- Количество слайдов: 26
Market and price data collection and management in agricultural statistics Workshop on Agriculture Information System and Statistics Danilovgrad, Montenegro, 24. 3. 2011 Ing. Ladislav Hána
For whom are prices important? EC - protection of domestic market – calculation import duties, - calculation of export refunds, - opening / closing intervention measures. Market participants – farmers, processing companies, traders. State institutions – market analysis and policy decisions. Other users – banks, insurance companies, police, students. . . .
Council regulation 1234/2007 establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products Article 192 - Exchange of information 1. Member States and the Commission shall provide each other with any information necessary for the application of this Regulation or for market monitoring and analysis and for complying with the international obligations concerning the products referred to in Article 1. 2. The Commission shall adopt detailed rules to determine what information is necessary for the application of paragraph 1, as well as those on its form, content, timing and deadlines and on arrangements for transmitting or making available information and documents.
Council regulation 1234/2007 Prices: - reference prices (shall be fixed), - intervention price (differs from product to product), - average Community market price. Standardisation of products. Definition of time when could be open / closed intervention.
Bovines • 1249/2008 - laying down detailed rules on the - implementation of the Community scales for the classification of beef, pig and sheep carcases and the reporting of prices thereof marking carcasses (category, classification) could be done by stamping or labels (min. 50 cm 2). MS shall ensure that classification is carried out by qualified classifier. for the purpose of establishing market prices, the carcase shall be presented as it is in Article 13 par. 3. categories and classes for recording of market prices representative prices (sl. >20 000 adult bov. /y, 30 %) the prices reported shall be the average price per class (flatrate purchases). weekly reporting of prices (No later than 12: 00, Brussels time, on Wednesday).
Confirmation E - P E U R O P
Confirmation E - P E U R O P
Classes of adult bovine animal carcases that have be reported: § Bulls (A) - U 2, U 3, U 4, R 1, R 2, R 3, O 2, O 3, § Bulls (B) - R 3, § Ouches (C) - U 2, U 3, U 4, R 3, R 4, O 3, O 4, § Heifers (D) - U 2, U 3, R 2, R 3, R 4, O 2, O 3, O 4, § Cows (E) - R 3, R 4, O 2, O 3, O 4, P 2, P 3.
Definition of price Market price to be established = • price paid to supplier for animal, • upon delivery to slaughterhouse, • excluding VAT, • expressed per 100 kg of carcase CW, • presented according to EU ref. presentation.
Pigs and sheep 1249/2008 laying down detailed rules on the implementation of the Community scales for the classification of beef, pig and sheep carcases and the reporting of prices thereof - every year are updated weighting coef. for each country, 315/2002 on the survey of prices of fresh or chilled sheep carcasses on representative markets in the Community
Poultry and eggs - 546/2003 of 27 March 2003 on certain notifications regarding the application of Council Regulations (EEC) No 2771/75, (EEC) No 2777/75 and (EEC) No 2783/75 in the eggs and poultrymeat sectors, - price shall be reported no later than 12. 00 each Wednesday - the selling price in packing stations for eggs in class A from caged hens, being the average of categories L + M; - the selling price in slaughter plants or the wholesale prices recorded on the representative markets for whole class A chickens known as "65 % chickens", or for another whole chicken presentation if it is more representative. - the average prices shall withouth VAT and be expressed in national currency per 100 kg.
Milk and dairy products - 479/2010 laying down rules for the implementation of Coun. R 1234/2007 as regards MS notifications to the Commission in the milk and milk products sector - MS shall communicate to the Commission not later than each Wednesday 12 a. m. (Brussels time) the ex-factory prices. - for products listed in Annex VI. Member States shall communicate prices reported by operators for dairy products, except for cheeses, where national production represents 2 % or more of the Community production, or where its production is considered as representative at national level by the competent national authority. - For cheeses, Member States shall communicate prices by type of cheese, representing 8 % or more of the total national cheese production. - price of raw cow milk monthly.
Cereals - Former was no legal act for price reporting, only agreement from management committee for cereals (reporting on Tuesday), - 127/2009 laying down the procedure and conditions for the sale of cereals held by paying or intervention agencies (art. 18) repealed by - 1272/2009 laying down common detailed rules for the implementation of CR 1234/2007 as regards buying-in and selling of agricultural products under public intervention (art. 56 and 58) - standard quality (def. in Annex of 1234/2007), - price shall be reported weekly for previous week on Wednesday not later than 12: 00 Brussels time.
Fruit and vegetables 1580/2007 laying down implementing rules of Council Regulations (EC) No 2200/96, (EC) No 2201/96 and (EC) No 1182/2007 in the fruit and vegetable sector (136, 137) daily reporting imported fruit and vegetables. 361/2008 amending Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products (Single CMO Regulation)
Bananas 2014/2005 on licences under the arrangements for importing bananas into the Community in respect of bananas released into free circulation at the common customs tariff rate of duty Article 2 par. 1. MS shall communicate the following information to the Commission: (a) by Wednesday each week: - wholesale prices for yellow bananas, - broken down by country of origin or group of countries of origin (ACP, „Dollar“ and EU), - as recorded the previous week on the representative markets (Annex XVI CR No 1580/2007).
Wine 479/2008 on the common organisation of the market in wine, repealed with 491/2009 amending Regulation 1234/2007 establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products, 555/2008 laying down detailed rules for implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 on the common organisation of the market in wine as regards support programmes, trade with third countries, production potential and on controls in the wine sector, 436/2009 laying down detailed rules for the application of CR 479/2008 as regards the vineyard register, compulsory declarations and the gathering of information to monitor the wine market, the documents accompanying consignments of wine products and the wine sector registers to be kept,
Sugar • 1234/2007 - monthly price reports, - bulk sugar (or in big bags), - packed 10 – 800 kg only if purchase >10%. - possibility to use for communication xml files.
Future communication to EC • ISAMM – Information System for Agricultural Market Management and Monitoring • Enlarge the number of CAP processes supported by an IT system. • An electronic exchange of data with Member States for all relevant CAP processes which is effective, controlled, and secure. • Communication to EC: – via Web screen (user interface), – via batch file upload (format in XML), – ? via Web Services (investment: machine to machine)? .
Slovak national legislation § Law No 543/2007 about competence of state authorities providing support in agriculture and country development. § Law No 491/2001 about organizing market with selected agriculture products. § Law No 540/2001 about state statistics. • Bulletin of Ministry of SR of Agriculture No 9/2004 – decree No 36 of Agricultural Minister in the sector of state administration for monitoring prices of selected agriculture and food industry products and providing price information for EU institutions.
Development of ATIS Agrarian Market Information of Slovakia SK abreviation ATIS, - a price information centre was established at 1995 as the output of the PHARE project, - from 1996 was ATIS part of RIAFE, - since 2004 is ATIS a part of Agricultural Paying Agency and is responsible also for price reporting to the European Commission.
Main tasks of ATIS is responsible for: • collecting price and market data, • data processing, • regularly in time sending price reports for EC, • publishing price and market information, • on request preparing analysis of market development.
Product groups covered by ATIS Product groups Frequency 1. Slaughter animals and meat Weekly 2. Fruit and vegetables Daily, Weekly 3. Grains, oilseeds, flour, mixed Weekly, feeds, potatoes and bakery prod. Monthly 4. Milk and milk products Weekly, Monthly 5. Poultry and eggs Weekly 6. Wine Monthly 7. Sugar Monthly
Thank you for your attention PPA - ATIS Dobrovičova 12, 815 26 Bratislava phone: +421 2 57 51 31 83 fax: + 421 2 53 418 151 www. apa. sk e-mail: atis@apa. sk