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March 2014 doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew A Simplified Simultaneous March 2014 doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew A Simplified Simultaneous Transmit and Receive Mechanism Authors: Submission Date: 2014 -03 -17 Slide 1 Raja Banerjea, CSR

doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew March 2014 Abstract In band doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew March 2014 Abstract In band STR (Full Duplex) transmission allows 100% increase in Network throughput. Traditional STR transmission require STR AP and STR capable STA. We present a simplified STR mechanism which only requires STR capability at the AP and can be supported by traditional STAs. Submission Slide 2 Raja Banerjea, CSR

March 2014 doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew Topics • • March 2014 doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew Topics • • • Increasing Network Throughput In Band STR Challenges A simplified STR mechanism Analytic results showing STR performance Next Steps Submission Slide 3 Raja Banerjea, CSR

doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew Increasing Network Throughput 120 • doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew Increasing Network Throughput 120 • Max Data Rate based on Shannon Limit = B log 2 (1 + S/N) x (1 - T GI / T SYML )x N data / N carr • A 5 d. B RF Noise Figure + Implementation noise is considered for both the 802. 11 sensitivity and theoretical maximum. 802. 11 Max. Rate 100 80 60 40 20 0 -92 -89 -87 -84 -80 -76 -75 -74 -69 -67 Conclusion: Modulations above 16 -QAM ¾ are already spectrally efficient STR allows 100 % increase in network throughput. These gains are difficult to achieve otherwise. Submission Raja Banerjea, CSR

March 2014 doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew In Band STR March 2014 doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew In Band STR Challenges • IEEE 11 -13/1122 r 0 “Considerations for In-Band Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STR) feature in HEW” presented state of STR technology. Total Cancellation of 110 d. B is achievable • However the system cost is considerable -RF Isolation -Analog Cancellation -Digital Cancellation • The proposed mechanism enables In Band STR communication using In Band STR capable AP and legacy STAs Submission Slide 5 Raja Banerjea, CSR

doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew March 2014 Proposed STR in doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew March 2014 Proposed STR in WLAN • Leverage attenuation and path loss between STAs to develop a simplified STR solution. The increased complexity is only at the Access Point. • Access Point uses knowledge of path loss between STAs to Group STAs for In band STR transmission. Traditional WLAN: Half Duplex transmission Submission In Band STR Slide 6 Proposed Solution Naveen Kakani, CSR

March 2014 doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew Benefits of simplified March 2014 doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew Benefits of simplified In Band STR • 100 % increase in network throughput • No increase in complexity at the STA • Compatible with legacy deployments • Takes advantage of Wall attenuation and Path Loss Submission Slide 7 Raja Banerjea, CSR

doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew March 2014 Analytical Results • doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew March 2014 Analytical Results • Considered Path Loss between AP and STAs in some typical deployment scenarios • IEEE 802. 11 n channel model – – • L(d) = LFS(d BP) + 35 log 10(d / d BP) d > d BP LFS(d BP) = 40 d. B (2. 4 GHz) ; 46 d. B (5 GHz) d BP = 1 m Wall Loss = 12 d. B Typical Scenarios • • • Submission Small Residence ( ~ 1200 sq ft ) Ranch House ( ~ 3000 sq ft ) Class Rooms Slide 8 Raja Banerjea, CSR

March 2014 doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew Analytical Results • March 2014 doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew Analytical Results • AP and STA-1 location was fixed and the path loss measured between AP and STA 1 (PL AP_STA-1) and the location and STA-1 ( PL STA-1 STA-2) • Path Loss is measured using the shortest path to estimate distance and number of walls • If measured difference in Path Loss is greater than TBD d. B then In Band STR is feasible in that configuration Submission Slide 9 Raja Banerjea, CSR

doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew March 2014 Ranch House ( doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew March 2014 Ranch House ( ~ 3000 sq ft ) Fixed AP STA 2 PL AP_STA 1 PL STA 1_STA 2 Fixed STA 1 Submission Slide 10 Raja Banerjea, CSR

March 2014 doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew Small Residence ( March 2014 doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew Small Residence ( ~ 1200 sq ft ) Submission Slide 11 Raja Banerjea, CSR

doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew March 2014 Ranch House Submission doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew March 2014 Ranch House Submission ( ~ 3000 sq ft ) Slide 12 Raja Banerjea, CSR

March 2014 doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew Class Rooms Submission March 2014 doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew Class Rooms Submission Slide 13 Raja Banerjea, CSR

March 2014 doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew Conclusion • In March 2014 doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew Conclusion • In band STR can increase the network throughput by 100 % • The simplified In band STR mechanism leverages wall attenuation and path loss between STAs and enables STR where only the Access Point is STR capable. • In Band STR can be used along with MU-MIMO and SU-MIMO and provides increased throughput Submission Slide 14 Raja Banerjea, CSR

March 2014 doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew Next Steps • March 2014 doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew Next Steps • Path Loss Measurements in typical environments • Measure the allowed co-channel interference • A simplified MAC protocol for In-Band STR Submission Slide 15 Raja Banerjea, CSR

March 2014 doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew References [1]11 -13 March 2014 doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -14/0339 -00 -0 hew References [1]11 -13 -1421 -01 -hew-str-radios-and-str-media-access. pptx [2] 11 -13 -0765 -02 -0 hew-co-time-co-frequency-full-duplex-for 802. 11 -wlan. pptx [3] 11 -13 -1122 r 0 -considerations for In-Band Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STR) feature in HEW Submission Slide 16 Raja Banerjea, CSR