Скачать презентацию Management and treatment of students with anaphylaxis Information Скачать презентацию Management and treatment of students with anaphylaxis Information


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Management and treatment of students with anaphylaxis Information for Education Queensland employees Management and treatment of students with anaphylaxis Information for Education Queensland employees

What is anaphylaxis? • the most severe and sudden form of allergic reaction • What is anaphylaxis? • the most severe and sudden form of allergic reaction • occurs when there is exposure to an allergen to which a person is sensitive • is potentially life threatening and should be treated as a medical emergency

Most common allergens for school-aged children • • • peanuts tree nuts egg cow’s Most common allergens for school-aged children • • • peanuts tree nuts egg cow’s milk sesame fish • shell fish • soy • insect stings and bites • latex • certain medications

Facts about peanut allergy • increasingly common particularly in children • seen in approximately Facts about peanut allergy • increasingly common particularly in children • seen in approximately 1 in 50 children and 1 in 200 adults • allergy most likely to cause anaphylaxis and death • 1/2000 th of a single peanut can cause an allergic reaction

Symptoms and signs of anaphylaxis • • difficulty and/or noisy breathing swelling of the Symptoms and signs of anaphylaxis • • difficulty and/or noisy breathing swelling of the tongue swelling or tightness in the throat difficulty talking or hoarse voice wheeze or persistent cough dizzy/light headed loss of consciousness and/or collapse pale and floppy (young child)

Potentially life threatening • allergic reactions can produce such severe swelling of the airways Potentially life threatening • allergic reactions can produce such severe swelling of the airways that suffocation and death may occur within minutes • reactions to foods can occur through: ingestion • skin or eye contact • inhalation of food particles •

Symptoms and signs of a mild to moderate allergic reaction • • tingling of Symptoms and signs of a mild to moderate allergic reaction • • tingling of the mouth hives, welts or body redness swelling of the face, lips and eyes vomiting, abdominal pain

Managing and treating students with anaphylaxis • Action Plan for Anaphylaxis to be provided Managing and treating students with anaphylaxis • Action Plan for Anaphylaxis to be provided to school by the parent/caregiver • must be signed by a medical practitioner • plan provides details on how manage an allergic reaction and how to deal with a severe allergic reaction including appropriate emergency response

Action Plan for Anaphylaxis www. allergyfacts. org. au/PDF/anaphylaxis_plan_(child)_au. pdf Action Plan for Anaphylaxis www. allergyfacts. org. au/PDF/anaphylaxis_plan_(child)_au. pdf

Where do I find a student’s Action Plan for Anaphylaxis? • copies of plans Where do I find a student’s Action Plan for Anaphylaxis? • copies of plans placed in appropriate locations across the school to alert staff • copy of plan also stored with student’s emergency medication (Epi. Pen)

Training for staff • range of staff must undergo training in use of Epi. Training for staff • range of staff must undergo training in use of Epi. Pen or Epi. Pen Junior • how many staff depends on numbers of students diagnosed, variety of activities students engage in and level of associated risk

Administering Epi. Pen or Epi. Pen Junior Instructions from Action Plan for Anaphylaxis — Administering Epi. Pen or Epi. Pen Junior Instructions from Action Plan for Anaphylaxis — www. allergyfacts. org. au/PDF/anaphylaxis_plan_(child)_au. pdf

Epi. Pen and Epi. Pen Junior • use of Epi. Pen will only ‘buy Epi. Pen and Epi. Pen Junior • use of Epi. Pen will only ‘buy time’ while waiting for ambulance • fast acting but has short duration of effect

Emergency treatment procedures • For students WITH an Action Plan for Anaphylaxis • • Emergency treatment procedures • For students WITH an Action Plan for Anaphylaxis • • follow emergency response on Action Plan if plan indicates use of Epi. Pen, trained staff if possible should administer, however ALL staff have a duty of care call an ambulance – ring 000 if unconscious commence CPR contact parents/caregivers maintain airway, breathing and circulation maintain close observation

Emergency treatment procedures • For students WITHOUT an Action Plan for Anaphylaxis call an Emergency treatment procedures • For students WITHOUT an Action Plan for Anaphylaxis call an ambulance • lay person flat and elevate legs if dizzy, confused or if have reduced level of consciousness, unless more difficult to breath • if unconscious commence CPR •

Reducing the risk in the school setting • although possible to minimise students’ exposure Reducing the risk in the school setting • although possible to minimise students’ exposure to allergens, implementation of blanket food bans or attempts to prohibit entry not supported • schools must not make claims they are ‘peanut/tree nut free’ school

Strategies to minimise students’ exposure to potential allergens • • school classroom tuckshop parents Strategies to minimise students’ exposure to potential allergens • • school classroom tuckshop parents

Role of principal • inform school community about management and treatment of anaphylaxis • Role of principal • inform school community about management and treatment of anaphylaxis • obtain Action Plan for Anaphylaxis from parents • ensure Epi. Pen or other medication is stored properly and securely but not locked in a cupboard or room • ensure staff know who carries own Epi. Pen and conditions of use • provide staff with a copy of guidelines and ensure they view Power. Point • ensure staff know about individual student’s severe allergy • range of staff undergone training in use of Epi. Pen • students at risk of anaphylaxis given every opportunity to participate in a full range of school activities

Role of parent/caregiver • • inform principal in writing that their child is at Role of parent/caregiver • • inform principal in writing that their child is at risk of anaphylaxis notify in writing any advice from medical practitioner provide school with Action Plan for Anaphylaxis provide written notification for school to administer Epi. Pen or assist a child to administer provide the Epi. Pen to school notify school if child is to carry own Epi. Pen and negotiate conditions ensure Epi. Pen is clearly labelled and not out of date replace Epi. Pen when it expires or is used

Points to remember • Anaphylaxis is potentially life threatening • Action Plan for Anaphylaxis Points to remember • Anaphylaxis is potentially life threatening • Action Plan for Anaphylaxis for each student reduces the risk • Know the students in the school and know what triggers their severe allergy • Know the emergency treatment procedures • Ask for help if unsure!

For more information • Education Queensland www. education. qld. gov. au/schools/healthy • Queensland Health For more information • Education Queensland www. education. qld. gov. au/schools/healthy • Queensland Health www. health. qld. gov. au • Anaphylaxis Australia Incorporated www. allergyfacts. org. au • Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) www. allergy. org. au