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  • Количество слайдов: 39

 • Maps & other visual images reflect changes over time. • Maps & other visual images reflect changes over time.

Knowledge • Map of _______’ time: the map of the world greatly changed after Knowledge • Map of _______’ time: the map of the world greatly changed after Columbus made his discovery of the Americas • Map of the world today • GIS (______________): includes numerous forms of technology that provide more accurate maps

Place Names (name changes as other things change) • _______: the name of the Place Names (name changes as other things change) • _______: the name of the island group off the east coast of China. Also known as _______ and ___________( mainland Chinese nationalists who fled there to escape communist Mao Zedong’s takeover of China)

Place Names (name changes as other things change) • _______: the country that existed Place Names (name changes as other things change) • _______: the country that existed in the Middle East on the eastern side of the Mediterranean Sea. The country _____ was carved out of Palestine after World War II. The _______ and Gaza Strip are also known as Palestine territories. There has been war for decades over who owns what…

Boundaries change • _______: – Before WWII and after WWII, the map of Europe Boundaries change • _______: – Before WWII and after WWII, the map of Europe has changed as a result of both _______

Boundaries change • Europe: – Since the 1990 s, the map of Europe has Boundaries change • Europe: – Since the 1990 s, the map of Europe has changed specifically in __________ Germany which were united and in the Balkan area due to major conflict

Boundaries change • _______: – In 1914, Africa was controlled by _______ countries (imperialism) Boundaries change • _______: – In 1914, Africa was controlled by _______ countries (imperialism) – In the 1990’s, most of Africa became independent

Boundaries change • _______& the former Soviet Union: the former Soviet Union collapsed in Boundaries change • _______& the former Soviet Union: the former Soviet Union collapsed in the 1990 s and the map changed from one communist country to many independent countries. Russia is the largest of the former Soviet republics.

Boundaries change • _______: – Before 1948, Israel didn’t exist – After 1967, Israel Boundaries change • _______: – Before 1948, Israel didn’t exist – After 1967, Israel and its Arab neighbors have had ________. Israel won more territory in those wars…but conflict continues today.

Perspective of Place Names • _______vs. ______: Arabs in the Middle East call this Perspective of Place Names • _______vs. ______: Arabs in the Middle East call this body of water the Arabian Gulf while people from Iran (formerly Persia) call it the Persian Gulf

Perspective of Place Names • ______vs. ______: East Asians refer to this body of Perspective of Place Names • ______vs. ______: East Asians refer to this body of water as the East Sea while the Japanese call it the Sea of Japan

Perspective of Place Names • ______vs. __________________: Many names have been used in this Perspective of Place Names • ______vs. __________________: Many names have been used in this area like Near East, Middle East, Greater Middle East, and Middle East and North Africa…it depends on the habits and perspectives of the person using the name.

Disputed Areas • ______: The Korean War was fought between 1950 and 1953. The Disputed Areas • ______: The Korean War was fought between 1950 and 1953. The two Koreas still haven’t signed a peace treaty.

Disputed Areas • ____________: dispute since 1975 between Morocco and Western Sahara region in Disputed Areas • ____________: dispute since 1975 between Morocco and Western Sahara region in which Morocco claims they own the Western Sahara.

Disputed Areas • ____________: conflict between Serbs, Croats, and Muslims since the 1990 s Disputed Areas • ____________: conflict between Serbs, Croats, and Muslims since the 1990 s • ______: conflict between Pakistan an India over land, Kashmir.

Which country has a history of the most ethnic violence? A. USA B. Yugoslavia Which country has a history of the most ethnic violence? A. USA B. Yugoslavia C. Brazil D. Korea Pakistan was created to address violence between which two religious groups? A. Buddhists and Christians B. Muslims and Christians C. Buddhists and Muslims D. Muslims and Hindus The Commonwealth of Nations consists of former: A. British colonies B. French protectorates C. US territories D. Spanish mandates

Which is an example of local governments cooperating with each other? A. Creating private, Which is an example of local governments cooperating with each other? A. Creating private, Catholic schools B. Creating conservation zones to protect the environment C. Building wells for individual towns and localities D. Building Wal-Marts Which city do Jews, Muslims, and Christians all claim as their birthplace? A. Rome B. Athens C. Jerusalem D. Timbuktu

Label your board 1 – 4. List the country and monument found at each Label your board 1 – 4. List the country and monument found at each number.

 • Maps & other visual images reflect changes over time. • Maps & other visual images reflect changes over time.

Knowledge • Map of Columbus’ time: the map of the world greatly changed after Knowledge • Map of Columbus’ time: the map of the world greatly changed after Columbus made his discovery of the Americas • Map of the world today • GIS (Geographic Information Systems): includes numerous forms of technology that provide more accurate maps

Place Names (name changes as other things change) • Formosa: the name of the Place Names (name changes as other things change) • Formosa: the name of the island group off the east coast of China. Also known as Taiwan and Republic of China (mainland Chinese nationalists who fled there to escape communist Mao Zedong’s takeover of China)

Place Names (name changes as other things change) • Palestine: the country that existed Place Names (name changes as other things change) • Palestine: the country that existed in the Middle East on the eastern side of the Mediterranean Sea. The country Israel was carved out of Palestine after World War II. The West Bank and Gaza Strip are also known as Palestine territories. There has been war for decades over who owns what…

Which statement best supports the change of Israel from 1947 to 2007? A. Israelis Which statement best supports the change of Israel from 1947 to 2007? A. Israelis gained land through a series of wars. B. Palestinians voluntarily gave up land. C. Many Palestinians converted to Judaism. D. Many Jews left Israel to return to Europe.

Focus • Do the first half of the “Created by Nature” sheet. Focus • Do the first half of the “Created by Nature” sheet.

Boundaries change • Europe: – Before WWII and after WWII, the map of Europe Boundaries change • Europe: – Before WWII and after WWII, the map of Europe has changed as a result of both World Wars

Boundaries change • Europe: – Since the 1990 s, the map of Europe has Boundaries change • Europe: – Since the 1990 s, the map of Europe has changed specifically in West and East Germany which were united and in the Balkan area due to major conflict

Boundaries change • Africa: – In 1914, Africa was controlled by European countries (imperialism) Boundaries change • Africa: – In 1914, Africa was controlled by European countries (imperialism) – In the 1990’s, most of Africa became independent

Boundaries change • Russia & the former Soviet Union: the former Soviet Union collapsed Boundaries change • Russia & the former Soviet Union: the former Soviet Union collapsed in the 1990 s and the map changed from one communist country to many independent countries. Russia is the largest of the former Soviet republics.

A. A violent war caused republics to form independent countries B. Former republics broke A. A violent war caused republics to form independent countries B. Former republics broke away due to cultural & political ideologies C. The size of the country did not change D. Neighboring countries gained control of areas due to the economy

Boundaries change • Middle East: – Before 1948, Israel didn’t exist – After 1967, Boundaries change • Middle East: – Before 1948, Israel didn’t exist – After 1967, Israel and its Arab neighbors have had many wars. Israel won more territory in those wars…but conflict continues today.

Perspective of Place Names • Arabian Gulf vs. Persian Gulf: Arabs in the Middle Perspective of Place Names • Arabian Gulf vs. Persian Gulf: Arabs in the Middle East call this body of water the Arabian Gulf while people from Iran (formerly Persia) call it the Persian Gulf

Perspective of Place Names • Sea of Japan vs. East Sea: East Asians refer Perspective of Place Names • Sea of Japan vs. East Sea: East Asians refer to this body of water as the East Sea while the Japanese call it the Sea of Japan

Perspective of Place Names • Middle East vs. North Africa & Southwest Asia: Many Perspective of Place Names • Middle East vs. North Africa & Southwest Asia: Many names have been used in this area like Near East, Middle East, Greater Middle East, and Middle East and North Africa…it depends on the habits and perspectives of the person using the name.

Disputed Areas • Korea: The Korean War was fought between 1950 and 1953. The Disputed Areas • Korea: The Korean War was fought between 1950 and 1953. The two Koreas still haven’t signed a peace treaty.

Disputed Areas • Western Sahara: dispute since 1975 between Morocco and Western Sahara region Disputed Areas • Western Sahara: dispute since 1975 between Morocco and Western Sahara region in which Morocco claims they own the Western Sahara.

Disputed Areas • Former Yugoslavia: conflict between Serbs, Croats, and Muslims since the 1990 Disputed Areas • Former Yugoslavia: conflict between Serbs, Croats, and Muslims since the 1990 s • Kashmir: conflict between Pakistan an India over land, Kashmir.

Which is not a disputed area? A. B. C. D. Korea Hungary Yugoslavia Kashmir Which is not a disputed area? A. B. C. D. Korea Hungary Yugoslavia Kashmir