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Managing identities in People Australia: the Data Administration module Natasha Simons Business Analyst, ARDC Party Infrastructure Project
Overview The People Australia Data Administration module : • was designed and built in-house by the NLA; • is web-based and accessed via the NLA intranet; • enables authorised National Library staff to manage records and identities about people and organisations in People Australia; • is separate but linked to the NLA Harvester.
Demonstration of key features • • • Key concepts: record and identity Basic and advanced search How to create a new identity How to delete a record How to match a new record with an existing identity • How to hide a record from public view • How to split a record from an identity Data Admin TEST – http: //ourwebtest. nla. gov. au/apps/peopleaustralia-dataadmin/app/ Trove TEST - http: //trove-test. nla. gov. au/people
Party Infrastructure Project Plans 1. Access for data managers in the research sector to the Data Administration module to manage their own party records. Data Managers will be able to: – view new party records harvested from their institution/organisation – create new identities in People Australia from the new records (thereby create/obtain persistent identifiers for own party records) – merge new records from their institution with existing People Australia identities (thereby obtain persistent identifiers for own party records) – split identities (fix mistakes) – delete records – hide an identity from public view – manage (but not create) own user account (e. g. change password) Above functionality will be restricted to the party record collection(s) the user profile of the data manager is associated with. Question: Who will do this in your institution/organisation? What are the resourcing issues for your institution/organisation? Thought: the richer the party data you provide the less resource intensive the matching and creating of identities is likely to be.
Party Infrastructure Project Plans 2. Provision of documentation to assist in using the People Australia Data Administration module e. g. user manual, online help screens. Question: How intuitive is the current design? 3. A reporting feature built into the Data Administration module. Reports may include: • Number of unmatched records deleted • Number of unmatched records manually added to identities. • Number of unmatched records manually overwriting existing records • Number of identities manually created • Number of identities created automatically as a result of splitting identities • Number of records/identities hidden • Number of records/identities marked as deleted • Number of records moved from one identity to another • Number of identities matched • Number of identities split • Number of disambiguation identities created These reports to be limited to contributor, date range and user who performed the operation. Question: What do you envisage your reporting requirements to be?
Party Infrastructure Project What is not included in the Project deliverables: • The ability of research sector data managers to harvest their own party records into People Australia. This will be done by NLA staff through the NLA Harvester application. • Access to the bulk action functionality of the People Australia Data Administration module. This is high risk and not enabled for all collections. • The ability of research sector data managers to create their own accounts for access to the People Australia Data Administration module. Once created by NLA staff, data managers will be able to manage their own accounts. • Training for the research sector in use of the People Australia Data Administration module. Question: what are your reflections on training needs for your institution/organisation?
Party Infrastructure Project considerations In regard to People Australia Data Administration: • Design changes to enhance usability • Ability to search by more hyperlinks in records • Ability to edit a record • Ability to add note to a record • Ability to create single records via form in Data Admin • Addition of a help menu • Timing of release to the research sector (e. g. staged release) Data Administration Manual available. Invite you to discuss/play with the module over lunch break.