Making use of CASE Dr Adam C Cooper, DCMS
What is CASE? § Strategic research programme § Joint with ACE, SE, EH, MLA § Fundamental policy knowledge needs
Why CASE? § § § Previously research patchy Divided resources Unable to build an evidence base
Who is it for? § National policy bodies § Local policy bodies § Delivery § Research sector supporting policy
Local Focus § Making policy according to HMT Green Book § Responding to local needs § Prioritising limited local resources
Overview of outputs § Covers 3 core elements of policy: - Needs - Drivers - Impacts and their Value
Needs analysis (what impact do we need to make? ) § What’s happening in my area? § Local & regional insights § Local Profile tool § Mapping toolkit § Using Taking Part § Other data (schools, crime, wider business etc)
Drivers for impact § Impact aims to address the need § ‘What works? ’ § CASE database § Engagement studies list § Drivers of engagement
Evidence of impact § What do we know about what effect doing x has? § CASE Impacts of engagement § CASE database § Other data, esp. longitudinal
Valuing the impacts I § Understand the level of investment that makes sense § Measuring cultural value § Value of engagement report § Economic analysis building on Insights & Profiles
Some issues/barriers § Using national data § Using international (or non-local) research § Valuing your own data (e. g. spend data) § Marshalling other sources (e. g. audience data)
CASE resources All available at: www. culture. gov. uk/case@culture. gsi. gov. uk For an overview of the Drivers, Impact and value research see the over-arching summary report