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MARKETS IN TERRASSA We are Mireia and Silvia, two girls of Vedruna School. We’re MARKETS IN TERRASSA We are Mireia and Silvia, two girls of Vedruna School. We’re in 3 rd ESO and we’re doing a project about the markets in Terrassa. We’re going to inform about markets in the past and now, in the present because we think that it is very interesting. These are two most important markets in Terrassa: “El mercat de la independència ” and “El mercat del Triomf”.

Picture and emblem of the market Picture and emblem of the market

“Mercat de la Independència” • In the 1896, the courcil decided to build a “Mercat de la Independència” • In the 1896, the courcil decided to build a market in the “Raval de Montserrat”. It was inagurated the 14 th November in 1908 and it was called: “El mercat de la Independència” (“Independence Market”). • The name of the market comes from the begining of the independence.

What is it used for? • There you can buy food and products of What is it used for? • There you can buy food and products of all types. In the past, the 1 rst floor was used to grow horses, and in the 1972 it wa started to use for selling fruit and vegetables.

The stalls • At the begining of the 20 th century there were 361 The stalls • At the begining of the 20 th century there were 361 stalls and now there are only 94, because now more people buy in the supermarkets. The reason is that lots of people work for long hours, and they can only buy in big supermarkets. As the markets open all days except Friday from 7 in the morning to 2 and on Friday open from 7 in the morning to 8 in the night.

 • There are 94 stalls, 24 of vegetables, 38 of meat, 2 of • There are 94 stalls, 24 of vegetables, 38 of meat, 2 of wreckage, 12 of fish, 5 bakeries , 12 of drinks and 1 of plants and grasses.

The inside of the market The inside of the market

Anecdotes and curiosities • The popular expresion “Anar a la plaça” (“Go to the Anecdotes and curiosities • The popular expresion “Anar a la plaça” (“Go to the square”) comes from the times when the market was in the “Plaça Major de la vila” (“Major Square”).

Map of the market • “El mercat de la Independència” is next to the Map of the market • “El mercat de la Independència” is next to the “Rambla d’Egara” and “Raval de Montserrat”, between “The Rasa street” and “The tawn hall square”.

Emblem of the market Emblem of the market

“Mercat del Triomf” • In the 1904 St. Peter’s suburb grew up a lot. “Mercat del Triomf” • In the 1904 St. Peter’s suburb grew up a lot. • In the 1915 food was sold in a little stand in the “Plaça de la Creu” (“Cross Square”). • But in 1918, it became too small for the people in that area and the council decided to build “St. Peter’s market”. • The market was inaugurated the 8 th December of 1928.

What is it used for? • It is distribuyed in two parts, and in What is it used for? • It is distribuyed in two parts, and in the middle there’s a bar. • One part is destined to sell fish and the other part is destined to sell meat, fruit and vegetables.

The stalls • At the begining there were 71 stalls in the inside and The stalls • At the begining there were 71 stalls in the inside and 63 outside. • Now, there are only 40 stalls inside and 4 stalls outside.

The inside of the market The inside of the market

Anecdotes and curiosities • The name of the “Carrer Ample” (“Broad Street”), where is Anecdotes and curiosities • The name of the “Carrer Ample” (“Broad Street”), where is the market, cames that is was the broadest street in the St. Peter’s district.

Map of the market • “El mercat del Triomf” is next to the “Carrer Map of the market • “El mercat del Triomf” is next to the “Carrer ample” and “Bartomeu Amat”. Near “Parc del Nord and Passeig 22 de Juliol”. It’s also near the Renfe (station of train).

Some photos of the markets Some photos of the markets

“Mercat de la Independència” “Mercat de la Independència”

“Mercat del Triomf” “Mercat del Triomf”

“Draw del Mercat de la Independència” “Draw del Mercat de la Independència”

“Draw del Mercat del Triomf” “Draw del Mercat del Triomf”

“Draw del Mercat de Dimecres” ( “Wednesday Market” ) “Draw del Mercat de Dimecres” ( “Wednesday Market” )

To knew how many people buy sometimes, occasionally, always or never in the market To knew how many people buy sometimes, occasionally, always or never in the market we did a survey to 50 persons and this are the results ALWAYS SOMETIMES OCCASIONALLY NEVER 18 % 20 % 24 % 38 %

Terrassa also has a weekly market since the century XIV, when “L’Infant Martí” grants Terrassa also has a weekly market since the century XIV, when “L’Infant Martí” grants the privilege of having market every Wednesday. • The market was in diferent places. • • • 1391 Plaça Vella 1861 Raval de Montserrat 1909 Rambla d’Egara, entre plaça de Clavé i el carrer Goleta 1927 Plaça del Progrés 1934 Rambla d’Ègara, sobre l’actual estació 1954 Rambleta del Pare Alegre 1962 Avinguda de Jaume I 1967 Entorns de l'estadi municipal 1992 Avinguda de Béjar 1994 Can Roca 2004 Can Petit

Conclusion • After done the survey we have seen that people lost the tradition Conclusion • After done the survey we have seen that people lost the tradition of go to buy to the market and people go to buy to the supermarkets. • Also we can say that the markets in Terrassa are a very important and popular buildings.