Скачать презентацию Marketing and Promotion Advertising is paid for Скачать презентацию Marketing and Promotion Advertising is paid for


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Marketing and Promotion Marketing and Promotion

Advertising is paid for… Publicity is prayed for. . . Almost 900 Billion dollars Advertising is paid for… Publicity is prayed for. . . Almost 900 Billion dollars a year is spent on TV, internet and print advertising each year.

When a company wants to remarket or update a products image and, they will When a company wants to remarket or update a products image and, they will hire a commercial artist or graphic designer to help first work on researching the products target audience or demographic audience. Demographics refer to a persons age, sex, income, race, living location. All marketing begins with research a product and knowing its market potential.

Promoting a product or event in an orchestrated, thought out ways is known as Promoting a product or event in an orchestrated, thought out ways is known as an ad campaign. In order to be successful in today’s market, ad campaigns often involve people, print, internet, cell phones, billboards, magazines, posters, promotional products, packaging and much more. After a product is built it needs to be named. Naming a product can be quite fun and easy. This product is a new childrens toy. It acts like a superball but bounces in odd directions. NAME IT!

DETERMINE YOUR STRATEGY Is this a boring item? Can you use humor to make DETERMINE YOUR STRATEGY Is this a boring item? Can you use humor to make it more appealing? Is it a low price item? Can you use advertising which makes it seem more expensive? Who is the target audience? What appeals to that audience? What kind of packaging or color scheme would make this more appealing?

A memorable or catchy phrase or saying which is meant to help you remember A memorable or catchy phrase or saying which is meant to help you remember a product or company e. Bay EA Games EA Sports Energizer Batteries Philips Sony Playstation Nintendo Entertainment System, GE (General Electric) Radio Shack Sega Genesis * "Buy it. Sell it. Love it. " * "Challenge everything" * "It's in the game" * "Keeps going and going. " * "Let's Make Things Better" * "Live in your world, play in ours. " * "Now You're Playing With Power!" * "We bring good things to life. " * "You've got questions, we've got answers. " * "Welcome to the Next Level".

A memorable or catchy phrase or saying which is meant to help you remember A memorable or catchy phrase or saying which is meant to help you remember a product or company ~ Lay's Potato Chips ~ Campbell's Soup ~ Pringles ~ Smuckers * "Betcha can't eat just one" * "M'm! Good!" * "Once you pop the fun don't stop. " * "With a name like ____. . it has to be good

FOUR ELEMENTS OF PRINT ADS 99% of all advertising you look at in print FOUR ELEMENTS OF PRINT ADS 99% of all advertising you look at in print will contain the following four items: • HEADLINE - The most important part of an ad Grabs your attention and should not let go! • ARTWORK - Usually the focus of or the largest part of an ad Big shiny objects! • BODY COPY - Contains all of the details of the product, service or event What do ya’ know, Joe! • LOGO - Visually represents the company & creates brand recognition. Also creates vast minions of zombie-like customers and fans!

FOUR ELEMENTS OF PRINT ADS HEADLINE - As the largest TEXT element in an FOUR ELEMENTS OF PRINT ADS HEADLINE - As the largest TEXT element in an ad, the headline is a very important element as an attention grabber. HEADLINE

FOUR ELEMENTS OF PRINT ADS ARTWORK - Photos, Illustrations, Digital Artwork which accentuates the FOUR ELEMENTS OF PRINT ADS ARTWORK - Photos, Illustrations, Digital Artwork which accentuates the headline. ARTWORK

FOUR ELEMENTS OF PRINT ADS COPY - The who, what, when or where. All FOUR ELEMENTS OF PRINT ADS COPY - The who, what, when or where. All the details and always the largest AMOUNT of information. Also known as body copy. BODY COPY

FOUR ELEMENTS OF PRINT ADS LOGO - A logo is a graphic representation of FOUR ELEMENTS OF PRINT ADS LOGO - A logo is a graphic representation of a company's identity and is composed of a symbol, text or a combination of both. LOGO

FOUR ELEMENTS OF PRINT ADS Play on words headline General / Informative FOUR ELEMENTS OF PRINT ADS Play on words headline General / Informative

FOUR ELEMENTS OF PRINT ADS Play on words headline Play on words / Humor FOUR ELEMENTS OF PRINT ADS Play on words headline Play on words / Humor

FOUR ELEMENTS OF PRINT ADS Serious Ad / Tone Humorous Ad / Tone FOUR ELEMENTS OF PRINT ADS Serious Ad / Tone Humorous Ad / Tone


STEPS TO EFFECTIVE MARKETING 1. Choose the right creative approach. • Who are you STEPS TO EFFECTIVE MARKETING 1. Choose the right creative approach. • Who are you selling to? • What are you selling — really? • Choose the angle that will attract customers' attention, stimulate their interest, and "hook" them on what you offer.

STEPS TO EFFECTIVE MARKETING 2. Write compelling ad copy. COPY - The words you STEPS TO EFFECTIVE MARKETING 2. Write compelling ad copy. COPY - The words you construct to generate interest in a product, service or event. Large amounts of information are know as body copy. • Known as the “specific” or the Who, What, When or Where… • Make sue you give your reader only what is needed. They’ve read this far, don’t bore them with too much information. • Give the essentials… get in and get out. • Headlines should be the largest text element and should be catchy. • The HEADLINE should tie in with the artwork.

STEPS TO EFFECTIVE MARKETING A simple formula for writing good copy is as follows: STEPS TO EFFECTIVE MARKETING A simple formula for writing good copy is as follows: A — get Attention I — arouse Interest Grab ATTENTION with advertising, posters, demos, jingles, slogans. . . Arouse INTEREST by TELLING the consumer WHY they NEED this item, should use this service or go to this event. D — create Desire Create a DESIRE for the product or service which is too strong to ignore. Make your customer want it. A — stimulate Action Get your customer to ACT on your advertising! Ultimately you want them to purchase, buy, go to, or use your product, service or event.

Traditional Pun - Play On Words Celebrity Traditional Pun - Play On Words Celebrity

MARKET RESEARCH? Systematic gathering, recording and analyzing of data about customers, competitors and the MARKET RESEARCH? Systematic gathering, recording and analyzing of data about customers, competitors and the market. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO COMMERCIAL ARTS? By knowing what is important about peoples wants, you can design images to appeal to those wants.