly schedule is given – Traditional (stochastic) inventory models do not work well 8

MRP versus JIT – an Example • Assembly of a garden spade requires two MRP versus JIT – an Example • Assembly of a garden spade requires two screws. • Spades are assembled in batches of 400 on the first two days of every month • The weekly demand pattern for screws therefore is: 800, 0, 0, 0, etc. 9

The MRP Approach • Using a weekly demand rate of 200, say, holding and The MRP Approach • Using a weekly demand rate of 200, say, holding and setup costs are such that the EOQ solution is Q* = 1, 400. – solution makes no sense since 600 would be stored for 3 weeks and then another order placed for 1, 400 – Treating weekly demand as random makes no sense as well since it is deterministic • Order 10, 400 at the beginning of the year and incur only one fixed order and delivery cost per year • Ideally use dynamic lot sizing based on costs – i. e. order some multiple of 800 10

The JIT Approach • Schedule delivery of 800 screws at the beginning of each The JIT Approach • Schedule delivery of 800 screws at the beginning of each month – – Incur fixed ordering cost 12 times a year No inventory to store If usage varies, can modify delivery sizes If a defective shipment only screwed for 800 screws • To be economical, fixed order and delivery costs must be small 11

MRP Objectives • Insure availability of materials, component, and products • Maintain lowest possible MRP Objectives • Insure availability of materials, component, and products • Maintain lowest possible inventory level • Plan manufacturing activities, delivery schedules, and purchasing requests An MRP fact: “MRP deals with two basic dimensions in production: Quantities and Timing” 12

The MRP System Forecast of future demand Production Planning Master Production Schedule of production The MRP System Forecast of future demand Production Planning Master Production Schedule of production quantities by Product (end item) and time period Lot sizing and capacity planning planned-order releases Customer orders Materials requirements planning system Explode master schedule to obtain requirements for assemblies, components, and raw material Time-phased Purchase orders Time-phased Work orders 13

Input 1 - Master Production Schedule • This is the forecast for the sales Input 1 - Master Production Schedule • This is the forecast for the sales of the end item over the planning horizon. The data sources for determining the MPS include: – Firm customer orders – Forecasts of future demand by item – Safety stock requirements – Seasonal variations – Internal orders from other parts of the organization. 14

Input 2 - Bill of Materials Bill of materials • parent-child (hierarchical) relationships • Input 2 - Bill of Materials Bill of materials • parent-child (hierarchical) relationships • quantity per application (QPA) • production or procurement lead-times 15

Input 3 – Inventory Position • For all items at all levels for each Input 3 – Inventory Position • For all items at all levels for each time period – On-hand inventory quantities – On-order quantities (due-in’s) Let’s see. We have 3 of these with 5 more arriving on the 23 rd. 16

Input - Output 1. Master Production Schedule 2. Bill of Materials and level codes Input - Output 1. Master Production Schedule 2. Bill of Materials and level codes 3. Inventory status of all items – on-hand on-order MRP SYSTEM Compute for all components: • Gross requirements • Planned order and work releases • Time phasing of net requirements 17

A Three-legged Stool Final assembly area End item Parent level Child level 1 seat A Three-legged Stool Final assembly area End item Parent level Child level 1 seat assembly Department X 1 seat Dept X 1 cushion Vendor B Raw material – lumber leg assembly Department Y 3 legs Dept Y 6 screws Vendor A 3 supports Dept Y - Paul Bunyon Lumber Co. 6 screws Vendor A 18

A Three-legged Stool Production Lead-times One week Stool Final assembly area 1 seat assembly A Three-legged Stool Production Lead-times One week Stool Final assembly area 1 seat assembly Department X leg assembly Department Y Vendor Lead-times 6 screws One week Vendor A One week Two weeks 1 seat Dept X 1 cushion Vendor B 3 legs Dept Y 3 supports Dept Y 6 screws Vendor A Two weeks Raw material – lumber - Paul Bunyon Lumber Co. 19

A Three-legged Stool Independent Demand Stool Final assembly area Dependent Demand seat assembly Department A Three-legged Stool Independent Demand Stool Final assembly area Dependent Demand seat assembly Department X 1 seat Dept X 1 cushion Vendor B Raw material – lumber leg assembly Department Y 3 legs Dept Y 6 screws Vendor A 3 supports Dept Y - Paul Bunyon Lumber Co. 6 screws Vendor A 20

Lumpy Demands due to lot sizing time buckets dependent demand Time period Assembly X Lumpy Demands due to lot sizing time buckets dependent demand Time period Assembly X demand Production Assembly Y Production Assembly Z Production Subassembly A Requirements 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 30 5 10 7 7 10 10 5 7 7 5 10 7 7 10 30 5 57 7 27 37 27 7 Assemblies X and Z require one unit of assembly A while Assembly Y requires two. Sub. Asb. Aper 1 = 30 + 2 (10) + 7 = 57 21

Terminology • bill of materials – all parent-child relationships • level coding – the Terminology • bill of materials – all parent-child relationships • level coding – the order in which the requirements must be computed (indenture level) • lead-time offset – due date minus the planned order release date 22

Product Structure Two end products (1 and 2) Four assemblies (A, B, C, and Product Structure Two end products (1 and 2) Four assemblies (A, B, C, and D) Three parts (d, f, and g) 2 1 A(2) D C A B B d(2) g C(2) D C d g(3) B f(3) B(2) C ( ) – indicates number of components used on next higher assembly 23

Bill of Materials Matrix - B End Product 1 2 A D B C Bill of Materials Matrix - B End Product 1 2 A D B C d f g A 2 subassemblies D B C 1 1 2 parts (components) g d f 3 2 1 1 3 Why this is an upper triangular matrix isn’t it! 24

use topological sorting MRP Level Assignments 1 A(2) 2 C D A B B use topological sorting MRP Level Assignments 1 A(2) 2 C D A B B g(3) Level 1 A, D B d(2) g C d Level 0 1, 2 C(2) Level 3 C, g D f(3) B(2) Level 2 B C Level 4 d, f 25

Topological Sorting rearrange so all arrows go down 1 1 3 3 4 7 Topological Sorting rearrange so all arrows go down 1 1 3 3 4 7 7 4 6 8 5 9 2 2 5 9 8 note: no loops are present 6 26

Computing Direct Dependent Demands Let Dn = vector of dependent demand directly resulting from Computing Direct Dependent Demands Let Dn = vector of dependent demand directly resulting from demand at level n (output vector) dn = vector of demand at level n (input vector) Then Dn = dn x B where B is the Bill of Materials Matrix and D 0 = d 0 B; D 1 = d 1 B = D 0 B = (d 0 x B); D 2 = d 2 B = (d 0 x B x B); etc. Then total demand = D 0 + D 1 + … + Dm = d 0 x (B + B 2 + B 3 + … + Bm ) 27

Assume independent demand for item 1 = 100 units & item 2 = 200 Assume independent demand for item 1 = 100 units & item 2 = 200 units and there is a spare part demand for 20 C’s. 1 2 A D B C g d f D 0 = d 0 B = (100, 200, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0) x 1 2 A DB C g d f = (0, 0, 200, 100, 600, 20, 60) = d 1 Requirement: A 200 D 200 B 200 C 100 g 600 d 20 f 60 28

Level 2 requirement 1 2 A D B C g d f D 1 Level 2 requirement 1 2 A D B C g d f D 1 = d 1 B = (0, 0, 200, 100, 600, 20, 60) x 12 A D B C g d f = (0, 0, 500, 200, 100, 300) = d 2 Requirement: A 0 D 0 B 500 C 500 g 200 d 500 f 300 29

Computing Total Requirements If B is an n x n triangular matrix, then Bk Computing Total Requirements If B is an n x n triangular matrix, then Bk = 0 for any k n by matrix multiplication of B x B: If i j then b 2 i, j = 0 30

B 2 = = Therefore b 21, 8 = 5 is the level 1 B 2 = = Therefore b 21, 8 = 5 is the level 1 requirement for component d in product 1. 31

MRP Level Assignments 1 A(2) 2 C D A B B g(3) Level 1 MRP Level Assignments 1 A(2) 2 C D A B B g(3) Level 1 A, D B d(2) g C d Level 0 1, 2 C(2) Level 3 C, g D f(3) B(2) Level 2 B C Level 4 d, f 32

B 3 = = Therefore b 32, 9 = 9 is the level 2 B 3 = = Therefore b 32, 9 = 9 is the level 2 requirement for component f in product 2. 33

Total Requirements matrix (R) Let ri, j = total number of units of item Total Requirements matrix (R) Let ri, j = total number of units of item j required to produce one unit of item i where ri, i = 1 by definition. therefore: R = I + B 2 + B 3 + … + Bn + 0 + … recall: Therefore R = (I – B)-1 34

B= R = (I – B)-1 = 35 B= R = (I – B)-1 = 35

let d = vector of independent demands which includes demands for end products, spare let d = vector of independent demands which includes demands for end products, spare assemblies, and spare components Q = total production requirements vector then Q = d R = d (I – B)-1 item 1 demand 20 2 A D B C g d f 30 0 10 0 5 0 0 0 Q = d R = (20, 30, 0, 10, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0) x = (20, 30, 40, 150, 365, 240, 445, 1095) 36

from earlier example: d R = (100, 200, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0) x from earlier example: d R = (100, 200, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0) x = (100, 200, 800, 1920, 1400, 2320, 5760) Requirement: A D B 200 800 C 1920 g 1400 d 2320 f 5760 37

MRP Procedure • Netting: Determine net requirements – gross requirements –[on-hand inventory + scheduled MRP Procedure • Netting: Determine net requirements – gross requirements –[on-hand inventory + scheduled receipts] • Establish lot sizes – divide net requirements into production lots or order quantities • Time Phasing: Determine planned order release dates – Offset due dates with lead-times • BOM Explosion: Expand to next level – Generate gross requirements of all components on next level • Iterate: Repeat until all levels have been processed. 38

Master Production Scheduling Qj, t = scheduled receipts (order or lot size quantity) of Master Production Scheduling Qj, t = scheduled receipts (order or lot size quantity) of item j during period t Rj, t = gross requirement of item j during period t Ij, t = expected on-hand inventory of item j at the beginning of period t Nj, t = net requirements for item j in period t Nj, t = max{0, Rj, t – Qj, t – Ij, t} Note: Rj, t = max{ forecast for period t, customer orders period t} 39

Master Production Scheduling (cont. ) Ij, t = expected on-hand inventory of item j Master Production Scheduling (cont. ) Ij, t = expected on-hand inventory of item j at the beginning of period t Qj, t = scheduled receipts (order or lot size quantity) of item j during period t Rj, t = gross requirement of item j during period t 40

MRP - Example CURENT INVENTORY STATUS AND LEADTIMES level item on-hand inventory at t=0 MRP - Example CURENT INVENTORY STATUS AND LEADTIMES level item on-hand inventory at t=0 L 0 L 1 L 2 L 3 L 4 1 2 A D B C g d f 120 85 0 10 500 160 0 1200 4000 reorder lead-time (weeks) 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 41

Example - demands Week Item I 1 I 2 A D B C g Example - demands Week Item I 1 I 2 A D B C g d f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 50 20 20 30 30 25 40 35 40 10 30 35 25 20 15 25 15 30 30 10 10 20 100 5 Master Production Schedule 42

Example – level 0 Week 1 Item 1 R 1 50 Q 1 I Example – level 0 Week 1 Item 1 R 1 50 Q 1 I 1 120 N 1 OR 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 30 40 30 25 15 30 70 50 40 120 20 100 60 30 5 10 0 30 Week 1 Item 2 R 2 20 Q 2 I 2 85 N 2 OR 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 25 10 35 20 25 30 65 35 35 100 10 75 65 30 10 15 120 100 OR – order releases (based on lot-sizes of 120 and 100) 0 30 100 43

Gross requirements –lower level period 7 D 0 = d 0 B = (120, Gross requirements –lower level period 7 D 0 = d 0 B = (120, 100, 0, 0) x = (0, 0, 240, 100, 120, 300, 0, 0) Gross Requirement: A 240 D 100 B 100 C 120 g 300 44

note: lot for lot re-order policy OR – order releases (based on lot-sizing) Example note: lot for lot re-order policy OR – order releases (based on lot-sizing) Example – level 1 Week Item A R Q I N OR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 0 240 15 0 0 0 240 0 15 0 240 15 Week Item D R Q I N OR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 100 0 0 10 10 10 0 0 10 100 0 0 10 240 100 lead-time 2 weeks 45

Gross requirements –lower levels period 5 D 1 = d 1 B = (0, Gross requirements –lower levels period 5 D 1 = d 1 B = (0, 0, 240, 100, 0, 0, 0) x = (0, 0, 440, 100, 0, 480, 0) Gross Requirement: B 440 C 100 d 480 46

use topological sorting MRP Level Assignments 1 A(2) 2 C D A B B use topological sorting MRP Level Assignments 1 A(2) 2 C D A B B g(3) Level 1 A, D B d(2) g C d Level 0 1, 2 C(2) Level 3 C, g D f(3) B(2) Level 2 B C Level 4 d, f 47

OR – order releases (based on lot-sizing) Example – level 2/3 Wagner-Whitin with A=$150, OR – order releases (based on lot-sizing) Example – level 2/3 Wagner-Whitin with A=$150, h=$. 60 Week Item B R Q I N OR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 440 560 0 20 100 0 440 15 100 0 100 120 100 0 0 440 0 15 0 100 0 0 100 Week Item C R Q I N OR 1 2 - level 3 100 15 115 0 15 555 120 100 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 120 0 1150 100 0 120 200 0 0 1150 0 100 0 0 120 0 200 0 1250 320 least unit cost 48

OR – order releases (based on lot-4 -lot) Week Item g R Q I OR – order releases (based on lot-4 -lot) Week Item g R Q I N OR Example – level 3/4 1 - level 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 575 0 0 300 100 0 300 0 0 575 0 0 0 300 0 100 0 300 575 300 100 Week 1 2 Item d - level 4 R 480 120 Q I 1200 720 N OR 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1250 0 480 350 0 600 120 0 230 0 49

Example – level 4 Week Item f R Q I N OR 1 2 Example – level 4 Week Item f R Q I N OR 1 2 - level 4 0 360 4000 110 4000 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3750 110 3640 0 0 960 This is a great level. 50

item C periods 4 - 8 Lot sizing and MRP least unit cost heuristic: item C periods 4 - 8 Lot sizing and MRP least unit cost heuristic: net lot period rqmt size weeks in inv wk 4 wk 5 wk 6 wk 7 wk 8 1150 100 0 120 200 Iteration 2 wk 7 120 wk 8 200 carry-cost per lot Inv $ per Unit Setup Cost Total (unit) 0 60 0. 05 . 87. 80 . 87. 85 1370 1570 0 1 2 3 4 276 756 . 20. 48 . 73. 64 . 93 1. 12 120 320 0 120 0. 38 8. 33 3. 13 8. 33 2. 51 0 1250 setup cost = $1000 holding cost =. 60 /unit-period unit cost = $1 51

Lot Sizing with Capacity Constraints Known requirements in each period versus capacities ri = Lot Sizing with Capacity Constraints Known requirements in each period versus capacities ri = requirement in period i ci = production capacity in period i yi = production level in period i 52

Example 7. 7 r = (20, 40, 100, 35, 80, 75, 25) c = Example 7. 7 r = (20, 40, 100, 35, 80, 75, 25) c = (60, 60, 60, 60) Check for feasibility: 53

The simple 2 -step algorithm 1. 2. Find next period in which demand > The simple 2 -step algorithm 1. 2. Find next period in which demand > capacity Back-shift demands to period(s) having excess capacity 0. r = (20, 40, 100, 35, 80, 75, 25) c = (60, 60, 60, 60) 1. 40 60 60 r = (20, 40, 100, 35, 80, 75, 25) c = (60, 60, 60, 60) 2. 40 60 60 55 60 r = (20, 40, 100, 35, 80, 75, 25) c = (60, 60, 60, 60) 3. 50 60 40 60 60 55 60 60 25 r = (20, 40, 100, 35, 80, 75, 25) c = (60, 60, 60, 60) Final answer: y = (50, 60, 60, 60, 25) Feasible but not necessarily optimal! 54

The Improvement 2 -Step • Start at end and work backwards • Determine if The Improvement 2 -Step • Start at end and work backwards • Determine if it is cheaper to shift entire production lot to prior periods having excess capacity Assume k = $450 and h = $2: 0. r = (100, 79, 230, 105, 3, 10, 99, 126, 40) c = (120, 200, 400, 300, 50, 120, 50, 30) 1. r’ = (100, 109, 200, 105, 28, 50, 120, 50, 30) c = (120, 200, 400, 300, 50, 120, 50, 30) Cost = 9 x 450 + 432 = $4, 482 2. r’= (100, 109, 200, 105, 28, 50, 120, 50, 30) c = (120, 200, 400, 300, 50, 120, 50, 30) y = (100, 109, 200, 105, 58, 50, 120, 50, 0) Cost = 8 x 450 + (432 + 2 x 30 x 4) = $4, 272 Find feasible solution Look for improvement 55

More Improvement • • Start at end and work backwards Determine if it is More Improvement • • Start at end and work backwards Determine if it is cheaper to shift entire production lot to prior periods having excess capacity Assume k = $450 and h = $2: 1. r’ = (100, 109, 200, 105, 28, 50, 120, 50, 30) c = (120, 200, 400, 300, 50, 120, 50, 30) Cost = 9 x 450 + 432 = $4, 482 2. r’= (100, 109, 200, 105, 28, 50, 120, 50, 30) c = (120, 200, 400, 300, 50, 120, 50, 30) y = (100, 109, 200, 105, 58, 50, 120, 50, 0) Cost = 8 x 450 + (432 + 2 x 30 x 4) = $4, 272 2. r’= (100, 109, 200, 105, 28, 50, 120, 50, 30) c = (120, 200, 400, 300, 50, 120, 50, 30) y = (100, 109, 200, 105, 108, 50, 120, 0, 0) Cost = 7 x 450 + (432 + 240 + 300) = $4, 122 Let’s do another one… 56

Assume k = $450 and h = $2: Do it again? 2. r’= (100, Assume k = $450 and h = $2: Do it again? 2. r’= (100, 109, 200, 105, 28, 50, 120, 50, 30) c = (120, 200, 400, 300, 50, 120, 50, 30) y = (100, 109, 200, 105, 108, 50, 120, 0, 0) Cost = 7 x 450 + (432 + 240 + 300) = $4, 122 No! Don’t do it. It will cost more. 2. r’= (100, 109, 200, 105, 28, 50, 120, 50, 30) c = (120, 200, 400, 300, 50, 120, 50, 30) y = (100, 109, 200, 105, 228, 50, 0, 0, 0) Savings = $450 Cost = $2 x 120 x 2 = $480 Look at shifting 50 units in period 6 to period 5 and the resulting 158 units in period 5 to period 4 Final answer: y = (100, 109, 200, 263, 0, 0, 0) with cost = $3, 638 57

There are still problems… The problem is that even if lot sizes at some There are still problems… The problem is that even if lot sizes at some level do not exceed production capacities, there is no guarantee that when these lot sizes are translated into gross requirements at a lower level, that they will not exceed capacities. 58

let Optimal Multilevel Lot Sizing AI = setup cost for item i hi = let Optimal Multilevel Lot Sizing AI = setup cost for item i hi = holding cost for item i Iit = inventory level ending period t Qit = order quantity of item i, period t zit = 1 if item i is ordered period t; otherwise 0 mi, s(i) = number units of i required to produce s(i) Rt = end item requirement in period t subject to: 59

Weaknesses and Problems MRP is based upon a flawed model! • assumes infinite production Weaknesses and Problems MRP is based upon a flawed model! • assumes infinite production capacity – MRP identifies what is to be done to meet the master schedule – capacity planning usually occurs after the fact – capacity lot-sizing at one level will not solve overall capacity problem • deterministic system – lead-times & demands – lead-times do not consider plant loading – lead-times are inflated to compensate creating more problems – lead-times may be dependent on lot sizes 60

System Nervousness Caused by Rolling Horizon Only 1 st period decision of a N-period System Nervousness Caused by Rolling Horizon Only 1 st period decision of a N-period problem is implemented. Using the Wagner-Whitin algorithm: t Dt Qt 1 190 2 210 400 3 190 0 4 210 400 5 190 0 t Dt Qt 1 190 400 2 210 0 3 190 400 4 210 0 5 190 400 A = $400 / order h = $1 per item 6 210 0 Q 1 = 190 if odd number of periods Q 1 = 400 if even number of periods 61

More Problems • Random numbers of defective items • Data Integrity – – machine More Problems • Random numbers of defective items • Data Integrity – – machine unavailability engineering changes discrepancies in inventory records changes in demands (forecasts), costs, or lead-times • Lead-times dependent upon lot sizes • Reject or rework rates must be addressed 62

After MRP? • MRP II – Manufacturing Resource Planning – – includes MRP-I adds After MRP? • MRP II – Manufacturing Resource Planning – – includes MRP-I adds financial, accounting, and marketing functions MPS becomes a decision variable capacity resource planning (CRP) an integral feature • ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning – – – includes MRP-II entire firm operates on the same data client-server with a single relational database multi-location (international) support includes customer orders, distribution, delivery schedules, etc. 63

More on ERP • Enterprise systems are commercial software packages that enable the integration More on ERP • Enterprise systems are commercial software packages that enable the integration of transactions -oriented data and business processes throughout an organization (and perhaps eventually throughout the entire inter-organizational supply chain). • Enterprise systems include ERP software and related packages as advanced planning and scheduling (APS), sales force automation, customer relationship management, product configuration, etc. ) 64

More of More on ERP • Most companies have failed to implement ERP packages More of More on ERP • Most companies have failed to implement ERP packages successfully or to realize the hoped-for financial returns on their ERP investment. • Standish Group Study of ERP Implementations: – 35% are Cancelled – 55% overrun their budgets – Less than 10% are on time and under budget • Implementation Averages – Cost: 178% over budget – Schedule: 230% longer – Functionality: – 59% or: the system will only perform 41% of the functions it was intended to perform. 65

Why Implementations Fail • • • People Don’t want the systems to succeed People Why Implementations Fail • • • People Don’t want the systems to succeed People are comfortable and don’t see the need for the new system. People have unrealistic expectations of the new system. People don’t understand the basic concepts of the system. The basic data is inaccurate. The system has technical difficulties. 66

What about APS? • APS is Advance Planning and Scheduling: The technique that deals What about APS? • APS is Advance Planning and Scheduling: The technique that deals with analysis and planning of logistics and manufacturing over the short, intermediate and long-term periods. APS describes any computer program that uses advanced mathematical algorithms or logic to perform optimization or simulation on finite capacity scheduling, sourcing, capital planning, resource planning, forecasting, demand management and others. 67

The Five Main Components Of an APS System • • • demand planning production The Five Main Components Of an APS System • • • demand planning production scheduling distribution planning transportation planning Gosh there are five of them. 68

MRP and APS • APS considers all constraints and capacities simultaneously using mathematical models MRP and APS • APS considers all constraints and capacities simultaneously using mathematical models (linear programming or some derivative) and yields a production plan (either short term or longer term). • MRP can take this plan and execute the acquisition of materials. • MRP is more transaction focused an older product than APS • APS is more modeling oriented. 69

Homework Hey! This MRP stuff is okay. Can we have some homework problems to Homework Hey! This MRP stuff is okay. Can we have some homework problems to try it out? Please. From your textbook: chapter 7: 4, 5, 6, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28 + handout 70