Скачать презентацию Mass Culture Auto 1929 26 000 on Скачать презентацию Mass Culture Auto 1929 26 000 on


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Mass Culture Auto 1929 – 26, 000 on the road Ford’s Influence 1921 car Mass Culture Auto 1929 – 26, 000 on the road Ford’s Influence 1921 car cost $850 1929 car cost $290 New Business – Gas Stations, Hotels, Dinners

Mass Culture Auto Radio 1929 – 10, 000 Americans had one. 1926 – 700 Mass Culture Auto Radio 1929 – 10, 000 Americans had one. 1926 – 700 stations Broadcast – sports, news, music & advertising.

Mass Culture Auto Radio Movies 1923 - Walt Disney Company founded 1927 – Black Mass Culture Auto Radio Movies 1923 - Walt Disney Company founded 1927 – Black / White “Talkie” Movie stars – Charlie Chaplin

The Scopes Trial 1925 Evolution VS Creation won but the law was not enforced. The Scopes Trial 1925 Evolution VS Creation won but the law was not enforced.

Prohibition th 18 Amendment (1919) Ban on alcoholic Beverages. Bootleggers – liquor smugglers Speakeasies Prohibition th 18 Amendment (1919) Ban on alcoholic Beverages. Bootleggers – liquor smugglers Speakeasies – illegal bars Gangsters – organized crime

Women Suffrage ’s th 19 Amendment (1920) Gave women the right to vote. N. Women Suffrage ’s th 19 Amendment (1920) Gave women the right to vote. N. Ross – Governor of Wyoming (1924) Flappers – New Age Women

Economy of the 20 s (Post WW 1) Industrial Growth Industrial Production climbed 70% Economy of the 20 s (Post WW 1) Industrial Growth Industrial Production climbed 70% between 1922 – 1928. Installment buying Purchase on Credit. Chain Stores Sears, Piggly Wiggly, A&P, Macys New Products Vacuum, toaster, washing machine Booming Stock Market Bull Market – Period of rising stock prices. Margin Buying Barrow $ to buy stock. Stock goes up, pay back loan. Stock goes down, sell stock and pay difference

1 Farmers Signs of Trouble Overproduction – Europe was a competitor. High Debts – 1 Farmers Signs of Trouble Overproduction – Europe was a competitor. High Debts – Farmers barrowed $ to buy more land. 2 Workers Unions – Government does not support them. Unskilled Labor – Used on the assembly line. 3 Election of 1928 H. Hoover won by promising the prosperity would continue.

Stock Market Crash Between May 1928 – Sep. 1929 industrial stocks doubled. Oct. stock Stock Market Crash Between May 1928 – Sep. 1929 industrial stocks doubled. Oct. stock prices start to go down. Brokers recall $ from margin buyers. Selling drives prices down. Oct. 24, 1929 “Black Tuesday” Prices tumble and stocks are worthless.

The Great Depression 1929 - 1941 World Wide It spread around the globe. Unemployment The Great Depression 1929 - 1941 World Wide It spread around the globe. Unemployment 1 in 4 had no job. Families Birth rates dropped. Families were forced to split up. Homeless Hoovervilles – shanty towns People moved to find work.

Hoover and the Depression He thought the government should not get involved in the Hoover and the Depression He thought the government should not get involved in the economy. He established the Reconstruction Finance Corp to give loans to banks. Too little too late.

The Bonus Army Congress voted to give veterans on WW 1 a sum of The Bonus Army Congress voted to give veterans on WW 1 a sum of money (bonus) in 1945. 1 Veterans want their $ in 1932. 2 They march on Washington DC. 3 When Congress votes no many stay in DC (Hooverville). 4 Hoover orders General Mc. Arthur to move them out. 5 Hoover looses public opinion.

The Election of 1932 Both were rich. Both thought he could end the depression. The Election of 1932 Both were rich. Both thought he could end the depression. Herbert Hoover Franklin Roosevelt FDR won because he pledged a “New Deal” and the public was ready for change.

The First Hundred Days New Deal Relief for unemployed Plans for recovery Reforms for The First Hundred Days New Deal Relief for unemployed Plans for recovery Reforms for prevention Fireside Chats Radio speeches by FDR, he told the condition of the country. Bank Holiday Closed all banks for 8 days and said they could reopen if they had enough $ to pay depositors.


New Deal Programs Civil Conservation Corps - CCC Hired jobless to work in national New Deal Programs Civil Conservation Corps - CCC Hired jobless to work in national parks, forests. Works Progress Admin. - WPA Repaired public buildings and roads. National Recovery Act - NRA Industry paid minimum wage. Public Works Admin. - PWA Built tunnels , highways & dams. Tennessee Valley Authority - TVA Jobs, cheap electricity and control flooding. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. - FDIC Protected bank deposits up to $2, 500.

The Dust Bowl - Page 791 Causes Results Drought Wind Overproduction Black Blizzards Farmers The Dust Bowl - Page 791 Causes Results Drought Wind Overproduction Black Blizzards Farmers move to California Push Blacks, Mexicans & Asians out of jobs. Eleanor Roosevelt She toured the US as the eyes & ears of FDR. Spoke out on social issues. She had a job outside the home.

Anti-New Deal Huey Long Francis Townsend Father Coughlin Said the New Deal hurt business. Anti-New Deal Huey Long Francis Townsend Father Coughlin Said the New Deal hurt business. Said the New Deal cost too much. Supreme Court and FDR Struck down the NRA & AAA FDR tried to increase the court from 12 to 15 judges. 1 judge retires and 1 changes his mind.

Roosevelt and Labor Wagner Act -1935 Workers could join a union with out loosing Roosevelt and Labor Wagner Act -1935 Workers could join a union with out loosing their job. Established Collective Bargaining. Set a 40 cent/hour wage. Reduced workweek to 44 hours Social Security Act -1935 Established a pension for elderly. Put in effect Unemployment Insurance. Gave support to Dependent Children & Disabled.

The end of the Great Depression is often marked as December 1941, the same The end of the Great Depression is often marked as December 1941, the same time that America became officially involved in World War II. Did World War II really end the Great Depression, though? It's useful to note that the economy had been in expansion since June of 1938, two and a half years before U. S. entry into the second World War and that the economy stopped expanding in February 1945, prior to the end of the war.