Matching By Ivan Mikheyev 19 00 GMT+4 Ivan. miheev@aiesec. net Vk. com/suhofrukt
Agenda What is matching? Myaisec. net TN&EP forms Letters process FB&Skype. Better way to increase results. Interview process Delivery process
What is Matching?
What is Matching? TN’s Available status Promo campaign Searching suitable EPs Selection interview Delivery process Realization
Myaiesec. net (http: //ifolder. ru/29298788 )
TN&EP forms
TN&EP forms
Letters Hi, (NAME)!My name is (Name). Hope this letter will be the beginning of our further communication. I found your EP form and had a wish to invite you to our project "Young and Perspective" - TN-In-RU-NT-2011 -2142. I can promise that you will recieve an incredible experience and find a lot of cool friends in Russia! Few words about our LC: We've been working in AIESEC Russia for 20 years and realize more then 100 exchanges per year. We're very united, young and perspective: ) Find more information about TN form and reception booklet here: http: //webfile. ru/5510065 And here about our LC: http: //aiesec-nstu. blogspot. com/ And these are photos from the last year project in which 28 interns from 20 countries took part: Hope to see you in our LC soon; ) Looking forward to your reply! (Your NAME) --
Interview Set time for the interview in GMT format Be ready to write the answers Try to know more about candidates Prepare questions before interview You should have full information about project
Interview Your Questions 1. Hello! How are you? =)) Let’s start our interview. 2. And now, some personal questions. What can you tell me about yourself? 3. What do you do in your free time? 4. Tell me about your hobby? 5. What can you tell me about your positive/negative sides of your character 6. What do you know about our project? (And you should ask the intern about your project. E. g. If it’d be “Pro. File” or “Sunshine” you should ask: Do you like children? Have you any experience of work with children? What can you teach Russian children? Ect. ) 7. Why did you choose our project? 8. What do you expect from the project? 9. What are you going to do here (in the project)? 10. What do you know about Russia? 11. What do you know about AIESEC Russia/NSTU? 12. Do you know anything about our city-Novosibirsk? 13. Are you ready to be active and full of energy all the project time long? ) Ok, thank you for the interview. Do you have any questions to me? I’ll tell you the results tomorrow in the morning. Good luck. Bye! Be careful! Listen for an each answer! We need just the best interns here!
Delivery Send all documents as soon as possible Set right expectations for the intern Communicate with intern and clarify info about delivery
Thank you for attention!