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MARKETING OF INFORMATION By Ms. Preeti Patel Lecturer School of Library And Information Science DAVV, Indore Email: preetipatel 2407@yahoo. co. in
MARKETING OF INFORMATION l Information l l Industry Marketing of Information Attribute of Information as a product Marketing of knowledge Factor affected to Information Industry
l l l l Assessment the Users need Identification of users Searching tendencies of users Expectation of users from Information Centers Relationship between Information gathering and delivery. Marking Strategies Application of Marketing Strategy
Information Industry 1. The Information industry is growing fast. 2. It Package information in variety of ways. 3. It contains high growth and low growth sections; and growth within each sections change by new knowledge, new technology, new packaging and govt. intervention. 4. Marketing tries to provide information that satisfy the user’s need through a coordinated set of activities to achieve the goals of organization.
Information Industry STORTE Catalogue Goods INDUSTRY RESEARCH Report & Publication Sale & Marketing D O C U M E N T A T I O n Library USERS Inf. Officer
Marketing of Information 1. The product is the heart of the marketing exchange. In marketing of Information the Information is like as a product. 2. Technology influences the changes of information tools and techniques in market place. 3. Information as a product has a range of unique features that affects the nature of relationship between users and Information providers, and the nature of the information market place.
Attribute of Information as a product 1. 2. 3. 4. Information is not lost when it is given or sold to others, The value of Information is not readily quantifiable It has no intrinsic value , the value being dependent upon context and user Information can multiple lifestyle as ideas and authors move in and out fashion
5. Technology facilitate and constraints the delivery of Information. It is crucial to delivery 6. Information may be acquired, as with the purchase or lease of a CD-ROM, or accessed via the Internet.
Marketing of knowledge Once it is realized that knowledge is a commodity, with researchers as producers and industry as consumers, it becomes clear that in the marketing of knowledge or information services , following factors have to kept in mind-
l l l Examination of structure of the prospective market. The diversification of demand Development and stimulation of demand Active presentation of related commodities Training in searching for and utilization of commodities available Lesion service between users of Information bank
Information Service and Management Information user Information Vender Publishing IT Tele. Comm. & Networking Librarianship DBMS Archives Inf. Brokerage IT Based specialized Traditional Services Information Contents and Management Information Technology Information Services Consulting
Factor affected to Information Industry l Market Size l Characteristics of product and size l Services offered l Number of Suppliers l Competitiveness l Government policy l Influence of Technology
Market Size Changing face of society make changes in information market. The information networks coming up at national , regional and global level. The individual services will not successfully develop market share if there is no coherence between the offerings and general bases of different services, there will be no market to share.
Characteristics of product A physical product is anything that is produced to satisfy the needs of user’s which can be acquired, stored and consumed where as services are not stored and used.
Services offered Library and Information Centers are essentially engaged in offering services are intangible then physical product. l This is due to very fact the services can not put to test. It cannot be stored, displayed, demonstrated, possessed, tasted, seen, heard and smelled before they are used. l Reference services, On-line searching and referral services are few services which are of this kind. l
l l Relationship between external services and internal information flow and management will become more important The rise of brokers will further change the information distribution chain Coming into existence of high price and high performance services aimed at quite specific market segment Rising cost of paper based documents leading to automated services
Most of the cases the services are generated and supplied against on demand. l A literature search made upon the receipt of demand will not affect the original source. l The life span of the services is very short. As the result , a library service is generated only when it is required by a user. l
Number of Suppliers l There will be an exponential growth of suppliers, as it involves specification, huge financial backing and enormous efforts. l The larger services become progressively more dominant. l There may be an increase in middle –men as distributors or consultants.
l Change in the structure of the chain of supply-involving brokers, networks internal systems which has an effect on present role of suppliers l Change in the range of price (substantial revenue to new high performance services)
Competitiveness Networks and more aggressive approach to multilingual problem can be enable suppliers to reach in to local market although the required new remote marketing initiatives which may be costly. l Standardization of format and procedural aspects of supply may put a supplier at advantage. User awareness will expose suppliers to greater competition. l
l New suppliers with huge resources keep competition high l A private supplier has to develop new services and new packages in order to with stand competition and earn an edge in the market.
Government policy l The role of government agencies as suppliers of information will bring a lot of competition. l The position of government may the market permanently unprofitable in area covered by subsidies
Influence of Technology The impact of technology both upon suppliers own process and in the user environment onto which their services are marketed.
Assessment the Users need 1. Identification of users 2. Searching tendencies of users 3. Purpose and frequency for using library by users 4. Expectation of users from Information Centers 5. Management of Information services on their expectation
Identification of users Guha ( 1983)classified users studies under three heads 1. Behavior studies 2. Use studies 3. Information flow studies
These three factor covered in following pointsl Identification of user’s group l Assessment of user information need l Identification of user approaches and attitude in finding , locating and obtaining the information l Orienting the user in finding , locating and obtaining the information l Matching the user and his information in such a way that the maximum benefits could be derived from library and Information system
Difference between subject interest of different users make their identity. l The Subject coverage of the information center also help to identify the users. Engineering collage library has Faculty members and students as members of it. l An University library has broad category of their users. Research Scholars, special member (students of competitive exam) college students of PG and UG , Faculty member of the collages and University also the member list of University library l
Searching tendencies of users l l l Physiological needs Society and security needs Belonging and social activity needs Esteem of self respect Self actuation and fulfillment
Purpose and frequency for using library by users Most of the users visit library for borrowing books, periodicals and news paper. They also visit library for internet surfing and view audio-visual material. Faculty of the institution use library mostly for research journals and other reading materials.
Expectation of users from Information Centers l l l l Adequate resources/ collection Staff’s prompt services and willingness to solve user’s problems Excellent physical facilities and services Easy access & convenient working hours Providing timely information to users Attractive display of document in library Understanding specific needs of users Staff ‘s personalize attention toward users
Marketing Strategies l l l l l Issue of Regular Press releases Distribution of Pamphlets Reviews Connection to students and teachers Prepaid coupon book system Lectures and Paper presentation Talk with publication industry User’s group meet Quick response to users
Application of Marketing Strategy L&I Centers are the business of acquiring, storing and retrieving various information sources. l User is the core of information services. l Marketing is an integral part of management and advocate the involvement of staff in it. l A market oriented staff is more successful in responding to technological change and in seeing that new services reflect the need of the library’s users. l
l l l l l Marketing Plan Market and situation analysis Mission analysis Resources Analysis Marketing Strategy Monitoring and evolution Product Price Promotion Marketing Research