Скачать презентацию Master Plan Needs Assessment Church of the Immaculate Скачать презентацию Master Plan Needs Assessment Church of the Immaculate


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Master Plan Needs Assessment Church of the Immaculate Conception November 9, 2011 Master Plan Needs Assessment Church of the Immaculate Conception November 9, 2011

Agenda for 11/9/11 • Prayer • Welcome/Introductions/Format • • Fr. Joe Bar Pastor Debra Agenda for 11/9/11 • Prayer • Welcome/Introductions/Format • • Fr. Joe Bar Pastor Debra Bartgis Pastoral Council President Fr. Joe Barr Master Plan Overview Committee Reports (10 minute presentations with 5 minutes Q&A) Cemetery Fr. Joe Barr Worship Julio Esteban Parish Community Life Carole Gibison Administrative/Housing Brian Gobell School George Towle Facilities Dick Magnani Closing Prayer Fr. Joe Barr

Parish Mission Statement The Parish of the Immaculate Conception with special devotion to the Parish Mission Statement The Parish of the Immaculate Conception with special devotion to the Blessed Mother, our patroness, accepts God’s call to proclaim the Gospel though our commitment to evangelization, worship, education, service and stewardship.

Master Plan Steering Committee To design/implement a master plan to meet the spiritual, educational, Master Plan Steering Committee To design/implement a master plan to meet the spiritual, educational, social needs of the parish with supportive considerations for the surrounding community. • Visionary Phase (current): Needs Assessment • Tactical Phase • Implementation Phase

Master Plan Subcommittees & Chairs The five functional subcommittees are represented by parishioners with Master Plan Subcommittees & Chairs The five functional subcommittees are represented by parishioners with varied interests and expertise. • • • Administrative/Housing Chair: Brian Gobell Cemetery Chair: Joe Hart Facilities Co-chairs: Dick Magnani, Lou Baird Parish Community Life Chairs: Carole Gibison, Jack Mc. Grain, Lynn Lehneis School Chair: George Towle Worship Chair: Julio Esteban, Anne-Therese Bechamps

Master Plan Steering Committee Foundation of a Master Plan • Over the summer months, Master Plan Steering Committee Foundation of a Master Plan • Over the summer months, the chairs and members met on numerous occasions developing a needs assessment for each of their respective functional committees

Cemetery Committee I. Established 13 Goals Addressing specifics on how to improve our cemetery Cemetery Committee I. Established 13 Goals Addressing specifics on how to improve our cemetery II. Researched Secular & Church Cemeteries with Columbariums 2 catholic and 6 secular cemeteries that had columbariums 5 Churches (Catholic and Protestant) with columbariums within a 5 mile radius Costs, fees, regulations 7

Worship Committee I. Post-Mass Gathering Need Larger Gathering Space Current narthex too small/congested Limited Worship Committee I. Post-Mass Gathering Need Larger Gathering Space Current narthex too small/congested Limited space for parish announcements Need More Time for Socializing 30 minutes between Masses too restrictive Mass schedule affects religious education classes Need Less Restrictive Parking Plan Stadium parking discourages lingering Garage ingress/egress problem for priests 8

Worship Committee II. Sacristy Need More Space for Clergy/Altar Servers Must accommodate multiple users Worship Committee II. Sacristy Need More Space for Clergy/Altar Servers Must accommodate multiple users Need Adequate User-Friendly Storage Cabinets hard to reach; drawers shallow Insufficient space for needed materials Difficult/dangerous access to attic storage 9

Worship Committee III. Children’s Programs Need Dedicated Space for Children’s Liturgy of the Word Worship Committee III. Children’s Programs Need Dedicated Space for Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) Shared space with Chapel creates conflict Inadequate learning environment Need Indoor CLOW Space at Church Time limited to liturgy Need Child Care During Masses Crying infants distract worshipers 10

Worship Committee IV. Adoration Chapel Need to Re-dedicate Purpose Chapel has become multipurpose room Worship Committee IV. Adoration Chapel Need to Re-dedicate Purpose Chapel has become multipurpose room Separate space for other devotions Needs 24 -7 Dedicated Parking Not enough current handicap spaces Night-time safety issue Need to Reconfigure Sacristy/Chapel Spaces CLOW time limit requires space next to Church Chapel can stand alone 11

Worship Committee V. Music Ministry Need Separate Rehearsal Spaces Three singing groups/different schedules Rehearsals Worship Committee V. Music Ministry Need Separate Rehearsal Spaces Three singing groups/different schedules Rehearsals in Church conflict with religious activities Need Working Space for Ministry No current office space/facilities No space for meetings 12

Worship Committee VI. Fellowship Need Facility to Host Large Events (300 +) Existing parish Worship Committee VI. Fellowship Need Facility to Host Large Events (300 +) Existing parish hall too small Need Facility to Host Fund Raising Meals Inadequate parish hall kitchen Need Hall Close to Church Existing parish hall too far to walk Hall to house/unite various parish functions 13

Parish Community Life Committee Meeting Space Needs I. Multi-purpose room to accommodate all youth Parish Community Life Committee Meeting Space Needs I. Multi-purpose room to accommodate all youth activities Movable sound-proof walls equipped with technology Adult Faith meetings range from 9 in Convent – 65 people Parish Hall Respect Life committee 20 people in Convent – up to 100 for sponsored speakers in Parish Hall Scouts (Boys/Girls) – weekly (afternoons/evenings) during school year Social Functions – use Parish Hall 14

Parish Community Life Committee II. Child Care Needs During Mass adjacent to Church Adult Parish Community Life Committee II. Child Care Needs During Mass adjacent to Church Adult Faith Committee and Respect Life near meeting rooms Child-age equipment /technology Nearby restrooms III. Library/Resource Room Needs Currently inadequate space for Scouts after school programs, and as a technology center during school II. Storage Needs Dedicated storage for our participating ministries and groups 15

Parish Community Life Committee V. Religious Education Needs School of Religion – 200 students Parish Community Life Committee V. Religious Education Needs School of Religion – 200 students weekly Sacramental Preparation – September-May involving 175 students and parents Children’s Liturgy of the Word – year-round – up to 20 children per Mass Vacation Bible School – last two weeks of July – 200 students & adult volunteers RCIA – September-April one evening weekly 16

Parish Community Life Committee VI. Youth Ministry Needs Theme-based religious activities each week (Bible Parish Community Life Committee VI. Youth Ministry Needs Theme-based religious activities each week (Bible Study, Topic Night, Worship) – 35 students Use Parish Hall, Gym, Cafeteria, Convent, Church Expansion into Middle School this Fall Exploring expansion into Young Adults VII. Athletic Association (ICAA) Needs Upgraded gymnasium 17

Administrative and Housing I. Administration Existing Conditions Located in the basement and first floor Administrative and Housing I. Administration Existing Conditions Located in the basement and first floor of the Convent (second floor storage only) 7, 000 square feet of space on two levels used for business; vacant convent housing on 2 nd & 3 rd floors used for storage (9) full-time and (6) part-time staff members Needs Assessment (based on survey results) Segregation of staff (by floor) is inefficient Additional offices for part-time staff Additional offices can be shared (day-evening) Large gathering space for 300+ is sometimes requested for Archdiocesan events Business meeting spaces for 30 – 60 people 18

Administrative and Housing II. Housing Existing Conditions Located directly adjacent to the main Church Administrative and Housing II. Housing Existing Conditions Located directly adjacent to the main Church 5, 000 square feet of space on three levels (4) resident-priests + (1) seminarian suite Needs Assessment (based on survey results) Spatially, current living quarters are adequate Privacy is compromised due to central location on campus Not handicap accessible; no elevator Garage parking access for priests an issue due to parking for Church/School functions Other Purchase of nearby residence (house vs. apartment) Forecast of future priest staffing 19

School I. Need to Create Premier Middle School High outcomes support growth STEM, Blue School I. Need to Create Premier Middle School High outcomes support growth STEM, Blue Ribbon Status potential, low student turnover 99% of ICS students accepted to first choice high school Only parochial school in area growing in past 3 years Significant opportunity for more students: need 750+ Currently at 540; as high as 650 in 2002 React to the demand now present in the market Survey of parents with students leaving at 6 th grade indicates 50% might have remained through 8 th grade if ICS had: I. III. Gifted & Talented Honors program Athletic programs Variety of extracurricular activities Requires dedicated Admissions/Recruitment and Marketing Staff 20

School II. Need to Create First Class Pre-school/Kindergarten Pre-k currently at Brown House, not School II. Need to Create First Class Pre-school/Kindergarten Pre-k currently at Brown House, not integrated into school Need to be seen as visible part of community Need to coordinate schedules; current schedules not appealing to ICS parents Need a “one-stop” solution for parents Vibrant Pre-K program is key feeder to ICS Financial model requires 80 -100 kindergarten students for a solvent grade school Current only 50 students in kindergarten Kindergarten population should be “lock” for future students; we are currently jeopardizing the school with only 50 students Requires dedicated Admissions/Recruitment and Marketing Staff 21

School III. Possible uses of TCHS building not recommended Catholic Magnet School Lack of School III. Possible uses of TCHS building not recommended Catholic Magnet School Lack of interest from neighboring parishes Regional Spiritual Life Center Lack of revenue stream to support costs Safety and security issues for ICS students in building and adjacent school Rental of Space Safety and security issues Demolition of Building Excessive Costs due to asbestos abatement IV. Negative effect on current ICS III. 22

Facilities I. Assets Church Building Lower Rectory Adoration Chapel Parish Library Rectory & Garage Facilities I. Assets Church Building Lower Rectory Adoration Chapel Parish Library Rectory & Garage Bell Tower Convent Parking Lots Parish Hall Athletic Field Elementary School Playground Former High School Cemetery Brown House Roads & Sidewalks Site Approximately 12 Acres 23

Facilities II. Procedure Toured each building and walked campus Reviewed available construction drawings Reviewed Facilities II. Procedure Toured each building and walked campus Reviewed available construction drawings Reviewed prior Master Plans dated 1998, 2002 & 2004 Reviewed insurance replacement cost reports prepared by Suncorp Met with Rubeling & Associates to discuss prior Master Plans 24

Facilities III. Building Issues Church/Rectory Garage Well maintained and suitable for current use Minor Facilities III. Building Issues Church/Rectory Garage Well maintained and suitable for current use Minor repairs required Convent Existing live load capacities limit reuse for other occupancy types Wood construction of original 1920 building and 1952 addition - fire protection concerns Asbestos and lead paint issues Electrical and plumbing issues No central HVAC system Parish Hall Warming kitchen is undersized 25

Facilities III. Building Issues (continued) Elementary School Undersized classrooms 29 total Functionally obsolete in Facilities III. Building Issues (continued) Elementary School Undersized classrooms 29 total Functionally obsolete in large part New windows currently being installed Building is air conditioned and sprinkled Constructed in 1920, 1928, 1960 and 1998 Asbestos and lead paint Former High School Constructed in 1952; 17 classrooms Grade school uses first floor on a daily basis, balance is vacant Neglected condition can be readily renovated Structurally sound building live load capacities will permit any use Needs to be brought up to code for Handicap access Needs some life/safety upgrades Plumbing, heating, electrical and HVAC systems need upgrading Asbestos and lead paint issues 26

Facilities III. Building Issues (continued) Brown House, Lower Rectory and Library Physically and functionally Facilities III. Building Issues (continued) Brown House, Lower Rectory and Library Physically and functionally obsolete - plumbing, electrical and HVAC systems have exceeded life expectancy These buildings do not meet the current Building Codes in one aspect or another Reuse as a residence rental property, offices for ICC use or rental offices will require extensive renovations to bring the buildings up to code and to upgrade or replace internal systems Preschool space in Brown House is not at grade 27

Facilities IV. Site Issues How to get additional parking spaces Improve traffic circulation on Facilities IV. Site Issues How to get additional parking spaces Improve traffic circulation on campus Position of any new buildings Enhance the appearance of the campus Make walking from parking areas to buildings an enjoyable experience Site is now close to maximum impervious area ratio Additional storm water management issues will be required for any new construction, buildings, or paving for both quantity and quality creative solutions will be required Inadequate play areas for preschool, elementary and middle schools 28

Next Steps I. Tactical Phase 11/30/11 – Meeting with chairs to incorporate parishioner feedback Next Steps I. Tactical Phase 11/30/11 – Meeting with chairs to incorporate parishioner feedback into a final Master Plan needs assessment report Communicated via 12/25/11 Bulletin January 2012 – Interview Architecture Firms with Master Plan experience from an Archdiocesan approved list (select by February 2012) February/March 2012 – Architecture Firm to meet with each Master Plan Sub-committee to further assess details of needs Late Spring 2012 – Preliminary Master Plan to be unveiled at a Parish Town Hall meeting Also via web site and bulletin 29

Contact Information Questions? Email masterplan@theimmaculate. org • • • Administrative/Housing: Brian Gobell • Email: Contact Information Questions? Email masterplan@theimmaculate. org • • • Administrative/Housing: Brian Gobell • Email: Bgobell@HCM 2. com Phone: 443 -451 -2311 Cemetery: Joe Hart • Email: jhart@gbmc. org Phone: 410 -427 -4715(Mc. Carty) Facilities: Dick Magnani • Email: dmagnani@comcast. net Phone: 443 -253 -5721 Parish Community Life: Carole Gibison • Email: carolegibison@aol. com Phone: 410 -825 -1960 School: George Towle • Email: gtowle@comcast. net Phone: 410 -853 -7444 Worship: Julio Esteban • Email: esteban_j@verizon. net Phone: 410 -821 -1635