- Количество слайдов: 47
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06//0128 r 0 Project: IEEE P 802. 15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Wireless Mesh Personal Area Networks] Date Submitted: [5 March, 2006] Source: [Jianliang Zheng] Company [Samsung Lab at The City University of New York] Address [138 th Street at Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10031, USA] Voice: [1 -212 -650 -7199], FAX: [1 -212 -650 -8249], E-Mail: [zheng@ee. ccny. cuny. edu] Re: [IEEE 802. 15 -5 -0256] Abstract: [This proposal presents an updated version of Samsung’s proposal for IEEE 802. 15. 5 WPAN Mesh, including simulation results. ] Purpose: [This proposal is provided to be adopted as a recommended practice for IEEE WPAN Mesh. ] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P 802. 15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P 802. 15. Submission Slide 1 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06//0128 r 0 Wireless Mesh Personal Area Networks Zheng Jianliang Samsung Lab @ CUNY Submission Slide 2 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 Outline § Objectives § Adaptive Block Addressing (ABA) – – ABA scheme Simulations § ABA-based Mesh Routings – Adaptive Robust Tree (ART) • • – Topology-guided Distributed Link State (TDLS) • – Three phases Data forwarding Tree repair Meshed ART (MART) DLS scheme Simulations § Highlights Submission Slide 3 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 Objectives § To construct mesh networking layer over IEEE 802. 15. 4 MAC and PHY, which features: – – – Submission simple self-configuring adaptive scalable resource-efficient robust Slide 4 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 Adaptive Block Addressing (ABA) Submission Slide 5 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ABA Scheme A § Stage 1: Association § Stage 2: Children number collection B – An adaptive tree (AT) is formed. – Additional addresses are reserved. Submission [5][2] J [9001, 13000] [13001, 33000] [33001, 41000] [5] [41001, 45000] [45001, 65000] [3][1] K [1] [45001, 49000] [33001, 37000] [49001, 61000] [37001, 41000] [61001, 65000] [37001, 41000] [0] D E G [0] I L O [1][1] [61001, 65000] [1] [0] [29001, 33000] [49001, 53000] [17001, 21000] [21001, 25000] [53001, 57000] [25001, 29000] [57001, 61000] C § Stage 3: Address assignment [children#]=[8][6] resv’ed: [beg, end]=[0, 9000] branch 1: [beg, end]=[9001, 41000] branch 2: [beg, end]=[41001, 65000] F Slide 6 [1][2][1] H [13001, 17000] [17001, 21000] [21001, 29000] [29001, 33000] [25001, 29000] M N [0] [57001, 61000] [53001, 57000] J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ABA: Simulations (1) Simulations § Experimental setup § Results § -- 49 nodes (7 x 7) § -- 256 nodes (16 x 16) § -- 1024 nodes (32 x 32) § -- 1024 nodes (64 x 16) Submission Slide 7 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ABA: Simulations (2) Experimental setup § Simulation platform: NS + LR-WPAN source code is available at http: //www-ee. ccny. cuny. edu/zheng/pub § § § # of nodes: a x b (variable) Area: (10 x a) x (10 x b) m 2 Neighbor distance: 10 m Tx range: 12 m PAN Coordinator (PC): central node (or any designated node) § Network startup: – PC starts at: 0. 0 – Any other node starts at: random time between 1. 0 and 5. 0 Submission Slide 8 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ABA: Simulations (3) 49 nodes (7 x 7): Association and children number collection Parent ID [18] 25 Node ID PAN Coordinator Node having associated but not yet collected children number Node having associated and collected children number Submission Slide 9 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ABA: Simulations (4) 49 nodes (7 x 7): Address assignment Latency • Association: ~ 16. 0 sec • Children number collection: ~ 5. 0 sec • Address assignment: ~ 0. 1 sec PAN Coordinator Device (leaf node) Submission Slide 10 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ABA: Simulations (5) 256 nodes (16 x 16): Association and children number collection Parent ID [40] 24 Node ID PAN Coordinator Node having associated but not yet collected children number Node having associated and collected children number Submission Slide 11 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ABA: Simulations (6) 256 nodes (16 x 16): Address assignment Latency • Association: ~ 35. 0 sec • Children number collection: ~ 5. 0 sec • Address assignment: ~ 0. 2 sec PAN Coordinator Device (leaf node) Submission Slide 12 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ABA: Simulations (7) 1024 nodes (32 x 32): Association and children number collection Parent ID [112] 80 Node ID PAN Coordinator Node having associated but not yet collected children number Node having associated and collected children number Submission Slide 13 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ABA: Simulations (8) 1024 nodes (32 x 32): Address assignment Latency • Association: ~ 63. 0 sec • Children number collection: ~ 5. 1 sec • Address assignment: ~ 0. 3 sec PAN Coordinator Device (leaf node) Submission Slide 14 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ABA: Simulations (9) 1024 nodes (64 x 16): Association and children number collection Parent ID [4] 68 Node ID Submission PAN Coordinator Node having associated but not yet collected children number Node having associated and collected children number Slide 15 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ABA: Simulations (10) 1024 nodes (64 x 16): Address assignment Latency PAN Coordinator • Association: ~ 161. 0 sec Coordinator • Children number collection: ~ 5. 4 sec Device (leaf node) • Address assignment: ~ 0. 7 sec Submission Slide 16 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ABA-based Mesh Routings • Adaptive Robust Tree (ART) • Topology-based Distributed Link State (TDLS) Submission Slide 17 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ART: Three Phases Initialization Phase (ABA) Operation Phase (Data Fwding) Submission Recovery Phase (Tree Repair) Slide 18 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ART: Data Forwarding [8][6] [0, 9000] [9001, 41000] [41001, 65000] A 0 § Normal data transmissions [5][2] [5] J [9001, 13000]41001 [41001, 45000 [13001, 33000] [45001, 65000] [33001, 41000] [1][2][1] [3][1] C K 13001 [13001, 17000] H 45001 [45001, 49000] [17001, 21000] [49001, 61000] [21001, 29000] [61001, 65000] [29001, 33000] B 9001 – Example: Node C node L (i. e. , 13001 49001) § Nodes are still allowed to join the network D E F Submission Slide 19 G L I 49001 M [1][1] O [49001, 53000] [53001, 57000] [57001, 61000] N J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ART: Tree Repair (1) A Approach 1 B – a whole branch can be moved from one place to another – no address change C D E F J H G K I L M O N First-level tree repair Submission Slide 20 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ART: Tree Repair (2) A Approach 1 (cont. ) B C D J H E G F K I L M O N Multi-level tree repair Submission Slide 21 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ART: Tree Repair (3) A Approach 2 B § Node K fails § Node J broadcasts an RREQ to locate node K, with a limited TTL. § J C D E H G K I L All nodes below node K that have received the RREQ reply. F MART route Node J selects the best path and sends a route confirmation (RCFM) message to activate it. Submission Slide 22 M RREQ RREP § O N RCFM J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ART: Tree Repair (4) Approach 2 (cont. ) Data forwarding after repair A [des. In, 45001, 65000, down, 45001] [des. In, 49001, 61000, normal, 33001] J B 41001 [3][1] [45001, 49000] [49001, 61000] [61001, 65000] K H C 33001 [des. In, 49001, 61000, normal, 49001] [src. In, 49001, 61000, normal, 41001] D E F Submission G L I 49001 M Slide 23 [1][1] O [49001, 53000] [53001, 57000] [57001, 61000] N parent=33001 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 Meshed ART (MART) A § Neighbors treat each other as a child. [5][2] – Provide shorter path. – Reduce SPOFs. C D E F Submission Slide 24 [8][6] [0, 9000] [9001, 41000] [41001, 65000] [9001, 13000] [5] [41001, 45000] B [13001, 33000] J [45001, 65000] [33001, 41000] [9001, 41000] [41001, 65000 [33001, 41000] ] H [1] K [33001, 37000] [37001, 41000] [41001, 65000 ] …… G I L M O N J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 Topology-based Distributed Link State (TDLS) Topology Learning + (ABA) Distributed Link State TDLS Submission Slide 25 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 TDLS: DLS Scheme (1) The basic link state scheme A B H C D E J G K I F L M O N 3 -hop Link State (view of node J) Submission Slide 26 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 TDLS: DLS Scheme (2) The extended link state scheme I J K A L B C D Multipath Created through ELS Submission Slide 27 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 TDLS: DLS Scheme (3) Link state generation Hello message Format of Hello message beg. Addr end. Addr tree_level oh_neighbor 1, oh_neighbor 2, …, oh_neighbork beg. Addr: beginning address of the address block owned by the node (this is also the address assigned to the node itself) end. Addr: ending address of the address block owned by the node tree_level: tree level of the node oh_neighbori: one-hop neighbor of the node Submission Slide 28 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 TDLS: DLS Scheme (4) Link state generation (cont. ) Neighbor list beg. Addr 1 end. Addr 1 tree_level 1 hops 1 beg. Addr 2 end. Addr 2 tree_level 2 hops 2 tree_leveln hopsn …… beg. Addrn Submission end. Addrn Slide 29 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 TDLS: DLS Scheme (5) Link state generation (cont. ) Connectivity matrix me me nb 1 nb 2 nb 3 - nb 1 nb 2 nb 3 … nbn-2 nbn-1 nbn - + - … + - - - + … - - … + - … … - - + - - … nbn-2 nbn-1 nbn - Note: (1) The plus or minus sign (“+” or ”-“) at the cross cell of two nodes indicates they are or are not directly connected (i. e. , they are or are not one-hop neighbors); (2) For bi-directional links, the matrix is symmetric, so only half of the matrix is needed as shown here. (3) Hop information can be calculated using the connectivity matrix. Here we have: 1 -hop neighbors: nb 2, nbn-1, … 2 -hop neighbors: nb 1, nb 3, … 3 -hop neighbors: nbn-2, … 4 -hop neighbors: nbn, … Submission Slide 30 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 TDLS: DLS Scheme (6) Data forwarding 1: func_next. Hop(dst) 2: neighbor_found = search the neighbor list for the lowest (i. e. , with the largest tree level) neighbor who is the ancestor of dst but is not my ancestor; 3: if neighbor_found //going down 4: next_hop = get. One. Hop. Neighbor(neighbor_found); 5: return next_hop; 6: else if the destination is not my descendent //going up 7: found = is there a neighbor who has a tree level less than mine? 8: if found 9: hops 2 root = the minimum (hops + tree_level) found among neighbors that have a tree level less than mine; 10: min. Hops = the minimum hops found among neighbors that have a (hops + tree_level) of hops 2 root; 11: neighbor_found = select one of the neighbors that have a (hops + tree_level) of hops 2 root and a hops of min. Hops; 12: next_hop = get. One. Hop. Neighbor(neighbor_found); 13: return next_hop; 14: else //should go up, but can’t 15: return no_next_hop; 16: end if 17: else //should go down, but can’t 18: return no_next_hop; 19: end if 20: end func Submission Slide 31 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 TDLS: DLS Scheme (7) Data forwarding (cont. ) 21: func_get. One. Hop. Neighbor(neighbor_found) 22: mark the hop_number of each neighbor as “infinity”; 23 current_hops = hop number of the neighbor_found; 24: while current_hops > 1 25: for each neighbor nbi with a hop_number of current_hops 26: for each neighbor nbj directly connected to nbi 27: hop_number of nbj = current_hops – 1; 28: end for 29: end for 30: current_hops = current_hops - 1; 31: end while 32: return one of the neighbors with hop_number of 1; 33: end func Submission Slide 32 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 TDLS: DLS Scheme (8) Sanity/consistency checking doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 Approach 1 where, neighbor. Level: the tree level of neighbor_found given in line 21 of the above pseudo code hops 2 Nb: hops to neighbor_found Let flag 1 = the up-down flag included in an incoming message v. Tree. Level 1 = the virtual tree level included in an incoming message flag 2 = the up-down flag of the receiver of the message v. Tree. Level 2 = the virtual tree level of the receiver of the message then it follows that: Submission Slide 33 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 TDLS: DLS Scheme (9) Sanity/consistency checking (cont. ) Approach 1 (cont. ) Note that, if the receiver calculates flag 2 and v. Tree. Level 2 using only (max. Hops – 1)-hop link state information (i. e. , one hop less than that used by previous hop), then only the equal sign “=” should be applied in equation (2). Submission Slide 34 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 TDLS: DLS Scheme (10) Sanity/consistency checking (cont. ) Approach 2 A more efficient way is to only include the up-down flag and the hops 2 Nb value in the message. The virtual tree level has the same bit size as an assigned address, but hops 2 Nb only needs several bits (e. g. , 3 bits). Similarly we define: flag 1 = the up-down flag included in an incoming message hops 2 Nb 1 = the hop 2 Nb value included in an incoming message flag 2 = the up-down flag of the receiver of the message hops 2 Nb 2 = the hop 2 Nb value of the receiver of the message where, (flag 1, hops 2 Nb 1) are calculated using max. Hops-hop link state information, but (flag 2, hops 2 Nb 2) are calculated using only (max. Hops -1)-hop link state information. In this case, we should have: Submission Slide 35 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 TDLS: DLS Scheme (11) Link state maintenance § A node should broadcast several Hello messages with a TTL of max. Hops if it detects its one-hop connectivity has changed due to link failures, link recoveries, or the detection of new neighbors. § A neighbor to which a transmission has failed is put in a probe list. – It is probed periodically using a timer (timer-driven probe) – It is also probed upon the reception of a data packet that takes the neighbor in the probe list as the next hop Submission Slide 36 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 TDLS: DLS Scheme (12) Link state maintenance (cont. ) § The link is determined as down if it is not recovered after max_probe_num probes. § The link is considered recovered if – a MAC ACK of a probe (if the routing layer have access to status of MAC ACK) is received, or – any packet including the reply of a probe is received from that neighbor by the routing layer (or overheard by the MAC if overhearing is supported). Submission Slide 37 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 TDLS: DLS Scheme (13) Link state maintenance (cont. ) § The neighbor remains in the probe list if the link to the neighbor is down – It will be probed only be timer (it will not be used as the next hop of any data packet, so no data-driven probe). – The probe interval is increased after each probe, up to a maximum value max_probe_interval. Submission Slide 38 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ART/MART/TDLS: Simulations (1) Experimental setup § Topologies – – – 49 nodes (7 x 7 grid) 100 nodes (10 x 10 grid) 196 nodes (14 x 14 grid) 400 nodes (20 x 20 grid) 784 nodes (28 x 28 grid) § 3 -hop link state § 1 packet per second § Start one traffic flow between two randomly selected nodes each 10 seconds. § 10% nodes in transmission/reception Submission Slide 39 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ART/MART/TDLS: Simulations (2) Simulation results (1) Submission Slide 40 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ART/MART/TDLS: Simulations (3) Simulation results (2) Submission Slide 41 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ART/MART/TDLS: Simulations (4) Simulation results (3) Submission Slide 42 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ART/MART/TDLS: Simulations (5) Simulation results (4) Submission Slide 43 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ART/MART/TDLS: Simulations (6) Simulation results (5) Submission Slide 44 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 ART/MART/TDLS: Simulations (7) Simulation results (6) Submission Slide 45 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 Highlights § Adaptive Block Addressing (ABA) – – – Auto-configuration Avoiding “running out of addresses” problem Extensibility § Meshed Adaptive Robust Tree (MART) – – ART = ABA + Data forwarding + Tree Repair Meshed ART • • Shorter path Robustness § Topology-based Distributed Link State (TDLS) – recommended approach – – TDLS = ABA + Distributed Link State (DLS) Simplicity • • • – DLS • • • Submission No route discovery No route repair Bandwidth- and memory-efficiency Scalability Multiple paths and robustness Shorter path Slide 46 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY
March 2006 doc. : IEEE 802. 15 -06/0128 r 0 Questions? Thank you! Submission Slide 47 J. Zheng, Samsung Lab @ CUNY