Скачать презентацию Marketing strategy for the product promotion during the Скачать презентацию Marketing strategy for the product promotion during the


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Marketing strategy for the product promotion during the key season Ulan Rustem Sydyk Ernat Marketing strategy for the product promotion during the key season Ulan Rustem Sydyk Ernat Bolat Altyn Yelubayeva Assel

Market analysis Product concept Identify strategy Aim: Events Marketing Summary To increase sales by Market analysis Product concept Identify strategy Aim: Events Marketing Summary To increase sales by 20% 25. 4 Segmenta tion Strategy + + g Marketin 30. 7 = Tasks: To find niche for chocolate tablets and dragees To increase sales during the key seasons To promote products of higher demand 12. 9 bln kzt +[ 7% + + ]× =16. 6 bln kzt

Identify strategy Market share by segments: Market share by the price: Kazakhstan’s economy: Product Identify strategy Market share by segments: Market share by the price: Kazakhstan’s economy: Product concept Marketing Events Mars’ portion in the market: Types of consumption: According to the UNCTAD, rate of population growth is 1 -2% a year Maın features: Market analysis Summary The highest demand for loose and tablets. But Mars share is 7% and 8 % respectively. Mostly, chocolates are consumed at home: tea drinking, holidays, receiving guests. Kazakhstan is developing state. Focus must be made on chocolates of cheap and middle price segment. Mars is leader in Bars and Dragee segments, it has chances to become an absolute leader.

Market analysis Product concept Identify strategy Marketing STRENGTH S 1 opportunity O 1 O Market analysis Product concept Identify strategy Marketing STRENGTH S 1 opportunity O 1 O 2 S 3 Summary WEAKNESSES S 4 Focus on increasing market share by using own production facilities O 3 W 1 W 2 W 3 Focus on growth market share(new customers) by using broad market platform O 4 T 1 THREATS S 2 Events T 2 T 3 Timely response to market changes Diversification Strategy: Properly grouping customers to conduct events for stimulating sales Appendix 2

Market analysis Identify strategy Product concept Marketing Growth drivers and risks Summary • To Market analysis Identify strategy Product concept Marketing Growth drivers and risks Summary • To sell Sweets in a national style boxes created for regional celebrations Sales By changing the package of the Dove we will attract more than 25% customers (appendix 3) Sales People in Kazakhstan prefer sweets with tea, in order to attract them we will sell them with tea ( by having profitable agreement with tea producer)

Market analysis Product concept Identify strategy • • • Marketing Attractive M&M vendor machine Market analysis Product concept Identify strategy • • • Marketing Attractive M&M vendor machine Flow of childrens in Funky town will allow to organize various events in it, to boom the children's minds to buy M&M 11 June by organizing chocolate day we will do fest for this day Also fasten it by blood donor to children Online service that will enable to put specific picture on it, will be unique option to our market Organizing best Instagram photo with Mars Products, will be fasten by famous persons to fasten process Events Summary

Market analysis Identify strategy Product concept Marketing Events Summary 1 • With the growth Market analysis Identify strategy Product concept Marketing Events Summary 1 • With the growth of population and increasing standard, as well as any other consumer market, the market for chocolate products is booming 2 • Market analysis allowed us to determine factors that impede our sales during key seasons, and therefore we have decided to develop new packaging design 3 • By changing the design, product positioning and target audience, we plan to achieve our goal 4 • Success of our portfolio will be directly dependent on the quality of marketing campaign 5 • We have a good opportunity for further promotion of our product by large-scale events such as “Donor day”, “Chocolate Day”