Скачать презентацию Makkah Madinah Lesser known landmarks 1 Скачать презентацию Makkah Madinah Lesser known landmarks 1


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Makkah & Madinah Lesser known landmarks 1 Makkah & Madinah Lesser known landmarks 1

Assalamualaikum (w. w. ) Most of us are familiar with the Islamic landmarks in Assalamualaikum (w. w. ) Most of us are familiar with the Islamic landmarks in Saudi Arabia such as the Ka’bah, Mina and Arafat in Makkah and Masjid-e-Nabwi, Mount Uhud and Masjid Quba in Madinah. However, a lot of Muslims will not be familiar with the many other landmarks that exist and form our historical heritage. This presentation highlights some of these places. Please note that the places shown here are for information purposes only. Care should be taken if visiting these places that any of our actions do not become a form of bidah (innovation) such as kissing pillars etc. Abu Huzaifa (2011) 2

Makkah 3 Makkah 3

House of Umme Hani (r. a. ) This area, on the side of the House of Umme Hani (r. a. ) This area, on the side of the Bab-e-Abdul Aziz gate is believed to have been the location of the house of Umme Hani (r. a. ), the cousin of the Prophet (s. a. w. ) and the daughter of Abu Talib. It was from here that the Prophet (s. a. w. ) was summoned by Jibraeel (a. s. ) and taken to Bayt Al-Maqdis in Jerusalem. This incident is known as ‘al-Isra’ (the night journey) and occurred around 621 CE. 4

Daarul Arqam This area, at the foot of Mount Safa was the approximate area Daarul Arqam This area, at the foot of Mount Safa was the approximate area where Daarul Arqam (The house of Arqam) was located. It was here in the initial period of Islam that the Prophet (s. a. w. ) secretly preached Islam. Umar (r. a. ) took his shahadah here. 5

House of Khadija (r. a. ) This is the approximate region, outside the Marwah House of Khadija (r. a. ) This is the approximate region, outside the Marwah exit, where the house of Ummul Mu’mineen Khadija (r. a. ) was located. It was here that the Prophet (s. a. w. ) lived from the time of his marriage to her until he emigrated to Madinah. . 6

Darun Nadwa This photo, which is north-west of the Ka’bah, shows the approximate place Darun Nadwa This photo, which is north-west of the Ka’bah, shows the approximate place where the Darun Nadwah (Assembly House) was located. The house functioned as a house of parliament for the Quraysh and it was from here that they plotted to kill the Prophet (s. a. w. ). 7

House of Abu Bakr (r. a. ) This is the approximate place where the House of Abu Bakr (r. a. ) This is the approximate place where the house of Abu Bakr (r. a. ) was located in Makkah and from where Hijrah commenced. It is in the Makkah Towers Hotel block, where a masjid (Masjid Abu Bakr) has been built on the 4 th floor. 8

Mount Abu Qubays This large structure, adjacent to Mount Safa, is the location of Mount Abu Qubays This large structure, adjacent to Mount Safa, is the location of Mount Abu Qubays. It was from the top of this mountain that the Prophet (s. a. w. ) pointed to the moon and split it into half. 9

Valley of Abu Talib This is the valley of Abu Talib (She’eb Abi Talib), Valley of Abu Talib This is the valley of Abu Talib (She’eb Abi Talib), where the members of Banu Hashim and Banu Al-Muttalib (Muslims and non-Muslims) were forced to withdraw from Makkah and live here in a painful boycott for three years. 10

Jahiliyyah cemetery This area, in a district south-west of the Haram, is where prior Jahiliyyah cemetery This area, in a district south-west of the Haram, is where prior to the advent of Islam some of the pagan Arabs used to bury their daughters alive as they believed them to be a sign of disgrace. It is also believed that Sumayyah (r. a. ) is buried here; she was the first person to be martyred in the cause of Islam. 11

Masjid Ra’yah Majid Ra’yah (masjid of the flag) is located on the spot where Masjid Ra’yah Majid Ra’yah (masjid of the flag) is located on the spot where the Prophet (s. a. w. ) had his flag planted when he conquered Makkah. It is also known as Masjid Jowdariyyah. 12

Waadi Muhassar is a place between Mina and Muzdalifah; it is here that Allah Waadi Muhassar is a place between Mina and Muzdalifah; it is here that Allah (swt) destroyed Abraha and his army of elephants. This incident in mentioned in Surah Feel. It is sunnah for Hujjaj (pilgrims) to walk briskly pass this area as the Prophet (saw) did as it was a place of punishment from Allah (swt). 13

Madinah 14 Madinah 14

House of Abu Ayyub Ansari (r. a. ) This is the approximate spot where House of Abu Ayyub Ansari (r. a. ) This is the approximate spot where existed the house of Abu Ayyub Ansari (r. a. ). This is where the Prophet (s. a. w. ) initially sstayed for several months on his migration to Madinah, while Masjid-e-Nabwi and the adjoining rooms for his wives were being built. 15

House of Abdullah bin Umar (r. a. ) This window, in the qiblah wall House of Abdullah bin Umar (r. a. ) This window, in the qiblah wall opposite the Roza Mubarak is where the door of the house of Abdullah bin Umar (r. a. ) was situated. Abdullah bin Umar (r. a. ) was the son of the Caliph Umar bin Khattab (r. a. ). 16

Garden of Abu Talha (r. a. ) The highlighted area, which is in the Garden of Abu Talha (r. a. ) The highlighted area, which is in the rear of Masjid-e-Nabwi is the approximate spot where existed a garden at the time of the Prophet (s. a. w. ) that was owned by Abu Talha (r. a. ). The Prophet (s. a. w. ) often visited this garden and drank the water from its well. 17

Saqeefah garden Situated 200 m west of Masjid-e-Nabwi, the Saqeefah garden belonged to the Saqeefah garden Situated 200 m west of Masjid-e-Nabwi, the Saqeefah garden belonged to the Banu Sa’edah and is where the Muslims consulted regarding who should be appointed the Caliphate after the demise of the Prophet (s. a. w. ). It is presently a library. 18

Masjid Shaikain Masjid Shaikhain marks the spot where the Prophet (s. a. w. ) Masjid Shaikain Masjid Shaikhain marks the spot where the Prophet (s. a. w. ) prayed salah on the eve of the battle of Uhud on the 14 th Sha’ban 3 AH (625 CE). The preparations for the battle were made here 19

Masjid Fas’ah These are the demolished remains of a masjid (mosque) at the foot Masjid Fas’ah These are the demolished remains of a masjid (mosque) at the foot of the mountain below the cave of Uhud. On the day of the Battle of Uhud the Prophet (s. a. w. ) offered the Zuhar prayer here. 20

Cave of Uhud This naturally formed cave, on the side of Mount Uhud facing Cave of Uhud This naturally formed cave, on the side of Mount Uhud facing Masjid-e-Nabwi is where the Prophet (s. a. w. ) took refuge after being wounded during the Battle of Uhud. He was carried there on the back of Talha (r. a. ). 21

Masjid Mustarah is where the Prophet (s. a. w. ) rested and prayed after Masjid Mustarah is where the Prophet (s. a. w. ) rested and prayed after the battle of Uhud. The meaning of Mustarah is to ‘take rest’. Whenever the Prophet (s. a. w. ) used to visit the grave of Hamza (r. a. ) and the other martyrs of Uhud he used to take rest here 22

Mount Dhubbab Mount Dhubab (also known as Mount Ra'yah) is where a famous miracle Mount Dhubbab Mount Dhubab (also known as Mount Ra'yah) is where a famous miracle took place during the digging of the trench. The Prophet (s. a. w. ) struck a large rock which was reduced to pieces and emitted a light. Upon this the Prophet (s. a. w. ) gave the Muslims the glad tidings of the coming victories over Syria, Persia and Yemen 23

Masjid Fatah This masjid is where the Prophet Muhammad (s. a. w. ) made Masjid Fatah This masjid is where the Prophet Muhammad (s. a. w. ) made dua (supplication) for during the Battle of Ahzab (also known as the Battle of the Trench) and where Allah (swt) sent him the glad tidings of victory. 24

Garden of Salman Farsi (r. a. ) The above picture shows the land on Garden of Salman Farsi (r. a. ) The above picture shows the land on which the Prophet (s. a. w. ) planted three hundred date palms to free Salman Farsi (r. a. ) from slavery. It is located close to Masjid Quba. 25

Al-Ghars well Located approximately one kilometer north of Masjid Quba, the Al-Ghars well was Al-Ghars well Located approximately one kilometer north of Masjid Quba, the Al-Ghars well was a place from which the Prophet (s. a. w. ) drank and made a request that he be bathed with its water after his demise which was subsequently done. 26

To view and learn more about many other ‘landmarks’ please view the website: www. To view and learn more about many other ‘landmarks’ please view the website: www. islamiclandmarks. com Click here to go the website The End 27 Madinah_way