- Количество слайдов: 23
Managing Transitions: Working Together Preparing for Senior School L Barr, Depute Head Teacher February 2015
Contents The Aim of the Options Process Overview Qualifications Structure SQA Structure NQ Structure Which subjects, which level? Factors that Limit Choice Finish this session successfully!
The Aim To ensure that all pupils embark on appropriate programmes of study in S 5/6: in order to gain qualifications that: ▪ Reflect their academic potential, ▪ Provide for progression within and beyond school.
The Overview Options Process: January / February 2015 Initial course/level selections Options Review: August 2015 Impact of SQA results Progress Review: October 2015 Early indications of progress Prelims: February 2016 ‘Plan B’ if needed
Navigating the maze. . . SQA Qualifications
Previous generation SCQF of qualifications New generation of qualifications 12 Doctorate 11 Masters 10 Honours Degree 9 Ordinary Degree 8 Higher National Diploma 7 Advanced Higher 6 Higher 5 Credit bands 1 and 2 Intermediate 2 National 5 4 General bands 3 and 4 Intermediate 1 National 4 3 Foundation bands 5 and 6 Access 3 National 3 2 Access 2 National 2 1 Access 1 National 1
National Qualifications (NQ) Structure: 3 UNITS: testing coverage ▪ Minimum competence – below the course level ▪ Internally assessed ▪ Pass/Fail/Re-sit Externally assessed exam / coursework: testing depth and skills Award Bands: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: A upper A lower B upper B lower C upper C lower D Fail
The hard choices. . . Which subjects and levels?
Which subjects: 7 courses in S 4 to 5 courses in S 5 to 4 or 5 courses in S 6 Pupils do best in subjects: They are good at, They enjoy, That are relevant to their ‘next steps’. But. . . These 3 things do not always coincide. There are limitations to the combinations available.
Which levels: Progression Nominally: ▪ National 4 ▪ National 5 ▪ Higher » » » National 5 Higher Advanced Higher But we must consider: ▪ Overall award levels from S 4 ▪ Individual subject performance in S 4
How many Highers. . . Progression: 5 Highers => almost all Nat 5 at A/B (around 20% of S 4 achieve 5 passes at Higher) 3+ Highers=> almost all Nat 5 passes, some at A/B (around 40% of S 4 achieve 3+ passes at Higher) 1+ Highers => 1 or more Nat 5 passes (around 60% of S 4 achieve 1+ passes at Higher)
Higher Pass rates: Nationally: SG 1 overall (Nat 5 A/B) approximately 90% SG 2 overall (Nat 5 C) approximately 50%
Limiting Factors Key Resources Staffing Accommodation Uptake Timetabling Constraints Option Column Structure Number of permutations Success in S 4 = Increased range of options Increased chances of success
The Options Process Work Experience Progress Reports Consultation Evening Careers advice College/University advice Interview with Guidance Teacher
THE ROLE OF GUIDANCE Support for the Options Process Support for Senior Pupils
OPTIONS FOR S 5/S 6 Decision Time - stay or leave National Qualifications in school Higher/Further Education Specific Training/Employment Making an informed decision Advice/information Future plans and needs Personality Aptitudes/skills Previous success
OPTIONS FOR S 5/S 6 Two Year Plan S 5 – 5 subjects of 6 periods (plus 2 periods of PE, 5 half days of PSHE) S 6 – 4 or 5 subjects, 1 period of PSHE (plus partnership activities)
New Courses Photography Leadership in Sport Practical Metalwork Hospitality Scottish Studies Financial Education Literacy and Scots Language Spanish
S 6 Partnership Prefects School Captains House Captains Buddies Peer Support/Paired Reading Committees/Working Groups Primary Activities Community Activities
OPTIONS FOR S 5/S 6 Return of Option Choice forms 12 February for S 4 and 18 February for S 5. New Timetable: Tuesday 5 May for S 1 -3 Monday 1 June for S 4 -S 5.
Success this session. . . Clear targets in each subject. Identify and address areas of weakness. Have a ‘distraction free’ study environment. Develop good study techniques and habits. Establish a study timetable. Specimen Papers / past papers/ revision materials Make use of supports Websites: SQA, BBC Bitesize Friends, siblings, parents, Teachers. BE POSITIVE!
General Questions
Managing Transitions: Working Together Preparing for Senior School L Barr, Depute Head Teacher January 2015