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Mater Academy Cutler Bay Charter School welcomes you to our 2017 -2018 Open House
School Hours Kinder – 1 st 8: 15 a. m. – 2: 15 p. m. Pre-K & 2 nd - 5 th Grade 8: 45 a. m. – 3: 15 p. m. Middle School 7: 45 a. m. – 2: 45 p. m. Students will remain with a faculty member 10 minutes after dismissal. Students who are not picked up 10 minutes after dismissal time will be sent to the After Care Program and issued a fee of $1. 00 per minute late fee.
Attendance Policy Mater Academy Bay will abide by the M-DCPS Student Attendance Reporting Procedures. Mater Academy Bay students are expected to: Be present at school each and every day Attend class as scheduled Arrive at school on time Demonstrate appropriate behavior and a readiness to learn o Child MUST be present a minimum of 2 hours to be considered for attendance o Attendance Policy will be enforced strictly! o o
Tardy Policy Any Elementary child who is not in their classroom by start of school day will be marked “TARDY”. These students must report to the main office to obtain a tardy slip in order to be admitted into their classroom. Students who are tardy are not eligible for perfect attendance certificates. After ten (10) unexcused tardies, the student will be issued a referral form which will be placed in the permanent record.
Excused Absences o Student Illness o Students missing 5 or more consecutive days of school due to illness or injury must provide a written statement from a health care provider. The written statement must include all days the student has been absent from school. o Medical Appointment o Death in Family o Observance of a religious holiday or service when it is mandated for all members of a faith that such a holiday or service be observed o School sponsored event or educational enrichment activity o Other individual student absences beyond the control of the parent/guardian or student as determined and approved by the principal or the principal’s designee. The principal shall require documentation related to the condition. o Students granted an excused absence have the right to make up all course work within three(3) school days upon the return to school. o Attendance is strictly enforced- it’s the law!
Early Dismissal o Students who are dismissed early (on a regular school day) must be signed out by a parent or guardian in the main office. o Students will not be released to persons whose names do not appear on the emergency contact card kept on file in the main office. o A photo ID must be shown in order to release a student from the premises. o In case of an emergency, if a person not listed on the emergency contact card must pick up a student, the parent must fax a signed statement with a copy of their driver’s license allowing that person to pick up their child on that specific day. o It is the parent’s responsibility to come to the main office and add the person to the emergency contact card for subsequent days. Students will not be released to persons whose names do not appear on the emergency contact card kept on file in the main office. o Students will not be dismissed 30 minutes prior to dismissal time. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Daily Schedule 8: 45 – 10: 15 ELA 10: 15 – 11: 15 Special Areas 11: 15 – 11: 45 Writing *Switch to Ms. Pastrana for Math*
Curriculum • Language Arts / Reading – Wonders Reading Series
Technology Components i. Ready Reading & Math Grading Minutes Completed: Percentage: 45 or more minutes/weekly 100% 44 - 30 minutes/weekly 70% 29 -15 minutes/weekly 60% 14 -0 minutes/weekly 0% * Doesn’t begin until Pre-Tests/Diagnostics are completed
Classroom Discipline plan Classroom Rules: Be respectful Be responsible Be safe Be helpful and kind Rewards: Verbal praise Awards Prizes Treats Positive call and notes home Consequences: Verbal warning (no color change) Lose 5 minutes of free time and complete reflection form Lose 10 minutes of free time and parent contact If behavior continues, we will meet and discuss a plan of action
Grading Policy Academic grades are to reflect the student’s academic progress. The grade must provide for both students and parents a clear indication of each student’s academic performance as compared with norms that would be appropriate for the grade or subject. Kinder Grades 1 st – 7 th Grades Numerical Value Verbal Interpretation Grade Point Value E A 90 – 100% Outstanding progress 4 G B 80 – 89% Above average progress 3 S C 70 – 79% Average Progress 2 M D 60 – 69% Lowest acceptable progress 1 U F 0 – 59% Failure 0
Grade Distribution Category: Test Classwork Home-learning, Projects, & Oral Presentation Quiz Weighted Percentage: 40% 25% 15% 20%
Home Learning How Parents Can Help… 1. Parents may provide assistance, but students must complete the work on their own. 2. Parents should check agenda daily for homework assignments and any teacher communication. 3. Home Learning Assignments should be done in a quiet place with good lighting and minimal disturbances. 4. If there is a problem in understanding how to complete Home Learning Assignments, students are to do the very best job possible. If a student does not understand the assignment(s), they are encouraged to bring it in the next day and ask the teacher for assistance. In this case, the homework should be completed that evening along with the regular Home Learning Assignments
General Procedures § Lunch Application / Lunch Status § Arrival / Dismissal - Decals are mandatory § Conferences / How to contact (sfontaine@materacademybay. com) § Volunteer Hours 30 per family § Uniform Policy
th Kinder-5 Grade Dress Code Girls: Boys: Navy Blue Polo w/ Logo Navy Blue & White Rugby Long Sleeve Khaki Bermuda Shorts or Pants Black or Ribbon Belt Black Belt All Black Sneakers (NO Logos)or Black Converse Sneakers White or Black Socks Solid Navy Blue Sweater All Black Sneakers (NO Logos)or Black Converse Sneakers with laces White or Black Socks Solid Navy Blue Sweater • Dress code will be strictly enforced! • If out of dress code, parent will be contacted. • Numerous violations will result in referral.
Lunch Criteria Lunch costs $3. 50. Payments can be made online or directly to your child’s teacher. Free & Reduced Lunch Your children may qualify for free meals or for reduced price meals. Reduced price is $. 40 for lunch. Continues from the previous year for the first 10 days Submit the new application for 2017 -2018 If child is bringing lunch from home, we encourage parents to send a “Healthy Balanced Meal. ” Monthly Lunch Menus will be posted on our schools website. For assistance speak with Ms. Jackie Quintas
Arrival Procedures: o All vehicles must enter the school from the south entrance and drive to the designated drop off/pick up area. o Students must not exit vehicles from the entrance lane of the school driveway or from 87 avenue. o The south side of the building is exclusively for bus drop off and pick up. Parents may not park in this area. o Parents may not park on the property at dismissal time to pick up a student, ONLY pick up line may be used. There are NO Walk-Up pick ups. Times: o Middle School – 7: 45 AM o Kindergarten – 1 st Grade 8: 15 AM o Pre-k, 2 nd -5 th Grade – 8: 45 AM **Under no circumstances will parents be allowed to park or leave their vehicles unattended in the drop off/pick up areas**
Dismissal Procedures o All parents/guardians must display school issued decal drive on dashboard for dismissal. o All vehicles enter the school from the south entrance and drive to the designated pick-up area. o Parents will drive up to the pick up line and stop at the designated cone, so their child can enter the building. o Students must ONLY enter vehicles from the drive up lane. o Parents are discouraged from picking up students enrolled in the After Care program during regular dismissal times. Times: o Middle School – 2: 45 PM o Kindergarten – 1 st Grade – 2: 15 PM o Pre-k, 2 nd -5 th Grade – 3: 15 PM o Miami Dade Police Cutler Bay Department will enforce traffic safety rules.
How to be a school volunteer? Anyone that will come in contact with a Mater Academy Cutler Bay student MUST register as a volunteer. Register on the MDCPS website as a school volunteer Registration is required yearly to be able to: Attend fieldtrips Volunteer at school events Career Day
Parent Portal: § In order to view your child’s grades you must create a Parent Account on the M-DCPS website. § Parent Pin numbers will be issued by the main office. Please bring identification for verification. § Please visit the www. dadeschools. net website for detailed instructions on how to create a parent portal account.
Our School’s Website & Social Media The following information will be posted on our School’s Website & Social Media visit: www. materacademybay. com or like us on Mater Academy Cutler Bay • News and Announcements • Activities & Sports • Lunch Menu • School events and Updates • School Supply Lists • Educational Links @Mater. Cutler. Bay
Classroom Wish List § Please see list in packet provided and class website
Before/After Care Services *ONE TIME $25. 00 Registration Fee Per Student* Before Care: 7: 00 am - 8: 25 am $40. 00 per month After Care: 3: 00 pm - 6: 00 pm $140. 00 per month Mini Care: Grades K - 1 2: 15 pm - 3: 15 pm $40. 00 per month Middle School 2: 45 – 3: 15 pm $20. 00 per month
Items for Sale in the Cafeteria (Open House) Spirit Shirts $10 C ly n Agenda/Folders $10 ash O nly h. O s Ca Pre-sale Yearbooks $35 Bows $5 Recorders $5 (Room 114 only for Grades 3 -5)
Thank you for coming… Please visit the following Special Areas Teachers: Spanish Ms. Salinas (2) Room 130 Ms. Tamariz (1) Room 130 PE Mr. Valido (P 1) Room 114 Mr. Mico (P 2) Room 114 Music Ms. Rodriguez Room 114 Art Ms. Penate Room 104 B
Switch and meet the rest of the staff Friday, Aug. 18 10: 00 a. m. – 10: 40 a. m. 10: 45 a. m. – 11: 00 a. m. 11: 05 a. m. – 11: 35 a. m. Grade 3 Homeroom Switch Visit Special Area Teachers Visit cafeteria - Purchase Items - Enroll for After-Care, Mini-Care &/or Morning-Care