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The Gospel means Good News. They tell us about Jesus life mission and death. Four Ways Christians Interpret the Bible • literalism – every singe word in the Bible is literally true • fundamentalism – the Bible is a factual historical record and it shouldn’t be questioned • conservative view – writers views and opinions have been written within the Bible inspired by God so each word is not literally from God, we must use common sense and guidance from the Holy Spirit to interpret it • liberal view – authors were guided by God but as humans make mistakes everything shouldn’t be taken literally, the Bible can be interpreted symbolically as stories have a spiritual deeper meaning Mark 1: 1 This is the Good News about Jesus Christ the Son of God. Opening of Mark’s Gospel • Mark makes it clear that the gospel is good news and it is written by a believer for other believers or potential believers • it is written from faith and for faith About Mark • John Mark was from Jerusalem • is one of the four evangelists that wrote the gospels • he wrote the Gospel between 64 -66 AD in Syria or Egypt but the traditional view is in Rome • his gospel is believed to be the first and the only eye witness account • Matthew, Luke and John were believed to look at Mark’s gospel for guidance • his sources included Peter and early Christians
Sources • most of the information probably came from word of mouth as that was the most common way of passing down information and most people in those times were not literate • “talitha koum” is Aramaic and was said by Jesus in Jairus daughter, only an eye witness would have known his actually words Peter • Mark was one of Peters (Jesus closest companion) disciples so heard all his teaching about Jesus Twelve Disciples • they held meetings in Marks mothers house, so he was there and heard everything they were saying Paul & Barnabus • Mark went on a mission with them to preach and spread the word of Jesus Written Sources • stories of Jesus were written down for preachers and teachers to use, the passion story would have been written down by an eye witness Eye Witnesses • people who heard Jesus preaching and saw his miracles Ur Markus • he wrote an earlier gospel written in Aramaic which was the first version or draft he worked from Divine Inspiration • the Holy Spirit guided him and God directly inspired him
Purpose The Gospel tells us that Jesus life, death and resurrection has brought something good to believers, a new life on earth knowing we are fully loved by God and a new life after death with God. Mark 4: 35 -41 • there was a storm and Jesus was with his disciples on a boat • Jesus was asleep so they woke him “teacher don’t you care that we are about to die” • Jesus commanded the wind and waves “quiet, be still” • it went completely quiet and he says “why are you frightened? Have you still no faith? ” • the disciples were still scared “who is this man even the wind and waves obey him” Importance of the Gospel • it contains the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and his teachings giving Christians hope in eternal life • nothing dangerous or to fear about Christianity even in death as Jesus brought us new life • through the hard times (storm) we must have faith and trust in God, he will be there and sort our troubles (calm the storm) • to inform us of the second coming so we can prepare Reasons for writing the Gospel were: • Christians being persecuted in Rome: to give hope and courage to those who are afraid • apostles dying: eye witnesses were getting older and future generations might miss out • heresy: to stop the threat of false beliefs, to confirm and strengthen peoples faith • delay of the second coming: since the world was not ending soon, the good news had to be passed down to generations • teachings: to teach future generations about Jesus and the word of God • stop political conflict: to show the government that Jesus was not a threat to their power and ruling • stop social conflict: early Christians could not take part in social events like offerings as they didn’t believe in it and they were thought of as cannibals and vampires because we eat and drink Christ
21 st Century After thousands of years Mark’s Gospel still has authority, relevance and significance to Christians today. Mark’s Gospel is a moral guide for us of how to act and behave in our life on Earth to be good Christians so that we can receive eternal life in the Kingdom of God. We must listen and follow it’s teachings as it has been inspired by God and has the words of which Jesus spoke. Even in this century there is still evil and temptation in the world so we can look at the Gospel for help, support, inspiration and advice. Jesus was human so he felt and went through everything we are going through. He too went through hard and difficult times facing betrayal, suffering, execution and death. But there is a happy ending and that is what we must learn from the Gospel. We should persevere and lead a good life trying to be a good disciple and follower of Jesus Christ because in the end all the hurt and suffering we felt on Earth will go away when we are rewarded eternal life in the Kingdom of God.
Baptism The first catholic sacrament is infant baptism, it is a sacrament of initiation as you are joining the Catholic faith. Baptism represents the death of a person to their old sinful way of life and rising with Jesus to a new life. It removes the infant’s original sin which we all inherit from Adam and Eve. It represents the start of a new Catholic life. Mark 1: 9 -11 • John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the river Jordan • as he came up out of the water, he saw heaven opening and the Holy Spirit coming down in the form of a dove • a voice came from heaven saying “you are my own dear Son and I am pleased with you” • represents the beginning of the end • Jesus did not sin but he took on the sins of humanity • it marked the beginning of Jesus public ministry, three years of teaching and healing • he is setting an example which we should follow • John in Jesus cousin and is preparing the way of the Messiah • the trinity is together for the first time • God shows his approval as Jesus starts his ministry and the holy spirit is there to help him in his long journey
Temptation Jesus has just been baptised, his public acceptance of his Messianic Mission. He is the Chosen (Anointed) One, sent by God to bring the Kingdom of God. Jesus has great power and authority and his temptation emphasises his authority. Mark 1: 12 -13 • the Spirit sent Jesus to the desert • he stayed there for 40 days, while being tempter by Satan • wild animals were there, but also angels came and helped him • he goes to pray in the desert to prepare for the upcoming events • Satan and the wild animals are seen as opposition to God, leading Jesus and humans astray • Jesus faith is tested but he shows he has power to resist temptation, we should try and follow this example • angels are the messengers of God they help and give support to those good people going through difficult times, God is helping Jesus • we should do as Jesus did and refuse temptation • it shows that if we do as God wants he will protect us • has strong will power physically, emotionally and spiritually, self discipline and devotion to God
Caesarea Philippi The beginning of the end, from this point on almost everything Jesus said and did pointed towards his ending. Mark 8: 27 -33 • Jesus and his disciples went to Caesarea when he asked “who do people say I am? ” • they answered “some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, while others say you are one of the prophets” • Jesus asked “who do you say I am? ” • Peter replied “you are the Messiah” and Jesus told them not to tell anyone • Jesus teaches them and prophesizes about the Son of Man then Peter began to rebuke him • Jesus says “get behind me Satan! you don’t have in mind the things of God but the things of men” • first of the passion predictions • Peter thinks like a man not remembering God’s mission and purpose for Jesus • Peter is referred to as Satan, tempting an easier path • everything points to Jesus death now as it is a turning point, he will suffer, die and rise from the dead after three days • Jesus told them not to tell anyone as he wanted to avoid arrest at this time to have more time to spread the word and make more people believe • he wanted to reward those who truly believe him and didn’t want everyone to find out until he was dead
Transfiguration is a change or transformation in the appearance of a person or thing very noticeably, usually in a very positive and often spiritual way. Mark 9: 2 -8 • Jesus took Peter, James and John up a high mountain • as they went up Jesus clothes became shining white • the three disciples then saw Elijah and Moses talking with Jesus • Peter asked to make three tents • a cloud appeared “this is my own dear Son, listen to him” • then they only saw Jesus with them • Jesus clothes transform into a pure divine white colour symbolising his divinity and without sin ready to start his mission which God sent him to do • the disciples are still not fully believers as they got scared and offered ghosts tents • the trinity is present for the second time, God commands people to listen to him • it takes place in a high mountain which shows his closeness with God • Moses is the law giver as he received the 10 commandments, this shows Jesus has come to change the old laws and is the new law giver • Elijah is the greatest of the prophets as he foretold that the Son of God would come to save us, this shows Jesus is the fulfillment of the prophets and is the one the prophets predicted to come
Jesus Mission Jesus was sent to Earth to suffer, die and rise from the dead to save us. The stories are water shed events, everything changes and show the beginning of the end. Everything now points to his mission and what he was sent to do. The Messianic Secret Jesus doesn’t want them to tell anyone as wanted people to find faith for themselves. Jesus planned everything, therefore didn't want people to kill him before his time. He wanted to spread the news the make more people believe. He never announced his true identity as we wanted for his actions to speak for themselves and allowed people to become to true followers because of faith. At the trial Jesus says “I am” when asked “are you the Messiah the Son of the glorious God? ” this is the end of the Messianic secret.
Entry Into Jerusalem Mark 11: 1 -11 • as Jesus “go to the town you will find a donkey tied up which no on has ridden untie it and bring it to me, if anyone asks tell him its Master needs it” • his followers did and they let them take it • they put their cloaks on the donkey, Jesus sat on it and they entered Jerusalem • many people spread their cloaks on the road and other spread palm leaves • many shouting “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in the highest!” • Jesus foretold that where the donkey would be indicating he has amazing power and knows what is going to happen including his death • Jesus is shown to be King even though he is going to be put to death • people shouting Hosanna, waving their palm leaves and putting their cloaks on the ground are the same people who condemn Jesus to his death • Jesus is fulfilling old testament prophecy, making the scriptures come true • Messianic Secret is being revealed, Jesus is the Messiah who comes in peace and humility • shows Jesus to be a triumphant peaceful humble leader as he enters Jerusalem on a donkey • Hosanna means save us and refers to King David, Messiah said to be the Son of David
Anointing At Bethany Mark 14: 1 -11 • a woman broke a flask and poured an ointment of pure nard which was very expensive over Jesus head • angrily “why has she wasted it? It could have been sold for more than a days wage and given to the poor” • Jesus said “leave her alone she has done a beautiful thing for me, for you always have the with you and whenever you want you can do good for them but you will not always have me, she has anointed my body beforehand for burial and whenever the Good News is preached in the world what she has done will be told and people will remember her” • understood what she was doing and praised her generosity, saw her as performing burial preparation rites • Kings in the old testament were anointed to show they’d been chosen by God, Jesus is the anointed one • hinting that his death is near and that there will be no time after his death to anoint his body • shows that they don’t realize Jesus is not going to be with them for much longer • women were an important of Jesus life and shows that this women understood more
The Last Supper Mark 14: 12 -25 • on the first day of unleavened bread Jesus told them “go to the city following a man carrying a jar of water, say to the master of the house ‘teacher says where is my guest room where I may eat the Passover with my disciples” • disciples found a large room where they prepared the Passover • as the twelve at the table “one of you will betray me who is dipping bread into bowl with me, Son of man will die as the scriptures say, but how terrible it will be for the person who hands the Son of Man over to be killed it would have been better for him if he had not been born” • Jesus took bread blessed and broke it giving it to them “take it, this is my body” • he took the cup gave thank and shared it with them “this is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many, I will not drink again until I drink it new in the kingdom of God” • emphasizes his power of foretelling • Passover remember the Jews being freed from slavery in Egypt • shows that he even cares for the person who is going to betray him as he knows that he is going to suffer a lot • Jesus shows that he is sacrificing himself for humanity offering his body and blood so that we be saved • he is going to fulfill the promise God made to us in the Old Testament • this is the last time Jesus has a meal with his disciples • last time Jesus drinks wine as he has to die naturally to fulfill the prophets
Garden Of Gethsemane Mark 14: 32 -42 • they went to a place called Gethsemane • Jesus took Peter, James and John along with him “sit here awake and keep watch while I pray” • Jesus fell to the ground “Abba, Father everything is possible for you, take this cup from me and yet not what I will but what you will” • he saw his disciples sleeping “couldn’t you keep watch for one hour? watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation, the spirit is willing but the flesh it weak” • Jesus prayed the same thing and went back to find them sleeping again, their eyes were heavy and didn’t know what to say to him • he returned the third time “are you still sleeping? enough, the hour has come and the Son of Man is delivered into the hands of sinners, rise let us go here comes my betrayer” • pain: feels hurt because of his cup of suffering • neglect: disciples not supporting and understand, also Judas betrays him • fear: praying to God, throwing himself on the ground • rejection: disciples fall asleep, God not helping • loneliness: no support from disciples, feels disconnected from God • acceptance: understands his mission and what he has to do, his fate • Jesus shows his humanity as he is scared, full off distress and anguish • Jesus refers himself to the Son of God and shows his human side as he is angry at the disciples and asks his father not to allow him to die • the disciples shows they’re not understanding and their fallibility, they lack strength and belief in Jesus mission • it is at this point Jesus puts himself completely into his father’s hands • this story teaches Christians that Jesus felt scared at what he had to face
Arrest Of Jesus Mark 14: 43 -52 • Judas arrived with a crowd armed with swords and clubs and had given them a signal “the man I kiss is the one you want, arrest him and take him away under my guard” • he then went up to Jesus and said “teacher” then kissed him • they arrested Jesus and one of them struck his sword cutting a High Priests slaves ear • Jesus said “did you have to come with swords and clubs to capture me as if were an outlaw? I was with you teaching in the temple and you didn’t arrest me, but the scriptures must come true” • all the disciples ran away and they tried to arrest a young man following Jesus but he ran away naked leaving the cloth behind • Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss, one of the disciples shows violence by cutting off the slaves ear and the disciples run away, highlighting the failings of the disciples • the High Priest brought armed soldiers because they are afraid that Jesus followers will fight • this story teaches Christians that Jesus is peaceful as he doesn’t resist his arrest, also his true care for others as even when getting arrest he heals the slave
Before The Sanhedrin Mark 14: 53 -65 • Jesus was taken to the High Priests house where everyone was gathering • Council failed to find evidence against Jesus to put him to death, they lied but their stories didn’t match • a man accused him of saying he will destroy the temple and rebuild it in 3 days, not man made • High Priest asked “have no answer to the accusations, are you the Messiah? ” • Jesus replied “I am and you will see the Son of Man seated on the right hand of the Almighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven” • High Priest tore his robes “we don’t need any more witnesses, you have heard his blasphemy” • they voted him guilty and should be put to death, then they spat and slapped him Rules Governing Sanhedrin Trials • not held at night or eve of a Jewish feast day • final verdict must not be given until a day had passed to encourage mercy • trial should be held in the Hall of Hewn Stone • begin with finding the accused innocent • valid evidence = 2 witness testimony agreed • High Priest should not ask direct questions • conviction for blasphemy = God’s personal name (Exodus 3: 14 I am who I am) • Jewish: stoning to death, Roman: crucifixion • Jews were responsible for Jesus death as they broke all the rules, they were desperate to be rid of Jesus • Jesus insulting as he told false Messianic claims but he was foreshadowing his death and resurrection, as Jesus is the temple and will die then rise up in 3 days • Jesus called himself the Son of Man • Jesus openly admits he is the Christ and doesn’t try to make witnesses silent, however he avoided direct reference to God • tearing of the robes symbolizes the end of the trial and his grief/horror at the blasphemy
Roman Trial & Mocking Mark 15: 1 -20 • early in the morning the Jews put Jesus in chains and handed him over to Pilate • Pilate “are you the King of the Jews”, Jesus “so you say” • Pilate “aren’t you going to answer to all their accusations” Jesus replied nothing • every Passover festival Pilate set free any prisoner the people asked for • the chief priests stirred up the crowds to have Barabbas a vicious killer released • Pilate “what do you want me to do with the one you call King of the Jews? ” • they shouted louder and louder “crucify him!” • to please the crowd Pilate released Barabbas and handed Jesus over to be crucified • Jesus had put on him a purple robe and crown of thorns then was mocked, beaten and spat at • Jesus had to face a trial in front of the Romans who were in charge, to decide his punishment • it was a tradition on the Passover that one Jewish prisoner was pardoned, this allowed Romans to keep Jews on their side • Jesus was convicted of blasphemy a religious offence but it had to be political to gain the attention of Pilate, the idea of a Messiah referring to a political figure was a King • claiming to be a King was treason which the Roman penalty was crucifixion • Jesus gave a broad answer indicating he was their King in a religious but not political sense • Pilate wants to release Jesus as he knows that he is not guilty of any crime • Pilate saw that the situation could get out of control so to keep peace he granted their request • Jesus went through all types of suffering including physical and emotional
The Crucifixion • Roman citizens were not crucified as they were their own people so wanted a quicker, less brutal and embarrassing death • they used crucifixion to show power, to act as a deterrence and to punish in the most extreme way possible Mark 15: 21 -32 • Simon of Cyrene was forced to help Jesus carry his cross to Golgotha (place of the skull) • they tried to give him wine with myrrh a drug but he refused • they divided his clothes by gambling • at 9 am he was crucified with a notice above him saying “King of the Jews” • he was crucified with two robbers either side of him and they too insulted him • the chief priests and the teachers of the law along with passers by kept mocking him • “so you are going to destroy the temple and rebuild it, so come down and save yourself” • “he saved others, but he can’t save himself” • tradition was that criminals carried their cross to their place of execution, Jesus was helped to prolong his death and suffering • he refused drugs as he wanted to suffer naturally in order to fulfill the scriptures • the crowd’s mocking indicates they still don’t understand Jesus is the temple • this shows fully Jesus humanity as he suffers humiliation and pain as the Son of Man
Jesus Death Jesus must have felt alone because his disciples weren't around, his mother was at a distance and he felt as if God his father had abandoned him Mark 15: 33 -41 • at noon the whole country covered with darkness for three hours • at 3 pm Jesus cried out “Elio lema sabachthani? ” (my God, my God why have you forsaken me) • people thought he was calling Elijah to bring him down and so gave him wine • with a loud cry Jesus died • the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom • a centurion who saw everything said “surely this man was the Son of God” • some women were watching from a distance including Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of the younger James and Joseph and Salome • the darkness shows God’s anger at humanity as we have made a terrible sin crucifying and rejecting the Messiah • they offered Jesus wine to prolong his life to see if his call will be answered • he took on the sin of humanity and experienced the separation that it created between God and humans showing his self sacrificial love • he willing accepted his fate even though it meant he felt cut off from God and set an example for us • tearing of the temple curtain had a symbolic meaning, the curtain separated off the Holy of Holies where only God was present • Jesus death tore down the barrier of sin that cut humanity off from God • indicated the temple will be destroyed (as it was in 70 AD by the Romans) • temple is no longer the only place to find God, he is now to be found in Jesus, within everyone • God is now everywhere in the world for everyone • a gentile declared the truth about Jesus which was a clear statement that the good news was for everyone • disciples were nowhere to be seen so it was left to the women to be witnesses showing they were true followers of Jesus and had important roles
The Burial Mark 15: 42 -47 • it was preparation day (day before the Sabbath) • Joseph of Arimathea a member of the Council went to Pilate and asked for Jesus body • Pilate was surprised that Jesus was already dead and confirmed it with centurion, so gave the body to him • he took the body down wrapping it in linen cloth and places it in a tomb cut of rock • he then rolled a stone against the entrance of the tomb • Mary Magdalene and Mary mother of Joseph saw where he was laid • Jewish tradition stated that bodies had to be buried as soon as possible, the next day was the Sabbath so Jesus had to be buried on the Friday evening before the Sabbath began as burying someone was considered as work • Joseph was a member of the council (probably the Sanhedrin), he may have been a secret supporter of Jesus or simply a devout Jew horrified at the idea of the body being left hanging over night • Jesus was placed in an empty tomb and rolled a large stone across the entrance, this is important as it adds authenticity to the resurrection • Jesus really died and the check Pilate made shows that his death was a confirmed fact • there was no time to anoint the body
Resurrection Mark 16: 1 -8 • after the Sabbath just after sunrise Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James and Salome went to anoint Jesus body • they saw that the stone which was very large had been rolled away • they entered the tomb and saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side • he said “don’t be alarmed you are looking for Jesus the Nazarene but he has risen see the place where they laid him, tell his disciples and Peter he is going ahead of you into Galilee there you will see him just as he told you” • the women fled and said nothing to anyone as they were afraid • Mark’s gospel originally ended at verse 8 and verses 9 -20 was added in the 2 nd century • the verse is so abrupt is it thought Mark didn’t intend to end the Gospel in this way as the gospel is good news and to end on verse 8 would end in fear and despair • he could of died before he finished it • the rest could have been destroyed through continual use • this must of occurred very early as nobody wrote it out • other people think this was Marks intention • fear and amazement is how people reacted when God was at work, Jesus calmed the storm and God giving Moses the 10 Commandments • emotions felt by the women is highly appropriate as the reader is left to reflect on the story of Jesus • women discovered the empty tomb encouraging 1 st century women • the stone rolled aside was the first sign of the resurrection • the man in white represents an angel • this story teaches us that Jesus rose from the dead and is the true Messiah • women were true disciples as they were the first to find out the good news • Jesus defeated sin and death allowing us to have a relationship and entry to Gods kingdom • they all failed Jesus but were assured forgiveness
Resurrection The resurrection brought: • atonement – brings us together and make up with God through reconciliation, the death of Jesus removed the barrier of sin enabling people to move closer to God • liberation – Jesus death set humans free from sin and opens up the possibility of eternal life, this enables people to cope with difficulties in life while at the same time working peacefully for change • victory – Jesus willingly accepted his suffering peacefully and conquered evil, in his self sacrifice love conquered hate Christians remember Jesus resurrection on Easter Sunday and on every Sunday. The resurrection is the heart of Christianity: • it shows God approves of Jesus • it shows Jesus was who he said he was, the Son of God and the Messiah • it was God’s saving act, the crucifixion makes no sense without the resurrection as Jesus took away the sins of the world on the cross and offers people a new life with his resurrection • it shows that death is not the end, God raised Jesus to life and will raise people to life as well
Resurrection Appearances Mark 16: 9 -20 • Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene, she went and told those who had been with him and who were mourning • but when they heard he was alive and she had seen him they didn’t believe • Jesus appeared in a different form to two of them, they reported it to the rest but they didn’t believe them either • Jesus appeared to the Eleven while they ate and rebuked them for their lack in faith and stubbornness to believe • he told them their commission to go out and preach the gospel • Jesus was then taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God • the disciples went out and preached everywhere This is not part of the original text. It was added much later by a different author. It looks as if it may have been compiled from other gospels or similar texts. It is important to know the resurrection appearances which are in this passage and the words of Jesus at the end. • these appearances reinforce the Christian belief that Jesus resurrected from the dead and that through this he opened the gates of heaven • the Ascension showed that Jesus was King
Resurrection Questioning Mark 12: 24 -27 • the Sadducees who believe there is no resurrection said Moses wrote for them if a man’s brother dies and leaves a wife but no children, the man must marry the widow and raise up offspring for his brother • then asked him there were seven brothers, the first married and died with no children, all seven the wife died leaving no children, at resurrection whose wife will she be as the seven were married to her? • Jesus says when the dead rise they will not marry or be given marriage, they will be like the angels in heaven • about the dead rising, God is said to Moses “I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob” • he is not the God of the dead but of the living • Jews believed that life in the Kingdom of God would be the same as life on Earth • Sadducees don’t believe in life after death, they tries tot prove to Jesus that he was wrong to believe in life after death • they are trying to trick Jesus into committing blasphemy
Did It Happen? Yes • Mark was inspired by God • God’s power overrides the laws of nature • it includes unlikely detail that women were witnesses • women noted where Jesus was buried • empty tomb story is not dramatic • centurion would not have made a mistake • unlikely his body would have been moved, disciples were too afraid and Jews and Romans had no reason too • disciples who lacked faith would not have made the Resurrection up • many died as martyrs, they would not have given up their lives if it was a lie No • Mark was human, capable of making mistakes • rising from the dead is impossible • the author had a purpose • women went to the wrong tomb • empty tomb was a parable making the point that Jesus would never be forgotten • he was unconscious not dead • disciples moved it to honor it, Jews/Romans took it to prevent his memory being honored • wishful thinking to make up for lack of faith • hallucinations • disciples so involved in the lie that they started to believe it
Resurrection Meaning The death and resurrection of Jesus are the key points in Christian preaching. The most important day in the Christian year is Easter Sunday, when the resurrection is remembered. As Jesus was raised to life on a Sunday Christians made Sunday their holy day. Living Christ we worship a living Christ not a crucified martyr, Jesus was brought back to life and this creates a living spiritual presence in our lives Trustworthy Teaching Jesus referred to his future suffering, death and resurrection and these predictions came true Death Is Not The End opens the possibility of eternal life with God, death is not to be feared as it is the gateway to a new richer form of life, this comforts those facing death or grieving for loved ones as the separation is not final and those who have died are with God’s Power God did the impossible raising Jesus from the dead indicating his power, nothing is too great for God to achieve and this is comforting/encouraging those in difficulty Victory Over Evil life has triumphed over death, good over evil, hope over despair and whatever suffering you go through in life nothing can separate them from God’s love Resurrection Can Be Lived In The Present Baptism is a symbol of rebirth as it enables you to live in a new relationship with God, then begin to experience the resurrection life that will be fully theirs after death, this has a big impact on peoples lives
Titles of Jesus A title can tell us someone's name, social rank , gender and qualification. Jesus had many names: Son of God, Messiah, Lamb of God, Son of David, Christ, Saviour, Yahweh, Lord, Kind, Son of Man, Shepherd. The three main ones are Christ Messiah, Son of God and Son of Man • shows us the human side of Jesus and his relationship with other humans • title comes from the Old Testament and in the Gospels the title is used by Jesus himself • the Son of Man has the power and authority on earth to forgive sin (healing of sins leads to healing of the body) • he will suffer and die as a human • Jesus will rise again and come in glory • the Son of Man must suffer, die as a human and will rise again coming in glory • the Son of Man will appear at the end of time ‘seated at the right hand of the father, coming down from the clouds of heaven’ Messiah • it means anointed one • Messiah is the most important title for believers • Christ is the messiah, the messenger, he leads humankind to the kingdom of God • the messiah is described in the Old Testament, Jesus is the PROMISED messiah Son of God • as Son of God, Jesus has a close relationship with his father in heaven • Son of God shows us his divinity (connection with God) • when Mark presents Jesus as Son of God he is showing us that Jesus really is God’s Son • God speaks twice publically declaring his son and God’s approval
Baptism of Jesus is shown to be the Son of God. Mark 1: 9 -11 • John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the river Jordan • as he came up out of the water, he saw heaven opening and the Holy Spirit coming down in the form of a dove • a voice came from heaven saying “you are my own dear Son and I am pleased with you” • even though he is the Son of God he is humble enough to ask his cousin to baptize him • John’s foreshadowing of the Messiah became real • God’s voice and comment about his love for Jesus shows his approval and encourages him to start his mission • first time God acknowledges Jesus as his Son • heaven opening showing he is the Son of God • trinity is present
Transfiguration Jesus is shown to be the Messiah Mark 9: 2 -8 • Jesus took Peter, James and John up a high mountain • as they went up Jesus clothes became shining white • the three disciples then saw Elijah and Moses talking with Jesus • Peter asked to make three tents • a cloud appeared “this is my own dear Son, listen to him” • then they only saw Jesus with them • Jesus clothes transform into a pure divine white colour symbolising his divinity and that he is special • the trinity is present for the second time, God commands people to listen to him • it takes place in a high mountain which shows his closeness with God • God shows he adores his son and is proud of what he is doing • Elijah was a great prophet and predicted the Son of God will come and save us, Jesus has fulfilled this prophecy
Paralysed Man Mark 2: 1 -12 • Jesus was preaching to a large crowd in a house when a group of men carrying a paralysed man on a mat came to see him • the men couldn’t get through the crow and so lowered the man through the roof • Jesus sees their persistence and says “my son your sins are forgiven” • teachers of the law accused him of blasphemy and said only God can forgive sins • Jesus responds “which is it easier to say your sins are forgiven or get up pick up your mat and walk? I will prove to you that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins. ” • He says to the paralysed man “I tell you get up pick your mat and go home!” • The man got up and walks off this amazed everyone When Jesus heals the paralysed we see his authority and power he cannot only heal the sick but he has God’s authority to forgive sins. As he is the Son of Man, he was God’s representative and acted with God’s authority. So he had the right to declare that the man’s sins were forgiven. • Jesus shows his human emotions of pity love and care, he admires the mans persistence and faith in him, it is faith that heals him • Jesus openly declares that he is the Son of Man and is not scared of the consequences • he know he will get killed for this in the end but he wants people to know who he is and why he can heal and perform miracles • when Jesus uses the title Son of Man he shows his human venerability, in the end he will be rejected for his healings and good work and will suffer • it reminds us of Jesus selfless love for others as he lived to serve and was prepared to die for us
Feeding of the 5000 Mark 6: 30 -44 • Jesus and the disciples were tired so they went by boat to a quiet place • but lots of people saw them and began to follow • there was a large crowd and Jesus was filled with pity as they were like lost sheep without a Shepherd, so he began to teach them • it was getting late and the disciples said “it is very late, send the people away to buy themselves something to eat” • Jesus answered “you give them something to eat” and they replied “ you want us to go out and spend so much money on bread to feed them? ” • Jesus asked “how much bread have you got? ” and they told him “ five loaves and two fishes” • Jesus divide the people into groups of hundreds and they sat down • Jesus took the 5 loaves and 2 fish looked up to heaven and gave thanks to God, he broke the loaves and gave them to his disciples to distribute with the two fish • everyone ate and had enough, there was 12 baskets of food left and they had fed 5000 people Jesus the Teacher • disciples and Jesus had been teaching and healing • they were tired so Jesus shows care telling them to rest • the crowd who wanted to see Jesus persevered, desperate for guidance and to believe, wanted to hear teachings and see miracles • he has pity and respond in a loving caring compassionate way unlike disciples Jesus the Miracle Worker • if you follow Jesus you will be rewarded with abundance or wealth (eternal life), always to cared for and have enough • foreshadows what happens at the last supper and what Christians do at Sunday (Eucharist/Holy Communion) • his control and authority over nature • recognises the human needs
Caesarea Philippi A lot people are confused about Jesus and just see him as a prophet, like those whom have come before. Peter disagrees and states that Jesus is the chosen one from God the Messiah. Jesus doesn’t want them to tell anyone as wanted people to find faith for themselves. Jesus planned everything, therefore didn't want people to kill him before his time. It shows that Jesus is in control and knows what he is doing. Mark 8: 27 -33 • Jesus and his disciples went to Caesarea when he asked “who do people say I am? ” • they answered “some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, while others say you are one of the prophets” • Jesus asked “who do you say I am? ” • Peter replied “you are the Messiah” and Jesus told them not to tell anyone • Jesus teaches them and prophesizes about the Son of Man then Peter began to rebuke him • Jesus says “get behind me Satan! you don’t have in mind the things of God but the things of men” • first of the passion predictions, he will suffer, die and rise from the dead • Jesus is declared to be the Messiah and this is a turning point as we start to move to his death and resurrection, what he was sent on earth to do • Peter hasn’t understood that Jesus will suffer and die to be the true Messiah sent by God • Jesus told them not to tell anyone as he wanted to avoid arrest at this time to have more time to spread the word and make more people believe • he wanted to reward those who truly believe him and didn’t want everyone to find out until he was dead
Other People Jesus Relationship & Attitudes Towards Other People The Outcasts • women (Mary & Martha): they were not equal to men and thought of as not important, their husband or fathers owned them and men thanked God daily that they had not been born a woman • Zealots (Peter): they had conflict with the governments and were like terrorists • tax collectors (Levi): they were hated by the Jews as they collected taxes for the Romans who Jews hated, so they felt betrayed by them • lepers: leprosy was a disease which ate away at the skin and could be caught by physical contact so no one would go anyway near a leper, if you caught the disease you would have to leave your home and live with other lepers away from other people The Authorities • Jewish authorities: they did not like Jesus as he broke their social rules talking with outcasts and going into their homes. But also their religious rules, Jesus was the Son of God however they did not believe this and so thought he was committing blasphemy. He performed miracles on the Sabbath day and taught that some Old Testament teachings are wrong like eye for an eye. • Roman authorities: they did not like Jesus and wanted to kill him as people were worshipping him and going to him to be healed and cured. The Roman authorities wanted to have authority and rule over everything and saw Jesus as a threat to their power as people were saying he is the King of the Jews and has come to save them.
Man With Leprosy Mark 1: 40 -44 • a man suffering from a disease skin disease came to Jesus knelt down and begged him “if you want to, you can make me clean” • Jesus was filled with pity and put his hand on him saying “I do want to, clean you!” • the disease left the man and he was clean • Jesus told him “don’t tell anyone, but go to the priest let the examine you and in order to prove to everyone you are cured offer the sacrifice that Moses ordered” • the man had a nasty skin disease which made him an outcast of society and no one would ever come near him • Jesus shows pity by touching him and healing him
Call of Levi Mark 2: 13 -14 • Jesus was teaching a crowd at the shore of Lake Galilee • as he walked along he saw a tax collector, Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting in his office • Jesus called out “follow me” • Levi got up and followed him • tax collectors were outcasts and many people hated them • Jesus telling Levi to follow him must have been a shock to everyone including the disciples as Levi probably has cheated them in the past • Jesus shows us that he has come for everyone no matter who they are and what they have done
Eating With Sinners Mark 2: 15 -17 • Jesus and his disciples was having a meal in Levi’s house with a group of tax collectors and other outcasts • teachers of the law saw this and asked “why does he eat with such people? ” • Jesus heard answered “people who are well do not need a doctor but only those who are sick, I have not come to all respectable people but outcasts” • by entering a house of a tax collector (a sinner) Jesus made himself ritually unclean • but Jesus shows he came to cure the spiritually sick • he brought hope to those who everyone else hated
Man With the Withered Hand Mark 3: 1 -6 • on the Sabbath Jesus saw a man with a withered hand • as the Pharisees watched he said “what does the law allows us to do on the Sabbath, to help or to harm, to save someone’s life or to destroy it? ” • he said to the man “stretch out your hand, he did and it was fully restored • the Pharisees then planned to kill Jesus • Jesus is showing that it is wrong to stick strictly to the Laws when the Laws allow people to suffer or to die • the Sabbath Law meant that any healing on the Sabbath was forbidden so it means that people can get hurt because other are forbidden from helping them • this is not what God wanted and is pointing out that the Laws need changing, Jesus is the new law giver • people should not suffer during the Sabbath, it is a day of worship and happiness and being thankful to God, why should the man wait after the Sabbath to be cured • Jesus didn’t physically heal the man as he did not touch him so the Pharisees cannot really punish him as he did nothing wrong
Jairus Daughter Mark 5: 21 -24 , 35 -43 • Jairus an official of the local synagogue threw himself on Jesus feet begging “my daughter is very ill, please come and place your hands on her so that she will get will and live” • Jesus went with them but people were saying “your daughter has died, why bother the teacher? ”, Jesus didn’t listen “don’t be afraid only believe” • they reached the house and everyone was crying he says “why all this confusion and crying? The child is not dead she is only sleeping” • they laughed so he only to the child’s parent, Peter, James and John into the child’s room • he said to the girl “talitha koum” which means little girl I tell you to get up • she got up at once and started walking, Jesus told them not to tell anyone and give her something to eat • Jairus was an official of a synagogue which means he had a high status, him going to Jesus for help shows his faith in him • everyone else believed that the girl had died and there was no hope but Jesus insisted Jairus to keep believing • this shows if you have faith and believe the impossible can become possible through God, belief will heal you
Woman With A Hemorrhage Mark 5: 25 -34 • a woman had been suffering from severe bleeding for 12 years and no doctor could help her • she heard about Jesus so went to the crowd where he was thinking “if I just touch his clothes, I will get well” • she touched his cloak and at once the bleeding stopped but Jesus felt power leave him • Jesus asked “who touched my clothes? ” knowing it was trembling with fear she knelt at his feet and told him the whole truth • Jesus replied “my daughter your faith has made you well, go in peace and be healed of your trouble” • the woman had so much faith that she believed that by just toughing his clothes she will be cured • she is brave and shows courage when she admits the truth as she could be punished severely as she is unclean and has come out in public • Jesus sees her strong faith and shows that believing and having faith in God and Jesus power you will be better and your troubles will go
Greek Woman's Daughter Mark 7: 24 -30 • a Gentile woman born in Syria whose daughter had an evil spirit fell at Jesus feet begging to drive the demon out of her daughter • Jesus answered “let us first feed the children, it’s not right to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs” • she answered “even the dogs under the table eat the children's left overs” • Jesus replied “because of that answer, go back home where you will find the demon has gone out of your daughter” • she went home and found her child with the demon out of her • the children are the Jews and the dogs are the Gentiles (non Jews) and the food is Jesus teachings, work and miracles • Jesus says that he has come for the Jews to see what the woman would say • the woman showed faith by saying the Gentiles will some as people will pass on the message and talk about Jesus and his teachings, Gentiles will still believe and follow him even if he hasn’t come for them • Jesus was amazed at her answer and showed that faith in him will bring healing • this shows Jesus came for everyone even those who are not Jews
Blind Bartimaeus Mark 10: 46 -52 • a blind beggar names Bartimaeus began to shout “Jesus Son of David, take pity on me!” when he heard that Jesus was passing • many people told him to be quiet but she shouted even louder • Jesus stopped and told them to call him • “what do you want me to do for you? ” Jesus asked • Bartimaeus replied “teacher I want to see again” • Jesus told him “go, your faith has healed you” • he was able to see Jesus and followed him on the road • the man showed extreme faith as he recognized Jesus as the Son of David as it was said that the Messiah would be a descendant of David (the most greatest King of the Jews) • the man was persistent and determined • Jesus rewards him by restoring his sight • if you have faith God will reward you
Temple Court Mark 11: 15 -17 • Jesus went to the temple and saw people buying and selling • he told them to get out and overturned the tables and stools • he then says “it is written in the scriptures that God said my temple will be called a house of prayer for the people of all nations, but you have turned it into a hideout for thieves!” • he demonstrates righteous anger • not showing pacifism in this story • using violence to get his point across • the house of God should be treated with respect and not used to make money
Taxes To Caesar Mark 12: 13 -17 • the Pharisees tried to trick Jesus by asking “teacher, we know that you tell the truth, teach the truth about God’s will for people, is it against our law to pay taxes to the Roman Emperor? should we pay them or not? ” • Jesus knew what they were doing “bring me a silver coin” • they brought him one and Jesus says “whose face and name are these? ” • they replied “the Emperors” • so Jesus said “pay the Emperor what belongs to the Emperor and pay God what belongs to God” • they were all amazed by his answer • Jews hated paying the annual tax because they were being controlled and its was unfair • it was tricky for Jesus to answer as he could get reported to the Romans as a threat to state security and arrested or loose the support of the Jews that hated taxes • but Jesus was clever he told them they had a duty both to the state and to God • he shows that you must give the Emperor what he wants to have a good peaceful life on earth but also obey God and do good to have a everlasting life in heaven
The Disciples are followers of Jesus Christ. Qualities of a disciple are: humble, patient, understanding, obedient, kind, friendly, selfless, loyal, committed, faithful, caring, trustworthy, loving, forgiving, compassionate Disciples High Points: • gave up everything to follow Jesus • Peter recognises Jesus identity as Messiah at Caesarea Philippi • were upset when Jesus told them they would betray him • they were sure they would be loyal even if it meant death • Peter regrets denying Jesus • they carry out Jesus mission Disciples Low Points: • lacking faith during the storm • arguing with Jesus before the feeding of the 5000 • Peter, James and John fall asleep when Jesus was praying in the garden of Gethsemane • Judas betrays Jesus and Peter denies him • ran away leaving Jesus when he got arrested • they didn’t believe Jesus had risen and were afraid so they hid away Peter was one of the twelve disciples and Jesus closest friend. He was a zealot and his first name was Simon. He witnessed the transfiguration and was the first to recognise Jesus as the Messiah. But he tempted Jesus to take an easier path and denied Jesus three times. However in the end Jesus chose him to be the head of the Church on Earth and made him the first Pope. Peter was martyred on the crucifix upside down as he thought himself not worthy dying in the same way as Jesus.
Mother Teresa • 1910 - 1997 • modern disciple • encouraged love not war • worked with monarchies, dictators and the Pope • promoted equality • started missionaries of charity • was a teacher • looked after the poor, leprosy, sufferers and homeless • she took the vows of poverty, obedience and chastity in 1931 • won the nobel peace proze in 1979 • influences our behaviour and actions • a good role model for us She showed her qualities of discipleship by taking the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. She encourages love not war by working with monarchies, dictators and the Pope helping and supporting them to be better leaders. She helped those less fortunate than her and touched lepers without catching the illness. This shows she truly was sent by God and a real disciple of Jesus Christ. Her actions were recognised when she won the noble peace prize.
Call of The Disciples Mark 3: 13 -19 • Jesus went up a mountain side and called 12 men to come with him • he appointed the twelve to be with him as companions, to evangelise preaching the word of God and to be able to perform exorcisms driving out demons • the twelve are: Simon (Peter), James, John (Boanerges), Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, Thaddaeus, Simon and Judas. • the twelve he chooses are a mixture of different kinds of people: there are four fishermen, a tax collector, two who were possibly terrorists and many with wives and families they had to abandon • Jesus chose them so that ordinary people could relate to them as they were not rich, they were not socially elite and they were certainly not perfect • he renames Simon Peter as Peter, which means ‘rock’ and it later becomes clear that Peter is Jesus closest friend and companion • the symbolism of the mountain is they would be in a secluded place, high up and closer to God which they believed in those times
The Mission Mark 6: 7 -13 • he sent the disciples out two by two and his instructions were: • don’t bring anything but a staff, no bread, bag, money • wear sandals but don’t bring extra clothes • enter a house in every town and stay there until you leave that town • if anyone doesn’t welcome or listens to you, leave and shake the dust off your feet • so the disciples went out and preached people to repent, drove out many demons and anointed the sick healing them • Jesus gives the disciples two missions: • the mission is the disciples job while Jesus is alive • the commission is the disciples job after Jesus has resurrected and ascended • the mission is for the disciples to give up all material wealth only having a staff and a pair of sandals to help them walk through the rough terrain • the word of God that they hold is their bread of life and is all they need • the host families they stay with will feed and wash their clothes for them • the only miraculous power they are granted is authority over evil spirits • disciples are to give a warning to people who do not welcome their message as they have turned against God and will be punished • disciples fulfilled their mission
Cost of Discipleship Mark 8: 34 -38 • if you want to be a disciple you must deny yourselves to carry your cross and follow Jesus • if you want to save your life you will lose it, but if you loose your life for Jesus and for the Gospel you will save your life • if you’re ashamed of Jesus and his words in this sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in God’s kingdom • Jesus teaches us that to be true disciples we must suffer by give up our own needs and wants to follow Jesus • in order to get eternal life we must be selfless and imitate Jesus actions by carrying our own cross putting up with suffering, rejection, humiliation and persecution • disciples might even die for their faith in Jesus but that whoever dies in Jesus’ name will be granted eternal life in the kingdom of God • possessions and worldly goods will not get you into the kingdom of God but spiritual wealth like love, faith, trust will • in today’s world there is no more faith only evil and those who turn away from his teaching he will turn away from • he refers to himself as the Son of Man which shows his understands the suffering his followers must go through • when Jesus comes for his second coming at the end of the world he will punish those who have not been disciples
Rewards of Discipleship Mark 10: 28 -31 • those who have left home, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, children or fields for Jesus and the gospel will get 100 times as much, now and in eternal life • those who are first will be last and the last first • true disciples who have given up everything in his name will be granted a hundred times as much in paradise • Jesus is promising his true disciples eternal life as their reward for discipleship and faith in him • those who don’t care about being a disciple will not inherit the kingdom of God but those who gave up their lives for the Gospel and Jesus name will be the first to enter heaven
The Rich Young Man Mark 10: 17 -31 • a rich young man asks Jesus how to get into heaven as he has obeyed all the commandments • Jesus tells him to sell all his possessions and give the money to the poor • the man was upset by this as he was very rich so went away • Jesus tells the disciples “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God • in order to get into heaven we must not be greedy but selfless, helping those less fortunate • if we have more than enough to survive and there are people that can barely survive we must give and help them • we must be spiritually rich and not materialistically as when we die our possessions cannot come with us but out spiritually richness decided if we can enter the kingdom of God
Teaching On Service Mark 10: 42 -45 • Jesus says that those who are known to be rulers act like rulers and great men show authority. • But Jesus says that it should not be this way, whoever wants to become great should be a servant and whoever wants to be first should be a slave for all. • Jesus explains that the Son of Man didn’t come to be served but to serve and to give his life up for everyone. • this teaches us to be good disciples we should serve one another • we should follow Jesus example as he was sent to Earth not have people serve him but him to serve us and he even ends up dying for all of us • we be grateful and thankful for what Jesus had done for us and try to imitate his action by serving, helping and caring for each other • servant and slaves to everyone will be great and the first to have eternal life in the Kingdom of God as they have show they are good disciples
Greatest Commandments Mark 12: 28 -34 • a teacher of the law saw Jesus giving good answers so asked him “which commandment is the most important of all? ” • Jesus replied “ the most important is the Lord our God in the only Lord, love him with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind and with all your strength and the second most important commandment is love your neighbour as you love yourself, there is no other commandment more important than these two” • the teacher of the law agreed and Jesus told him that he was not far from the Kingdom of God • this shows the two greatest commandments God gave us: to worship God only with everything you have and to love your neighbour as you love yourself • if you follow these two commandments you will be following the others too because for example you won’t kill, steal or lie as that will not be loving your neighbour • Jesus shows that by following these commandments you will be able to enter the Kingdom of God
Widow At The Treasury Mark 12: 41 -44 • Jesus was in the temple and saw many rich men donating a lot of cash which would have been their spare change • a poor widow gives two very small copper coins worth only a penny • Jesus tells the disciple “this widow even though she is poor she gave all she had to live on, so she had put in more money than all the others • the widow exemplifies the three main costs of discipleship: she gives service to God by putting him before her own needs, she will suffer because she is poor and she has sacrificed her material wealth for God. • this teaches Christians that true discipleship involves service, suffering and sacrifice just as the widow shows • in order to be a good disciple you must give everything you have to God and face suffering in life in exchange for eternal life • she showed she is a good disciple because she did not keep the money to herself even though she knew it was all she had but she showed she had faith and trusted God
Peter’s Promise Mark 14: 27 -31 • Jesus tells the disciples that the shepherd will be taken and the sheep will be scattered • Peter declares “even if all leave you I will not” • Jesus replies “before the cock crows twice you will have denied me three times” • Peter was furious “even if I die I will never deny you” • Jesus predicts that when he is arrested all of the disciples will abandon him as he is the shepherd and the disciples are the sheep • Peter shows how much he has faith and trusts Jesus as he says he will never deny or leave him even if it costs him his death
Peter’s Denial Mark 14: 66 -72 • when Jesus gets arrested Peter follows them on the courtyard • a High Priest’s servant woman recognised him saying he knew Jesus • Peter denied this saying he didn’t understand what she’s talking about • the woman asked bystanders but Peter denied it again • they recognised his Galilean accent but Peter says “I swear that I am telling the truth, may God punish me if I am not!” • the cock crowed twice and Peter remembered, he broke down and cried • Peter is too scared to admit that he knows Jesus as Jesus predicted • this shows Christians that ultimately, Peter failed when tested as he was too scared for his own life to stand by Jesus in his time of need • Peter shows his humanity, he makes mistakes and is sometimes weak • he shows his fear of being executed for knowing Jesus but when then he feels guilty for his actions
The Commission Mark 16: 14 -18 • Jesus rises from the dead and goes to see the 11 disciples • he gets angry at them for not having faith in him and not believing he has risen like the women he first appeared to told them • Jesus tells them to go out into the world to spread the Gospel and Good News, whoever believes and is baptised will be saved and whoever doesn’t will be condemned • he commissions them with the Holy Spirit which gives them the power to cast out demons, speak in tongues, pick up serpents, drink deadly poison without it hurting them and heal the sick • this is the job Jesus gives the disciples after his death and resurrection, it is the work they have to do after he has left them • the disciples main job is to preach the good news, to bear witness to Jesus death and resurrection • Jesus is angry at them at first as they did not have faith and believe he had risen like he taught them he would • he wants them to go out of hiding and continue with their mission, he wants them to take over from him when he returns to his father • they are able to speak every language of the world so all will understand their teaching, heal people through touch not getting ill, they will not get hurt when people turn against them
The Kingdom of God, Paradise, Heaven The kingdom of God is wherever God rules, has kingship and reigns. It is where people believe in him, accept his purpose for their lives and do his will. Kingdom of God on Earth is an insight on the qualities of heaven the real kingdom. Whenever someone is kind and helpful they are demonstrating characteristics of the real kingdom of God after death. How to get into the Kingdom of God? • follow the 10 commandments • prayer and worship • go to church regularly • love one another • follow the sacraments • teach other about God • be selfless and help others • resist temptation and be repentant • have faith and believe • Have self respect
Qualities of the Kingdom Spiritual We can only gain access to it if we have built up a strong faith and relationship with God. We do this through prayer and worship. Near When Jesus came to Earth with the good news he brought the kingdom with him. His means it is within our reach if we work towards it. This is shown in the sayings of the Kingdom of God when Jesus says “the Kingdom of God is near, repent and believe the good news”. Reward We don’t automatically gain entry, our lives are judged by God and if we have led a good life we are rewarded. This is shown in the Parable of the Sower as Jesus teaches us that Christians who listen and act upon the word of God will receive much more than what they started. Future The real kingdom is accessible only after death as it is something we prepare for on Earth. This is shown in the Parable of the Growing Seed when Jesus talks about our future judgement. Present Inclinations we have to do good and avoid evil proves that it is here on Earth as God is ruler in Christians lives. This is shown in the Parable of the Lamp on a Stand as Jesus teaches that we all have the Kingdom of God within us and that we should not hide it.
Using Parables Jesus taught the Kingdom of God though parables. These are stories that have a hidden meaning. He used everyday examples that his followers would have been familiar with to explain more complex teachings about the Kingdom of God. Parables are an indirect way of presenting the truth about God. To Teach: the idea of the Kingdom of God is very difficult for most people to understand, Jesus used parables so that the people he was teaching would understand better To Reward The Faithful: Jesus used parables to reward those who had real faith in him as only those who truly believed would listen to the stories and then work to discover their hidden meanings To Protect Himself: Jesus had many enemies and is he had spoken outright about the Kingdom of God then he would have been arrested for committing blasphemy, so by talking in parables his enemies would not know what he was really talking about
Parable Of The Growing Seed Mark 4: 26 -29 • a man scatters seeds on the ground • he watches it sprout and grow each day but questions how it does it • all by itself it produces grain and as soon as the grain is ripe he puts the sickle to it as harvest has come • the man represents God who sends his Word into the world • growing grain represents us, God doesn’t know how the grain grows as when he sends out his word he doesn’t know who will listen to it • full grown grain represents the people who listen to the Word and act fully upon it • harvest time represents judgements day when God will judge which grain is righteous • this teaches us that we must listen and act upon God’s Word as we will be judged at the end of time
Parable Of The Sower Mark 4: 1 -9 • farmer scattered some seeds • some were eaten by birds, fell on rocky ground and fell among thorns • other seeds fell on good soil, it grew and produced crop some multiplying a hundred times • farmer is God and seed is the word/message of God, when farmer scatters seeds it represents God sending his Word out into the world, he doesn’t know who will hear or listen to it • seed eaten by birds represents people who completely ignore the Word, they fall into temptation of Satan • seed fallen on rocky ground represents people who listen to the Word and try to act upon it but who eventually stray from the word when it gets too hard • seed fallen among thorns represents people who listen to the Words and try to act upon it but are forced away by peer pressure and worldly distractions • seed fallen on good soil represents people who listen to the Word and act upon it fully • it produces good crop referring to the Kingdom of God, they will receive much more than was sown in the beginning
Parable Of Mustard Seed Mark 4: 30 -34 • the Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed • it is the smallest seed on Earth but when it grows it becomes the largest plant • when Jesus taught in parables he explained everything to his disciples • mustard seeds are tiny but grow into large leafy plants • if we have the tiniest grain of faith and nurture it, then our faith will grow and we will spread the Kingdom on earth through our actions • this teaches us that it is through our faith that we can spread the Kingdom on Earth and if we do this then we will be granted the real Kingdom of God in the future
The Lamp On A Stand Mark 4: 21 -25 • Jesus questions his listeners as to how they display their lamp • ha asks whether they would cover the lamp with a bowl to hide it away or put it on a stand to keep it open • with the measure you use it will be measure to you even more • those who have will be given more and those who don’t have whatever they have will be taken away from them • if you have the Kingdom of God within you share it, you shouldn’t hide the light of God from the world • things that are hidden are meant to be found so let people find the light of God within you through your actions • whatever you share in your life this will be used to measure what you are given in the afterlife • we have been given God’s Word so we know how to live as he would want and how to spread the Kingdom here on Earth • if we keep what God has given us spiritually to ourselves that everything will be taken from us when we die, but if we share the Word we will have much more and God will give us even more after death
The Little Children Mark 10: 13 -16 • the children cam to Jesus to be blessed but the disciples got angry thinking they were unimportant • Jesus rebukes “the Kingdom of God belongs to those such as these and whoever doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it” and he blesses the children • this teaches the importance of being childlike, teachable and trusting as to enter the Kingdom of God we must be innocent as children and have blind faith • we must not be doubting, questioning and cynical as we should accept the Gospel and follow Jesus teachings without any question • blind faith is believing and having faith with no real proof and this is shown when the disciples followed Jesus
The Rich Man Mark 10: 17 -31 • a rich man followed the 10 commandments and asked Jesus what else he could do to inherit eternal life • Jesus told him to sell everything and give it to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven • the man went away sad as he was very wealthy • Jesus says “it is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God” • he then speaks about the costs and rewards of discipleship, his disciples will receive 100 times more in heaven • even though the rich man was a devout Jew, giving money to the poor was too difficult for him • Jesus teaches that wealth can be an obstacle for entry to the Kingdom using the image of a camel and a needle • our worldly possessions will not help us enter the Kingdom but our spiritual wealth will and we gain this by helping and giving to others
Greatest Commandment Mark 12: 18 -34 • Jesus is debating with the disciples which is the most important commandment when a teacher of the law asks for Jesus opinion • Jesus replies “there is only one God who you should love with all your heart, soul, mind and strength” and “love your neighbour as we love ourselves” • the teacher agreed and Jesus said he wasn’t far from the Kingdom of God • the Jews were trying to catch Jesus out • Jesus summarizes the whole of the laws and quotes from Deuteronomy and then Leviticus in these two laws • the teacher of the law agreed showing that these commandments were more important than sacrifices • Jesus is telling us how to enter the Kingdom of God and this is by loving the one and only God and treating one another as we would like to be treated
Announcing The Good News Mark 1: 14 -15 • after John was put in prison Jesus went to Galilee proclaiming the Good News of God • “the time has come” and “the Kingdom of God has come near, repent and believe the Good News” • Sayings Of The Kingdom Of God • the gospel of Mark begins with Jesus preaching about the Kingdom of God as Jesus has brought it to Earth and when he died he bridged a gap between us and God • it is only through opening his arms on the cross that Jesus made it possible for us to connect the gap between man and God, through his sacrifice we can receive forgiveness for our sins allowing is to have a relationship with God • we are told that turning away from sin, believing in the Good News, having faith in Jesus and repenting will help us reach the Kingdom • this is also proves the Christian belief that the Kingdom of God is near