Скачать презентацию Making the change Implementing new European strategies in Скачать презентацию Making the change Implementing new European strategies in


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”Making the change!” Implementing new European strategies in Central Europe and the Balkan region ”Making the change!” Implementing new European strategies in Central Europe and the Balkan region through the Public Employment Services 26 February, 2014 in Budapest Career Guidance Service Delivery Through On-line Tools In National Employment Service Of Serbia Dragana Miloradović Department for Vocational Guidance and Career Planning Career planning counselor www. nsz. gov. rs

Career Guidance and Counseling Ø Huge developments in the field of career guidance in Career Guidance and Counseling Ø Huge developments in the field of career guidance in Serbia in 10 years period (Strategy for career guidance and counseling, increased number of actors in this field places and forms of service delivery…) In the context of NES Ø NEAP represents an operational tool of the National Employment Strategy for the period 2011– 2020 - Information on opportunities for career development: Active labor market programs and measures: individual and group, direct and indirect (3 CIPS, 30 branch 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. offices) - Counseling (on career choices/changes /development) - Selection and classification - Self-efficiency training - Workshops tailored to the needs of NES beneficiaries - Organization of career guidance fairs Job matching services for job seekers Career guidance and counseling Job creation subsidies for employers Support to self-employment Further education and training Incentives for unemployed benefits recipients Public works Active labor market measures for persons with disabilities State budget co-funding of active labor market programs or measures envisaged in local employment action plans from the budget of the Republic of Serbia 10. New package of services targeting unemployed persons having priority for participation in active labor market measures www. nsz. gov. rs

Self-information online systems in the context of tiered services Information delivery Group support Individual Self-information online systems in the context of tiered services Information delivery Group support Individual support Self service system: • • • encourages beneficiaries to better pro-active approach in addressing their professional dilemmas rational use of limited resources (50 career planning counsellors in NES) for individual counseling numerous concerns regarding the choice of profession and career planning can be simply solved by appropriate information www. nsz. gov. rs

New online tools in NES 1. Guide to career choices 2. Online Information Booklet New online tools in NES 1. Guide to career choices 2. Online Information Booklet 3. Online career game www. nsz. gov. rs

1. Guide to career choices www. vodiczaosnovce. nsz. gov. rs • The Guide to 1. Guide to career choices www. vodiczaosnovce. nsz. gov. rs • The Guide to career choices is developed by the NES of Serbia with the assistance of the joint PBILD Programme (Peacebuilding and Inclusive Local Development). • offers an-easy-to-use tool for elementary school students to explore career paths and make well informed career decisions. • it helps students to learn more about themselves, find education and work opportunities and pursue careers that are satisfying, fulfilling and aligned to their skills and abilities. www. nsz. gov. rs

Structure and content www. vodiczaosnovce. nsz. gov. rs The Guide is organized around following Structure and content www. vodiczaosnovce. nsz. gov. rs The Guide is organized around following parts: MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE, PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS, ABILITIES, PERSONALITY TRAITS, DESCRIPTIONS OF OCCUPATIONS, OCCUPATIONS OF THE FUTURE Centres on self-discovery and the analysis of possible career paths. Young readers are helped to assess their interests and to match their abilities and aptitudes to broad occupational profiles. These profiles are graphic and colour-coded to earmark the description of single occupations Each occupation is presented with icons representing the abilities required Printed version Graphic-coded abilities Verbal reasoning Spatial reasoning Arithmetic reasoning Manual and finger dexterity Mechanical reasoning Interpersonal intelligence • 25 000 copies free of charge • PDF • Interactive multimedia version (CD)

Guide to career choices www. vodiczaosnovce. nsz. gov. rs 92. 516 registered visits to Guide to career choices www. vodiczaosnovce. nsz. gov. rs 92. 516 registered visits to the site in 2013, which is 47. 3% more than the same period last year. The site was visited by 73 968 visitors, out of which 79. 2% new and 20. 8% of the returning visitors. Site is constantly visited by the visitors from all continents (63 countries and 490 cities in 2013). The most numerous visitors are from Serbia (86. 4%), from the major cities: Belgrade, Kraljevo, Novi Sad and Niš. However, there are great number of visitors from the region (9. 0%), especially from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro. More than 91% of registered visitors said that the site was useful. (Source: Google Analytics) Period 01. 2012 - 31. 12. 2012. 01. 2013 - 31. 12. 2013. Registered visits 48. 733 92. 516 Unique visitors 36. 385 73. 968 Pageviews 355. 072 503. 531 Pages/visit 7, 29 5, 44 Avg. Visit duration 6, 01 4, 16 Bounce rate 44, 17% 49, 79% New visitors 74, 8% 79, 2% Returning visitors 25, 2% 20, 8% www. nsz. gov. rs

Audience Overview NES, Republic of Serbia www. nsz. gov. rs Audience Overview NES, Republic of Serbia www. nsz. gov. rs

Audience Overview www. nsz. gov. rs Audience Overview www. nsz. gov. rs

2. Online Information Booklet (in progress) Partners in the project: • • Ministry of 2. Online Information Booklet (in progress) Partners in the project: • • Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Development Institute for the Advancement of Education National Employment Service GIZ (Deutsche Gesselschaft für Internationale Zussamenarbeit) Goal: • to support young people in making decisions about school, occupations and jobs in increasingly competitive labour market • to help young people in planning a career and enabling smooth transition from school to work Provides information on: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Field of work Educational profiles Curriculum List of schools that provides education for particular educational profile, classified by counties Descriptions of occupations deriving from a given educational profile Employment opportunities www. nsz. gov. rs

Online Information Booklet (example) This group of occupations is related to work in travel Online Information Booklet (example) This group of occupations is related to work in travel agencies, hotels, restaurants, pastry shops. The common thing to all these professions is providing services. Employees in this area are in daily contact with many people and should be able to adapt to different situations. To perform these tasks it is desirable to be service-oriented, to easily communicate, to be patient, cooperative and pleasant in contact with clients… • Field of work: Trade, catering and tourism • Educational profile: Tourism technician • List of schools (by counties): Provides all necessary information, propose, negotiate and organize travel arrangements (trips, tours, professional meetings, etc. ). Provides visa, prepares bookings, maps and supporting documentation for travelers. Mediate between passengers, hotels and transport companies in order to provide high quality and comfortable service. As a receptionist , organizes accommodation for hotel guests. Works usually in travel agencies, hotels. . . 1. North Banat: without one 2. Central Banat County: Economic and Trade School "Jovan Trajkovic" in Zrenjanin 3. South Banat: Economic and Trade School "Dositej Obradovic" in Alibunar Technical school "Sava Mucan" in Bela Crkva Agricultural School "Vrsac" in Vrsac Secondary school "Vasa Pelagic" in Kovin. . I Grade III Grade Total IV Grade per week per year per week per year Serbian Language and Literature 3 105 3 102 3 96 3 87 12 390 History 2 70 2 68 - - 4 138 etc … … … … … • Curriculum www. nsz. gov. rs

Online Information Booklet (draft) Employment opportunities Tourism technician Region /County Newly registered Unemployed Reported Online Information Booklet (draft) Employment opportunities Tourism technician Region /County Newly registered Unemployed Reported need for employment 30. 11. 2013. No of employed from NES registry (01. 01 -30. 11. 2013. ) 528 406 12 225 12 18 2 6 104 75 1 24 West - Bačka 12 10 0 2 South - Bačka 90 70 0 43 North – Bačka 9 14 0 6 Central Banat 11 13 0 9 Srem Region of Vojvodina Belgrade region North - Banat South - Banat Belgrade region 53 64 0 18 291 264 3 108 Region of Vojvodina etc … … … www. nsz. gov. rs

3. Online career game www. nsz. gov. rs 3. Online career game www. nsz. gov. rs

Online career game SCHEME NES, Republic of Serbia www. nsz. gov. rs Online career game SCHEME NES, Republic of Serbia www. nsz. gov. rs

Online career game www. nsz. gov. rs Online career game www. nsz. gov. rs

Holland based questionnaire www. nsz. gov. rs Holland based questionnaire www. nsz. gov. rs

Online career game www. nsz. gov. rs Online career game www. nsz. gov. rs

Thank you for your attention Dragana. Miloradovic@nsz. gov. rs www. nsz. gov. rs Thank you for your attention Dragana. Miloradovic@nsz. gov. rs www. nsz. gov. rs