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Marine Corps Combat Development Command 3300 Russell Road Quantico, VA 22134 -5130 Supporting Operations Research in the USMC using M&S Major Christian Fitzpatrick, USMC Mission Area Analysis Branch, OAD, MCCDC 14 Jul 2011 1
Agenda Background l Current Billet l Critical Skills l Future Plans l Thesis Opportunities at OAD 14 Jul 2011 2
Background l Graduated from the USAF Academy in 1995 with a BS in Geography (No Computer Science experience) l US Marine Corps (MOS Experience) § Air Support Control Officer (Okinawa, 29 Palms) § KC-130 Pilot (San Diego) l Applied for MOVES degree at Naval Postgraduate School during a deployment aboard the USS Peleliu in the summer of 2006 l Started degree completion in July 2007 and graduated in September 2009 l Thesis: Applying Robotics and 3 D Visualization to Modernize the Expeditionary Warfare Demonstrator (EWD) l Upon graduation, assigned to Mission Area Analysis Branch, Operations Analysis Division, MCCDC in Quantico, VA § MAA began request process to request a MOVES graduate in 2006. Request was made through Total Force Structure Division at MCCDC 14 Jul 2011 3
Agenda l Background Current Billet l Critical Skills l Future Plans l Thesis Opportunities at OAD 14 Jul 2011 4
Mission Area Analysis (MAA) Branch l Mission: To conduct formal and quick response MAAs l What are MAAs? They are capabilities-based analyses of future warfighting requirements in the context of approved scenarios, primarily using M&S § Objectives w Evaluate Marine Corps warfighting capabilities w Identify operational deficiencies w Explore potential opportunities § Uses w Refine future concepts w Identify/validate requirements w Support resource allocation USMC - EFDS Navy - NCDP Joint - JCIDS Provide analytic insight to decision makers 14 Jul 2011 5
Recent MAA Studies l Joint Light Tactical Vehicle Ao. A – 2010 § Surface/Vertical assault modeling across 3 operational vignettes to analyze impact of JLTV alternatives on MAGTF operations l Lethality Analysis of 30 mm Programmable Air Burst Munitions (PABM) – 2011 (PM, AAAV) § Examine the cost effectiveness of procuring PABM compared to conventional 30 mm munitions l Infantry Battalion Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Study – 2010 (Tech Dir, MCTSSA) § Develop metrics and modeling to determine most promising technologies for providing tactical communications within the Infantry Bn (Rein) in 2011 -2020 l Counterbattery Radar (CBR) Capabilities Study – 2010 (Dir, CDD) § Examine CBR warfighting requirements in both MCO, JFEO and Irregular Warfare scenarios to determine required CBR capabilities l Airborne Command Control Ao. A – 2011 (DC AVN) § Analysis of Alternatives to determine most promising material solutions for current airborne C 2 gaps 14 Jul 2011 6
Models used in MAA Lab l l l l Combat XXI Ship to Objective Maneuver Model – Vertical (STOMM-V) Ship to Objective Maneuver Model – Surface (STOMM-S) MAA Analytic Sustainment Suite (MASS) Satellite Toolkit (STK) Assignment Scheduling Capabilities for UAVs (ASC-U) Advanced Warfighting Simulation (AWARS) Mix of GOTS, COTS and “Home Grown” applications 14 Jul 2011 7
Combat XXI l Closed-form, high resolution combat simulation for analysis of the Joint Battlespace § Developed at TRAC-WSMR § New development - study ready in FY 09 l l l Stochastic, entity-level model written in Java Represents individual Marines & equipment Scripting language for detailed behavior development Used for MEU and below analysis Scenarios portray battles lasting hours or days Joint development between MCCDC and TRAC 14 Jul 2011 8
STOMM-V l Models movement of forces and supplies via assault support lift § Ship to Objective § Between Objectives ashore l Deterministic Model l Developed using standard MS Office products § Excel § Access § Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 14 Jul 2011 9
STOMM-S l Models movement of forces via landing craft § Ship to Shore movement of forces using landing craft § Employs landing craft loading LP to determine loads based on landing craft capacities l Deterministic model l Developed using standard MS Office products § § 14 Jul 2011 Excel Access Visual Basic for Application (VBA) Solver Add-in Excel 10
Satellite Toolkit l AGI product written in C, C++ and C# l Deterministic l Physics-based model with extensive 3 D visualization l Strength in sensors and communications § Very strong capability in sensors and line of sight (LOS) § Air, land, sea, and space domains l Supports study metrics through meaningful C 4 ISR data 14 Jul 2011 11
JLTV Analysis of Alternatives l Ao. A was conducted prior to the Milestone B decision within the JCIDS process l MAA analyzed the embarkation and air/sea transportability of each of the four proposed vehicle alternatives to replace the aging HMMWV l Models Utilized: STOMM-V and STOMM-S l Analysis provided changed the air transportability KPP in the Capabilities Development Document 14 Jul 2011 12
JLTV Ao. A Brief to OSD CAPE 14 Jul 2011 13
Company Landing Team (CLT) Construct Analysis l MAA is providing analytic support for the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab (MCWL) as they develop a proposed CLT l We are looking closely at transportability ashore and sustainment l Study sponsor is Major Brandy Thomas (MOVES, 2008) l Models: STOMM-V & STOMM-S l This analysis is on-going 14 Jul 2011 14
Lighten the MAGTF l CMC Directed Study l MAGTF Integration Division (MID) is the designated Study Lead at MCCDC l MAA developing tools to visualize the MEB and MEU Data 14 Jul 2011 15
ACV Analysis l Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle was cancelled in Jan 2010 § This was an ACAT 1 program for the USMC l PM, AAA working closely with MAA to analyze to requirements for the next Amphibious Combat Vehicle l Recently, we completed an in-depth analysis examining potential weapons options for this vehicle l On the horizon for MAA § MAA is getting ready to support the ACV Ao. A (if assigned) § This week I am visiting with Dr. Imre Balogh to coordinate MOVES support for the Ao. A 14 Jul 2011 16
Agenda l Background l Current Billet Critical Skills l Future Plans l Thesis Opportunities at OAD 20 May 2010 17
Core Skills Required at MAA Java Programming (Simkit) Data Validation Data Visualization Python Programming Study Management IDE Usage (Netbeans) Excel VBA Access VBA Study Management MOVES (Jul 07 – Sep 09) MAA (Oct 09 – Jul 11) Data Structures Off-Duty Education 14 Jul 2011 Python Programming Certification* * Python Programming Certificate taken online through University of Illinois 18
Key MOVES Courses for MAA l MV 3302 Simulation Modeling & MV 4302 Advanced Discrete Event Simulation § Introduction to Simkit and Arena l MV 3204 Introduction to 3 D Modeling in X 3 D § Extensive use of Netbeans IDE l MV 4025 Cognitive and Behavior Modeling for Simulations & MV 4100 Cognitive Engineering § Python overview § Behavior development in CXXI l CS 3310 Artificial Intelligence § Behavior development in CXXI l MV 4460 Management of Modeling & Simulation Development § Great overview of the JCIDS process and key organizations within Do. D l OA 4604 Wargaming Applications § Did not take this course, but I receive questions weekly on how to best integrate M&S tools into wargames 14 Jul 2011 19
Agenda l Background l Current Billet l Critical Skills Future Plans l Thesis Opportunities at OAD 20 May 2010 20
Future Plans l Completed two years at MAA and projected to move in the summer of 2012 l Options § Office of Naval Research (ONR) in Arlington, VA § Continue at OAD, since billet will most likely be “gapped” in 2012 § Return to primary MOS 14 Jul 2011 21
Agenda l Background l Current Billet l Critical Skills l Future Plans Thesis Opportunities at OAD 20 May 2010 22
Thesis Opportunities l ACV Ao. A § Scenario and behavior development § Data Post-Processing § HLA/DIS Viewer w MAA has VR Vantage Stealth Viewer which could be used to visualize developed scenarios § Future Research w Urban Warfare w Enhanced Observation l Marine Corps Study System § Board meets quarterly and potential studies are selected for completion. OAD has sponsored numerous theses for Operations Research department 14 Jul 2011 23